Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 01, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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515:3“ :g,.": Eight " » ‘ 3%; W1, 53;; J: m ' •;. ■': M ' - ■ ■ -'■ Poudre Blues, Sea Greys and all the other New Fall shades with beautiful satin linings. mm* ■ The styles are great this sea son. See them today. ig’JJl 50c to $2-50 Griffin Mercantile Company PERSONAL NOTES v Mr*. W. H. Searcy, Jr., chair man, has announced a meeting of , the American Red Cross for Wed nesday morning at 10 o’clock, at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, Mrjind Mra. L. A. Inzer mo tored to Atlanta Friday and were entertained at lunch by their sis ter, Mn. C. A. Baind. The Parish Guild of St. George’s church will have an important meeting with Mrs. Ralph Jones on West Poplar street Monday after noon at 8 o’clock. ;r. and Mrs.'W. L. Brown are iding the week end in West >t with relatives. •s. Solon Drukenmiller has re »d from Decatur, after a short to her brother, William Wad : ■ ■ * W. Traer returned home from its Friday night. Mrs. John H. Rogers returned ome Saturday morning, after a rfiks* visit to relatives in Max ton nd Wagram, N. C. Seaton Bailey went to Atlanta for the Scwanee-Oglethorpe foot ball game at Ponce de Leon Park Saturday afternoon. Mr. Bailey formerly played on the Sewanee ' , Mrs. Edward H. Davis, Misses Carlton Jones and Louise Gordy, and Edward Davis, Jr., and Carl Bridges motored to Newnan Fri day , afternoon for the Newnan Griffin football game. Mr*. F. E, Leicester, of Macon, •pent Saturday In Griffin with Mrs- Davis T. Bussey at the Grif fffl Hotel, en route to Atlanta. • The Marionettes of Georgia Tech will give a performance in Griffin Saturday night, November 29, of their new play, "The Beautiful named new chief OF U. S. BUREAU OF MEXICAN AFFAIRS : v £ Oi 1 >u& Franklin Mott Gunther, until ~ of the Amer iffi] embassjr in Rome, i* the new ; tfl the division of Mexican • ■ ,i-;K ms '''-•: ■" b. J. W. McMillan, who hag many ,’riends here, where he has often visited his son, Donald McMillan, is improving after an illness of some time at hia home in Milledge ville. i * Mr. and Mrs. Ban Brown, Ben Brown, Jr., Mrs. Will H. Wheaton and Robin Wheaton motored to Athens Saturday for “Home Com ing Day” at the University of the Georgia and the Georgia-Tennessee game. ft i, • j. - Miss Edith Tueker, the popular young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Tucker, has gone to Atlanta to make her home. Miss Tucker will take a business course. She will live with Miss Alice Baker while in Atlanta. Dr. J. C. Owen spent Friday in Atlanta on business. Miss Susie Mathews, who is teaching at Bass Junior High school in Atlanta, is spending the ( week end In Griffin with relatives. Allen Wilson, ybtmg son of the Rev. and Mrs. 0. K. Cull, is rap idly recovering at home after hav ing his tbiisils removed at the Griffin Hospital. Viu, X The Young People’s Service League of St. George’s church will meet at the Parish House Sunday night at ffiSO 1 o’clock. All mem bers are uVgdd tb' be present. Mrs. C: S. Cull, of Tampa, Fla., is visitinl: tfie family 1 bf her son, the Rev. (f. K. Cull, on West Poplar Strdbt. . s' < yi:i* Mrs. Rojr Boofcetr afid Mrs. E. C. Thrash, of Atlanta, are visiting Mts. John Henry Crouch on South Hill street: f Mrs. Charier G. Mills has re turned hdme after a short visit to Milledgevillei Mrs. She Veal, Mrs. Robert Powell and John Jordan of Barnes ville motored to Griffin Friday and spent the afternoon with friends. ■'; Jr — Mrs. Zol Ison, Misses Ethlyn Ison, Henrietta Brewer, Elizabeth Norman and Emily Hallyburton and Zollie Ison and John Newton Gammon motored to Newman Fri day afternoon for the Griffln-New nan football game. J l Jesse Jamniefeon, of Knoxville, Tenn., spent Friday night in Grif fin with L. D. Gray. Mr. Jammer son and Mr. Gray motored to Athens Saturday for “Home Com ing Week” and the Georgia-Ten nessee football game. Mra. Julia Pritchard and Misses Mary Virginia and Julia Homer Wilson spent Saturday in Atlanta with friend*. John Ward, Jr., Bruce Mont gomery, Jr., Ernest Carlisle, Jr., and Sherman Williams went to Newnan Friday for the Griffin Newnan football game. Preston Burtn, who is attending school at the Griffin High school, went to Forsyth Saturday to spend the week end with relatives. ** i Mrs. Robert Tt. Evans, who has been ill dt the' Griffin Hospital, is able to bb o\it. Ml i *,t Misses ’Mnt*$» Alice Beck, Martha Hammond tuid Reitherine Weaver, and W. H. Bdck and Preston Bunn motored to Newnan Friday after noon for the Newnan-Griffln foot ball game. W. W. Caldwell and E. O. Cald well, of near Zebulon, were in Griffin yesterday. W. W. Cald well called at the News office to •subscribe for the Semi-Weekly. Mrs. E. M. Roberts, of Woolsey, was shopping in Griffin Saturday. % Mrs. L. C. Dickinson, of Fay etteville, spent Saturday shop ping in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Slade, of Birmingham, Ala., wijl s spend Sun % The Mercer freshman football team passed through Griffin Sat urday morning en route to Atlanta to play the Tech Freshmen at Grant Field in the afternoon. There is no improvement in the condition of Mrs. Clara Ellis, who continues ill at her home on Lake avenue. Mrs. Jessie Jorter went to At lanta Saturday morning to spend the week-end with her daughters, Mrs. Homer Renfroe. A number of young people from West Griffin celebrated Hallowe’en by hiring a truck last night and riding to Hampton, Orchard Hill and other nearby points, where they serenaded friends. The executive committee of the Woman s Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church will meet Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock at tfie Manse. E. M. Roberts, of Woolsey, made a Business trip to Griffin Satur day. Mrs. C. B. Perkins, of Milner, was shopping in Griffin Saturday. Mrs. R. F. Jones was among those from Concord shopping in Griffin Saturday. * Miss- Maude Green is spending the week-end in West Point with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green. Mrs. J. H. Nutt, of Luella, was shopping in Griffin Saturday. Mrs. H. H. Nolan, of Jonesboro, was a shopper in Griffin stores Saturday.* Chester Huckaby and Carl Huckaby motored to Canton, Ga., today to spend the week-end with friends. J. W. Turner has returned to ^ Griffin after a business trip to points in Florida. Among those from Griffin at tending the funeral of James W. ■ ||u|i;|: t| ,Y NEWS 'EIVES CAMERA t •?, BEFORE STARTING NEW PICTURE ■ $ J> - 4 4 'll - * . . M m f'ai /: - ■ ■ .•>V!«*${g do**. ■; ■ I . ■ w^m . \m yy K ; ■ V ■ * J’o'a Negri in Lily of th; Dust” will be the attraction the Alamo Monday and Tuesday, Miss Negri undergoes a screen test before each new picture. Gowned both in silk and in rags day evening in Griffin with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Slade. Mr. Slade will go to Atlanta Mon day for a convention and Mrs. Slade will remain here for several days. ’ ‘ L. A. Pendley, of Route A, spent Saturday in Griffin. Mr. Pendley called at^the News office and sub scribed for the seini-weekly. The College Park department of the Atlanta Suburban Report er says: Dr. and Mrs, H. T. Johnston, formerly of Griffin, Have moved into the home of Greer on West Harvard street. >? £1 Hugh Neely Smith and little daughter, of Oklahoma, will ar rive in Griffin Sunday at noon for a visit to his father, Neely Smith, at the home of his grand mother, Mrs. Mary Neely Smith, and his aunt, Miss Opal Smith. Neely Smith sails next week for Liverpool, England. famous polish star is said to do some of .he best work of r.or career inthis photoplay. She is supported by Noah Beery and Ben Lyon. Othor big features at the Alamo loen at Pleasant Hill church near High .Falls Friday were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Middiebrooks, Mr. and Mr,. P. L. Middiebrooks, Miss Martha Goen and Mias Annas Coen. Mrs. Victor Manget re'.u.ned to her home in Newnan Saturday af ter a delightful visit to Mrs. J*. C. Owen on South Eleventh street. Mrs. Harry Hale, of Concord, was shoppin & in Griffin Saturday . Mrs. Emmett Owen was among ■* those from Concord shopping in Griffin Saturday. > C. B. Perkins, of Milner t made abusiness trip f.» Griffin Saturday. Ralph Eubanks, who is attend ing school at Mercer University in Macon, is spending the week end in Griffin with his parents, Mr. *and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks, on South Sixth street. I EAST GRIFFIN I | MISS ESTELLE GRUBBS Cdrrespondent ‘ J Mrs. bailie Lee, who has been visiting her brother, W. T. Par rish, left this morning for Mont gomery, Ala., before returning to her home in Flominton, Ala. The Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Jones received a genuine pounding a few nights ago, but they are none the worst off as the pounding was from a party of members of the East Griffin Baptist church who met and visited the parsonage in a body, carrying with them what it takes to fill a well arranged pantry. After spending a short time'they departed to their homes feeling very happy. Spalding Lodge No. 528, I. O. O. F., will hold their weekly meet ing tonight and a large and en thusiastic gathering is expected. They invite all qualified brothers to meet with them. Don’t forget the prayer services at the third Methodist church every Saturday night. A cordial invitation is extended , to every body to meet with them at all times. Regular preaching days first and third Sundays, Rev. W. R. Williams pastor. Mrs. J. B. Jones, of Dublin, is visiting her son, Rev. C. B. Jones. Brother C. B. Jones was called to Rock Springs church Wednes day to conduct funeral services for Warren Bunn, who was a devout member of Rock Springs church. He was 78 years old. Baptist church prayer meeting has been changed from Thursday to Wednesday night. The church is in a study of the book of Ephesions. All are cordially in vited. After prayer meeting Thursday night the women of the church served hot lunches and then the officials of the Sunday school or ganized a workers’ conference, which Is to meet once a month to study problems of the Sunday school. Those present were well pleased with the work done and the interest,taken. Several Hallowe’en parties are D«*t week include Viola Dana and Adolph Menjou in “Open All Night#” a farce comedy of socie ty and sporting life; return of Griffth’s immortal film, “Birth of a Nation," and Jack Holt and Nor mn Shearer in their latest vehicle, TV ! EXPERIMENT MRS. HATTIE WILSON •/ I Correspondent -j-J Miss Mamie Hester, of Atlanta, J. P. Hester and son, G. W. Hes ter, and son, of Monroe, spent last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ayers. Friends of Mrs, John Bryant, Jr., will be sorry to learn she is • ill at her hone. We hope for her 1 t speedy a recovery. James Butler, of Williamson 'Visited his sister, Mrs. T I. „ H. Good- j man, „ Friday ., afternoon. .. A. B. Goodman, of Lowry, vis ited friends and relatives here Friday WIDOW OF BARON # DECIES IN WANT ^ i -■> gsgSKl Gertrude, Lady Decies, widow of the fourth baron, ~a fag to figure in sodety English r is Hv-j vil in la the sister-fa-law of the former Vivian Gould of New: Tosh, who is the wife of the fifth. Deeies. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W\ O. Britt, Tuesday. Miss Fannie Maude Norris, of .Zebulon, is the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. R. L. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, of Valdosta, are guests of the lat ter’s mother, Mrs. Alvah Nelson. Dr. D. W. Jones attended the Georgia state dental society which convened at the Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta last week. ■ v. Bernard Boyers, Grady Fowler -'.nd Jackson Zorn attended the railway agents and clerks meeting in Atlanta Sunday. J. W. Wheless, of Abbeville, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J., W. McDaniel, this .wCbk. Mrs, D. W. Jones and; little daughter, Kathryn, have returned frem a visit to relatives in Atlan ta. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooten, of Senoia, were Sunda'y guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Black. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Woi'thy Wh 6 !ess and Mr. J. W. Wheless, of Abbeville, attended the funeral of Mrs. C. P. Prothro in Griffin. Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Mitcham and little son spent Tuesday in Griffin as guests of Mrs. Len Mitcham. Mrs. Henry Willis is spending this week as the guest of relatives in Savannah. W. O. Britt has returned from a business trip to Washington and New York. Among the many interesting events taking place Friday were the parties given by the Kincaid Lowell school. In the afternoon J the Second and Third grades, ac companied by the teachers, Miss { Snider and Miss Hutson, left the ! school grounds and entered the, beautiful woodland siiua’ed cast 0 i 1 the school. There they played! games and enjoyed tbcaoselves. Refreshments were served, cvKSiat- I ing of fruits and all kinds of It goodies” which delight the heart of a child. Each and every one re ported a most delightful time. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh grades, accompanied by their teachers, Mrs. Mullins and Miss Ellis, repaired to the beauti ful grounds of Experiment Farm. There they played games and among other things they had a) weiner roast. Afterwards refresh ments were served, consisting of fruits and many other good things that children like best. Each and every one reported a wonderfully good time. Mrs. I. D. Goodman, with Mrs. Elliot, called on Mrs. H. Wilson Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Goodman were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Elliott Thursday. The car of Gene Snider is still missing. It was stolen Wednesday night while parked on Hill street. Mr. Snider was attending the the ater and on coming out found his car gone. We are glad to report Mrs. Harry Fullerton out again after a recent illness. | Thomaston NeiVs | v j . . (Thomaston Times.) The friends of Mrs. Sallie Whe less are sympathizing with her in the death of her sister, Mrs. C. P. Prothro, which occurred at her home near Griffin Sunday evening. Mrs. Prothro was the mother of Mrs. W. E. King, of Cuthbert, who also has the sympathy of her Thomaston friends in her sad be reavement. Misses Sara and Martha Mat thews spent the week-end in At lanta as the guests of Miss Mar tha Boynton. Hobart Brooks, of Hazlehurst, and Baxter Brooks, of Molcna, planned for East .Griffin which are being looked forward to with much interest. ■ ■ November 1, 1924. V ■&. Lela £of~ ; > |f| i\ sssg * - TODAY vS?" ' - ' : ■ s . ' LAST TIME ■' .V-.., : '' a mml & V • • * -■ -Zvt.r* t; . ■ ■ gft! fc Dazzling Romanceof+he Voun^ei'Se^ SRs-i ■ ■ V .S n V A / * - J 1 • ' UNIVERSAL JEWEL 9 * v *? y v V * Coming Monday and Tuesday POLA NEGRI V in “LILY OF THE DUST #• K. - SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN LUNCHEON Served from ti30 io 2 P* M. at 505 SOUTH HILL ST. For particulars, call 102-W not later than 5 o’clock Saturday p. m. S. G. BAILEY * 114 E. Solomon St. Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE Three choice lots on South Hill street. The attractive Royster home, South I2th street. FOR RENT Offices, 114 West Solomon street. Will improve to suit tenant. S. G. BAILEY Real Estate & Insurance Phones: Office 2 Res. 1 ,i*. wfi *Work They * You know and I know that there C re times that your life and the ives of your loved ones depend upon your brakes. If they work, you are safe, but what a risk you take if they don’t. Why not make it a practice to bring yoUr car to us periodically .and let us keep your brakes and the car in good condition for you? Our prices are very reasonable and not costly in comparison to your life. Why not give us a fair trial? Stallings' Garage N. 8th St.* Griffin, Ga.