Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 15, 1924, Image 5

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Saturday, November 15. 1924. |J| IS FATALLY SHOT l\ BULLETIN Atlanta, Nov. 15—(By the Associated Press.)—Mrs. Rob ert Stewart died here this morning. Her husband was not at the bedside, having gone home to assist in apprehending the men who** did the shooting. He says he recognized the five men and will swear gut war rants. Atlanta, Nov. 15.—Following a relapse early last night, Mrs. Robert Stewart, wife of Rev. Rob ert. Stewart, Methodist minister at Draketown, a village near Dal las, Ga., is near death in a hos pital here from bullet wounds re ceived Tuesday night when she in terferred with a band of men at tempting to abduct her husband. Mrs. Stewart is in the hospital paralyzed and unable to speak. Little hope is held for her re covery. Asks Assistance. According to witnesses, last night three automobiles drove up and stopped in front of the min ister’s home. He was called out side and the occupants of the au tomobile informed the minister that they wished his assistance in making a liquor raid. The minister was suspicious and did not wish to go, when they at tempted to force him into the au tomobile. He began remonstrat ing then and the resulting argu ment attracted his wife to the door of their home. She appeared with a shotgun in her hands, and, according to wit nesses, after a few words of warn ing to the men, fired in their di rection. Her Fire Is Returned. The men in the automobile im mediately returned the fire and Mrs. Stewart dropped with a bul let wound in one arm and another through the shoulder. One bul let ranged down, striking the spine and causing the paralysis. Active Against Bootleggers. The alleged fould-be abductors fled. Neighbors of the Rev. and Mrs. Stewart say that it is their be lief that the minister’s wife frus trated an attempt by moonshiners or bootleggers to kidnap her hus band because of his recent very aetM'p stand against liquor mak ing or selling. Sheriff Richards has started a state wide search for the men who shot Mrs. Stewart. At the Churches FIRST BAPTIST Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. (Pre session work, 9:15.) Morning worship, 11 o’clock. Pastor’s subject, “The Four Pic tures of Jesus.” Westbrook Junior B.Y.P.U., 3 p. m. Arnold and Westbrook Senior Unions, 6 p. m: Evening _ service, , J o’clock. Pas tor’s subject, “The Fable of the Tr f s '” A cordial invitation is extended . to the public to attend all ser vices. Leon M. Latimer, Pastor. CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Special exercises. Morning worshep, 11 a. m. Evening services, 7 p. m. The pastor will preach at both ser vices. Juniors meet at 3 o’clock. The public always welcomed and made to feel at home. O. K. Cull, Pastor. ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL Sunday school at 9:45 at the Parish house. The Young People’s Service League will meet at 6:30 at the Parish House. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC The Sacred Heart Catholic church is located in the residential section of North Hill street. Sunday school held every Spn- ■ = = ONE OF T SHOWS IN COUNTRV IN GRIFFIN TODAY; BIG PAGEANT IS FEATURE few Si?; Ilf % m rv.. NWV 4 C^ : f #1 ■ * V A I jL| $ mm ixilS MmtyOvttcn Today is circus day in Griffin again, but this time one of the largest shows in the world—Sells Floto. This year Sells-.'ioto claims the biggest trained w..d animal show in the world, while the usual oth er circus features are found in countless numbers. The performance opens with an elaborate Egyptian pageant called “The Bride and the Beasts.’’ To the blare of trumpets, this gor geous spectacle brings hundreds of people into The rings and arena all bedecked in glittering COS tumes, arid augmented by scores of wild jungle beasts in one of the most amazing scenes ever attempted by any show. Acts Follow Pageant. Following the pageant, the real circus starts. Into it’s three rings and high aloft in the top of the tent appears scores of per formers from every land, and so on for two and one half hours, when the big show comes to an end. The big show comes here today with the same great program that astounded both Chicago and Bos ton this year, and the same great stars will shine today for Griffin ites with their marvelous feats and daring tricks, while with beauty and music, ballet and cho day morning at 9:30 o’clock.^— 2 — Mass and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be held on the second Sunday of each month. The public is cordially invited to attend. Father Clark, Pastor. FIRST METHODIST A house of prayer for all peo pie. Sunday school and Baraca class at 9:30 a. m. The 11 p’elock service will be In honor of those members of the church who have died during the past year. Sermon by the pastor. Evening service, 7 o’clock. Ser ^ by ^ --—— Epworth League meets at 6 p. »« A mock church trial will be presented instead of the usual program. Visitors welcome at all services. John F. Yarbrough, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Morning worship, 11 o’clock. Subject: worship,% “The gm-dens of God. >> Evening o’clock. Sub ject: “Faith’s Compensation.” Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Men’s Bible class at the Manse, 10 o’clock. Christian Endeavor, 6:15 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday eve ning, 7 o’clock. A cordial welcome, always at “The church with the open door.” MAVERICK CLASS. U ndenominational. All visitors and young men not affiliated with any Sunday school class in the city are cordially invited to attend. Chester A. Byars, president. Ten years ago there were more telephones in the United States than there are today in all for eign countries combined. AhneWood F)|&j k'. yi rus, the famous Egyption pageant will thrill just the same as dur ing the show’s remarkable en gagements through the east, cen tral west and south this year. AH Stars Here. AH of the Sells-FIoto stars are here, including Erma Ward, the famous Sells Floto aerialist; May me Ward, the only woman double somersaulter; Albert Hodgini and Homer Hobson, hurricane riding acts; the Tybells, in their sensa tional aerial offerings; the 19 trained elephants, considered the fastest working elephant act ip the world; the 36 imported horses, a sensation from Belfast; Miss ........... Market Reports (Over Pursley, Slaton & Co.’s Private Wire.) Jno. F. Clark & Co.’s Cotton Letter New York, Nov. 15.—The Sat urday market was mainly occu pied with evening up 'transactions for the week and prices show lit tle change from last night. The census bureau gives a rough estimate of this year’s con sumption 12,550,000 bales, which would leave the carry over next summer still uncomfortably small. The report adds, “should the 1925 growth of cotton be small, there would be a world shortage of cotton and higher prices.” Official comment of this sort is likely to impress European spinners. Final prices are 5 points over yesterday. A striking feature is that to day’s closing shows the eight suc cessive day of advances and the level is the highest in six weeks. We look for higher prices next week. New Orleans Cotton lo£ enlHighl I I Low J |Cl’ge|Ciose I Prev Jan. 24.70 24.75 24.55 24.69J24.62 Mch. 24.90 24.98 24.77 24.96124.86 May 25.20 25.25 25.06 25.25j25.10 July 24.88 25.05 24.88j25.05j24.93 Dec. [24.68 24.72 24.55|24.69|24.62 New York Cotton |open|High Low jci’ael Close Prev Jan. [24.83[24.85|24.67[24.80I24.75 Mch. |25.10J25.16|24.97j25.10 25.04 GRIFFIN DAILY SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court in and for said county, on the second day of December, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are disposed of, the following described proper ty, to-wit: Three houses and lots in north Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., back row, bounded as follows: north by Lawton estate; east by L. P. Blanton; west by lands of Col. T. W. Thurman; south by lands of L. P. Blanton, same being lots Nos. 108, 110, 112, in block A. as shown by plat recorded in book 35, page 519, office of clerk, Spalding superior court, and being 795 feet on Blanton street and running south 208 feet Levied on as the property of L. P. Blanton by virtue of a supe rior court fi. fa. in favor of J. B. Carver vs. L. P. Blanton issued from the superior court of Spald ing county. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court, in and for the said county, on the second day o f De cember, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are idsposed of, the following described property, to-wit: Six houses and lots in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., lots being 70 ’feet wide and 420 feet long, bounded as follows : north by lands of L. P. Blanton; east by Robert Wheaton; south by lands of L. P. Blanton; west by lands of T. W. Thurman and being lots Nos. 108, 110, 112, 114, lTB, 118 in block B, according to plat on file in book 35, page 519, in the clerk’s office, Spalding su perior court. Levied on as the prpperty of L. P. Blanton by virtue of a judgment fi. fa. in favor of Mrs. Lula Carver vs. L. P. Blanton issued from the superior court of Spalding county. — Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court, in and for the said county, on the second day of De cember, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are disposed of, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land known as lot No. 63 and 14'acres off of the southwest corner cf lot No. 64 in Mt. Zion district of Spalding county, Georgia, con taining 216 1-4 acreB, more or less, and bounded as follows: north by C. M. Anderson; east by J. I, Col lins; south by L. P. Blanton; west by L. P. Blanton. Levied gn as .the property of L. P. Blanton by virtue of a su perior court fi. fa. in favor of H. C, Starr vs. L. P. Blanton is sued from the superior court of Spalding county. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. Floto,’’ the world’s highest jump ing liberty horse; the Edward Ward troupe of aerialists in their breath-taking feats in mid-air; the 14 Ladder Gil ts,” Sells-Floto-s newest aerial offering; the Chris tensen and Pacot imported steel arena acts; besides a score or more. Yes, there are some 50 or more of those funny fellows, and they have a big band, too. Following the performance to night the stakes will be pulled and shortly after midnight/ the great show will be on its way to Montgomery where they will spend Sunday and play Monday. May |25.37 25.47 25.29 25.40 25.35 July 25.10 25.20 25.01 25.20 25.08 Dec. 124.65 24.66 24.47 24.58 24.56 Griffin Spot Cotton Good middling 24.25 Strict middling 24.00 Middling 23.75 Grain and Provision I Open I j Close I I Prev. I Close WHEAT— Dec. ............157% 154 152 May .... 158% 161% 158% July .........138% 141 138% CORN Dec. 112% 113% 112% May .............117 118% 117% July ..... 117% 118% 118 OATS— Dec. ...... 52% 53% 52% May 57% 58% 57% July 55% 66 % 55% RIBS— Nov. 12.60 12.60 12.60 Jan..... 12.47 12.47 12.47 LARD— Nov. ..... 14.27 14*30 14.37 Jan...... .........14.00 13.90 14.02 BELLIES— Nov. .. .... 13.92 14.00 13.81 i Jan. 12.65 ....... 12.66 12.50 A New York bootblack carries a radio set with hi* box of pol ishes so that he can provide en tortainment for his customers. Castor oil is being used as a railway car lubricant in China. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE DUE Books close December 20. In terest and cost charged after De cember 20. T. R. NUTT, Tax Collector. f a, DEBTORS AND CREDITORS NOTICE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. AH creditors of the estate of Harvey C. Wheat, late of Spald ing county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demand* to the undersigned according to law, and all persona indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. MRS. OLA WHEAT, _____Administrator of Har vey C. Wheat, deceased. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Spalding oounty. All creditors of the estates of A. J. Welden, Sr., and Mrs. Mat tie E. Welden, late of Spalding count, deceased, are hereby noti fied to render their demand* to the undersigned according to law, and all person* indebted to said estate* are required to make im mediate payment to me. This October 8, 1924. A. J. WELDEN, Administra tor of the estate* of A. J. Welden, Sr., and Mrs. Mattie E. Welden. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the district count of the United States for the Northern district of Georgia. In the matter of Ellrod M. White, bankrupt, in bankruptcy. To the creditor* of the above named bankrupt, of the county of Spalding, and district aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that on November 12, the said party wa* == duly adjudged hi 5 and that a meeting of hi# era will be held at my office, Griffin, Ga., on November 24, 1924, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The form prescribed for proof and claim should be followed. JOHN J. HUNT, Referee, - Griffin, Ga. CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Whereas, Warren Moore, admin istrator of Sarah Ann Arnold, and Sarah Ann Buckner, repre sents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered their estates. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admin istrator should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in December, 1924. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA—Spalding coanty. Whereas, B. M, Sherard, admin istrator of Mary Green’s estate, represents to the court in his pe tition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully adminis tered Mary Green’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in December, 1924 D. R. CUMMING. Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: H. S. Bridges and J. G. Carmi chael, as administrator* of the estate of W. J. Bridges, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, this Is to notify fhe creditors and kindred that said application will be passed upon at the December term, 1924, of the court of ordinary of said county, and that unless cause is then shown to the contrary, said leave will be granted. This November 7, 1924 D. R- CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. W. G. Jackson, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Mrs. Myrtice Jackson Cunningham, deceased, this is to notify the next of kin and credi tors of the said Mrs, Myrtice Jaeksop Cunningham, deceased, that, that slid application will be heard before me at the regular December term, 1924, of the court of ordinary of said county. Witness my hand and seal, this November 7, 1924. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. m | I ROOMS FOR RENT: at West Broad.— ■. . . — HOUSE tor relit, po or before January 1, 55 ■ 88. FOR SALE: Well m vines, Concord, Moore’s Earl: and New York White. IS 81.00. J. W. Travis, Griffin 1 C. FOR SALE: One mule, weig about 1,200 pounds; one 1 hor Studebaker wagon good as ne one Jersey cow and about chickens. See A. L. Willfngha Sunny Side, Ga— WANTED: OVERSEER TO OPERATE TWO TO FOUR HORSE SHARE CROPPER FARM AND SUPERINTEND 18 to 12 HORSE FARM ADDITION AL. I. C. & J. C. COLLIER, BARNESVILLB, GA. WANTED: Peas and beans. W« tr-m will pay $2 per bushel for Whip* powills; $3.50 per bushel for O too-tan and Loredos cleaned and in good bags f. o. b. our ware house. H. V. Kell Co. WANTED: Lot or acreage tract close in. Particulars to Box D, News & Sun.— j. WANTED 15 to 20 TWO HORSE SHARE CROPPER TEN ANTS TO WORK ON HALVES. I. C. & J. C. COLLIER, BARNES VILLE, GA. LANGFORD -TAXI SERVICE— day and night. Phone 869. [ Funeral Directory"" E. D. FLETCHER Funeral Director and 1 Embalmer sag** with Griffin Mercantile Co. Office Phone 474 Res. Phone 4! —....."»" ' 11 ■■ ■ ...... .... .......h i m .............. i i / i HAISTEN BROS. FUNERAL DIR AND EMBAL Griffin and Senoia, Ga Office Phone 575, Res, phone “ — Frank S. Pii Modern Funeral * 112 W. Taylor ■ Office Phone 822 Re*. Pnone i ‘ [lodge directory WARREN LODGE . No. 20, I. O. O. F„ meet* c Monda y night at 7:80 at Warren Lodge Hall. Visiting brother* cor dially invited. R. A. Peel, Secre tary; W. T. Atkinson. N. G. For Sale 3 LOTS 70X120 Fronting on East Chappie at 6 per cent intercist. Street $100 CASH Balance monthly or annually SEE E. S. Me DOWELL S. G. BAILEY 114 E. Solomon St Real Estate and Insurance "V Get in j touch with me for CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES S. G. BAILEY Real Estate & Insurance Phones: Office^ Res. 1 Fwd: 3&5?“ — MERIDIAN SUE LODGE No. 26, F. A A. M. Regular me ing Work Tuesday, ■ Nov. 18th, 7 p. m. in the tl degree*. C. H. Scales, W. M.; Bill Wells, Sec’y. w. aw. Meets every Thursday, 7:89 p. Sovereigns, your camp need* * presence. You wiU find your Cl all time* at Slaton-Powel! CI« « ing Co. Come. Visiting sovereigns v. __ - corns. L. J. Sauley, C. C.; C. C. Stanley, Clerk. PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER No. 10, R. A. M. Regular---*■ mg second and fourth Thursday*, 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. Wm. T. Atkinson, H. P.; Bill Wells, Docreuury • m - BEN BARROW LODGE No. 887, F. * A........M.......Bags meetings first and third Thura nights in each month. Visfl brothers invited. L. B. Guest, ___ ML; Clifford Grubbs, Secretary. ( Railroad Schedule ) CENTRAL OP GEORGIA BY. Arrival aad Dpeartare at gar Trains At Griffin, Ga. 1 The schedules are published information and are not roar* an teed: North South 2:29 pm Atlanta-SaVh 11:06 pa 4:30 am Atlanta-Sav’h 9:07 am 6:49 am Chgo-Cin-fax 10:27 put 7:17 am Chgo-St. L.-Jax 7:67 pa 9:01am Atlanta-Macon 5:20 pm 12:26 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17 pm 5:57 pm AGanta-AlVny 12:19 apt 6:20 am Chicago-Jax 8:54 pa Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga 9:45 8:15 Cedartoown SOUTHERN RAILWAY ; I Atlanta Point*— 5:53 pm East—West 10:02 a 10:02 am CI-bus-Ft Vy S.SSp