Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 15, 1924, Image 8

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• ■ \ tt hi/, ■m : ; \ NEWEST FALL SHAPES AND COLORS A hat for every face—a size for every head, and a price for every purse. Griffin Mercantile Company PERSONAL NOTES Harold Drewry, who is attend ing the University of Georgia in Athens, arrived today to spend the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Drewry. Mr. Drewry was the guest of Howard Dobbs in Atlanta last night for a brilliant dance given the members of the Alpha Tau Omega fratern ity of Emory University, Mr. Drewry being a member of that fraternity. Seaton Bailey and Charlie Phil lips motored to Atlanta Saturday for the Tech-Vanderbilt football game. Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Hawkins went to Atlanta Saturday for the Tech Vanderbilt football game. Dr. Hawkins is an alumnus of Van derbilt. — The American Legion Auxiliary will have an important meeting with Mrs. Bartlett Searcy Tues day afternoon at 3 o’clock at her home on the Macon road. s .< Miss Antoinette Smith was the guest of friends in Atlanta today for the Tech-Vanderbilt game at Grant Field. James Hammond went to At lanta Saturday to be the guest of his brother, John Hammond, who is attending school at Tech, and go to the Tech-Vanderbilt football jparae. i. Mrs. W. S. Culpepper returned "home Friday night after a short visit to relatives in Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Patterson will go to Atlanta next week to attend the annual meeting of the North Georgia Methodist Confer ence. Mr. and Mrs. W'alker Norman, Miss Elizabeth Norman and their guest, Mrs. Martin Meadows, of Macon, motored to Atlanta Satur day. Miss Norman and Mr. Nor man attended fche Tech-Vanderbilt football game. Tillman Blakely motored to At lanta Saturday for the Tech-Van derbilt football game at Grant Field. Miss Emily Boyd went to At lanta Friday afternoon for a short visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Mangham. Miss Boyd will be the guest of friends for thfe Tech Vanderbilt football game Satur day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shapard returned home Friday night from a motor trip to Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Evander Shapard, Jr., went to Atlanta Saturday for the Tech-Vanderbilt football game. Miss Mary Hamond went to At lanta Friday afternoon for a short visit to Miss Edith Nelson. Mrs. John Jenkins, of Fairmont, W. Va., who has been visiting relatives in Cusseta for two months, arrived in Griffin Satur day for a short visit to Mrs. But ler' Walker. Mrs. Jenkins will join the Rev. Dt. Jenkins in Atlanta next week for the annual meeting of the North Georgia Methodist Conference. "i.1 John E. Drewry, the head of the Department of Publicity at the University of Georgia, is spending the week end in Griffin with" his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson E. Drewry, on West Colege street. Dr. Kenneth S. Hunt was among the Grifflnites going to Atlanta Saturday for the Tech-Vanderbilt football game. Benjamin Sindorf, who is spend ing the winter with : his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cul pepper, spent Friday night in At lanta with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sindorf. Miss Wilkerson, of Atlanta, mo tored to Griffin Friday and spent the afternoon with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Crouch have returned honie after a short stay in Atlanta. Mrs. David T. Bussey, who has been the guest of friends in Macon for several days, has returned home. A. L. Willingham, of Sunny Side, was in the city Friday. Miss Louise Carver, who is a student at Bessie Tift College at Forsyth, is ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Car ver, on West Taylor street. Miss Thelma Faulkner, who is attending Bessie YSt College, is spending the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper have moved to North Eighth street where they will spend the winter. Frank Pittman attended the Tech-Vanderbilt game in Atlanta today. William Scott, Jr., who is a stu dent at the University of Georgia, spent Friday night at home en route to Columbus to the Georgia Auburn game. The Bible class of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the First Presbyter ian church will meet Monday aft ernoon at 8 o’clock with Miss Mattie Corbin on Twelfth street. Friar Thompson and his guest, James Herndon, of Social Circle, students at the University of Georgia, attended the Georgia Auburn game at Columbus today. Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman have returned from their wedding trip and are at home for the pres ent with Mrs. Freeman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Otis Crouch, on South Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrow and Miss Nell Barrow, of Phila delphia, are expected in the city today, where Mrs. Barrow and Miss Barrow will spend the winter with Mrs. George Barrow, Sr., at her home neat the city. Col. W. E. II. Searcy apd Judge Searcy returned home Friday from Pike, where they have held court for two weeks. They will leave Monday for a two weeks’ season in Upson county. Otis Barnes and L. D. Gray mo tored to Atlanta today for the Tech-Vanderbilt game. Mrs. W. T. Winter, of Sunny Side, spent Saturday shopping here. Misses Louise and Marjorie Hood, of Concord,) were among the Visitors to Griffin Saturday. Miss Martha Watson will spend the week end in Atlanta with friends. Mrs. E. M. McCoy and little daughter, Betty, who have been the guests for a month of the former’s mother, Mrs. M. J. Bat- N DAILY NEWS ham, on West Poplar street, will leave this evening for their home in Lakeland, Fla. Mrs. L.* L. Greer and children, of Luella, were visiting relatives in the city Saturday. J. P. Nichols, Sr., continues ill at his home on North Thirteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reeves, of Zebulon, were shopping here Sat urday. J. R. Hancock continues ill at his home on Fourth street. Mrs. Jewel Roan, of Zebulon, visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Touchstone, of Zetella, were shopping in Grif fin Saturday. Mrs. S. J. Bailey, of Forsyth, was operated upon at - the Griffin Hospital Friday, and is resting as well as could be expected. J. I. Peugh and children, Jame 3 , Elizabeth, Lucile and Oeie May, and J. C. Reeves, of Williamson, were in the city today to attend the circus. Mr. Peugh called at this office to renew his subscrip tion to the Semi-Weekly News. C. C. Thomas, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, will ad dress the Baraca Class at the First Methodist church tomorrow niorn ing at 9:30 o’clock. Judge Paul Turner, one of Mc Donough’s most prominent citi zens, is critically ill^ Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Daniel and Bobby Daniel have returned to their home in McDonough after a short visit to Mrs. Andrew Blake, who continues quite sick at her home on South Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and children have returned to Mc Donough after a visit to friends and relatives in Griffin. West Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Skipper and children spent Thursday in Hollonville with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crawford. The many friends of John Jenk ins and family regret that they have moved from our section to Experiment. Mr.and Mrs. J. W. Gilbert and family spent Sunday in Hollon ville. < Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Martin and family motored to Harralson Wednesday. They were called there by the illness of Mr. Mar tin’s mother. Mrs. W. B. McCollum, Mrs. Matha Nelms, Misses Irma Nelms and Clark Lifsey motored to Hampton Sunday. Aubrey Lifsey spent last week end in Brooks. The parents and teachers of the Rushton school met with Mrs. J. H. Cheatham Friday and or ganized a Parent-Teacher Associ ation. Talks were given by Mrs. Cheatham, Rev. Norton and Supt. J. P. Manley. The following of ficers were elected: President, Mrs. M. B. Jones; vice president, Mrs. Claude Payne; secretary, Miss Sadie Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Dock Harris. The time for the next meeting is December 12, and every parent is urged to be present. This is the only organ ization of its kind in Spalding county and we are hoping to make it a success and let others see what a wonderful help it is to both parents and teachers. Rushton School News. The first grade is delighted with the new songs they are learning. The second grade gave a play on Friday, “Master Tailor and Little Tailor,” and invited the rest of the school. Those in the third grade hav ing a perfect record in spelling ure Edgar Preston, Troy Hand, Aubrey Liftey. The fourth grade honor roll in arithmetic consists of Annie Maud Baxter, Opal Baxter, Chester Hand, Roy Melton, Mary McGuf fy, Ruby Reid, Joe Mac Irene Pulliam, Mae Balle Mc Clendon. Those on the honor roll in spelling are Irene Pulliam, Mae Bell McClendon, Annie Maud Bax ter and Murray Jones. Oak Hill Church. Some wonderful work has been going on in our church. We have succeeded in grading our Sunday = ======= — rnimmmmmmmrn-m \ AT ALAMO TODAY T M &5g **4* ' V f i ;«• mom 3P •« mim it * mm ... V W li sw ia-! V— -M r w arvrie! Myers & Willard Louis/^Babbrl;; WAau^a _e».u>a. c lassics or .ra g ggjsjfc* _ school. The fir3t class to get. or ganized was Mrs. Codie’s. This class is giving a supper at Mrs. Codie’s home this evening. Plans arc being made for a study of the Sunday school man ual, AH who are interested will please get in touch with your pastor. A Workers’ Counsel has been organized and will meet once a month. This co-operation of the workers and teachers will greatly benefit our Sunday school. We are very proud indeed that our pastor, the Rev. Norton, will bfe among those going to the con vention in Cblumbus Monday. All visitors are welcome to our church. ( - - --s 1 Williamson News j Jack Winn, of Macon, was vis iting in Williamson Thursday. P. W. Vaughn and Clifford Yarbrough made a business trip to Griffin Friday. Mrs. H. W. Reynolds, Mrs. E. R. Reynolds, Misses Tommie and Sara Reynolds spent Thursday with Mrs, E. T. McGahee. Mrs. J. B. . Wood, Miss Collie Wood and Winston Wood were shopping in Griffin Friday after noon. Mrs. T. E. £>rewry and daugh ter, Willie, spent one day in Grif fin the past week. There are a good many from here attending the circus in Grif fin today. Several of Miss Inell Fillyaw’s friends from Bessie Tift came to see her Thursday evening. Horace Pitts, Charles Farrar, Misses Susie and Evefyn Blan ton are aT home for the week-end. Mrs. E. R. Reynolds gave a spend the day party Wednesday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchison, Mrs. W. W. Shan non, Mrs. J. D. Yarbrough, Mrs. E. T. McGahee, Mrs. H, W. Rey nolds, Misses Ruth McGahee, An nie Nell Reynolds and Miss Min nie Cook. Mr. McWhorter is spending the week-end at his home in East Point. The Y. W. A. girls will meet with Mis3 Evelyn Wilson Wednes- Sideache Backache «< I have been taking Car dul,” says Mrs. Lillie Bol ton, of Lake Providence, La. I got down in bad ■ health and lost in weight until I only weighed 120 pounds. I had bad pains g In my sides and back and my legs JiurL me antH 1 couldh’t walk. I stayed In bed half the time. I .tried H all kinds of medicine, but ■ it did me no good. Finally I tried CARDUI | 1 The Woman’s Tonic I <« It seems like It did me I ■ good from the very first. B ] ■ After I had taken half a B bottle I noticed an lm provement. I continued its use and I got better and _ better. The pains in my ■ legs and sides disappeared B and I began to gain in weight until now I weigh 155 pounds and feel better than I ever did In my life.” Cardui should help you, too. Why not give it a fair trial? EX-103 ■ ■■■■■■ ALAMO ATTRACTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY ) x ***i ■ ■/ ■ Sis 5$ II mm i!>* mm& V V: •' ■ wm X :••• Scene from v W»NlEr /*. ONIVE.RSAL jewel V^VTH /Vt-A ALL STA.R CAAST_ day afternoon at 3 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beauchamp mo tored t o Atlanta Friday to spend the week-end with the lat ter’s mother, Mrs. J. E. Smith. SEVERAL GRIFFINITES ATTEND OLIFF FUNERAL Several people from Griffin went to Atlanta Saturday to at tend the funeral of Dr. I. S. Oliff The Entertainment Event of the Year! BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE THE GRIFFIN minstrels A FEAST OF MIRTH AND MELODY ■AT— HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY. NOV. 21 % ' Auspices Woman’s Club—Seats on Sale at Ward’s You’ll See and Hear —Sixteen scintillating stars of minstrelcy in an entirely new and sparkling offering. —Such renowned soloists and baUadists as Aldine Combs, LaMofit Gresham, Ed Domingos, Seaton Bailey, Albert Gammon. —Such, laughter-inducing black-faced comedians as *• Burt” Slade, Doctor” Lumpkin, “Beaut” Mitchell. i * —Such manufacturers of Jazz as the Griffin Serenaders. —And an olie crammed full of snappy acts. —— YOU’LL HEAR THE NEWEST SONG HITS Just wait until you hear LaMont Gresham sing it Wonder What Became of Sal? »» A SURE-CURE TONIC FOR THAT TIRED FEELING C \ / I k- ,, , k X Lt/; ,\i ■ November 15, 1924. TODAY! * BABBITT '' tin story that tells the truth j _ __ about YOU/ Hi y. * S? r m t S.U5I SHI \ \\] g USOJT s IA Zippy, Ptppy Picture j about Boosters. Business 7 / and Boobs . Wherein it is shown that Romance, I j Drama and Comedy ! arejvund in unexpected places. ~ Presented uritk an all Star Cast Including ~ WlLtARD LOUIS as 'BABBITT * CAStMEL MY2 RS ( ma*yau>bn: CISSY rnZOEEAUJ and others Directed BEAUMONT__* by | HARRY Added—Comedy u His Son-in-Law y v T ▼ ▼ T which took place there this morn ing et 11 o’clock. Dr. Oliff was married a few years ago to Mrs. May Ogletree, of Griffin, and had F 'r T*t* £or t ! . . MONDAY AND TUESDAY > / .ill ■ v NB t ■' -V "t. frsjg J t with i Clara Bow Robert Agnew Myrtle Stedman Huntley Gordon Whether one is opposed to or m in favor of National prohi bition, « « W1NE" is a picture every one will like to see. —Added— Fox News T V "T-T ▼ T T T ▼ r V .....T many friends here who will regret his passing. The sun has been estimated to be 600 million years old.