Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 03, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Monday, November 3, 1924. LOCAL OFFICERS •' ; El ' '■ W. H. Campbell, of Daytona, Fla., / plead guilty to charges of ... transporting liquor before Judge Darsey this morning, .while two men, charged With complicity, were allowed to put up cash bond for appearance in December term of court. A new Dodge touring car was caught Saturday night on the Dixie highway near D%a’s store with three occupants. They gave their names as W. H. Campbell, owner of the car; Edward Ahern, Jacksonville, and T. L. Norton, of Atlanta. Specially Built. The car was specially built for hauling liquor, having space for ten cases built under the floor boards. When caught, the full amount of ten cases of liquor was found under the floor boards. The car was apprehended by Officers Brown and Woodruff. Campbell declared he picked up the passengers en route to At lanta, where he intended to sell his load of “bottled in bond, >» Ahern being picked up in Jackson ville and Norton in Perry, Ga. Hard Luck Story. A hard luck story of an invalid father, a dependent sister and mother was told by Campbell and verified by his brother-in-law, who arrived in Griffin Sunday after noon. Campbell stated he could earn only 60 cents per hour in Daytona and as a last rusort he decided to transport just one load of liquor to Atlanta and would never attempt it again. Judge Darsey passed sentence of eight months and a fine of $450 on Campbell, the eight months sentence suspended on condition that he not be caught in Spalding county again. Norton and Ahern put up a cash bond of $25 for appearance in December term of city court. LINE CREEK MEETING EXPECTED TO DRAW A CAPACITY CROWD A varied and interesting pro gram has been arranged for the city-county community meeting to night at the Line Creek school house. In addition to moving pictures, addresses, band concerts and vo cal music, the famous Bil es st ring band will .render several selections. Reports from Line Creek say that a capacity crowd is expected. Many Griffin business men have planned to attend. ZR-3 PILOT SAYS HE IS OUT OF JOB Chicago, Nov. 3.—Dr. Hugo Eck ener, who, with three of his staff officers, brought the ZR-3 to Amer ica, said here today that he is, in a sense, <» out of a job,” since the Zeppelin plant is to be dismantled under the peace treaty. He said he did not know what his future would be. Dr. Eckener said he had wanted to bring a ship to America by way of Asia and the Pacific, but that would have required a ship of 140,000 cubic meters, twice as large as the ZR-3. He and his officers are guests of prominent citizens and of the Ger man club. CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD Lady (at back door): You an actor? You don’t look it. What did you do on the stage? Tramp: Impersonations. I could impersonate anything. Just let me inside your pantry for instance and I’ll give you a perfect imper sonation of’ a vacuum cleaner. Indeed ? Well,: here’s my pet bloodhound. Let’s see you give a perfect impersonation^ of Zee. One of the most frequent re sults of submarine earthquakes i the breaking of telegraph cables A cod caught off the Newfound land coa^t was five feet six inches long and weighed 00 pounds. Boys’ and Girls’ Medal Now_ " ■ Ready for Distribution - '<<> A : *-•' ■ mm&jm -i, . . tigm >. ;N, is * WKm I ’ . • -; v • ' > m.:: M > I « ■ : ,j % Atlanta. Nov. 3,—Above is the first published picture of the beautiful bronze medal designed by Gutzon Borglum for boys arid girls who contribute a dollar to the Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial. On the face of the medal is a miniature reproduction of the fig ures of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis as they will appear when carved by Mr. Borglum on the precipice of the great granite mountain. On the left is Gener; i Jackson, in the center is Gener:. 1 Lee, on the right, President Davis. Size of Half Dollar. The medal is made of bronze^ with a rich, soft finish that will not tarnish. As the picture shows, it is octagonal in shape, in the top edge (not shown in the picture) is a small slot Tor a rib bon or pendant so that the chil dren can wear it. On the reverse side of the medal is the following inscription: (I Children’s Founders Roll. Com memorating the Heroism of the People of the Confederacy. « The children’s Founders Roll is composed of the boys and girls up to”18 years of age who contrib ute one dollar to the cost of carv ing on Stone Mountain, the great memorial to the Confederacy. Name in Book. The name of each child will be enrolled in an immense Book of Memory which will occupy the place of honor in the center of the wonderful Memorial Hall to be carved out of the breast of the mountain. Opposite the name of the child will be written the name of the Confederate soldier m whose memory the contribution was made. In a few weeks after the Chil dren’s Founders Roll was announc ed by the Stone Mountain Confed erate Monumental Association, which is raising the funds to carve the memorial, 15,000 chil dren sent their dollars. Unavoidable Delay. There was some delay, which the association could not avoid, in delivering these children their medals. All have now been mailed out from the association’s office. Hereafter every child who joins NEWS SUBSCRIPTION LIST GROWING FAST The News continues to add to its subscription list. The follow ing names have been added during •l the past two days: Mrs. Lewis Allen, Williamson. C. W. Jones, Woolsey. Mrs. Luther Farmer, Fort Val ley. A. G. Edwards, Griffin, Route B. Mrs. Judd Buffington, Sunny Side. . L. A. Pendley, Griffin Route A. Mrs. M. L. Peeples, Brooks. Mrs. W. T. Bennett, Griffin, Route B, R. L. Buchanan, Milner, Route 1. L. H. Drewry, Griffin, Route C. W. W. Caldwell, Zebulon Route. Mrs. S. E. Putman, Brooks, Route 1. P. R. Cobb, Woolsey, Route 1. ()., R. Simonston, formerly of Griffin, now of Texas. A. G. Edward, Griffin, Route B. J. A. Connolly, Vaughn. Q. A. Waldrop, Route A. J. D. Roan, Ben Hill, Ga. „ GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS the Children’s Founders Roll will receive the medal by return mail. u Fifteen thousand is merely a beginning of the Memorial Found ers Roll, states G. F. Willis, campaign director of the memo rial. << We expect to enroll a min imum of 500,000 before the Roll Is closed. To Play Great Part. “The Children’s Founders Roll gives the boys and girls of Con federate ancestry an opportunity to play a great part in buildmg the monument. We hope they will keep and cherish their medals as an evidence of what they gave to history’s supreme masterpiece of art and as a reminder their high heritage from Confederate forefathers. u We invite the co-operation of all patriotic organiaztions of wo men and children to make the Children’s Founders Roll'the most notable contribution ever given by American boys and girls to a pa triotic enterprise. tt PENNSYLVANIA TOWN PRAYS FOR RAIN TO STOP FOREST FIRES Ridgeway, Pa., Nov. 3—A pray er for rain was offered tonight by residents of Marienville, Elk coun ty, as a result of forest fires that have been burning in that section. One fire was reported today to have burned 20 acres of timber near the head of Wagner run and trains on the private railways of the Wheeler and Dusenberry and the Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company have been forced to cease operations. SMALL DAMAGE DONE BY FIRE THIS MORNING The fire department was called to the corner of Eighth and Oak streets this morning at 9 o’clock to extinguish a fire in a residence occupied by Rack Ryan. The blaze caught from a tive flue in the kitchen. The fire was extinguished by several buc ket fulls of water. Little damage was done. SUCCESS AT LAST. The ship had just struck a rock and the captain had bellowed the command: *• 'To the boats. Women and chil dren first. <» Oh captain, asked an anxious passenger, .. is there any that we may escape drowning?” U Why certainly there is, ’» reas sured the captain 44 the boilers are liable to explode at any mo ment. - - -^ Funeral Directory j Frank S. Pittman Modern Funeral Home. 112 W. Taylor St. Office Phone 822. Res. Phone 68 HAISTEN BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Griffin and Senoia, Ga. Office Phone 575. Res. Phone 63 E. D. FLETCHER Funeral Director and Embalmer with Griffin Mercantile Co. Office Phone 474 Res. Fhone 481 , (TELEGRAPH) FORMER SENATOR DIES AT AGE OF 102 Los Angeles, Nov. 3.—(By the Associated Press.) Cornelius Cole, former United States sena tor, 102 years and two months old, died here today. MRS. HARDING IN CRITICAL CONDITION. Marion, O., Nov. 3.—(By the Associated Press.)—Mrs. Warren G. Harding is reported in a criti cal condition at the home of Col. (lari W. Sawyer. She is suffering 1 from kidney trouble. TWO GIRLS LOSE LIVES IN FIRE. Lakeland, Nov. 3.—(By the As sociated Press.)—Two young girls lost their lives and their parents and two other children were se verely burned when a fire of un known origin destroyed the F. E. Trask home at Haskele, east of here, early today. Six other chil dren in the family escaped injury. LUMBER MAN IS KILLED. Savannah, Nov. 3.—(By the Associated Press.)—F. C. Benner, DRUKENMILl RECITAL NOV. 4th, 8 p. ii f V / . , : i ■ •• j * r **, ;,x s /> j*f' ip |p i t * ♦ i 4 ,, ■ mm ■ ' fw&ft 7' ■ . I i! .% S* f ‘-x. Kp SI ,r ■V m ; T' FIRST ' ADMISSION 35 and 75c Pastor , Anti-Vice Crusader , •i to Jail for Month on Vice Charge c.— ■ i' . ■■ ■ /. m i ■ -■ id Oree month in iail was the sentence given to the Rev. Charles "• Penfold (left), pastor and prominent anti-vice crusader in Buf falo, N. Y.. when he was found guilty on the charge of outraging (public he said decency. his wife, He was but arrested who in an automobile He with a woman was was not is seen with the Rev, L. E. H. Smith, another crusader. Rev. Penfold declares be is a victim of mistaken circumstances. superintendent of the Savannah River Lumber Mills at GRgtania, near here, in South Carolina, was shot and killed in his office this morning by W. R. Thurston, for mer station agent of that place, who' was fired, it was said, fol lowing complaints made against him by Benner’s company. TRY NEWS WANT ADS. Animal breeders in East Africa have developed a new beast of burden which they call a zebrule. —a cross between a horse and a zebra. The natural vegetation of eastern part of the United resembles that of the eastern of China. ‘:=»"‘yiaa7é¢,~s< - m.“ Fl; ""Mfi“ {33:1 7. fix; M . afigli '.-‘.L- 7 — W/ 0 FOR RENT: Room* at Broad, y'ti FOR SALE: Nice large « Phone 162, A. P. Patter*. FOR SALE: 10 purebred Whit Wyandotte hens, Fishel strain, % each; 1 Fishel strain cock, |6 direct from Fishel breeder, Hop* Ind. Mrs. W. S. Patrick, Rout 1, Locust Grove, Ga., D&W — LOST: Cameo pin. Mrs. Jones, phone 486 or 4730,— L: $300 REWARD: No arrest, no questions asked for return o diamonds lost. Grnntland Te bault. . -.......—* ;3 — WANTED: Good two-hors* somewhere near Griffin, than two-horse farm if have ant, horses. Address W Virden, Concord, Go., Route WANTED—Three or four-r* house or apartment. Phone/ 1 Davie, Federal Hotel. WANTED: 27 good labor Apply Thomaston Bleach Thomaston, Ga., G. A. Algen contractor. WANTED: One tnousand c< of pine and oak wood. 262, Bolton’s Coal Yard. '■ FARM ELECTRIC: Electri light and power plant offers lil eral dealer proposition to progres aive man in this territory. Prefe experienced man. Georgia Farm electric Co,, Distributors, Colutn bia, S. C. —— NOTICE TO FILE CLAIMS All persons are hereby not the undersigned mm to present to at once any claims or demands they have against the estate of the lato Mrs. Virginia Bailey Wells, As ceased, and to pay to th* under signed any indebtedness they may owe said estate. Pi BILL WELLS. LODGE DIRECTORY I i y WARREN LODGE No. 20, I. O. O. F., meets e\ Monday night at 7:30 brothers at Wai Lodge Hall. Visiting oor dially invited. R. A. Peel, So tary; W. T. Atkinson. N. G. MERIDIAN SUN LODGE No. 26, F. & A. M. Regular meet ing Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 7 p. W. m. Work in the degrees.Talk Pf M. by & H. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Scales, W. M.; Bill Wells, Sec’y. w. o. w. Meets every Thursday, 7:30 p. a • Sovereigns, You your camp find needs you presence. will your Clerl all times at Slaton-Powell Cloth ing Co. Visiting sovereigns wel come. Come. L. J. Sauley, C. C. C. C. Stanley, Clerk. ........ —................ . ............... ......... ■ ■ ■■■I. MM PYTHAGORAS CHAPTEI No. 10, R. A. M. Regular m ing second and fourth Thursd 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. 1 T. Atkinson, H. P.; Bill W Secretary. — BEN BARROW LODGE No. 587, F. & ]a. M. Reg meetings first and third Thur* nights in each mpnth. Vftgjl brothers invited. L. B. Guest, M.; Clifford Grubbs, Secretary. - Railroad Schedule ( CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Arrival and Dpearture of P ger Trains At Griffin, Ga. ■ w The schedules are published an information and are not guar anteed: North Soutb 2:29 pm Atlanta-Sav’h 11:06 pm 4:30 am Atlanta-Sav’h 9:07 am 5:59 am Chgo-Cin-Jax 10:27 pm 7:17 am Chgo-St. L-Jax 7:57 pm 9:01am Atlanta-Macon 5:20 pm 12:25 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17pm 5:57 pm Atlanta-Alb’ny 12:19am 6:20 am Chicago-Jax :767 pm ■ Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga 9:45 8:15 Cedartoown 5:25 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta Pohnts— . ? 5:53 pm East— West 10:02 a 10:02 am C’Lbus-Ft. V’y 5:53 p ALL OF THEM 4 *' Is there a word in the jjv that contains all the voweia ? ■ U nques tiopably. ft 4m I “What is it. »I l “I've just told you. I TRY NEWS WANT ADS. W