Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 14, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Friday, November 14, 1924. • * t . . i GRIFFIN MERCANTILE COMPANY I v'T* Wi i ale of JJats A RAPID SELLING OF THE FALL SEASON'S BEST HATS For Women and Children The stock has been divided into groups and every hat is included. Group No. 1 $2.50 Group No. 2 $5.w i Group No. 3 $7.50 Group No. 4 $ 10.22 58 HATS $1 00 EACH Slightly soiled, but Wonderful Values. HURRY! SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMELY-EVERY PAIR CORRECTLY FITTED__ DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR FEET—PUT THEM IN GOOD SHOES FOR WINTER—IT WILL PAY YOU BIG. Latest Creations in Girls’ and Misses School and Dress LADIES’ SLIPPERS SHOES All materials and colors. $5.00 to $|0.OO $2-50 to $ 5.00 All odd lots of Ladies’ High Grade Slippers, values up to $3.50 $9.00. Your unrestricted choice at................ “ T MEN’S DRESS SHOES m to $10 r e, Oi o Boys* © ©I •/i 'o. t School © o & Dress o o m Shoes • $2.25 $5 to Children’s and Infants' Shoes $1 to $3 BED COVERING For Cold Winter Nights FAIR WARNING—WINTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, DON’T BE CAUGHT UNPREPARED. HERE IS A WONDERFUL STOCK FROM WHICH TO FILL YOUR NEEDS. COMFORTS BLANKETS SPREADS All-Down in Floral Red Scotch Plaid Jacquard Stripes and ■ Patterns $ 20.00 $12.50 Plaids All-Wool, Big Block $3 to $5 Plaids. AH colors. All-Wool Satin $ 10.00 » Hospital ) Covered Spreads $12.50 Woolnap $4.00 Plaids $1.75 to $3 Other Kinds Cotton, Solid colors Unbleached, Wrinkled $3 to $7.50 $2.75 $ 2.00 Griffin Mercantile Co. The Big Department Store Known tor Good Values A ' r. - A 7 GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS REMEMBER When it raina it’s going to raiff dollars for you. The first day it rains we are going to give you 10% Cash Discount on every purchase you make while it rains, except groceries, if you pay cash and take the goods with you. Biimimumnmaiini Here Are Values You’ll Appreciate liinwimviHmrnmmmmHmmummtmimaiBwmHinmimmimiit DRY GOODS DEPT. V 36-in. Novelty Woolens, yd 50c 36-in. Faille Silk, yd.........$1.25 36-in. Brocade Faille, yd $ 2.00 36-in. Plain Flannel, yd......$2.00 54-in. Novelty Flannel, yd.,,.$2.50 40-in. Crepe Satin, yd $2.50 54-in. Coating, yd. . . $2.50 t $5 Costume Chiffon Velvet, yd $2.89 36-in. White Nainsook, yd 15c 40-in. White Batiste, yd. . 35c 36-in. Outing, light color, yd.... 25c 36-in. Madras Shirting, yd......25c 36-in. Silk Shirting, yd . . ..... ,25c . Mi SWEATER DEPT. Children’s Sweaters . . . . $1.50 Children’s Sweater - ? -.$4.50 Ladies' Fancy Knit and Wool Sweaters ......... $4.00 Bobbette Sweater Coats........$8.25 Fibre Silk and Wool Scarfs.... $3.50 Men’s Fascinators 75c Extra Heavy Shaker Knit Sweaters, all colors $5.00 Men’s Bradley Sweaters. ..... .$6.50 Men’s Bradley Coats $6.50 Boys’ Sweaters .... $2.50 BOYS’ DEPT. All Wool 2-Pants Suits $7.50 Junior Suits $5.00 Boys* Plaid Back Overcoats. * . . $8.50 Junior Overcoats $5.00 Kiddy Coats $5.00 HOSIERY DEPT. Ladies’ Fibre Silk Hose 50c Ladies' Pure Silk Hose.........95c Ladies’ Lisle Hose. 25c . Ladies' Cotton Hose. . 15c . Ladies’ Sport Hose. 50c Children's Hose . ,. 25c Children’s Lisle Sox 25c Children’s Silk Sox. 50c DRESS DEPT. Big assortment of the season’s best styles, newest materials and colors. AH sizes and a model to fit every figure. $10.00 $15.00 $19.75 Children’s Dresses, $3.50 Ply“: “is; .» 35% #3; 3‘? a“ {i ‘ ~l mSS i GRIFFIN MERCANTILE COMPANY '•;ff . i m m r * V V 1 '& .x» - « v; P&A A w, i Vi* &L \JS-1 if PSK ( •» ■A}‘T 1 VV-T,.V # ,v \ 1 \ << \‘ : % JvVj ■ - i Wf iff,** a “ I >•* •> P D > t 1 ? * 4l a ■i. > Trf y 4 n ill i M I s a.z ’ z, 2Z November 1 ¥ Sale of r •-'' 5 V 1 * COATS YOU’LL NEED WHEN I WINTER COMES . ■ The weather man says icy weather will be here Sunday. Perhaps you have delayed buying your winter coat until Jack Frost warns you that winter is close upon your heels. If so. the thought of these warm winter wraps is a pleasant one and you 11 be delighted to hear of this timely sale. ’ All coats included are superior in style and quality and demonstrate the ability of this store to offer impressive values. Here's how it happened: A big coat manufacturer in New York had to have cash. Our repre&en tative was on the-spot and got first choice of the stock. THE COATS ARE HERE THEY ARE WONDERS at / $10.00 $15.00 $25.00 $27.50 $32.50 and $35.00 COATS FOR LITTLE WOMEN COATS FOR MEDIUM SIZE WOMEN COATS FOR LARGE WOMEN Then There's a Group at $45 with a saving of $15.00 to $25.00 on every coat. AH the very latest styles, new autumn colors and materials. k i COATS For the Little Miss—just as smart ♦ - and stylish as Big Sister's. Plain and fur trimmed coats in all the •s' new materials and colors. Well made and very warm. Sizes 6 to 14. ©j $4.50 to $J5.00 S52s2^_f I U \ kM V yv