Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 26, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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ASSORTMENT m&P. of wm ?.-c I e : SUITS AND OVERCOATS For Men and Boy* Garnered from the fashion cen ters of the country for THANKSGIVING They are great values, hand somely tailored and will lend ap air of refinement and good taste to the wearer. Prices Very Moderate fl • >• Mercantile ' Company PERSONAL NOTES - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker - d Miss Cheney Walker will •pend the Thanksgiving holidays in Thomaston with relatives. Mrs. John H. Rogers spent Tuesday in Atlanta with friends. Miss Sallie Mae Strickland, of Concord, is the guest of Miss Hat tie Head, on West College street. Mrs. Robert Douglas* returned to her home in Mobile, Ala., Wed nesday after several weeks’ visit tp her daughter, Mr*. Clarke Wil liam*, in the Marian Apartment. Mis* Ethlyn Ison will spend the Thanksgiving holidays in Atlanta irith relatives and friends. Miss Rosalind Janes will spend the week-end in Griffin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Janes, - KASH & KARRY (Watch Friday’s Paper) i TECH j K n ( MARIONETTES South’* Leading Qoliege Dramatic Club / Will Present the i NEW YORK COMEDY SUCCESS \ it d(jlcy »» / By GEORGE S. KAUFMAN and MARC CONNELLY at Griffin High School Auditorium Auspices of Woman's Club SATURDAY, NOV. 29 EXTRA ATTRACTION Marionettes Orchestra 44 BETWEEN THE ACTS V 1 it Admission: 75c, 50c and 35c H extra girl gets chance TO PLAY WITH ’ ! b>. ; : : : ; X: x : 1 JCJ m m wM wmi k-y" • ; ■ •xv on East Chappell street. Miss J^e* «* attending school at Ag nes Scott, in Decatur, t Mr. and Mm, Paul • M Go wan have returned to their home in Jacksonville, Fla., after attending the Taylor-Davis wedding, In which Mr. McGowan was best man. Miss Katherine Rogers, Miss Alberta Williamson and Grady Norton will go to Columbus * Fri day as delegates to the conven tion of the Christian Endeavor So ciety of the Presbyterian church. The Tech Marionettes will pre sent their sparkling comedy, ‘‘Dul cy,’’at the high school auditorium Saturday, November 29, under the auspices of the Woman’s Club. Miss Gladys Stallworth left Wednesday afternoon for Helena, Ga., where she will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Imogens Whatley. J. E. Mathis, of Junction. City, Kline Mathis, a student at Mer cer University, in Macon, and W. C. Kennedy, of Georgia Tech, At lanta, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.. N. Mathis on East College street. Miss Louise Gordy went to At lanta Wednesday afternoon to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her cousin, Miss Donna Lee Gordy. Mrs. H. M. Beutell has return ed to her home in Atlanta after a visit to Mrs. J. P. Mason on South Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Houser, of Elco, will spend Thanksgiving in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks, on South Sixth street. MJss Delia Smith, of Locust Grove, will spend Thanksgiving in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks. Miss Bessie Haisfield left Wed nesday for Milledgeville, where she will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her sister, Miss Ad- Many girls dream ot the day when somebody will discover how beautiful or charmf&g they are and pick them tor a leading role In a motion picture. It actually happens to few. Helen D'Algy, twenty-year old Spanish girl, is one of those few. She nad done extra parts in sev eral pictures without attracting at tention until a few weeks age when Rudolph Valentino happened die Haisfield, a student at the Georgia State College for Women. While there she will also be a guest at the banquet on Friday night of the seniors of 1924. Mrs. W. A. Brooks is resting well af the Griffin hospital after undergoing an operation Monday. Mrs. W. G. Norman left Tues day flight for Houston, Texas, where she will spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Greer. Miss Mary Wilson, who is at tending North Avenue Presbyte rian Church School, in Atlanta, will spend the Thanksgiving holi days in Griffin with her parents, Col. and Mrs. Frederick Wilson. T Mrs. J. T. Kennedy will arrive in Griffin this afternoon for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. O. N. Mathis, on East College street. Robert L. Minter, of Woolsey, made a business trip to Griffin Wednesday. Mrs. J. M. Crowe, of Milner, spent Wednesday shopping in Griffin. t Ralph Eubanks, who is attend ing school at Mercer University in Macon, will spend the Thanks giving holidays in Griffin with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eu banks, on South Sixth street. Jack Kennedy, of Jacksonville, Fla., and W. C. Kennedy, of Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, will spend Thanksgiving with their sister, Mrs. O. N. Mathis. Miss Ruth Griffith, of Woolsey, was shopping in Griffin Wednes day. Miss Caroline Eubanks, who is teaching at the Georgia State Col- * A m m t BAD MEN ARE ALL ABOUT Thugs are holding up pay masters and messengers every where, causing ruinous loss. Your trusted man may be forced to let go your money to save his life. HOLD-UP INSURANCE will indemnify you for loss in curred by hold-up. It is sure protection in these times. Get it by coming here. Drake Sk Company f m GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS to be watching a scene being made at the Paramount Long island Stu dio for "The Side-Show of Life." He was struck by her girlish beauty and a few days later, as a result of his Insistence, she was chosen as leading woman In his latest Paramount picture. "A Saint ed Devil." They are shown above -enears ing one of the first scenes tor the Picture, OPERA COMPOSER PLACES SINGERS WITH ORCHESTRA ■ .I ■ •Y Xv XXv Ethel Leginska, English-bbrn pianist, has composed an opera based on Thackeray’s “The Rose and the Ring.” She has intro duced an innovation in placing actors on the stage to interpret the roles, and the singers in the pit with the orrbesti-*. lege for Women, in Milledgeville, is expected home tonight to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks. She will * have her as guests Miss Mary Talley, of Mil ledgeville. . - Mrs. J. W. Saunders, of Luella, was among the shoppers in Griffin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jones, of Athens, will spend Thanksgiving in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Culpepper, on the Poplar street extension. Robert Shapard has as his guest on West Poplar street, George Wheeler, of New York City, a student at the University of Geor gia. Mrs. T. R. Jones, of Concord, was shopping in Griffin Wednes day. T The Rev. J. M. Crowe, of Mil ner, was a visitor to Griffin Wed nesday. Mrs. Ge»r g e G o p e r nf S a va n nah ,- ■ was the guest of Mrs. Frank Lind sey, en route to Cartersville to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harris Cope Wednesday. Mr. and* Mrs. Stafford and Mrs. Molly Rogers Hope, of Barnesville, motored to Griffin Tuesday and spent the afternoon with friends. Misses Mary Anne and Amanda Bailey, of Forsyth, will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. William Odus Wells, on West Taylor stret. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Smith and Mrs. Charles Newell, of Atlanta, spent Tuesday in Griffin, coming down for the Taylor-Davis wed ding. Miss Merle Eubanks, of Macon, will arrive in Griffin Wednesday night to spend Thanksgiving with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks. INDIAN PRINCE LOSES $750,000 BUT GETS WISE London, Nov. 26.—A total of £300,000 (near$l ,500,000) was ex torted as the price of protection from the Indian Rajah, whose name is being coveted in high quarters in connection with his mulcting by a ring of blackmail ers, sensational - revelations dis closed. The potentate, however, became wise when only half this sum was lost and stopped payment on the second check for £150,000. These checks were the levy exacted after the Rajah had been discovered in a Paris apartment with the engag ing Mrs. Florence Robinson, wife 1 of an English bookmaker. Both checks were produced in court and evidence was adduced to show the Rajah did not fill in either check but merely signed them. Mrs. Robinson herself appeared on the stand. She was examined regarding an alleged meeting of the conspira tors to blackmail the Rajah at her Chapel street house here before she went to Paris and was caught with the potentate in the hotel. Kindness Made No Kind of Appeal to “Rhino >» Peter, the tWo-and-a-half-ton ihinoeeros who lived in the ele phant house of the Zoological gar dens, in London, is dead. -He was an uncouth feltow, sav age and untraetable. Church, his keeper, had many a narrow squeak. Peter would charge heavily at a set of human ribs and bring up against Iron bars with a thud. People who say you can do any thing by> kindness did not know Peter’s winsome wayg. He had been very “phthlsicky of late. Chest trouble, (’hurch said it was. You might give him a couple of bucketfuls of cough mix ture and it made no difference. Ani seed and licorice lozenges only caused him to wheeze the more. Jennie and Eliza, the young cow rhinos next door, one from India and the other from Peter’s own home, Naoribo, used to shudder when Peter hacked and gronned. „ Then pneumonia set in. The morning before he died, when the rains were doing their worst, Peter lay with his diead, to the open rail ing, gazing with glassy eyes toward the south and the homeland. He made strange noises. His keeper said that they were his final hymn of hate against mankind, but It Is possible he was muttering of his childhood, fifteen years ago, and talking strangely of the Af rican deep undergrowths, the hot, muddy beds in which he used to roll, of the Arab hunters, and of glorious freedom. Then he was suddenly silent. HI* great, ponderous bulk yielded the ghost. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED Marriage license was issued in the ordinary’s office today to Paul Robert Daniel and Corinne Bra •Y t, 0 mon. Application for marriage license was posted for Willis B. Akins, of Lamar county, and Sara Goins, of Griffin. KASH & KARRY (Watch Friday’s Paper) •rr —IS76— ROBEflT J. H1LLAS. % * CASUALTY INSURANCE SURETY LINES and SURETY BONDS CASUALTY LINES Total A**et* - Over Thirty-one Million Dollar* Accident Fidelity Total Reserve* Ooer Twonty-ono Million Dollar* Court Surplus to Policy Holder* ... Ooer Nino Million Dollar* Disability Fiduciary Lone* Paid to June 30, 1924 Ooer One Hundrod and MT«n i Million Dollar* Health Contract Liability Agenda h» All Important Towns: Compensation Depository Automobile Forgery BRANCH OFFICES Public Official ALBANY BUFFALO HARTFORD MONTREAL RICHMOND Elevator ATLANTA CLEVELAND INDIANAPOLIS NEWARK SAN FRANCISCO Plate Glass Federal Official BALTIMORE CONCORD LOUISVILLE PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS Burglary Custom house BROOKLYN DETROIT MILWAUKEE PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON Revenue METROPOLITAN OFFICES. ISO Wlllta StraM. NEW YORK CITY Robbery License 4- Theft QCNERAL AOCNOIE* Fly-wheel Franchise BOSTON DALLAS KANSAS CITY ROCHESTER SALT LAKE, CITY Bo’iler Excise CINCINNATI DENVER NEW ORLEANS ST. LOUIS SEATTLE Indemnity CHICAGO FARGO PROVIDENCE ST. JOSEPH Engine Miscellaneous Physicians ALLAN I FERRES. a L. J AGENCY DEPARTMENT 1 Druggists GRIFFIN REALTY CO. Agents W. G. CARTLEDGE, Manager a Insurance That Insures 11 116 E. Solomon St. Griffin, Ga. November 26, 1924. ..... y y ~ y ~i |iii, f f" >~y T T "f* ^ TODAY AND TOMORROW Lei* ^of" - Rudolph VaJe' ' I , ) PRESENTED BY I ADOLPH ZUKOR* JESSE L.LASKV X & IfexSeach's^ [ / yALENTINO fiery young blade as a of the Argentine. The Joseph Henabery type of whirlwind ro mance that made him {Production Famous. a t Qammount J y \Qiebm i COMING NEXT WEEK , “THE SEA HAWK 11 SELLS INTEREST IN HOME sixth interest in a house and lot on West Poplar street for $350. Mrs, Annie Scott Gunter sold KASH & KARRY to Mrs. Alva Moore today one- (Watch Friday’s Paper) r A I I J TURKEY DINNER 75 Cents—12 to 2 P. M. 5 s m THANKSGIVING m 6: at the v ; P0INSETTA ■d~ : -= - MENU ■ CREAM OF CELERY SOUP FRUIT SALAD m Choice of BAKED POINSETT A TURKEY with DRESSING and CRANBERRY SAUCE ROAST SUCKLING PIG WITH APPLE SAUCE s CREAMED AND MASHED POTATOES 1 BAKED BEANS hi 35 BRANDY MINCE PiE COFFEE TEA MILK \ .