Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 06, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Thursday, November 6, 1924. 7 « ? PARADE AT 10:30 For two solid hours the per formance of the Sparks Circus in Griffin tomorrow, makes the spec tator live again those joyous care free days of the land of make believe, the golden days of childhood. || pictorial It opens beauty with called a scene “An of Egyp- great tian Fantasy, ff The introductory number, with its harmony of col ors, lustre, brilliance and magnifi cence, has been conceded to be the most entrancing spectacle and pageant ever presented under can vas. Pretty Girls. Taking part in it is a gorgeous ly costumed chorus of pretty girls, and there are beautiful thorough bred horses, sage elephants, in dolent camels and gentle Hamas, in trappings and accoutrements of dazzling splendor. Immediately following “An Egyptian Fantasy” comes a whilr pool of amusement that fills the spectator with delight. In rapid succession novelty fol lows novelty in the three rings, in the air and on the hippodrome track. of dar- ing alternate with sensational comedy acts. In the menagerie will be found splendid specimens of the most fe rocious beasts from the jungles of India and Africa, and there are strange looking animals from South America. A visit to the menagerie of the Sparks Circus offers unusual opportunities -for interesting and practical studies in natural history. Children under 12 years of age are admitted for 35 cents. On cir cus day seats may be bought at Ward’s Drug Store for the same price as at the show grounds. Program for Tomorrow. 6 a. m. Sparks circus trains due to arrive from Newnan on the -Central of Georgia railroad. 6:30 a. m. Unloading and remo val of tents, paraphernalia, wag ons, animals, etc., to the circus grounds. 7:30 a. m. Erecting kitchen, din- HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim tor lt-r ld your Bystem of Catarrh or Deafness caused CATARRH MEDICINE consists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a T°nic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore normal conditions. 40 Year* Sold by druggists for over F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. DO NOT A DAY LONGER DO N0T WAIT THAN WAIT FRIDAY mma NOVEMBER WHEN THE ONLY “CLASS A” CIRCUS IN THE SOUTH WILL BE IN GRIFFIN. MASTERPIECE OF THnjENTED WORLD ! 4 /j A W * Wfj this Season By THE augmented Ef . MOST WONDERFUL J TTHS f Display of Si mmso* 7 m , v : WILD IMiIv'n 777- /» / 2 Herds tb Elephants OF PERF0RMINC ^ y\ CENTURY 20 350 COMPREHENSIVE 40 Aren ic OF MENAGERIE THE Funny ' . WONDER ARTISTS FINEST CLOWNS SHOW ANIMAL SPECIMENS mote : IS Iff PROGRESSION SUPERSEDING TH£ ONMRD THE THE MARCH AUTOMOBILE HORSE OF PHD ‘ P *HORSELESS AGE"IS FREELY PREDICTED r 8 _ The Obituary ^ of the horse mu never WRITTEN be L/VES! . A AS LONG AS THE SPARKS CIRCUS FAMOUS THIS ORGANIZATION FOR ITS IS tM* ^ HORSES lllftvnOTDS OF ^ SEE THESE SPLENDID nUrlDKt*^ ANIMALS IN EUROPEAN the sensational fox hunt, MANEGE TRAINED-HORSE SHOW. AND HIGH JUMPING EXHIBITIONS • TWO 'ptvm.jr 3 ' FRtVsTREfT PARADt fl DOORS OPEN Due HOUR EARLIER TO PUBLIC. AllOtVMIO FRfct 51 10 30 A M WHE TIME TO VISIT THE MENAGERIE DEPARTMENT ««/« Of* S ** ! f* C WflTP ItV/ 1 C — Sparks and every Circus Georgian is a is Georgia proud of institution the vast growth and phenominal success of this—“THEIR OWN GEORGIA CIRCUS. Prices: Children under 12,35c; Adults, 75c Admission and reserved seats on sale Circus Day at Ward’s Drug Store—same price ps at show grounds. Georgia High School Girl i V ■ i V; (g3jj wh . . f jM > m : '-J. ■ y- V" f) fi*: >. : f u 4 & : 1 :• ;.:•<> *7->;v ' , >; . * > \ ■ .■.7:7; 7 •Xv ■ \ ;7: *■ > M V ■y % yx. y : V y ■ yy. :■ : .-.viv i t m im iia m : m i -if 1 - m M & ais: /-''Xy Georgia High School girl and her h:g:» school horse are one of the society features with Sparks’ “Georgia’ Circus showing in tomorrow afternoon and night. ing, dressing, menagerie, black smith and horse tents. 8 a. m. Breakfast served to the 700 circus employees. 8:30 a. m. Hoisting of mam moth white top jn‘ which main per formances take place, a lesson in practical efficiency, Side show erected. 10:30 a. m. The elaborate street parade will leave the old base ball grounds and will proceed - on Fourth, street to Taylor; thence to Hill to Broad, to Eighth to Poplar, to Hill, to Taylor to the show grounds. 1 p. m. Doors open for leisure ly inspecti on of me nagerie. Band concert 1 to 27 2 p. m. Afternoon performance commences. 6 p. m. Concert of popular and classical music played on the world’s largest steam piano, which can be heard for five miles with out the use of radiophones. 7 p. m. Doors again opened to public. Menagerie. Band conceit 7 to 8. 8 p. m. Evening performance of the circus, complete in detail. 11 p. m. Concerted night move ment to circus trains. 12 p. m. Departure of circus trains for Fort Valley. PRINCESS PRAJATIPOK m m :-vw ■i’Xy ■y *«*; ■y. 7^ f The charming Princess Prajatipok of Siam, who has been in the United States for a visit. The husband of the princess is a brother of the king of Siam. -HONG SLING f >:7;' >'7 4 dy V L:; Hong Sling, declared to be one of the richest men in China, has been in this country visiting his son, who is a student at Yale. HOng Sling was a track laborer on the Union Pacific railroad in the eighties. Now he is a banker. DAILYNEWS uu$ STARTS FRIDAY Jackson, Ga., Nov. 6.—The Butts County Jubilee and Club Fair, which will be held here Friday and Saturday, gives promise of being one of the most successful celebrations ever held in the county. Features of the program will be a parade Friday morning in which all schools, dub members and civic organizations will take part. The parade will form at the school house at 10 o’clock and march to the business portion of the city. Immediately following the par ade Dr. Andrew M. Soule, presi dent of the State College of Agri culture, will deliver an address on the courthouse square. At 6:30 o’clock will occur the marriage of “Miss Georgia Prod ucts” to “Mr. Samuel Butts.” Mov ing pictures will be shown in the courthouse Friday night. Judge Persons to Speak. Saturday morning Judge G. Gor don Persons, of Forsyth, will de liver an address. Moving pictures will be shown in the afternoon and at 6:30 the queen of the jubi lee will be crowned on the, court house lawn. A fiddlers’ conven tion will be held Saturday night in the courthouse. AH of the attractions will be furbished by home talent and the celebration will be a strictly home affair. There will be music by a brass band and orchestra. Prizes Awarded. Prizes will be awarded to thej ■ more than 150 boys and girls en rolled in the five agricultural clubs in the county. There will also be exhibits of home manufactured articles, con sisting of textile exhibits, home manufactured feeds, pimento pep pers and other articles grown and manufactured in Butts county. The celebration is sponsored by the Woman’s Club, Kiwanis Club, city and county officials and other organizations. Friday will be a holiday in all schools in the county so that teachers and pupils can take part in the exercises. GEORGIAN NOW HEADS VETERANS OF THE GRAY Dublin, Ga., Nov. 6.—Gen. James A. Thomas, of Dublin, Ga., has is sued orders that he had assumed command of the United Confeder ate Veterans following the death of Gen. W. B. Haldeman last week. TORTURED GOLDFISH Newark, N. J., Nov. 6.—Accused of cruelty to goldfish, Joseph Beardinelli was warned by Police Judge Murray not to annoy fish in Branch Brook park. Thomp son alleged that Beardinelli took fish out of the pond and held them several minutes, later returning them to the water. The court up held the fishes’ right to privacy. CRAWFORD BROGUES Originally created to meet the young man’s demand for smart, sturdy, broad-toed shoes, Brogues have grown steadily in favor with all dis criminating men. Crawford brogues interpret to day’s styles faithfully. Made in the smartest calf skins and with the fa mous Crawford fitting qualities. Correct for wear anytime, outdoors or in. Easy on your feet and your purse. Drop in and try on a pair—many to choose from—no obligation to buy. <7hc (mmfbrd Shoe. Most Styles $8 A few 09 and «1« SIBLEY CLOTHING COMPANY Griffin, Ga. m ■ 41 m . .’ 1 . 1 . e VS fiS EM s 1 tfe* ilth* '*r<p3fr ' ■V ■ Health is one nf m It things brings your familv f? P S^tes* 088 ■$?> . age j ^. ,11% ' Sass s . ' 4 ^SteSsiS* seg.2g? f' ***** I *W when times Si A 'M a? are '; ,J Rebrand m Plain ofe? 3 8 -' ^. Usearefi. w ^f. ?f tfmm flour. Then a sSagiSSa&ss 7 » ■4,M take Preparations their place ttaiS ffl”' ' -V and dangerous ara h^ 'S 3 cause they fail to TT,]*' iearen . is no to ^ There comparison. ' I V) SI and l„ beonesu Baking m m bakings positive aid aS 5 Succes sfal re that wholesome"^ 3 PUre> ■ m sweet and ■mm # 2y brlnd 2 a um t Jl e ,t ‘ h0Se eason of its sales are other 1 KEEPS IN UN a . STRENGTH IN ■ & y ■‘sr r ■ r>;d §® "Hr * i J.; t - SUICIDE USES DYNAMITE Shenandoah, Nov. 6.—Raymond Seltzer, 30 years old, of Hunters ville, committed suicide in a grue some way. Seltzer went to a shed at the rear of his home, placed a stick of dynamite on his chest and lit the fuse. Luxurious motor busses, equip ped with parlor car seats, card tables and electric lights are at tracting tourists in Europe. A locomotive has been built in Italy that uses compressed air for power so it can run safely over flooded tracks. \ How To End a Cough Quickly Specialists say to actually end a cough in the shortest possible time the medicine should not only soothe and heal the soreness and irrita tion, but should also loosen and re-, move the phlegm and congestion which are the real cause of the coughing. When this is done the worst cough quickly disappears. This "doutjlf-ftrtlon" method has been hrougM to perfection In the prescription known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. A few drops stop the coughing spells almost instantly, and people who have hardly been able to sleep at night for coughing usually get their full nlght'a rest even after the first doses. It has been very successful, too, for children's spasmodic croup, for bronchitis, laryn gitis. bronchial asthma and hoaraeneaa. On sals at all good druggists. Ask for is RING’S CoucHS KNUD RASMUSSEN 4 s * . , » / $ f 'i % mm mm MjHI Knud Rumuuen, the prominent Danish polar explorer, arrived In Nome recently after three and a half yaara’ exploration of tha North woat paaaaga. Ha brought with him aavaral Eskimos who had bean aids* to both Paary and MaoMllfan In thalr polar axpedltlons at varioui times. -b The first author to use a type writer in the preparation of man uscripts is believed to have been Mark Twain. TURKEY / CARVING > MADE EASY • There is just one thing you must have if you are going to carve the Thanksgiving Turkey properly—that is a good carving set—a strong fork and a sharp knife. ■ ■ 7' ■77!;7I7-::y::,: ' mm - Follow The I 2 Crowds I V And Ton Will Eat at The BLUE GOOSE I CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT . fl *1 13% :- {iu gs" 13'3ggg‘?.1,:,3:.vh ::41 "‘ +3 i- , .. auxu The smallest radio set in the world built in Providence, R. I., can be covered with four postage stamps, one on each side. CARVING SETS * GAME SETS ROASTERS - COMMUNITY SILVER ==•' GRIFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY it Everything in Hardware PHONE 91 — WHO’S YOUR BANKER 7 'm ■ EVERY MAN, NO MATTER WHAT HIS INCOME IS, SHOULD HAVE ONE. Our Institution is fitted by Experience and Modern Equipment to handle YOUR Bank- m ing Business Satisfactorily. Savings department where ■4 J you can accumu late money for future use. Safety deposit boxes for guarding your valuables. 7 MERCHANTS & PLANTERS BANK “THE BANK WHERE YOU kEEL AT HOME” 7 1 ■ Wkr \ , JW ; ■7 v- ! -'