Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 04, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Tuesday, November 4. 1924. WES AND WashingtonTTC C.7 department of commerce nounces that, according to received, there were in for the calendar^year 1923, marriages performed and 1,828 vorces granted. For the calendar year 1922, 823 marriages and 1,823 divorces were reported. Increase. .The increase in marriages re ported for 1923 over the number reported for 1922 is 2,136, or 6 per cent. The divorces reported for 1923 show a decrease of 5, or three tenths of 1 per cent less than the number reported for 1922. The statistics of marriages for 1923 were furnished by the ordi nary, and those of divorces for the same year by the clerk of the su perior court of each county. Marriages and divorces for Spalding and neighboring coun ties follow: More Divorces. Spalding, 1923: marriages, 349; divorces, 22; 1922: marriages 324; divorces 18. Butts, 1923: marriages 103; di vorces 3; 1922: marriages 132; divorces 2. Coweta, 1923: marriages 308; I Take. A Little Salts If Your Back Hurts, or Bladder Is Troubling You. No man or woman can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Eating too much rich food creates acids, which excite the kidneys. They become over worked from the strain, get slug gish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood. Then we get sick. Rheumatism, head aches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and uri nary disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys, or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregu lar of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, begin drink ing a quart of water each day, also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys may act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with Iithia, and has been used for years to flush and stimulate the kidneys; also to help neutralize t’.e acids in the system, so they no longer cause irritation, thus oftc.: relieving bladder weak ness. Jad .alts is inexpensive, makes a delightful effervescent lithia v— .or drink which everyone should take row and then to help keep the kidneys clean and active and the blooil pure, thereby often avoid: c jerious kidney compli catior . Ey all means have your physician examine your kidneys t twice a year.—(adv.) AMBITION! GOOD BANKING CONNECTION MEANS SUCCESS TO ANY MAN We furnish the good Banking- Connection. Have you the ^.mbition? A Banking Connection is an asset that de serves cultivation. Start it early and it will be ready to serve you when you need it. Regardless of your business prospects at this time, your future need may be provided today. against by a Banking relationship started We invite you to start with us today. 4% PAID ON SAVINGS Active Depository of the United States CITY NATIONAL BANK SERVICE Griffin, Georgia SAFETY 4 we? y ■ SJIpW”:';’? 8«rs ■.;; —............ '.V mm V <’4*i -M Personal item: Mr. aqd Mrs. Charles Burke drooped in on Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Quirk for an unexpected visit at their home in Portland, Ore. Mrs. Burke lost control of her auto when she turned to look back of her, and then stepped on the gas instead of the brake. The car leaped the curb, climbed the slips of the Quirk ^P®..JffldJ>Jijr£tJnjitjtJ**^d<w_uncereB, <•>« ions 1 v. divorces 5; 1922: marriages 126; divorces 10. Monroe, 1923: marriages 167; divorces 5; 1922: marriages 149; divorces 1. * Big Gain. Pike, 1923: marriages 194; di vorces 3; 1922: marriages 100; di vorces 3. Upson, 1923: marriages 231; di vorces 3; 1922: marriages 184; divorces 2. Fayette, 1923: marriages 63; di vorces 2; 1922: marriages 59; di vorces 2. Henry, 1923: marriages 109; di vorces 4; 1922: marriages 127; di vorces 1. No Divorces. Lamar, 1923: marriages 104; divorces 0; 1922: marriages 116; divorces 0. Meriwether, 1923: marriages 243; divorces 5; 1922: marriages 202; divorces 2. HOLDS GOVERNING REINS IN PERSIA :<■ ■ ; # . .. : y: 7 , i L«H8 S. Reza is the new prime min ster of the government of Persia HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused ' , r CATARRH MEDICINE HALL S which Quickly consists of an Ointment inflammation, Relieves the catarrhal Tonic, :ind the Internal Medicine, a which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore normal conditions. Sold by druggists for over 40 Year* F 1 . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. TRY NEWS WANT ADS. II KILLED WHEN Newport News, Va., Nov. 4.— Eleven persons are dead and four more are in the hospital suffering from severe injuries as a result of an accident yesterday afternoon in which a large bus, operating be tween Hampton, Va.,- and Poquo son, in York county, was run down by Chesapeake & Ohio passenger train No. 41, on the back river road crossing in North Hampton. Of the dead nine are from East Messieks and two are from Hamp ton, while all of the injured are Poquoson people. Agent First on Scene. Agent Nelson of the C. & O. railroad, in Hampton, was one of the first to reach the scene of the accident. He helped in caring for the dead and wounded. L. C. Spengler, gen eral agent of the company in New port News, with other officials, reached Hampton shortly after the crash. Engineer Ben Catlin said that he did not see the bus on the track and that the first he knew of im pending danger was when the crash came. Bus May Have Stalled. It is thought that the bus stalled after going onto the tracks. The train crashed into the ma chine while traveling at a rate of 45 miles an hour, striking the bus almost in the center. The bus was torn to pieces and parts of the car were scattered for nearly a half-mile on either side of the tracks. Bodies Strewn on Track. The bodies were strewn along the tracks. Engineer Catlin stopped his train as soon as possible and re mained at the scene of the acci dent until after the physicians, coroner, officers and others ar rived. Colonel Parker, surgeon of the C. & 0., was soon on the scene and gave orders that the injured be rushed tp the hospital. Dr. Vandorstice, coroner of Elizabeth county, and other officers hurried to the scene and took charge of the bbdies. Just before sending the eight bodies of those already dead to the undertaking parlors, Dr. Vandor stice had Sheriff Curtis summon a jury. Jury Views Wreckage. The jury viewed the bodies scat tered along the tracks and ad journed until Wednesday evening, when the inquest will be held. Men and Ihstincts Writers of the last century re garded instinct as almost non-exist ent In man, whereas reason was de nied to animals, Later scientists hold differently, nmong them huvlng been Prof. William Janies, who maintained that mnn has as many Instincts as animals, He further maintained that instinct played a leading all human part In the determination of conduct. McDougal, the eminent philosopher, goes Still fur ther and says that man’s organisms would become Incapable of activity' of any kind if Instinctive disposi tions with their powerful Impulses, were taken aw'ay. ■) DAILY NEWS mtiAilL CHIME IQ lu 10 HONOR WIFE Newnan, Nov. 4.—Many Geor gians from all parts of the state attended the dedicatory exercises of the chiiqe of the Presbyterian church here Sunday afternoon. Memory of Wife. The chime consists of 15 hells and was presented to the church by Congressman Gordon Lee, of the seventh district, in memory of his wife, Olive Berry Lee. No single event in the history of* the city has drawn as many visitors to the city. Mrs. Lee was a member of the church and died here November 1, 1922. Accepts for Church. The chime was accepted on be half of the congregation by Con gressman _W. C. Wright, of New nan. Ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J. E. Hannah, pastor. A bronze tablet in honor of Mrs. Lee, was unveiled by Miss Olive Berry Pringle, namesake of Mrs. Lee. Professor M. H. Meete, of Baltimore, gave the concert. Bear Inscriptions. All of the chimes bear inscrip tions and on the largest of the 15 are read the following words: “This chime of 15 bells was pre sented to Newnan Presbyterian church by Gordon Lee, in loving memory of his wife, Olive Berry Lee, a member of this church, who | died in Newna n, Ga . , Novembe r l f 1922." Got Idea When Sick. Mr. Lee said he got the idea of the chime when he was sick at Washington and chimes of the Church 'of the Epiphany soothed him. He resolved to give the chime here in honor of Mrs. Lee. The set is said by experts to be one of the most modern in the south. The largest bell is five feet in diameter, the smallest weighs 375 pounds and is about 15 inches in diameter. The chime cost $15,000. Work Progressing. Work on the new church is pro gressing rapidly, the exterior be ing completed. The cost of the entire building is about $100,000. It is said to be one of the finest edifices of its size in the state. Polo Has Long Hitt or y There is no game today, with a longer history and one so consistent ly romantic as that of polo. Over 100 years ago polo was first ob served in Persia by early European travelers, like Sir William Ouseley and Sir Anthony Shirley. The lat ter quoted his tY’—runner, the Ital ian Pietro della Valle who, In 1618, had found polo under the patronage of Shah Abbas, and remarked that “It was a favorite recreation of kings and chiefs, and originally, I believe, considered as almost pecu liar to Illustrious personages.” The French traveler Chardin says the Persians played with 30 or 40 on a side, though the Persian miniatures remind us that even then three or four-sided teams were common. An other traveler calls it “the game of Canes. *» Right by All Accounts Professor—Can you give me an example of a commercial appliance used In times? Student—Tes, sir; the loose-leaf system used In the Garden of Eden. —Progressive Grocer. BRAVES THREATS TO DISCHARGE 147 SHADY OFFICIALS :?v ■ •S; ft 7v S&, « §> miw im ■: >: • ,4 \ 1 When Kao Enhung recently be came governor of Tasingtao, China, he braved all sorts of threats and promptly discharged 147 officials he proved were crooked. r Dan c 5 on Silver Wire , to Be Here Friday > In her feature dances on a silver thread in mid-air, dainty little Naida Miller, by the lightness and grace which animates every line of her perfectly formed body, i in terprets the Spirit of Youth in all its charm and loveliness. She will be seen with the Sparks Cir cus when it exhibits on the show grounds at the old ball park in Griffin on Friday, November 7. With the Sparks Circus there are trained elephants, lions, tigers, seals, polar bears and leopards, and over twenty arenic displays by top-line circus performers. With its mile long parade, big menagerie of strange animals from foreign lands, and perform ance in which the highest class amusement is presented by the best acts obtainable, the Sparks Circus has become the ideal three ring show. Children under 12 years of age are admitted for 35 cents. On circus day seats may be bought at Ward’s drug store for the same price as at the show grounds. For Sale at reduced price, 6 va cant lots on West Solo II on St. If interested, see me at once. e. s. McDowell Real Estate and Insurance ✓ gSMMMMMMnai HimwiiimMMMWmmmmmmaixn ? Follow The I Crowds % And You Will Eat at The BLUE GOOSE CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT _ ■RMppHMHI TRY NEWS WANT ADS. SMALLPOX ."v • VUMU v SWEEPS DUBLIN, GA. ; VACCINATE CHILDREN Dublin, Ga., Nov, 4.—Drastic ef forts to check the smallpox epi demic which has gained consider able headway in Dublin went into effect Tuesday, beginning with the vaccination of all school children in public schools. Countyt Health Officer Ovid Cheek and City Sanitary Inspector J. Wesley Wood are in charge of precautionary measures and every available weapon to combat the disease and to check its spread are being used. The disease made its appearance a few days ago in negro sections, spreading rapidly and finally reaching out into white sections of the city. THE BOTHERSOME PART. At an examination a master asked: Does the question embarrass you. “Not at all sir," replied the stu dent; “not at all. It is quite clear. It is the answer that both ers me. yy In March of his first year he married Miss Marguerite Lorenz, distant relative of Dr. Adolf Lo renz, the famous Vienna surgeon. IT WON’T WARP and IT WON’T BURN T ceiling HERE’S for a your better house. material than n wood _• __._7._- It’s Sheetrock, the fireproof wallboard. Easy to use—you just nail it to the joists or studding. Low in cost. And permanent. Sheetrock is highest grade gypsum cast in sheets. It makes solid, non-warping, fireproof walls and ceilings. Takesany decoration—paper,paint,orTextooe, The Sheetrock Decorator. Made only by the United States Gypsum Company. Ask your lumber or Building material dealer for sample and prices. UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe Street, Chicag o , THinni » I* . \ Ret. U.S. Pat; Off. SHEETROCK THE Fireproof WALLBOARD - . ..... T T T T T T T ▼ T 'VV '44 w 'T ..... T*W T Eskimo n M . 1 <0 Pies 4 5c m . ■4 ’i 4 » Better Than Ever ■am * SCALES DRUG CO. . Agents for Whitman's and Mavis Candies PHONE 418 ; A A A A, A, A * ,< 4 A A | a il . w flon itihfrdcHoi} divisioo i ing the square or the cnth the first round — extract square root of a nuiqbei chine came out first In I round, which consisted ot rated problems, the m easily. V Forty-five thousand is the capacity for a machine in a soap facto Stapslbur Rich Ingredient c dard family reined nized healing a coughs and throal Btutfyt both children , ' a*> [HAN !sd "SI CONTAINS Sold NO Ever rf arid recoin For Sale by JOHN — 666 , M. ia a prescription tor COLDS, GRIPPE. DENGUE. HEADACHES. CONSTIPA TION, BILIOUSNESS. It ia the most speedy remedy we know.