Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 20, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Thursday, November 20, 1924. - ■*■■ ■■ - — | ....■■- ■ i i i i r i i i i rr~ "Y'i.i ; FOOTBALL i t j ty ^ t GRIFF!N Friday, Mov. 21, At 3:00 Wmml P ~ HIGH v S MARIETTA HIGH SCHOO , Admission 20c and 50c LAST GAME OF SEASOI ?T ^ ^ ^ ^ * A A A * * £ A ■ ■*■ ’ COTTON RECEIPTS MORE THAN DOUBLE THAT OF LAST YEAR Griffin received 626 bales of cotton for the week ended Thurs day, November 20, BS compared with 233 bales for the corres ponding week last year, according to the official cotton report as tabulated by J. E. Maynard. The shipments were 366 bales, against 390 bales. The ’stock on hand was 5,319 bales, against 2,652 bales. The total receipts for the sea- 1 WHO’S YOUR BANKER? EVERY MAN, NO MATTER WHAT HIS | INCOME IS, SHOULD HAVE ONE. Li: Oui Institution is fitted by Experience and Modern Equipment i to handle YOUR Bank ing Business Satisfactorily. Savings department where you can accumu late money for future use. Safety deposit boxes for guarding your valuables. MERCHANTS & PLANTERS BANK THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME SWEATERS ft • r> k For Women, Misses • % and Children The Popular Bobbette Sweater Coats in Solid iV jf 1} Color and Beautiful Plaids $8.25 to $14.50 u ancy Knit and Brush Wool Sweaters in Stripes and Plaids . $4.00 to $12.50 cur Extra Heavy Shakerknit Sweaters in Buff, Gold, Brown and Black, the Sweater for Real Winter ........ $5.00 Scarfs in Fibre Silk, Roman Strip and Brushed W ° o1 ...................................................$3.50 to $8.25 : iV All Black Fascinators, good and warm 75c Children’s Sweaters, all colors — Styles As : sorted ............. $1.50 to $5.00 Sweater Suits, in Brown, Tan and Navy—Extra ; Good Grade -1 $4.50 and $5.00 SWEATERS For Men and Boys i Have you seen the New Bradley Sweaters? Come in and try one on—it’s easy to tell the difference. FOR MEN FOR BOYS Coat and Slipover Styles, in Bradley Sweaters, in Slipover Black, Navy, Gold and Ma- and Cofit Styles $3.00 to $6.50 roon $6.50 to $10.00 Bradley Sports Coats—Green, All popular colors. Black, Brown and Gray—Heath er Mixtures. A wonderful ear- 1 ment at $6.50 to $8.50 Big assortment of Boys’ Sweat Extra Special— ers, in other makes—all colors— Heavy Shakerknit Shawl Collar sizes 22 to 36. Big Value Sweaters—all colors 55.00 at ......... *2.50 to $4,00 Griffin Mercantile Go. Known For Good Values son were 8,368 bales, against 5, 024 bales. Middling was quoted at 23.50 as against 33,75 on the same date last season. NICHOLS ON COMMITTEE J. P. Nichols, Sr., of Griffin, is a member of the committee ap pointed at the Baptist convention in Columbus yesterday to formu late and present a set of prin ciples to govern in educational in stitutions. GOVERNOR SAID TO HAVE PARDONED MAN WITHOUT BOARD’S O.K. Atlanta, Nov. 20.—It is report ed here on the most reliable au thority that the clemency case of J. F. Alexander, the Macon man who was convicted in the Klan-anti-Klan agitation growing out of a series of cases tried in the city court on allegations of flogging, did not travel through the regular channels, but that the pardon issued to Alexander was without approval of the state prison commission. In fact, according to the infor mation, the case was never pre sented to the prison commission in any form whatever, nor was it ever considered by the commis sion, but was takeff direct to the governor, and the clemency or der issued by him without con sultation with the commission. Alexander was convicted in Macon and a sentence imposed of thirty days on the ehaingang and a fine of $500. He served about 60 days, the fine was reduced to $200 and the sentence Commuted to present service. FISH FRY FRIDAY The Game and Fish Protective Association of Spalding County, issued an invitation Thursday to local sportsmen to attend a fish fry at the city waterworks plant tomorrow at 12:30 o’clock. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS ROAD BUILDING PROGRAM (Continued from Page 1.) top soil from here to Barnesville. It is anticipated that Section 1, running from Barnesville to the Monroe county line, will be constructed within the next year, while in Monroe county the coun ty forces will begin construction within the next few days. On Route 19, from Barnesville toward Macon, the contractor has begun construction of a top soil road, the length of which is six miles and costing approximately $48,000. In the vicinity of For syth, contractors are now con structing four miles of concrete pavement, which is estimated to cost about $90,000. After these .sections of roads have been completed in early spring, there will be either hard surfaced or top soiled roads from Barnesville to the Bibb county line. 9 Miles Toward Jackson. On Route No. 16, from Grif fin toward Jackson, Butts county forces are now constructing from the Spalding county line toward Jackson, and will have the nine miles completed some time next year at a cost of approximately $70,000. On Route No. 18, from Zebulon to Greenville, state forces have begun construction of 16 miles of top soil and graded with several timber bridges to be constructed. On State Route No. 54-B, from Fayetteville to Sharpsburg, the county is constructing five miles of top soil at an estimated cost of $48,000, including timber bridges. The state highway department receives only one cent of the tax on gasoline, and when one consid ers the expense of building grad ed and surfaced highways with this small amount, it is seen that it is not sufficient to make an ap preciable showing in a short pe riod of time. DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS AT STRICKLAND-CItOUCH Dollar Day bargains are an nounced by Strickland-Croueh Company for Friday and Satur day in a page advertisement in this issue of the News. Dollar Days have become reg ular features of big stores throughout the country and prove a big drawing card for thrifty shoppers. All telegraph lines in Br&xil are owned by the government. w HOW’S THIS? HALLS CJtfTARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. CATARRH MEDICINE HALL'S Ointment which Quickly ^ , , , consists of an inflammation, Relieves the catarrhal and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore normal conditions. Sold bv druggists for over 40 Year* F. j. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE DUE Books close December 20. In and coet charged after De- 20. ' T. R. NUTT, Tax Collector. ANNOUNCEMENT The friends of Mr. E. S. Mv Mr. Jas. S. Tyus and J. P. Nichols, Jr, announce for commissioners of the of Griffin, in the election t* held on December the 3rd. HtiHHimiiwHiiMiHiititmiiiaiMiaiiKifntiaHummmiimu Follow The 1 Crowds 1 I 1 And You Will Eat at The : BLUE GOOSE ! CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT TECH MARIONETTES TO PRESENT “DULCY” HERE NOVEMBER 29 On November 29, the Marion ettes of Georgia Tech will present in Griffin the New York comedy success, “Dulcy. ” The Marionettes will be re membered from last year when they presented in this city the play, “Polly With a Past" Dulcy" is one'of the most dif ficult plays ever attempted by the Marionettes, as the female roles Call for unusual ability on the part of the female impersonaters. One of the features of the Marionettes’ visit this year will be the orchestra which will, be tween the acts, give selections of latest up-to-the-minute song hits and dance music. A full evening of lively enter tainment is promised by the Grif fin Woman’s Club Under whose auspices the play will be produc ed in this city. People of Denmark are against ‘‘dosing’’ themselves with patent medicines which have compara tively little sale there. Night Coughing How to Stop It Night coughing which, .through loss of valuable sleep, often makes you feel utterly worn-out and use less during the day, and by quickly Weakening the system lays you open to tho most dangerous infec tions, can now be promptly cheeked by a very simple treatment. Peo ple who have hardly been able to rest on account of coughing spells have found that they can sleep the whole night through undisturbed often after the very first trial. The treatment in based on a remarlc nble prescription known ns Dr. King's r>ew Discovery. Vou simply take a tra Bpoonful at night before retiring amt hol d your throat for 16 or 20 aec , fo re shallowing It. script - j .. on . has double The pre a action. It not only soothes and heals the soreness and Irritation, but 4t quickly loosen# and re moves tho phlegm and congestion which is the real causo of ‘ho cough. Tho result Is that , you usually Bicep as soundly tis a babe tho very tirst night, and tho COUTH rots in a very short time The prescription contains no opiates or harmful drugs. Excellent for children as well as grown-ups. For coughs, chest colds, hoarseness, core throat, spasmodic croup, bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial astuma, it all good druggist*. Ask for IK r J NE DISCDVFD COugHS COAL! COAL! COAL! When it is cold you need good Coal. * 4 Buy Coxan Red Ash and be convinced. LOW & BECKHAM 333 E. Broad Street PHONE 1051 Railroad Schedule | CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Arrival and Dpearture of Passen ger Trains At Griffin, Ga. The schedules are published as information and are not guar anteed: North South 2:29 pm Atlanta-Sav’h 11:06 pm 4:30 am Atlanta-Sav’h 9:07 am 5:49 am Chgo-Cin-Jax 10:27 pm 7:17 am Chgo-St. L.-Jax 7:57 pm 9:01am Atlanta-Macon 5:20 pm 12:25 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17 pm 5:57 pm Atlanta-Alb’ny 12:19 am 6:20 am Chicago-Jar 8:54 pm Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga 9:45 am 8:15 Cedartoown 5:25 pm SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta Points— 6:53 pm East—West 10 .-02 am 10:02am CI-bus-Ft. V’y #:5tfpi» NOTICE OF SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding County," Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a security deed, executed by G. L. Connally to Griffin Banking Company on the 23rd day of December, 1922, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Spalding county, in book 43, page 304, the undersigned will sell, at public sale, at the court house in said county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, the following prop erty, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in Af rica district, Spalding county, Ga., containing one acre of land, and being a part of lot number 170 in said district, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at intersection of settlement road running north and south, and Sunnyside and Jackson road funning east and west, and running north along set tlement road 210 feet, thence east 210 feet, thence west to beginning point 210 feet, and bounded on the north by A. B. Connally, on the east by A. B. Connally, on the north by Sunny Side and Jackson road and on the west by settle ment road between said lands and lands of Mrs. Mary Maddox. For the purpose of paying a certain promissory note bearing date March 28, 1922, and payable On the first day of November, 1922, and made and executed by G. L. Connally, said note being for the $306.40 principal, stipulat ing for interest from maturity at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, the total amount due on said note $281.40 as principal, $32.87 as interest, together with the costs of this proceeding as provided in said security deed. A conveyance will be made to the purchaser by the undersigned, as authorized ;a said security deed. This 5th day of November, 1924. Griffin Banking Company.. - Holder of security deed and payee. EXECUTOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of said county, granted at the October term, 1924 will be sold before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in December, next, with in the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property of the estate of R. J. Redding, deceased, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Spalding county, Georgia, located on South Hill street in the city of Griffin, Ga., and described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the lot owned and oc cupied by Mrs. Leila R. Sawtell on the west side of South Hill street, and running thence west along the south side of said lot two hundred and ten (210) feet; thence north fifty (50) feet to the Webb (formerly Hammond) lot; thence west along the south side of the Webb lot two hundred and ten (210) feet more or less to Eighth street; thence south along the east side of Eighth street one hundred and fifteen (115) feet, thence east along the line of lots now or formerly owned by T. E. Patterson and C. D. Freeman, four hundred and twenty (420) feet more or less to South Hill street, and thence north along the "west side of South Hill street sixty-five (65) feet to the point of begin ning, being the same property deeded to R. J. Redding by D. T. Davison October 27, 1905, as shown by deed recorded in deed book No. 12, page 561 of Spald ing records, except the lot 50x210 feet in the northeast corner sold te Mrs. Leila R. Sawtell. The above tract of land will be in three, parcels, one fronting sixty-five (65) feet on Hill street and running back west same width as front two hundred and ten (210) feet, the other two front ing fifty-seven and a half (57 1-2) feet each on Eighth street and run ning back east same width as front two hundred and ten (210? feet more or less. Terms one-third casn and the balance in one and two years, with 8 per cent interest payable an nually, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. R. A. Redding and F. A. Quil lian, surviving executors of the estate of R. J. Reddirtg, deceased. 1’me A - WANT AD COLUMN . l^OR RENT: Close fa, two HU furnished rooms to couple. Apply 301 West Taylor street, phone No. 90. HOUSE for rent, possession on or before January 1, call 81 or 35. FOR SALE: Eight Collie pup pies, mostly white, six weeks old. $5 each. G. W. Doe, Call 20H or 746.— MEN’S GENUINE U. S. Hob nails and field shoes. STEW ART’S, 118 Broad. FOR SALE: Well rooted vines, Concord, Moore’s Early Xvea and New York White. 12 for $1.00. J. W. Travis, Griffin Route C. FOR SALE: . Eighteen white Leghorn and 25 Ancona hens. Call 3302. FRUIT TREES, all varieties. Pecan trees, ornamental, shrub bery, roses, etc. I represent larg est nurseries in south. Phone 320-J, G. C. Smith. CHILDREN’S silk sox, 17 1-2 cents pair. STEWART’S, 118 W. Broad. WANTED: Peas and beans. We will pay $2 per bushel for Whip powills; $3.50 per bushel for O too-tan and Loredos cleaned and in good bags i. o. h. our ware house. H. V. Kell Co. WANTED: Position by compe tent bookkeeper and stenographer. P. O. Box 415, Griffin, Ga. — WANTED:»A good two horse farm on shares in a good com munity close to school and church. Apply G. N. Bowman, William son, Ga., Route 2.— LANGFORD TAXI SERVICE— day and night. Phene 869. LADIES silk hose, all colors, 25 * cents pair. STEWART’S, 118 W. Broad. ( LODGE DIRECTORY ) WARREN LODGE No. 20, I. O. O. F., meets every Lodge night at 7:30 at Warren Hall. Visiting brothers oor diallf W. invited. R. A. Peel, Secre tary; T. Atkinson. N. G. MERIDIAN 8UN- LODGE No. 26, F. £ A. M. Regular meet ing Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 7 <£* m. Work fa the degrees. H. Scales, W. M,; Bill Wells, Sec'y. W. o. w. > Meets every Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Sovereigns, You your camp needs your presence. will find your Clerk all times at Slaton-Powell Cloth ing Co. tjrisiting sovereigns wel come. Come. L. J. Sauley, C. C.j C. C. Stanley, Clerk. PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER No. 10, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second and fourth Thursdays, 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. Wm. Secsetary. Atkinson, H; TV; Bill Wells, BEN BARROW LODGE Np. 587, F. £ A. M. Regular rrveetings first and third Thursday nights in each month. Visiting brother* invited. L. B. Guest, W. M.; Clifford Grubbs, Secretary* r Funeral Directory E. D. FLETCHER Funeral Director and Embalmer ^ Griffin with Office Mercantile Co. ~ Phone 474 Rea. Phone 481 HAISTEN BROS. f 7“ a e»bT pcioes Griffin and,. ERS Office Phone 575. riioia, Ga. Res. Phone 63 Frank S. Pittman Modern Funeral Home. 112 W. Taylor St. Office Phone 822 Res. p non e 682