Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 31, 1924, Image 6

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Wi : 7i% ; •...... «^:V * : m X* ‘ mm m f iM -g; 4 Mr v * * -ft i SIO/' i. rt> £ c \ ij 4 5a > V: % y c»* :> . SOCIAL EVENTS M m GEORGIA-LAND The high gods dreamed in idle hour And willed their dreams come true, And beauties fell in dassling shower And formed a land for—you. m sprinkled stardust in the ■ vales And call them flowers wild; ■ They shot the blue with fleecy sails; They built a land that smiled. They reared the tall and stately pine; green sward; gleaming sand— orgian, this, ’tis thine and mine r this is Georgia-land. - / P.H.F. NAN-DANIEL. Mr,, and Mrs. W. C. Brannan have announced the engagement of their daughter, Corrinne, to Mr. Paul Daniel, the wedding to take place in November, the date to'be announced later. ■ Miss Virginia Crouch Honored at Lovely Party. Mrs. William H. Beck and Mrs. William H. Beck, Jr., entertain ed at a beautiful bridge and dom- 1 too party Thursday afternoon at their home on West Poplar street. The pretty affair was a compli ment to Miss Virginia Crouch, a bride-elect of next week. The tables were arranged in the long living room, the dining room and the sun parlor. Vases and baskets of pink and white crysanthemums were ar ranged in the living room. Beau tiful silver baskets of red rosfes completed the decorations. Pink crysanthemums and white dahlias were used in the dining room. Zinnias, cosmos and daisy cry santhemums were attractive in the sun parlor. A large basket of pink and white roses and yellow • snapdragons graced the bookcase. Mrs. William H. Beck was wear ing blue georgette fashioned over figured taffeta. Mrs. William H. Beck, Jr., was wearing blue georgette trimmed Jn rows of cream lace. Mias Crouch was gowned in a model of biege Canton crepe, em broidered in flowers. Her small Tales Tour Letters Tell '•a* !s ; SjS&S /• . i 1 Yqu have an "individuar handwriting style. Your letters tell your character and temperament to one who knows how to read them. Through the Eaton, Crane Pike Company we are able to offer the service of individual character readings by an authority at a nominal cost to all users of CRANE’S LINEN LAWN EATON’S HIGHLAND LINEN Let us explain this service. THE HARDY E. PICKERING CO. SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 81 Mr. Edward C. Smith and Mrs. Charles Wolcott will give a re ception at the Country Club from 3 to 5 o’clock in honor of Miss Virginia Crouch. Donald McMillan, Jr., will give a Hallowe’en party at his home on West Taylor street. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I. Mrs. H. I, Lindsey and Misa Jessie Pearl Rice will' compliment Misa Crouch with a bridge party. Mrs. E. P, Edwards will give a domino party in the afternoon in honor of Miss Nell Taylor, a bride-elect. Mrs. Sam Mangham will compli ment Mrs. A. C. Long, Jr., at the Country Club. Weekly tea at the Country Club. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3. The Parish Guild will meet at three o’clock with Mrs. Ralph Jones on West Poplar street. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4. Mrs. W, W. Norman will give a bridge luncheon in compliment to Miss, Virginia Crouch and Mrs. Charles Gunnels. Mrs. Richard Mitchell, Mrs. Francis Forster and Mrs. 0. N. Mathis will give a bridge tea for Miss Crouch at the home of Mrs. Mathis at 3 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman will give an evening bridge party. Mrs. Richard Mitchell and Mrs. Owen Mathis will give a domino luncheon at Mrs. Mathis’ home on East College street at 10 o’clock. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. Mrs. Charles Thomas will give a bridge luncheon in honor of Miss Virginia Crouch. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Thomas will give a buffet supper for the Crouch-Freeman bridal party. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. The marriage of Miss Virginia Crouch and Mrs. James T. Free man will be a brilliant event, tak ing place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Otis Crouch, 532 South Hill street, at 8 o’clock in the even ing. hat was in the pastel shades. - The hostesses were assisted in entertaining by Miss Mathilda * •'O'** Brown and Miss Mary Alice Beck. Miss Brown was wearing biege Canton crepe. Miss Beck's dress was of blue Roshanara crepe, trimmed in white. Miss Mary Leila Patterson made high score in bridge and won a flower bowl with bulbs. The hon or guest was given a set of nov elty salt and pepper shakers. Mrs. George C. Niles won the prize for dominos, also a flower bowl with bulbs. A delicious sweet course with coffee and almonds was served at the conclusion of the game. Those playing bridge were Mrs. Sam Mangham, Mrs. Charles E. Gunnels, Mrs. J. M. Thomas, Mr3. Lenox Uhler, Mrs. James Powell, Mrs. Esric Arnall, Mrs. Ralph Jones, Miss Mari will Haynes, Mrs. W. G. Cartledge. Mrs. E. H. Davis, Mrs. Richard Drake, Jr., Mrs. James Nutt, Mr3. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. Frederick Wilson, Mrs. Charles Phillips, Mrs. Frank Simmons, of Statesboro; Mrs. Powell Groner, of Larchmont, N. Y. Mrs. H. L Lindsey, Jr., Mrs. E. C. M. Watt, Mrs. E. K. Domingos, Mrs. Robert Shapard, Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. J. P. Mason, Mrs. Haskell Bass, Mrs. James Mills, Mrs. James Kimbrough, Mrs. J. H. Walker, Jr. Mrs. Ben Kimbrough, Mrs. Parks Walker, Mrs. W. W. Nor man, Mrs. Walter Graefe, Mrs. John Mills, II, JVIrs. J. S. Manley, Mrs. T. I. Hawkins, Mrs. Fred L. Durkee, Mrs. A. C. Long, Jr., Mrs. Walter I. Miller, Miss Emily Boyd. Miss Mary Hammond, Mrs. James J. Flynt, Mrs. Alex Gos gett, Mrs. Kincaid Thomas, Mrs. Bartlett Searcy, Mrs. Evander Shapard, Jr., Mrs. Davis Williams, Mrs. Walter Touchstone, Miss Mary Leila Patterson. Mrs. Robin Wheaton, Mrs. Lewis Thomas, Mrs. W. H. Saunders Miss Edith Tucker, Mrs. Guy Newman, Mrs. A. P. Patterson, Mrs. E.; H. Hallyburton, Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Alva Moore and Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr. Playing dominos were Miss Lu cile Vance, Mrs. Ernest Travis, Mrs. Henry P. Stucky, Mrs. B. B. Brown, Mrs. M, J. Daniel, Mrs. George Njle3, Miss Marian Gres ham, Mrs. Dozier Wynne, Mrs. T. H. Wynne. Mrs. J. C. Owen, Mrs. Victor Manget, Mrs. W. T. Bennett, Mrs. Ober Tyus, Mrs. R. L. Williams, Mrs. R. O. Crouch, Mrs. Charles Wolcott, Mrs. W. C. Norman, Mrs. J. H. Crouch, Mrs. H. C. Brown and Miss Nell Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Garrison Con%limented at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith enter tained at a beautifully appointed dinner Wednesday evening. In hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Howell C. Garrison, who leave November 1 for Atlanta to make their home. Yellow, pink and lavender cry santhemums were attractively ar ranged in the living room and the dining roorn. The center piece for the table was a silver vase of pink and lavender crysanthemums. A delicious course dinner was served. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Howell C. Garrison and Dr. Bas com Higgins. Miss Newton Gives Tea For Attractive Visitors in City. Miss Rossie Belle Newton en tertained Thursday afternoon at a beautiful seated tea at her home on West College street ip compli mtnt to Mrs. Victor Manget, of Newnan, the guest of Mrs. James C. Owen, and Mrs. Neeiy Smith, of Charlotte, N. C., the guest of her sister, Mrs. Cooper Newton. Beautiful crysanthemums in the shades of pink, white, yellow and GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS l FASHIONS ST FOIBLES VT fcjjllf 1C I MfMIUII V / j j Bvrmcc I 5518 i | I —1 ■ The manipulation of fabrics such at inserted bands of the material cut crosswise or the combination of the dull and shiny side of satin crtpe is on important new fashion. A mew trimming effect has been intra duced in Fnadi fashions sad It it seen most often on the narrow tube ooats. It that is, fabric cat in csw s iris e bands sail inserted so that as the Ught iaifc on It the cast to be trimmed with a darker black, a pay* Tbs coats am vwy nar la tha Up. lavender, filled silver vases and baskets in the long living room where the guests were received. The oblong table in the dining room was overlaid with a hand some Cluny lace cloth. At each end of the table was a silver bas ket of pink Columbia roses. Sil ver candle sticks held pink un shaded candles. Other decora tions in the dinifig room were pink crysanthemums. ♦ Miss Newton received her guests wearing rose georgette, heavily beaded. Mrs. Manget was wearing Nile igreen satin brocade, trimmed in fur. Mrs. Neely Smith was gowned in an afternoon dress of black lace. Mrs. Cooper Newton, who as sisted the hostess in entertaining Menard's Salad Recipes grapefruit salad Remove the pulp of the grapefruit without break ing it. Serve on lettuce garnished with pimentos t cut in strips and with HENARD'S MAYON NAISE Your Grocer has Henard’a or he can get it henard mayonnaise CO. I I Nashville - Atlanta - Dallas !• I i SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN LUNCHEON Served from 1:30 to 2 P. M. at 505 SOUTH HILL ST. For particulars, call 102-W not later than 5 o’clock Saturday p. m. black satin brocade. A delicious salad course was Mrs. John B. Mills, II, wearing black satin, poured coffee from center of the dining room ta Pulaski Chapter Has Meeting With Mrs. Drewry. An interesting meeting of Pu laski Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, was held with Mrs. Julia McWilliams Drew ry Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock at her home on West Solomon street. The en.ire -lower floor was thrown together and attractively decorated in red and white roses, which filled vases and baskets. In the long drawing room, where the guests were received, the dec orations were suggestions of the Hallowe'en season. Vases and bowls of bright yellow marigolds and yellow crimson crysanthe mums adorned the room. Black cats were pinned on the curtains. The table was overlaid with a Cluny lace piece, the central dec oration being a large ornamental bowl filled" with bright red and yellow apples. Mrs. Drewry received her guests (Continued on Page 7.) / -Y / « :f v<*. fe- • : • >; $ ' ~0-V v ■ f ( WM. 1 w. % a i New Coats THEY ARE HERE — AT — $ 152 ? and $27 50 A lucky purchase by our New York representative brings us most unusual Coats at these prices. Plain and ,Fur Trimmed in Bolivia, Suede Clpth and Blocked Pola—black, deer and all the new autumn shades of brown, Full lined and well made. All sizes. / Big Assortment of Other Coats, Ranging in Prices up to $125 GRIFFIN. MERCANTILE CO. Friday, October 31, 1924. HIGH GRADE DIAMONDS —AT— 1* REASONABLE PRICES i CAN ARRANGE TERMS C. N. WHITMIRE JEWELER 109 W. Solomon St. CLASSY CHINA J Up to Date and Quality Combined Unusual Prices i at Open Stock, One Piece or 100 Piece Sets. at WYNNE’S Guaranteed Price and Quality