Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 12, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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5;; mm M w . .gs‘x,.i:,; ‘1.: -/ ,_ . - , , 1154;” w == \ \ mm t rsf m Sr# KNOX DRESS HATS "'V- Pearl, Gray, Poudre, Blue, Tan, Black and Brown—all trimmed in pleasing and har contrast. The season’s latest shapes and colors. < $ 5 "* $7 Griffin Mercantile Company PERSONAL NOTES THE LAY OF A MARRIED COUPLE. He thought her a chicken; She thought him s bird. They went to the preacher, ' And he said the word. Now all their friends cackle At her visage grim, For he’s an old rooster, And she lays for him. —Jimmie Wells. H. H. Kemp, of Senoia, spent Wednesday in Griffin on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kilgore spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W. F. Kilgore, at Vineyard. 1 J. D. Hale, of Orchard Hill, made a business trip to Griffin Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. Rivers, of Brooks, - •pent Wednesday shopping in Griffin. Alvin Dickinson, of Williamson, made a business trip to Griffin Wednesday. !• Mrs. W. F. Huddleston, of Brushy, spent the day in the city with relatives. Mrs. C. P. Mann, of Milner, was among the shoppers in Grif fin Wednesday, <? i\ i Mrs. Richter Smith, of Concord, was shopping In the city today. Mrs. H. K. Haverly, of Atlanta, visited her mother, Mrs. M. L. Tyler, on West Solomon street, Wednesday. Among those from Senoia shop ping in Griffin Wednesday was Mrs. H. H. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I. Miller and daughters, Martha Lee, Elea- Stylish TOP COATS 1 /'■ ; vV if* m 1 l.W: \ A THEY LOOK GOOD % THEY WEAR GOOD THEY ARE GOOD $ 18«»$30 NEWMAN’S Clothes Shop 186 N, Hill St. Griffin, Ga. nor, . EH eth, of De eatur, ■ night In Griffin with her mother, Mrs. T. J. White, on West Taylor street. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kilgore i spent Wednesday with Mrs. Oscar Drake and Mrs. Beard at Or chard Hill. - Miss Willie Benn Drewry, of Zetella, was a visitor to Griffin Wednesday. Mrs. W. V. Crawford and Mrs. R. A. Glass, of Williamson, spent Wednesday shopping In Griffin. Miss Miriam 8teele, of near Griffin, spent Wednesday in the city shopping. Mrs. J. D. Hale, of Orchard Hill, was shopping in Griffin Wednesday. J. W. Rivers, of Brooks, made a business trip to Griffin Wed nesday. Mrti Alvin Dickinson, of Wil liamson, spent Wednesday in Grif fin shopping. Mrs. J. J. Hancox spent Wed nesday in Atlanta with friends. Mrs. Francis Forster, of At lanta, who has been spending sev eral days with her sister, Mrs. Richard Mitchell, and her father, J. W. Slade, has returned home. Mrs. Walter Touchstone, Mrs. William.H. Reck and Mrs. Alex Gossett motored to Atlanta Wed nesday to attend the meeting of the eGorgia Federated club wo men. Griffin High will meet Valdosta High at Lightfoot park Friday afternoon at 3:15 o’clock in the feature game of the home sea SOB. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Gunnels have returned to their home in ilbany after a visit In Griffin to their aunt, -Mrs. Harold M. Grif fin, and their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunnels, Mrs. James J. Page, Jr,, visit ed friends in Atlanta Wednesday. The Cordele Dispatch says: u Mf. H. Orovitz and family, form er residents of Cordele, but who have resided in Griffin for the past six months, have returned to again make their home here, and are occupying one of the Kelley residences on Fourteenth avenue at present.” Mrs. I. Goldenberg and Miss Pauline Goldenberg spent Wed nesday in Atlanta with friends. Mrs. Lamar Walker and Miss Hancox returned Wednesday Columbus, where they have spending several days wtih Grace Gaylord. Mrs. W. S. Culpepper went to Wednesday morning to several days with relatives. Mrs. W.H. Taylor and Miss Nell Taylor spent Wednesday in Ma con with friends. Mrs. Green T. Dodd spent Wed nesday tri Atlanta, the guest of relatives. Mrs. Robert Mott, of Atlanta, is spending several days with her father, J. W. Slade, on East Col lege. street. Dr. Shelton will address the meeting of the Woman’s Club at the City Hall Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. There will be no admission and the public is in vited. Captain E. F. Travis spent yes terday in Macon attending the an nual reunion of the 151 Machine Guh Battalion. Coi. Chester A. Byars spent yesterday in Newnan on legal business. Friends in Griffin, where he made his home for several years, will be interested in the following clipping about the Rev. Dr. John Jenkins, from the Rome Tribune News: "Dr. John S' Jenkins’ hosts of friends throughout Geor- GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS 'EAST GRIFFIN ' MISS ESTELLE GRUBBS Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vinson and little son, Jerry, motored to Fair Ala., and Langdale Sunday spentjt day with relatives and. ten da. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kilgore and daughter, Mrs. Amey Woodruff, and children motored to Atlanta Sunday and spent the day with the former’s sister, Mrs. L. E. Stanford. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hudson en tertained at a barbecue and chick en dinner at their country home near East Griffin, Sunday, No vember E>. The house was decor ated with ferns, pink# and white roses. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis, Misses Mar gie and Dorothy Maddox, of Vine yard, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hut son and family, S. T. Hutson, Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Hutson and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hutson had as their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Jones and Mrs. Mary Gammon, # of Waco, Ga. Miss Rosa Wilson and Helen Simmons took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Christy spent the week-end at their farm. Mrs.. Joe Carter and son, Rob ert, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. H. C. Hucjcaby at West Griffin. Mrs. Nancy Jester spent Sun day with Mrs. Hand of Twelfth street. Miss Estelle Grubbs, Miss Elsie Mae Moore and Mrs. J. J. Coop er spent Sunday with Mrs. H. T. Jones. -■1-1 i, WiA. < '■! Mrs. H. S. Butler and daugh ters, Lehman and Nellie, of Barnesviile, visited relatives and friends in Griffin Sunday and at tended services at the East Grif fin Baptist church. We are glad to welcome. to East Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Canady, of West Griffin. Mr. Canady has accepted a responsi ble position with the Georgia Kin caid mill', No. 3. J. W. Mashborn has purchased a silver tone neutrodyne radio and is getting the latest news the world, which is being en by his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grubbs, of Falls, and Mrs. R. D. Lev of Heads Shop, visited Mr. Mrs, Clifford Grubbs Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Crain, of Experi visited relatives and friends East Griffin Sunday. HIGH OFFICIALS ASSEMBLE FOR FUNERAL OF SEN. H. C. LODGE Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 12.—(By .Associated Press.)—Represen of the nation and state as sembled here today for the funeral Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. An early train from Washington brought large delegations from the and executive branches the government. Secretaries Hughes and Weeks and Captain Adolphus Andrews, representing the president, were among them. will learn with interest that he has been transferred from the West Virginia Methodist Confer ence to the North Georgia Con ference. Dr. Jenkins is one of the most able men in the South. Mrs. J. R. Beattie and Dixon Beattie, of Washington, D. C., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ellis on 'South Hill street. They are Mrs. Ellis’ mother and broth er. After leaving Griffin they will go to Florida for some time. T. C. Leckey, of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. J. L. Henderson, on South Sixth street. E. A. Cox, of Griffin Route A, was a visitor at The News office Wednesday. Mrs. Nola George and Bolis George left Tuesday night for Valdosta, being called there on account of the serious illness of their son and nephew, Carlo George. Mr. George is a former resident of Griffin. Williamson News | Mr. and Mrs. *E. F. Carter and family spent the week-end with Mrs. Belie Dickinson. Mrs. R. H, McLueas was shop pin in Griffin Tuesday. 1. D. Ballard spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, Miss Jes sie Boynton and Judson Boynton, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Boynton. Miss Emily McDowell, of Lif sey Springs, spent Sunday with Miss Thelma Harrison. Mrs. Y. D. Ballard had as her spend-the-day guests Tuesday Mrs. T. T. McGahee, Mrs. W. W. Shannon, Mis. R.’ H, Yarbrough and Miss Minnie Cook. Mrs. Estelle Miles spent Sun day with Mrs. Belle Dickinson. Miss Fionnie Nichols, of Ze tolla, is visiting her sister,, Mrs. Dewit Darrison. S. S. Brown,. Coc’«ran, arid Mbs Nina Mae - Buffington, of here, left Wednesday “morning fo*r Jenkinsburg, where Miss Buffing ton will visit relatives. ; Mrs. H. G. Farrar,, Mrs, Presley Farrar and Miss Willie Drewry motored to Griffin Monday... Drewry Dickinson, of Macon, spent the week-end with his mater, Mrs. Belle Dickinson. Patillo News V.____ Rev. J. W. Morris, of LaGrange, will iill his regular appointment at Rock Springs church Sunday. The friends of Mrs. J. 0. Fu trai will be glad to know that she is at home. Mrs. Futral under went a serious operation at the Sanitarium in Atlanta two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Caldwell spent Saturday at Orchard Hill. Miss Lurene Kinard was among those from this section attending the jubilee in Jackson Friday and Saturday. Miss Bessie Bell spent last week in Atlanta at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. J. O. Futral. Miss Meivie G'a»« spent Sat urday in Griffin shopping. R. L. English made a business trip to Jackson Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith and family, of Monticello, spent Sun day at the home of Mrs. T. P. Bell. Parks Caldwell spent last week end with Sam Spruce at this place. Mrs. Lois Weldon and Miss Nellie Gossett, of Midway,- were visitors’ to this section last Wed nesday. Mrs. Sallie Thornton, of Union ville, spent Friday night with relatives here. 17 DRINK PLACES CLOSED Savannah, Nov. 12.—The feder al authorities today closed for one year 17 places of business in Sa vannah. They were small drink places. y i«'J * # V / > HELD UP. BERTQI. : ONE newspaper story after another tells of the activities of hold up the men, police. despite every effort of The holdup man studies his victim’s plans habits, and calmly to “stick him up” when the time is ripe. YOU MAY BE NEXT You stand no chance of re- sisting his unexpected provide 'attack, but you can to recover the value of the watch, ring, studs or cash he takes. This Agency SELLS Insurance and GIVES Services. immmKmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Drake & Company 11 IS ...» , — Movie Notes MORAL FOR BASHFUL YOUNG MEN IN LARRY SEMON FILM There’s a moral for all bash ful young men in "The Girl in the Limousine’’ at the Alamo theatre today. The moral simply is: don’t wait too long to get up courage to ask the girl you love to mar ry wou. Larry Semon, who plays the stellar role in this melodramatic comedy, is the bashful young man in question. His timidity causes him to hesitate so long that a rival wins the promise of the girl to marriage. And although the marriage is performed, “The Girl In the Limousine,” is nevertheless a picture with a happy ending, for Larry, the bashful one, is seen in his sweetheart’s arms when the story finally ends. But'before he gets her there is a series of complications - sparkling with- rich humor. ■ a ... - "Unguarded Women,” booked for the Alamo tomorrow, is the story of a woman’s regeneration and of a young man who gives up the girl he loves to marry anoth er for whose social position ’he feels himself responsible. The story was adapted from the Saturday Evening Post serial, “Face,” arid the scenes for the most- part are laid in Pekin, China, colorful land Of romance and adventure. Bebe Daniels, Richard Dix and Mary Astor, are featured. DEAD GANGSTER WILL GET FLOWERS FROM ALL OF UNDERWORLD .Chicago, Nov. 12.—(By the As sociated Press.)—A school boy’s story that he saw. .a fashionably dressed woman drive an- automo bile in which escaped the three slayers of Dion O’Bannion, notori ous gang leader, was used as a guide today by police in their search. j§|.. j§ Preparations were under way today for the gangster’s funeral, set for Saturday. Flowers valued at tens of thou- Announcement We have bought out the P. T. Archer Stand at 333 East Broad Street and will handle a complete line of GROCERIES FANCY, STAPLE AND HEAVY Prices Right—Prompt Delivery COAL! COAL! COAL! YOU NEED GOOD COAL WHEN IT IS COLD, Phone 1051 Your Patronage Appreciated Low & Beckham 333 EAST BROAD STREET GRIFFIN, GA. Phone 1051 November ■ Wednesday, 1 ■A A .A. A AA A An,4. i TODAY! Only 6 Thrilly, Frilly, Jazzy, Riotous, Funny, Peppy Reels of the best fun You’ve ever had! . >• JH Y •v/’ . *. •. SEMON -In His first feature length comedy U THE GIRL IN THE LIMOUSINE” More laughs—more thrills— come -so fast they never stop! Daredevil feats—heart touch ing drama—real comedy all v , . from one of the best laugh hits New York ever knew! Added—Comedy tt The Riding Master * V L ’ . ~“ sands ““ have already been ordered I by gang leaders and many will come from O’Bannion’s own s^op. MRS. W. L. NUTT ILL Mrs. W. L. Nutt, of Pomona, is critically ill as the result of in juries sustained Tuesday when she stuck a nail in her foot. She is taking a serum for lockjaw and her condition is regarded as seri ous. AA^AAAAA ||P is 'Leta j(of** TOMORROW ONLY ■ M a Qirtm •V m i .BO.," IU.0», \ JESS,L LAS*. Unguarded* V WOMEN* vltft. Bebe Daniels Richard Dix L Mary Astor Akl f At AN CROJIAND PROOUCTIO* T HE drama of a woman’s re generation, through a man’s loyalty and sacrifice. A lavish production by the director of "Enemies of Women, jy With fashionable Long Island and the mystic Orient as the color ful backgrounds. " ▼ T' T TWO DEAD, 3 WOUNDED IN TENNESSEE MOUNTAINS Sparta, Tenn., Nov. 12,—Two men are dead, another is believed dying and three are wounded as a result of a pitched battle in the mountains 16 miles from here, early Sunday. Nearly 24,000 women are em ployed by railways in Great Brit ain.