Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 17, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Monday, Nowmber 17, 1924. = EAST GRIFFIN MISS ESTELLE GRUBBS Correa pendent Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cooper, Elsie Mae Moore, and Rev. Hines spent the week-end in Fairfax, Ala. The revival meeting at the East Griffin Baptist church closed Fri day night and was a Success. Mr. and Mrs. H. L>. riots spent Thursday in the country with friends and relatives. Jodie Castleberry, of Forsyth, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Castleberry. Mardin Early and G. T. Davis motored to Atlanta Tuesday. Miss Annie Claude Huckaby, of West Griffin, attended services at the East Griffin Baptist church Friday night and filled her former place as pianist. All were de lighted t<? see her again. V. V. Kittrell and son, Howard, were called to Opelika, Ala., Sat urday on account of the illness of his father. Miss Willie Mae Ellis has re turned home after spending last week With her aunt, Mrs. H. S. Butler, at Bamesville. Miss Ruth Neil spent the week end with Miss Abie Taylor. Miss Emma Mae Cochran, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Howard Kittrell. The Y. W. A. will meet at Miss Ophelia Evans’ Monday evening at 6 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Miss Leila Campbell and moth er, Mrs. Hattie Campbell, Mrs. Georgia Kittrell and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles BeasNey, of Experiment. Miss Louise Goolsby spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Estelle .and Mildred Grobbs. R. L. Grubbs, Central railroad signal department, Macon, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Grubbs. TROUSERS FOR WOMEN IS LATEST FASHION EDICT FROM PARIS Paris, Nov. 17.—Sport clothes have received special attention by the Paris dressmakers in launching their 1924-25 winter styles, and •certain American ideas such as To Cure a Cold st » in Bay I L m l Tip k \ n\.\er 1 Laxative Brom_ Li QuinTnej 4r m tablets The tonic and laxative effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets will for tify the system against Grip, Influenza and other serious ills resulting from a Cold. The box boars this signature Price 30c. WHO’S YOUR BANKER? EVERY MAN, NO MATTER WHAT HIS INCOME IS, SHOULD HAVE ONE. Our Institution is fitted by Experience and Modern Equipment to handle YOUR Bank ing Business Satisfactorily. Savings department where you can accumu late money for future use. « Safety deposit boxes for guarding your valuables. MERCHANTS & PLANTERS BANK “THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME” ‘‘Lantern Night” Ceremony at Bryn Mawr f * r . m ■m 'im i 7.'.X. m -■r HI : - ‘‘w* v ,-x i: l£i • ?2 mli In accordance with traditional custom, Lantern Night’’ was celebrated at Bryn Mawr, the members the sophomore class presenting lanterns to fresh men so the frosh can find their way about the campus. 239-Year-Old Parchment Plays Part in Fight for New York Land New York, Nov. 17.—Out of a no living man has known, and yellowed by almost and one half centuries, came oldest public document ever in Queens * county to play a leading part in settlement of a dispute about ownership of property in the valued at $50,000. Original Grant. The aged parchment, presented evidence before Supreme Court Lazansky, is the original from Gov. Dongan, of the of New York, to the Corn family of a considerable tract land which includes portions the Rockaways. The grant‘is dated August 16, and is said to be the only of the kind connected the colonial history of the that is still in private own- and bifurcated skirts been adopted. Many of the coutouriers are use of genuine trousers to worn in conjunction with the but cut so as to give a decidedly feminine appear Frequently these trousers are in one with the skirt and are glimpsed beneath the latter, hanks loose and open from waistline. L^UST GROVE EXAMS TO BEGIN TUESDAY Locust Grove, Nov. 17,—Exam inations at Locust Grove Insti tute covering the work of the fall term.will begin Tuesday and will close Thursday. There will be no interim between the fall and win ter terms. The lessons of the winter term will begin Friday. The students will be given one day, Thanksgiving day, as a holi day. EFFECT OF PRAYER “Do you believe our prayers are answered?” asked the good dea COII. No, I don’t. If they were nine tenths of the people in the world would quit work," replied the unregenerate backslider. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS COTTON GINNED IN COUNTY SHOWS INCREASE Spalding county ginned 6392 bales of cotton, counting round as half bales, from the crop of 1924 prior to November 1, 1924, as compared with 3,532, according to official tabulation of the depart ment of commerce, bureau of the census, in a report to John D. Johnston. BRIDEGROOM SHOT DOWN BY BROTHER-!^-LAW Little Rock, Nov. 17.—Archie Murray shot and killed Thomas Carroll because the latter had secretly married Murray’s sister. ership. Titles Depend on Script. Many of the titles of today in the Rockaways and adjacent prop erty are dependent upon this an cient script. The case on trial is that of the Best Renting Company against the city of New York, in which efforts are being made to estab lish title to about three acres along Norton’s creek in the Edge mere section. / The city claims ownership, not withstanding the Norton family has paid taxes on it since 1827. Mrs. Franklin C. Norton, widow of the last claimant, was at the trial. Below Water Mark. The city’s claim to title is bas ed on the fact that the land is below high* water mark, The plaintiffs, of whom Mrs. Norton is one, claim it by virtue of the yellowed parchment presented in evidence. Plea for Statues of Creations of Authors The citizens of Aucfc, the ancient capital of Gascony, have decided to erect a statue to D’Artagnan, hero of Alexandre Dumas’ “The Three Musketeers” and “Twenty Years After.” In reality, of course, it is much more than a statue to D’Artagnan. who never existed for the world until Dutnas called him ^nto being. It is more than n statue to Charles de Baatz Castlemore. who®was the original of Dumas’ hero, born far from Auch. It is really a statue to Dumas and the human imagina tion. Everything that has made D’Ar lagnnn memorable and interna tional came from a great maker of romances—D’Artagnan is one of the many creations of poets and writers that have become more real than real men. It Is always a fine thing to see recognition of such, the New York Sun comments. There might even be more statues to great charac ters of literature and fewer statues to little characters of “real” life. While there is no harm In remem bering a man \yho leaves a foun tain or a park' to a village, the men who have left Odysseus, Ham let, Falstaff, Faust, Jean Valjeau and Natty Bumppo are, after all. the more deserving. Refused to “Fall” for Bishop’8 Second Scheme A western minister tells a story, according to the Kansas City Star, showing how a bishop, accosted in n Chicago street by a neat hut hungry stranger, derived profit from the encounter. Now the bishop took a fancy to the needy one, took him to a hotel and shared a good dinner with him. Yet having left his episcopal wal let In the pocket of a different episcopal Jacket, he suddenly fuced the embarrassment of not having the wherewithal to pay for the dinner. “Never mind, M exclaimed the guest. “I have enjoyed dining with you, and I shall be charmed to pay the price. Allow me.” And the stranger paid for the two. This worried the prelate, who Insisted: “Just let me call a taxi and we’ll run up to my place, where I shall have the pleasure of reimburs ing you. But the stranger met the suggestion with: See here, old man! You’ve stuck me for a bully dinner, but hanged If I am going to let you stick me for a taxi fare I *• * DEPENDS Bob—How old would you say Peggy is? Bill—To her face or behind her back? 4 The automatic money changing , machines installed in New York subways will detect counterfeU coins. BANDITS HOLD UP St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 17.—Eigh teen bandits sped away from \he Lakeview Inn early Sunday after occupying the road house for seven hours and robbing the pro prietor and 78 patrons of between $8,00 and $10,000. Armed with sawed-off shot guns and automatic revolvers, the raiders arrived about 9 o’clock Saturday night at the gay resort, which is near Mitchell, 111., and about 25 miles from St. Louis. They came in three automobiles. Waited For Customers. 9 Imprisoning the proprietor, the gang waited for the customers. As each couple or party arrived the driver was told where to park r is car, and then, at the point of guns, all hands were directed into a room where they were fleeced one after another of their cash * WISDOM OF THE PEOPLE “A little nonsense now and then relished by the best of men. M n Undoubtedly,” answered Sena Sorghum, U The only trouble that when you put a little into your talk it’s liable prove the only part that some your auditors take seriously. n HIS LEISURE u How do you ever find so much to read all the books and asked a friend of a man. n Why, I do most of my reading my wife is getting ready to to parties,” he replied. ABSORBING Blobbs—After a long acquaint ance with Skinnum, I have just out that he is really h sponge. Slobbs—I noticed all along that you were very much absorbed by him. WITH LEGAL ASSISTANCE I don’t believe psychanalysis has practical efficiency of any kind. •» I do,” rejoined Miss «< In several instances it has been known to prolong life. ’ ’ OVELIFST FACE IN FILMLAND ijivr’s THEY SAY ’#5 Beks % June Marlowe is called “the beautiful girl on the screen 9»> did ooaaady work with Lloyd ^J , rUt or no ago, and tly ycd with TiB the ^ , taTf in -Find Your an. valuables. Seventy-eight customers were in this manner before the called it a night’s work 4 a. m. and drove away. The favorite toy of the Crown of Servia, who is just over a year old, is a teddy bear almost as large as he. BOOKED TO HEAD ATHLETIC . . i: y: Murray Hulbert, above, dent of the board of aldermen New YoA city, is slated to ceed William C. Prout of AS president of the Athletic Union when that meets late in ‘ November. served on the Olympic for the 1920 and 1 99f —• —s. W m P-, cfor'cC' TH& UNIVERSAL CAR ! m < £ iSF % r £ ■fti i •1 t I More Comfort I for Leu Money The Ford Coupe is the lowest priced closed car on the market— yet one ol the moat satisfactory. Costing lew to buy and maintain, every dollar invested brings greatest returns in comfortable, dependable travel. The Coupe Sturdy, long-lived and adapted to all cond i tions 9 of roads and weather—it meets every need of • two- l passenger car. Steadily growing demand and the resourc es and i acili ti ee Fordor Sedan $608 of the Ford Motor Company have made possible • Touting Tudor Sedan Car 890 295 closed car, at a price millions can afford, rightly de Runabout 265 signed, carefully built and backed by an efficient service * • organization in neighborhood of the S3. every 1 IS) «xtm AH peiemf. a. b. Detroit ^ t* Detroit ■ * • i III Til NIAUIT AUTHORIZED VOID DEALER ■ - ' _ “egg?" {Ekwwwir’flfi gggawsg-gywafi' .3wa -, ‘ » 1?: x? , i Getting Out Victi ' ' X A::S T - ti & ; 4m Pi I? M:'S ■I i ■ mm V » * (HR | » TiifisHMil. * Fr If; Photographs taken at the time of the disastrous explosion in tha gun turret of the U. S. H. Trenton have recently been released by the M Navy department. This one shows the removal of the dead and injured from the small opening at the top of the turret . : 1 W Success on bake-day is not a matter of Luck USE CMIMff [ THE WORLD'S G BAKING POWO the And “Best Learn by Why Test” it Leavener is Called - . M GOAL COAL COAL ■ Why waste grade money buying the cheapest coal? We have best TENNESSEE JELLICO at a reasonable price. PEOPLES ICE COMPANY PHONE 287