Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 24, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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M Fm: —r Pursuit of Pleasure Costly to Health, Educators Told New York, Nov. 24.~Dr. Eu gene Lyman Fisk told members of the American Education con ference that the modern young woman’s self-coBfidence in her ability to defy convention and tradition may be somewhat shak en by the knowledge that she is giving away under the strain and that she is not as good an ani mal as her brother. % g Lessening of Years. The price exacted of the flap per by what she considers her • freedom, Dr. Fisk said, is a less ening of her years, an inability to get all that should he obtain ed from life, physically and spir itually, and a general deprecia tion of health. “I am not charging theso re sults wholly to the neglect of personal hygiene,” he added, "but to the whole post-war situation, emphasizing the materialistic and self-indulgent standard of living; a certain hard crust of selfishness leading to unwillingness to do anything that is troublesome or dietaateful—especially to take ad vice and act upon it if it inter feres with pleasure. Death Rate. "At every age period of life t'he female portion of the popula tion enjoys a lower death rate than the male portion, except dur ipg the period of 17 to 32, when HE MAY BE NEW CABINET MEMBER. t. < O ri v Another mentioned u » pos sible successor to the late Henry C. Wallace as secretary of agri i culture, is O. I. Christie, director of the agricultural experiment sta tion of Purdue University, in In diana. \ i * i Announcing Another QPPOHOFBiy Featuring at Low Prices Great variety in beautiful merchandise suitable for Christmas and for making the home beauti ful. Also, in every department, tlinely things for personal wear and use and for the entire household. All at Liberal Reductions For the day only Wednesday, November 26 tK Be sure to come. It will be well worth a trip to Atlanta. \ Chamberlin- Joh nson DuBose Company ATLANTA M HS the rate is decidedly higher among females. ... Tuberculosis, influenza and the mortality ot child-birth are chiefly responsible for this excess. Par ticularly- distressing is the fact that tuberculosis, which has been sturdily yielding in most groups of the population, is here so defi ant and resistant. Tuberculosis Gains. The growth of the cigarette habit among young women has led directly to an increase in the tu berculosis rate, Dr. Fisk main tained. Faulty diet and late hours, added to the strain of commercial and industrial em ployment and the unfavorable in fluence of sedentary business life, also are factors in the return ing prevalence of the disease, he sdid. This condition is not a neces sary accompaniment of present civilization, the physician contend ed, asserting thpt graduates of women’s colleges show a very low mortality rate and “an apparent substantial improvement in phy sique as compared with the col lege^ gfrl * df a quarter century ago. tt But, he said, examination of many thousands of ydung women in commercial and industrial life had disclosed “a high ratio of physical impairment and a re gulable prevalence of tubercu losis or pretuberculosis condit ions.” SELLS HOUSE AND LOT HERE FOR $6,000 Kincaid Thomas sold Saturday afternoon to Mrs. Addavale Thom ns a house and lot on South Eighth street for $6,000. FIFTY ROBBED OF SHOES Chicago, Nov. 24.—Fifty men sleeping in a lodging house here were robbed of their shoes by a thief who woke up before they did. SAFEST THING Emily—He says he thinks I’m the cutest girl he ever saw. Won der if I ought to give him a date? Brute—Naw; let him keep on thinking so. - THE NEW SISTERHOOD Stick-up Steve—Will ya marry me, kid? His Sweetie — Naw, I can’t marry ya, Steve, but I can be a bandit to ya. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Earl of Galloway Weds Yank Girl mm ' '■ . mu mm m 1 *■ 1 i? ■ 5K The earl of Galloway with his bride, who was Miss PhiUlpa Wen dell, daughter of the late Jacob Wendell of New York, and sister of Lady The Carnarvon. wedding Th|y were attended married by In 8t. prominent Margaret's society church, Westminster. The was many persons. couple are now honeymooning. Father Receives $5 a Day to I Take His Children to School | _ Lackawaxen, Pa., ‘Nov. 24.—At a meeting of the school board of this township it was discovered that last year a citizen, quite within the law, technically, had received between $4 and $5 a day from the school fund for services in driving his own children to and from school throughout the entire Session. It also wae disclosed by the county superintendent that thou sands of children in Pennsyvania are deprived of educational advan tages despite the compulsory ed ucation law. V* One of these disclosures helps to explain the other. If a school is closed, under the law, and there .is no other school within a specified distance, it be comes a duty of the state to pro vide transportation to the nearest district. No Objections. A father, who, it was intimated, had made no objections to having the school closed near his home, received the contract to transport his own children to another school. It was said that he received al as much for his services as the teacher herself. The law is not so jealous of the rights of all children, the super intendent said. If parents move into a district where there is no schpol within a specified number of miles they cannot insist upon transportation for their children, and, on the oth er hand, cannot be compelled to send their children to school. One father was before the board to demand that his daugh ter be allowed transportation, and concluded his petition with the naive suggestion: “I thought if the board would allow me a $1.50 a day, I wouldn’t mind taking her myself. P CRITICIZED AS Y. W.’ REFUSES TO BACK EDUCATION WEEK T j \ / A - number of organizations have withdrawn their support from ' national education week and are criticizfng John J. Tigert (above), U S. commissioner of education, because he permitted political propaganda to get into the program prepared for the week by his bureau. The Young [Women's Christian Association, with a membership of 600,000 was one of the first to withdraw its aid, which has been given to the week in previous years. Did You Know That Georgia has now more than 55 oounties which have adopted the Australian secret ballot system, such adoption being possible af ter two grand juries in the coun ty have so recommended. Twelve new AmeYiea’n auto trucks have been -*plae£d in ser vice on bus routes in Lima, Peru, and vicinity recently. One effect of the war in Chi na was the practical paralyzing of the automobile and motorcycle business. Bobbed 'hair is shown on a wall painting in Wymington church, England, which was built in 1380. One may carry a newly invent ed hook in the pocket and hang his hat anywhere desired. Paper from the mulberry tree is now made into various flexible and durable garments. *. Heat lightning” is the reflec tion of thunderstorms too far dis tant to be audible. i Georgia’s production of iron ore in the past year is reported to be nearly 80,000. One Daughter Slain, One Missing Husband in Prison, Wife in Want New York, Nov. 24.—Mrs. Anna De Falco was unable to under stand why it was she should have to pay a dollar. Wasn’t there enough hard luck in the De Falco household ? This strange America and its ■strange courts. The Judge, he says: ti You Should tell the Bureau of Missing Persons your Ida had disappear ed.” The Bureau of Missing Per sons. What was that? Mrs. De Falco was quite bewildered. She has her brood of children. One of them, Ida, 15, should under the terms of the law be attending public school No. 21.* Ida has not been there lately. The truant offi THE POSSIBLE FLAW Wife—We’re going to have new neighbors next door. Husband—Are you sure they will stay next door? GOLF SCHOOL ADDITION Irate Employer—Where on earth did you ever learn to add? Fledging Office Boy—I was a caddy, sir. IN SPITE OF HANDICAPS Honesty is the best policy, my son. 1 « But they couldn’t keep YOU down, could they, dad? tt SWINGING THE JURY Jack—So she her divorce? * won Jill—Yes; her new clothes came just in time. HAVE HEARD BETTER Grey: What kind of golf does Black play? White:. Worst I’ve ever listened to. A LITTLE SUNSHINE f< Cheer up, 61$ Boy; Christmas comes in December. “Yeah—an’ so does Congress. In a recent storm sand from the Sahara Desert is believed to have been blown across the Medi terranean Sea. 1 Up the T rail Have you ever followed a zigzag mountain trail, a little trail that often changes its mind, that always climbs? It’s a wise trail. It avoids the rocks that might stop its progress. It wants to reach the top. Advertisements help you wisely to change your mind. They turn you away from the soaps and sj^oes you thought you would buy, and induce you to purchase 4 better soaps and better shoes at no greater cost. Advertisements steer you right. They want you to reach th6* peak of comfort and satisfaction. S Read the advertisements to buy shrewdly. They save ■ you disappointments, they guide you to the best. / 3 Every Advertisement is a Guide Post to Better Buying 6 * i / Published by The News in co-operation with The American Association of Advertising Agencies. 4 i - - . Monday. November 24,- 1924. cer brought Mrs. De Falco before a magistrate. Through an inter preter Mrs. De Falco explained why Ida is not at school. Daughter Killed. The trouble in the house started, according to the woman’s story, when her eldest daughter, Eliza beth, was shot and killed last sum mer. Mrs. De Falco says the shooting was accidental, but her husband was arrested afterward and is now in the Tombs facing trial for the killing of his daughter. Ida Disappeared. At that time zca was sent up town to an uncle, the mother said. She disappeared from the uncle’s house, and has not been seen since. So Mrs. De Falco does not see how she can be held blameworthy for ndt sending Ida to school whan she has no idea where Ida is, and especially when so many other troubles are pressing on her. The family has no means of support now, the mother said. When she was asked why she had not notified the Missing Persons Bureau, she said she had not known such an agency existed. Notwithstanding her story, the magistrate held her responsible to the extent of $1 fine, which the woman paid, after scraping to gether dimes and nickels from her pocketbook. COAL COAL COAL Why waste money buying the cheapest coal? We have best grade TENNESSEE JELLICO at a reasonable price. PEOPLES ICE COMPANY PHONE 287 < / AND DON’T SLAM IT Applicant—Have you an opening here? < .' 0 , Boss—Yes; be sure to close it as you go out. PERMANENCE Bobby—Do you think that our new nurse has come to stay? Betty—I’m afraid so. She brought a toothbrush. Six-wheel auto-buses seating 27 passengers are 1 to be made. S. G. BAILEY 114 E. Solomon St. Real Estate and Insurance Get in touch with me for CITY ANDFARM PROPERTIES S. G. BAILEY Real Estate & Insurance Phones: Office 2 Res. 1