Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 27, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rr pH MSgS ASSORTMENT II of SUITS AND OVERCOATS For Men and Boys • They are great values, hand somely tailored and will lend •n air of refinement and good taste to the wearer. '/•.V. ; Prices Very Moderate Griffin Mercantile ____ « Company * PERSONAL NOTES Jim Dugan, of Dublin, spent Wednesday afternoon in Griffin with friends en route to Atlanta . for the Tech-Auburn football game. C. C. Thomas is spending the Thanksgiving holidays in Atlanta with his family. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson, Of Macon, have been spending several days here with relatives. They are former citizens of Grif i t. £?, « There’s no fence in front of our store. The door is wide open always. Come in. See our Crawford Shoes, try on a pair, or two or three. No obligation. Nor will we try to over persuade you. Qhc (grofoid Shoe, MOST STYLES *8 SIBLEY CLOTHING COMPANY Griffin, Gs. WANT AD COLUMN FOR RENT: Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 334 N. Eighth street. FOR RENT or lease: My two story brick residence. Gordon Wilson. HOUSE for rent, possession on or before January 1, call 81 or 35. I FOR SALE 1 : Well rooted grape vines, Concord, Moore’s Early Ives and New York White. 12 for $1.00. J. W. Travis, Griffin Route c. FOR SALE: Ten Rhode Island Red Pullets and one cock, $15. Mrs. A. W. Edwards, 315 North Fourteenth street. "’T: Bunch of keys. Reward to News office. ” peas, O-too-tan H. V. Kell ' . fin who recently moved to the Central City. They naked that the Semi-Weekly News follow them to their new home. W. N. Coppedge, of Culloden, spent Wednesday afternoon in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T, Bisch, of Springfield, Mo., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Daniel on West Poplar street. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Beck, Jr., were among those going to At lanta Thursday for the Tech-Au burn football game. M. J. Daniel, Jr., of Anniston, Ala., will spend the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Daniel. Mr. Daniel is connected with the General Railway Electric Signal Company and is at pres ent engaged in putting in, block signals on the Southern between Atlanta and Anniston. > Miss Evle Eppes and Miss Eth el McElroy left Wednesday for Atlanta where they will spend the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Solon Drukenmiller spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. Drukenmiller sang at the Union Thanksgiving service at the Bap tist church. Miss Elizabeth Norman went to Atlanta Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Derry Stockbridge. She iwll be accompanied home Saturday by Miss Kate Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pittman, Miss Virginia Boyd and Frank Pittman, Jr., motored to Atlanta Thursday for the Tech-Auburn football game. Ware Hutchison is spending Thanksgiving in Birmingham, Ala., where he will attend the Georgia Alabama football game. Miss Emily Hallyburton was thS guest of friends in Atlanta Thurs day for the performance of “Little Jesse James” at the Atlanta thea tre. Haskell Bass is spending several days in Florida on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carlisle, Miss Alice Carlisle and Ernest Carlisle, Jr., motored to Atlanta Thursday for the Tech-Auburn football game. Mr. and Mrs. Howell C. Ed wards and children, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ed wards, spent Thursday in Atlanta at the Tech-Auburn football garpe, route to their home in Anniston, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Bussey to Birmingham Wednesday with a party of Atlanta for the Georgia-Alabama game. Thomas Goddard is spending the holidays in Atlanta friends. -— C. S. Jones and family recently from Hampton to Griffin are now living on North Four street. _ John Ward, Jr., and Charles Neivton left Wednseday for Al Ga., on u hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wilson, Mrs. Julia Pritchard, Everett Walker, and Misses Mnry Vir ginia and Julia Homer Wilson spent Thursday in Atlanta at the Biltmore Hotel and attended the Tech-Auburn football game. Mrs. Pritchard and Misses Wilson will remain over to attend the per formance of “Little Jesse James” Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newton, Miss Margaret Newton and Will Hill Newton spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta, attending the Tech Auburn football game. ^st Hulsey is spending the ’*ig holidays in South Margaret Smith, who is mg at Thomson, and Miss .en Davis, who is teaching vio- GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS lin at Cedartown, are spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. £. Eubanks on South Sixth street. Wr Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones at tended the Tech-Auburn football game in Atlanta Thursday. Harry Rogers, who is attending school at Emory University, in At lanta, will spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rogers, on South Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Saunders motored to Atlanta Thursday for the Tech-Auburn football game at Grant Field. The Tech Marionettes will give a performance at the high school auditorium Saturday evening, un der the auspices of the Griffin Woman’s Club. , R. H. Taliaferro went to Birming ham Wednseday night to attend the Georgia-Alabama football game for the S. I. C. champion ship. 0 Miss Sara McDowell was the ‘guest of friends in Atlanta Thursday for the Tech-Auburn football game. Tillman Blakely motored to At lanta Thursday for the Tech-Au burn football game at Grant Field. J. H. West, of the Griffin high school faculty, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Greensboro, N. C. Lewis Brewer, who is attending school at Georgia Tech, in Atlan ta, spent Wednesday night in Griffin with his mother, Mrs. Butler Walker. He had as his guest a fellow student, Mr. Camp bell, of New York City. Wayne Trair, who is attending Oglethorpe University, in Atlan ta, Is the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Traer, on South Sixth street. Miss Katherine Randall was the guest of friends in Atlanta for the Tech-Auburn football game Thursday. Miss Myrtle Paul, teacher of English in the Griffin higji school, is spending the Thanksgiving holi days at her home ih Cairo. Miss Jessie Pearl Rice went to Spartanburg, S. C., Wednesday night to spend Thanksgiving with friends at Converse College. Miss Etienne Milligan has re turned to her home in Concord af ter a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ella Lee Randall, in the Colonial Apartment. Franklin Sibley, who is attend ing school at Emory University, in Atlanta, is spending Thanks in Griffin with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sibley, on West Poplar street. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milligan and Elizabeth Jane, are spending Thanksgiving with his Mrs. Ella Lee Randall, in Colonial Apartment. COMPLETE PLANS FOR ADJUSTMENT OF RATES HERE (Continued from First Page) petition is being filed not only for but for their benefit. Meeting Held Here. The co-operation of other cities with Griffin is the result of a meeting held here two months ago upon the invitation of the local Chamber of Commerce. Represen tatives here appointed a com? mittee, of which Secretary Thom as was made chairman, to present the matter before the Interstate Commerce Commission in Wash ington. Mr. Thomas will present the pe tition in person and the commis sion is expected to set a date for. a hearing early in January. This is the first case to be filed for relief by the Griffin trade body and as soon as it is decided an other case will be presented asking elimination of the discrimination in rates from points beyond thp Ohio and Mississippi rivec cross ing in favor of the large cities. Steel bungalows have been per fected. r SOCIAL EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Slaton Hosts At Dinner-Bridge Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Slaton enter tained at a beautifully appointed dinner bridge at their home on West Poplar street Tuesday even ing at 7 o’clock. The house was prettily decor ated in vases and bowls of pink and white chrysanthemums and pink and white roses. Mrs. Slaton received her guests wearing a handsome model of lavender georgette. A delicious hot course and salad, followed by h sweet course and coffee, was served, after which bridge was enjoyed by all until a late hour. Enjoying the game were Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Searcy, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman, Miss Rachael Wylie, of York, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. James H. Walker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graefe, Mr. and Mrs. Evander Shapard, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Buise, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Beck, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Hawkins, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Slaton. Tech Marionettes Will Be in Griffin Saturday. The Marionettes of Tech will give the sparkling comedy, “Dul cy,” at the high school auditorium Saturday evening, November 29, under the auspices of the Wo man’s Club of Griffin. The fact that the club women are sponsoring the performance, as well as the fact that the Mar ionettes scored one of the biggest hits ever made in Griffin last year insure its success. A number of attractive young ladies will be visitors in the city for the occasion. The club women will sponsor a dance at the Elks’ Club immedi ately after the performance, which promises to be the most bril liant event of the Thanksgiving season in Griffin. Music will be furnished by the Marionette orchestra. Rotary Club to Entertain With Ladies Night Friday. The members of the Griffin Ro tary Club will give an enjoyable party at the Griffin Country Club Friday night at 8 o’clock, the oc casion to be “Ladies Night” and assemble the lady friends of the club. Mrs. J. P. Mason is in charge and her committee consists of Mrs. J. H. Cheatham, Mrs. Frank Pittmah, Mrs. Evander Shapard, Jr., Mrs. T. H. Wynne, Mrs. Rob ert Otis Crouch and Mrs. Newton J. Baxter. A number of attractive features hare been arranged, which prom ise to make the evening a most delightful one. Luella Woman’s Club Has A« Interesting Meeting. The Luella Woman’s Club had an interesting meeting at the home at Mrs. C. C. Williams with Mrs. L. H. Greer as joint hostess recently. An excellent program was ren dered, which included a very help ful address by Mrs. Franklin Sibley, of Griffin, on poultry rais ing. After a most enjoyable social hour, the guests were served de licious sandwiches and coffee. Y. W. A. of Baptist Church Meets Tuesday Evening. The Young Woman’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church met at the Baptist Cottage Tuesday evening at 6:15 o’clock for the regular meeting. Miss Madelyn Mathews had charge of the program, which was on China. The devotional was led by Miss Mathews and this was followed by sentence prayers. After the opening song, “He Keeps Me Singing,” the minutes of the last meeting were read and the personal service report called for. After the roll call, a wel come was given to the new mem bers. /*• The topics for discussion were as follows: The Homes of the Wealthy, Es ther Hambrlck. The Homes of the Middle Class, SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27. A number of informal dinners and parties will mark Thanksgiv ing Day in Griffin. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. The Rotarians will observe “La dies Night.” at the Country Club with a brilliant banquet. Mrs. James A. Drewry and Mrs. J. H. Newman will entertain at dominos Friday morning at 10 o’clock and again in the afternoon at 3 at the home of Mrs, Drewry in compliment to Mrs. Idus Doe, of McDonough. Robert Shapard will give an in formal dance in honor of his guest, George Wheeler, of New York City. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29. The weekly tea- at the Griffin Country Club. The Tech Marionettes will give a performance at th? high school auditorium, under the auspices of the Woman’s Club. The Woman’s Club will sponsor a dance -~et the Elks’ Club immediately after the perform ance. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1. The Parish Guild of St. George’s church will meet at 3 o’clock with Miss Mamie Mills at her home on South Sixth street. Thelma Powell. The Homes of the Poor, Leila Powell. China’s New Woman, Lilia Buc hanan. Our Work in China, Katherine Wolcott. A Chinese Wedding, Thelma Brisendine. South, Central and North Mis sions, Estelle Patterson. After the discussions, the mem bers sang “Just as I Am,” after which Miss Gladys Stallworth dis missed the meeting with a prayer. At the conclusion of the pro gram, a delicious luncheon, pre pared by Mrs. John H. Cheatham, was served. NO TROUBLE AT ALL Motorist: Don’t you find it hard these days to meet expenses? Farmer: Hard? Man alive, I neet -expenses at every turn. JUST THE THING Applicant: Are you in need of assistance? Business man: Very sorry; I do all the work myself. Applicant: Ah, that would just suit me. HOW’S THIS? medicine tt* t t ’Q cat ar rh will do ^ what we claim for It—rid caused V°“F system Catarrh or Deafness by M4T*f?'8 h ' CATARRH MEDICINE consists of an Ointment Quickly Relieves the catarrtal intommation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore normal conditions. 40 _ Year*. Sold by druggists for over O. V'. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Practical Nurse Tells Mrs. N. E. Snow, of Route 1, near Paris, Tenn., tells the story of her ex perience as follows: “I am 62 years old and I have been a practical nurse for more than 20 years, taking mostly ma ternity cases. One of my daughters suffered from cramping at ... She would just bend double and have to go to bed. CARDUI The Woman's Tonic was recommended to her and she only had to take about two bottles, when she hardly knew that It was . . ., she suffered so little pain. My run-down, youngest weak daughter an(f was nervous .... no appetite and tired all the time. I gave her two bottles of Cardul. It buHt her up and she began eating and soon gained in weight and has been so well since.” Try Cardul. At all druggists'. EX-100 November 27, 1924. ——— ■: ; iiiiE [ 1 lc “Lets - * 3-3 TODAY LAST TIME V] Icntlno t* m Jessn Bcmasery . The King of Romance—in a picture that combines the best qualities of “The Sheik" and “Blood and Sand.” Fox News NO DIRECTIONS Mother had to leave little sis ter and the new baby in charge of big sister for the first time. Baby was drying lustily. Big Siste/: Oh, dear, why doesn’t she stop crying? I don’t know what to do with her. Little Sister: Why? Didn’t the directions come with her? AN ECONOMIC THEORY “What do you suppose is mak ing the price of beef so high?” “Competition,” answered Cactus Joe. All the boys is figurin’ that they ought to get just as high salaries on a ranch as they do in a motion picture studio. ff 7 TECH MARIONETTES South’s Leading College Dramatic Club Will Present the NEW YORK COMEDY SUCCESS U DULCY 99 By GEORGE S. KAUFMAN and MARC CONNELLY at Griffin High School Auditorium Auspices of Woman's Club SATURDAY. NOV. 29 EXTRA ATTRACTION Marionettes * Orchestra u BETWEEN THE ACTS n i Tf I Admission: 75c, 50c and 35c Friday & Saturday a W. 'Oyi AOOU’lt 22 nr r ' ) m A better brand of Western picture isn’t known than this Zane Grey romance-thriller. Why miss it? TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED to buay a country home near town by a resident of Griffin. State location and price in reply. a Country Home ft care News. BUICK ioe% Values We have ten used cars. Seven cars we guarantee first-class condition; 3 as is. SMALL CASH PAYMENT BALANCE EASY TERMS SLATON MOTOR GO. BUICK DEALER 109 East Solomon St. Phone 680