Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 08, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Saturday; November 8, 1924. •nr At ■ flRST BAPTfeT Sunday school 9:30 a, m. (Pre session work 9:15.) Morning worship 11 o’clock, pas tor’s subject, “Two Mites.” Westbrook Junior B.Y.P.U. 3 p. m. Arnold and WSstbrook Senior Unions, 6 p. m. Evening service, 7 o'clock, pas tor’s subject, “A Voice in the Wil derness. Jf A cordial invitation is extended to the public to all services. Leon Mobley Latimer, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worshep, 11 a. m. Evening services, 7 o’clock. The pastor will preach at both services. Juniors meet at 3 o’clock. Ladies’ Aid Society meets Mon day afternoon. We welcome all visitors. O. K. Cull, Pastor, ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL Sunday school at 9:45 at the Parish house. The Young People’s Service League will meet at 6:30 at the Parish House. FIRST METHODIST Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Baraca class, 9:30 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. by the pas tor. Epworth League, 6:15 p. m. Sermon by the pastor, 7 p. m. John F. Yarbrough, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning worship, 11 o’clock. Subject, “Philip, the Evangelist. >* Evening worship 7 o’clock. Sub ject, “A Patriot Queen. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Men’s Bible class in the Manse at 10 o’clock. Christian Endeavor 6:15 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday eve ning,- 7 o’clock. A cordial welcome awaits you at “The church with the open door. Malcolm R. Williamson, Pastor. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC The Sacred Heart Catholic church is located in the residential section of North Hill street. - Sunday school held every Sun Say morning at 9:30 o’clock. Mass and benediction of the ONLY ONE The Record in Griffin is a Unique One If the reader has a “bad back” or any kidney ills and is looking for an effective kidney medicine, better depend on the remedy en dorsed by people you know. Doan’s Pills have given great satisfaction in such cases. Griffin citizens testify to this. Ask your neighbor. Here is a case of it: Mrs. Rupert Epps, 346 Meri wether street, Griffin, says: “I felt tired and didn’t care about doing anything. There were pains through my back and when I stooped I was subject to dizzy spells and headaches. Black ob jects floated before my eyes. My kidneys acted irregularly and as other members of the family had used Doan’s Pills I procured some. In a short time I was cured. I have not been troubled with kidney complaint since and I am glad to recomjpiend Doan’s.” ‘ ' Y ' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Pills—the same that Mrs. Epps had. Foster-JIil burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.— Adv. WE MAKE ADVANCES ON Isa COTTON Bring your Cotton to us and we will advance you two-thirds of its value. SECOND NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Airmen Can Now Control Rain m s'* and Eliminate Fog Banks 8&> 4 mM K h / W:-; % m / m :v:x :[x 'tSSSSiw x i: t-y III I;.; m Mi 'X . v- 111 Xi n XX.; Man extended his command to the elements when army fliers gave a successful demonstration of the elimination of fog and con trol of rainfall by means of spraying clouds with electrified sand. An aviator is shown filling up the sand distributor tank before as eending. The process was devised by Ur. E. Francis Warren of Harvard University. Blessed Sacrament will be held on the second Sunday of each month. The public is cc. Jially invited to attend. Father Clark, Pastor. MAVERICK CLASS. Undenominational. All visitors and young men not affiliated with ' Sunday school class in the any city are cordially invited to attend. Chester A. Byars, president. SALVATION ARMY. Tonight at 7 o’clock an open air meeting will be held on Hill street near the monument. Sunday morning meeting at the county jail at 9 o’clock. Sunday school at No. 134 North Hill street at 10 o’clock. Sunday afternoon at meeting will be held at 4 o’cjock at the prison camp. Open air meeting at 7 o’clock Sunday night on Hill street and indoor meeting at 7:30 at* the Salvation Army hall at 134 North Hill street. MINISTER’S SON ROBS OKLAHOMA BANK Muskogee, Okla., Nov. 8.—Rob ert Gore, 20, son of a local min ister, confessed last night, accord ing to officers, that he had robbed the First National Bank here, where he is employed as a clerk, of about $4,500. PURSE IS STOLEN OR LOST BY J. T. MITCHELL A purse containing $30 and a three dollar check was either stolen or lost by J. T. Mitchell, of Sunny Side, at the circus grounds Friday. He- reported the loss to the police and was in Griffin early Saturday morning to stop payment on the check. A SMART BOBBER a For the love of Mike! Officer, what’s the excitement? Is there a riot?” asked the passer-by. “JNlo,” grumbled the cop, who was trying to keep the mob back; “that fool barber advertised bob bing for 48 cents and these are the long-haired women all rushing in to take advantage of the bar gain price. ; I: RESTRICTIONS "Don’t they allow tenants to raise children in this apartment house ?*’ “No,” said the janitor. “Nor kittens, nor puppies, nor parrots?” No. Nothing is permitted to be raised here except the rent. »' Slot machines whereby guests may hear a radio concert by in serting a quarter have been in stalled in a Long Beach, N. Y., hotel. s SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA Spalding county. I have this day levied on the following described property; Will be sold on the second day of December, 1924, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Mt, Zion district of Spalding county, Georgia, contain ing sixty-four acres, and bounded as follows: south by lands of Walter Touchstone; west by lands of L. P. Blanton, and north and east by lands of Mrs.. Willis F. Bolton. Also, seventy acres of land situate," lying and being in Line Creek district of Spalding county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: east by lands of Snow Hand; south by Mrs. Frank Pitt man; east by lands of utman;. north house by and Judge lot situate*|P PutmatqjpR the t Iso city one of Griffin, Spalding county, Geor gia, fronting eighty-five feet, more or leSs, on the south side of east Solomon street, and running back seventy-five feet, and bounded as north by Solomon street; v and south by warehouse property of L. P. Blanton; and south and east by property of H. P. Eady. Also a certain lot of land lo cated in the city of Griffin, Spal ding county, Georgia, and being part of the warehouse property of L. P. Blanton, and better describ ed as follows: Beginning eighty five feet from the corner of south Sixth street^an^ Bank alley, and running eai long said Bank Al- t ---- Market Reports (Over Pursley, Slaton & Co.’s Private Wire) Jno. F. Clark & Co.’s Cotton Letter New York, Nov. '8.—The market for a moment on the issuance of the 12,816,000 indication was in clined to break and did sell off to ■22.83 for December, but a flood of buying, orders came in, forcing it up quickly to 23.55, where it met profit taking and selling against the actual. This buying, after the report looked to be speculative and for traders waiting until it was out of the way to take on some long cotton as an investment pre dicted on the boom in the stock and grain market, Improving busi ness in Worth street and general optimism existent since the elec tion. Whether cotton can be bull ed on this basis with what looked like an ample supply remains to be seen. Spot people were free sell ers and one leading merchant doubted if the advance can be sustained at this time. New Orleans Cotton | I ICl’sejClose | Prev Open High! Low 23.4U22.95 Jan. 22.93 23.60 22.50 Mch. 23.10 2397123.00123.85 23.80122.95 j 23.64 23.18 May 23.30 23.38 July j23.75 23.77 23.48 23.70 23.18 Dec. (22.95123.59 111!! j 22.50 j 23.41! 22.9 5 Spots—Middling 50 up 23.45. New York Cotton | | | Prev Open High| Low |Cl’se|Close Jan. j23.02j23.75j22.85j23.53123.13 Mch. |23.30 24.00j23.30j23.88j23.40 May 123.60 24.43i23.55|24.18;23.65 23.96123.15i23.88|23.41 July 23.38 Dec. 22.85 23.55 22.83‘23.35^3.95 Spots—Middling 40 up 24.15. ley and on the rfbrth side of the same, ninety-four feet, thence north sixty four feet and five inches; thence west ninety four fect; thence south sixty-four feet and five inches; to the beginning point, said described property al so including the bat end of what is known as the Blah' lumber yards, said property bounded north by other property of said L. P. Blanton, on the east by a balance of said lot; on the south by Bank Alley and on the west by another portion of the ware house property, levied upon as the property of L.‘ P. Blanton and George Blanton to satisfy this fi. fa. Tenant in possession notified. November 7, 1924. W. T. FREEMAN, 11-8-15-22-29” Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the cosfrt house door, the usual place of holding court, in and for the said county, on the second day of De cember; 1924, and from day to day until said goods are disposed of. the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land known as lot No. 247, containing (200 1-2) two hundred and one half acres of land, more or less. Also that part of lot of land No. 248 lying north of the Tow olaga river. All located in the third district, originally Henry, now Spalding county and contain ing in the aggregate two hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, bounded as follows: north by Henry Colin and John Allen; east by estate of L. J. Brooks; south by R. B. Clifford; west by Griffin Spot Cotton Good Middling . 22.75 Strict Middling 22.50 Middling ............ 22.25 Grain and Provision Prk ) ! Open Close ise WHEAT a Dec. ..........149% 151% 150%T May 155 157% 155% July 137* 137% 137% CORN— Dec. 108% 110% 108% May 111% 114% 112% July 112% 115% 113% OATS— Dec. 51% 52 51% May 56% 56% 56% July 54% 55 54% RIBS— Nov....... 12.60 12.60 12.00 Jan. 11.60 12.30 11.50 LARD— Nov. . ......14.75 14.95 14.70 Jan. 14.15 14.32 14.00 BELLIES— Nov. ...............13.87 13.87 13.85 Jan. 12.75 12.75 12.20 f ■ » ' " '■ .....H-it — sued from the superior court of Spalding; county. Property pointed out by plain* tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court in and for said county, on the second day of December, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are disposed of, the following described proper ty, to-wit: Three houses and lpts in nortl Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., back 1 row, bounded as follows: north by Lawton estate; east by L. P. Blanton; west by lands of Col. T. W. Thurman; south by lands of L, P. Blanton, same being lots Nos. 108, 110, 112, in block A: as shown by plat recorded in book 35, page 519, office of clerk, Spalding superior court, and being 795 feet on Blanton street and running south 208 feet. Levied on as the property of I* P. Blanton by virtue of a supe rior court fi. fa. in favor of J. B. Carver vs. L. P. Blanton issued from the superior court of Spald ing county. -JC Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court, in and for the said county, on the second day of De cember, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are idsposed of, the following described property, to-wit: Six houses and lots in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., lots being 70 feet wide and 420 feet long, bounded as follows: north by lands of L. P. Blanton; east by Robert Wheaton; south by lands of L. P. Blanton; we3t by lands of T. W. Thurman and being lots Nos. 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118 in block B, according to plat on file in book 35, page 519, in the clerk’s office, Spalding su perior court. Levied on as the property of L. P. Blanton by virtue of a judgment fi. fa. in favor of Mrs. Lula Carver vs. L. P. Blanton issued from the superior court of Spalding county. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—Spalding county. By virtue of an order of court of ordinary of Spalding county, Ga., granted upon application of Arthur K. Maddox, administrator of estate of Julia P. Maddox, de ceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, will be sold before court house door, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in city of .Griffin, between legal hours of sale, on first Tuesday in December, 1924, as property of said deceased, the following de scribed lands, to-wit: North half of lot number one hundred eight-two. (182) „in second land district of originally Mon roe, then Pike, now Spalding county, Ga., containing one jhun dred one and one-fourth (101 1-4) acres, more or less, and bounded north by land lot No.. 181; east by Grantland estate; south by W. C. Weldon; and west by South Sixth street road. Also fifty (50) acres, more or less, off south side „of land lot number one hundred eighty one ,i(181) in second land district of originally Monroe, then Pike, now Spalding county, Georgia, bound ed as follows:, north by lands of Mrs. Georgia Nunnally and Grant land’’estate; east by Grantland es tate; south by land lot No. 192; and west by public road known as Heinie Jones. Levied on as the property of Marcellus Woolfw^rd by virtue of a superior court fi.” fa. Hp favor of Mrs. B. F. Strickland vs. Mar cellus Woodward issued from the court of Spalding county. luff’s ^Property attorney. pointed out by plain- 7 W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding coupt, in and for the said county, on the second day of De cember, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are disposed of, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land known as lot No. 63 and 14 acres off of the southwest corner of lot No. 64 in Mt. Zion district of Spalding county; Georgia, con taining 216 1-4 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: north by C. M. Anderson; east by J. I. Col lins; south by L. P. Blanton; west by L. P. Blanton. Levied on as the property L. P. Blanton by virtue of a perior court fi. fa. in favor JH. C. Starr vs. L. P. Blanton mission HP on the first Monday in December, 192# t| D. R, CUM MING, Ordinary. — > CITATION. W. G. Jackson, having in proper form a me for permanent letters of Istration upon the estate of Myrtice Jackson Cunningham, deceased, this is to notify the next of kin and credi tors of the Bald Mrs. Myrtice Jackson Cunningham, deceased, that, that said application will be heard before mg at the regular December term, 1924, of the court Of ordinary of said county. witness my hand and seaI> this November 7, 192 D. R. CUM LING, Ordinary. ■r CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Whereas, Warren Moore, admin istrator of Sarah Ann Arnold, and Sarah Ann Buckner, repre sents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered their estates. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if arty they can, why said admin istrator should be discharged from his administration and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in December, 1924. D. R. GUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: H. S. Bridges, and J, ,G. .Carmi chael, as administrators of the estate of W. J. Bridges, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, this is. tfl notify the creditors and kindred that said application will be passed upon at the December term, 1924, of the court of ordinary of said county, and that unless cguse is then shown to the contrary, said leave will be granted. This November 7, 1924. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA, Spalding county. J; A. Greer, guardian of Bessie Mae Greer (now Mrs. J. G. Boll- ing): The foregoing named ward, Mrs. J. G. Bolling, having filed her pe tition in the court of ordinary of Spalding county, Georgia, for set tlement by you of her estate in your hands as such guardian, you are hereby cited to be’ and appear at the January term, 1925, sgid court, and make full ment of your guardianship your ward, the said Mrs. J. Bolling. This 8th day of November, 1024. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Spalding county. All creditors of the estates of A. J. Welden, Sr., and Mrs. Mat tie E. Welden, late of. Spalding count, deceased, are hereby noti fied to render their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estates are required to make im mediate paypient to me. This October 6, 1924. A. J. WELDEN, Administra tor of the estates of A. J. Welden, Sr., and Mrs. Mattie E. Welden.,,, ROAD TAX NOTICE Time for paying road tax has been extended until Saturday, No vember 8. ’After this date qost of collection will be added. COUNTYhCOMMlSSIONERS, By y j. J. Purdy, Clerk. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE DUE Books close December 20. In terestj and cost charged after De cember 20. T. R, NUTT, Tax Collector. Six street road. This November 4, 1924. ARTHUR K. MADDOX, Adimnistrator of Julia P. Maddox, deceased. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS NOTICE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. All creditors of the estate of Harvey C. Wheat, late of Spald ing county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. MRS. OLA WHEAT, Administrator of Har vey C. Wheat, deceased. CITATION GEORGIA—Spalding county. Whereas, B. M. Sherard, admin istrator of Mary Green’s estate, lepresents to the court in his pe tition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully adminis tered Mary Green’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dis- a mi wm.mi i saMsapiaaaK, 7*2 v<* ui i * 4 •? "1 \ — FOR RENT: St . so good Hot Blast pipe for sale cheap. F or 578. ... FOR SALE—Peony roo E. F. Bridges,— ^ FOR SALE: 50 white Pure breed. Beauti Z. M. Patterson, 931 We mon street. FOR SALE: Seed wheal from any defects, J. J. 235 North Hill street. v'i'isi! 750 or 3813, farm. 1 — For Sale: Used furniture, a and iron beds, dressers, ws stands, chairs and tables, oil a wood stoves, etc. Will also b used furniture or trade. Grif Produce Co., Slaton Ave., Z. Patterson, Mgr. $300 REWARD: No a: questions asked for re diamonds lost, Grantland bault. '■! WANTED — Ad drew of RalpJU’Ming. Last known ad- -i,V dress Griffin. Formerly of Jacksonville, Fla. Haa rela tives in Griffin. Have good . news for him. J. J. Richards, 309 E. Sixth, Charlotte, N. C. ......................-.......— ............. WANTED: Peas and beans. Wa will pay $2 per bushel for Whip powills; $3.50 per bushel for O too-tan and Loredos cleaned and i&m : in good bags f. o. b. our ware house. H. V. Kell Co. LODGE DIRECTORY ) WARREN LODGE No. 20, I. O. O. F., meets every Monday night at 7:30 at Warren lege Hall. Hall. Visiting Visiting brothers eor dialfy W. invited. T. Atkinson. R. A. Peel, reel, N. G. Secro- : tary; MERIDIAN SUN LODGE 26, F. & A. M. Regular mem* x: Tuesday, Nov. 18tb, 7 ef- m. ilIS . in the degrees. Scales, W. M.; Bill Wells, Sec’y W. 0. w. Meets every Thursday, needs 7:30 p, m. Sovereigns, your will camp find Cler your presence. You your * all times at Slaton-Powell Cloth ing -■Co. Visiting sovereigns wel come. Come. L. J. Sauley, C, C.; C. C. Stanley, Clerk. _ PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER No. 10, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second and fourth Thursdays, 7: 30 p. mi* Visitors welcome. Wm. T. Atkinson, H. P.; Bill Wells, Secretary. BEN BARROW LODGE No. 587, F. & A. M. Regular meetings first and third Thursday Visiting nights in each month. brothers invited. L. B. Guest, W. M.; Clifford Grubbs, Secretary. Funeral Directory * E. D. FLETCHER Funeral Director and Embalmer with Griffin Mercantile Co. Office Phone 474 Res. Phone 481 HAISTEN BROS. . FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Griffin and Senoia, Ga. Office Phone 575. Rea. Phone 63 Frank S. Pittman Modern Funeral Home. ■ 112 W. Taylor St. | office Phone 822. Rea. Phone 68 f l Railroad Schedule CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Arrival and Dpearture of Pasaen ger Trains At Griffin, Ga. The schedules are published as information afid are not guar anteed : North South 2:29 pm Atlanta-Sav’h 11:06 pm 4:30 am Atlanta-Sav’h 9:07 am 5:49 am Chgo-Cin-Jax 10:27 pm 7:17 am Chgo-St. L.-Jax 7:57 pm 9:01 am Atlanta-Macon 5:20 pm 12:25 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17 pm 5:57 pm Atlanta-Alb’ny 12:19 am 6:20 am Chicago-Jax 8:54 pm Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga 9:45 am 8:15 Cedartoown 5:25 pm SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta Points— 5:53 pm Blast—West 10 .O^am 10:02 am CT-bua-Ft. V*y 6:58 pm «Maw “y: «MW Mr}? in 5 , , M W ' ,, ' . mmwMAi ' 5" "*4 Wkéina 4' 95?; via . «r- r lye'll JQepair If at any tim« you hav« trouble with your top bring your car around to ua and w« are sure that we can repair it economically to your complete satisfaction. Try us and be able to smile at the other fel low when it rains. Stallings’ Garage N. 8th St Griffin. ( r - TRY NEWS WANT ADS.