Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 29, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Saturday, November 29, 1924. JOSSELYNS At i WIFE fll | -V \p h h * 1 a KcrthleenNoms I -h Illustrations by m w. - V/ ✓/ k Irwin Mynevr / •W i r ■h te I i tt / 7 rr ■ i Ccfyy* iqKi /( by Kathleen. Jtort-U got out tit the great hotel, where, Ellen learned, they were to stay for a day or two, instead of the Hotel Brevoort, before going down to the country house, to which Lillian had glveh an Italian name, “Villino dell Orto.” Josselyn, Senior, It appeared, kept a suite at the Biltmore throughout the entire year. He and his wife could come and go at their own pleasure, change their familiar rooms from street attire to evening dress, keep an appoint ment there with manicurists or masseuse, or entertain their friends with a cozy meal served before their own fire. Today he had en gaged 'the adjoining suite for his son s family. “Isn’t this corking?” Gibbs ex ulted, when the younger Josselyns were alone. “Oh, Gibbs, it’s such fun! And aren’t they dears to do it all—and aren’t you glad now that I made you write when Tom was born!” Ellen had taken off the big blue coat, and the jacket of her suit, and appeared in n loose little blouse of dark-blue velvet with a deep collar of old lace. She opened the door into the drawing room of the other suite, and there, to the child’s delight, was the lunch table, with two waiters hovering about it, and a shining display of covered dishes and steaming pots. They gathered about It immediately, Ei len between Joe and George Lath rop, Tommy chattering to his enraptured grandfather, Gibbs and Lillian making • each other’s ae quaintanee after the long years. ___Afterward, Ellen walked to the lift with hrer brother, and stood there talking to him as if she would never he done. You seem to like Mr. Lathjop, Joe? “He’s a king!” -Joe said, with a quick meeting of eyes. “And the boy. is he nice, Joe?” “George—lie’s nil right. He’s In college now. Harvard.” “And how’s Harriet? She must he—” She’s nineteen. tt “Is she all over the sickness now?” Ellen had remembered sud denly that the tomboy Harriet had had a frightening illness about a year ago—something that their vague reports had given her to un derstand was like an Infantile . " ‘73" ~Jl?5 "t’a-‘l'a... ‘m\),‘:_?} bu“ , “WWII ‘7‘? 4. v ‘ Is— 2" '—-—————L—-——-— Our WAY” “ NEW HAT BLOCK MACHINE if- IT CLEANS -IT BLOCKS -IT RELIVENS A HOW IT RESTORES HATS We can dry clean and block your hat so that there will not be a trace of dust, dirt or grease in it when finished. The live steam will RELIVEN the fabric and sizing of the hat, RESTORE its original shape and color and give it that FRESH, NEW APPEARANCE found in new hats. The lining will also look like new. This “New Way” hat cleaning and blocking outfit is the latest innovation in the hat cleaning industry—making it possible to gi ve the SAME MILL FINISH as a new hat— after cleaning and blocking. Hats Cleaned and Blocked (All kinds—Felt, Velour, Straw, Etc.) so 1 New Hat Bands, Inside or Out, 50c and Up BUNN’S “JUST A LITTLE BETTER” Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Altering, Hat Blocking and Tailoring—Ladies’ Work a Specialty. 134 N. HILL ST. Phone 399 GRIFFIN, GA. V paralysis. "Sure. She limps some—she’s getting well, n .Toe fell silent. straightening the corner of her lace collar carefully. Something in his gravity troubled her vaguely, nml she turned thoughtfully bnck to her room, wondering. At the doorway she met George Lathrop, also de porting. ■ My little brother has grown up!” Ellen said, with a rueful smile. , y He answered her with another smile. £ , ■ “Joe? .Tee’s n grent fellow,” he said. “We*re very fond of Joe at my house. In some ways he’s the most remarkable boy I ever knew! He’s absolutely and utterly honest. Things don’t deceive Joe. I like to introduce him to people •—if they’ve got anything that in terests Joe, he gets it out. If they haven’t, It doesn’t matter how much champagne they open, or wfiether they have a season opera box or a villa in Italy, they simply don’t register with Joe. I think that fellow will go a long way! He’s taught my boy more now than I could ever teach him, more than he’ll get -out of college,” Ellen went hack to Gibbs with her eyes shining, "Mr. Lathrop was talking so nice ly about .fee, Gibbs!” “Oh, that’s a love affair all ’round,” Lillian said lazily. Of course Harriet’s feelings are no secret. She’s plain, and she’s not likely to meet anyone else on the same intimate terms that she’s known Joe. George Is willing, Joe is witling—I suppose—and IIar rlet Is more than willing.” “Joe!” Ellen could only echo, in amazement. “Joe Is clever, and steady, and sensible,” Lillian said, “and George doesn’t care about anything else. His one terror is that his pre cious child will be snapped up for her money. Joe’s position doesn’t make the slightest difference to George!” It was said so pleasantly, in her good-natured, indifferent manner, that the oddity of this sentiment, corning from Lillian, propriety did not occur to Ellen, nor the of her saying it to Ellen at all The two women, inclined utterly different in type, were to like each other, perhaps Sn for the reason that they lived alien worlds, and spoke alien tongues. Ellen, clear of vision for all her simplicity and in experience, knew that Lillian re garded her with sort of indul gent contempt. A woman who was cheerfully unfashionable to the point of dowdiness, who was domestic and unselfish and con-: (To Be Continued.) GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS 1 ' ' " ""' L " .......■ ' 1 -i | At the Churches <w_ .. —. , , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. (Pre session work 9:15). Morning worship, 11 o’clock; pastor’s subject, “Striking Twelve.” Westbrook Junior B. Y. P. U., 3 p. m. Westbrook and Arnold Senior Unions, 6 p. m. At 7 o’clock Rev. Robert L. Con nely, state B. Y. P. U. secretary for Georgia, will speak. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend each serv ice. Leon M. Latimer, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Dedi- ; cation of the Men’s Building. Bro. J. A. Taylor will conduct the dedi cation exercises. Morning worship, at 11 o’clock. Evening services at 7 o’clock. The pastor will preach at both services. Juniors meet at 3 o’clock. C. E. Society meets at 6 o’clock. The little church with the big welcome. The public cordially in vited. 0. K. Cull, Pastor. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC The Sacred Heart Catholic church is located in the residential Section of North Hill street. | Sunday school held every Sun day morning at 9:30 o’clock. Mass and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be held on the second Sunday of each month. The public is cordially invited to attend. Father Clark, Pastor. FIRST METHODIST Preaching at 11 o. m. and 7 p, m. by the pastor. Sunday school and Baraca Class meet at 9:30 a. m. Epworth League 6 p, m. John F. Yarbrough, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN / Morning worship at 11 o’clock; subject, “The Lord’s House.” Evening worship at 7 o’clock; subject, “Following Jesus. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Men’s Bible Class in the Manse at 10 o’clock. Christian Endeavor, 6:15 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday eve ning at 7 o’clock. A cordial welcome always at The Church With The Open Door. Malcolm R. Williamson, Pastor. MAVERICK CLASS Undenominational. All visitors and young men not affiliated with any Sunday school class in the city are cordially invited to at tend. Chester. A. Byars, presi dent. The members of the Woman’s Club are asked to be patronesses at the Tech Marionette show to night and at the dance at the Elks’ Club follow! the shc^ Miss Gladys Beck has returned from Fayetteville, where she was a guest of the faculty Thanks giving. HOW’S THIS? HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICINI will Jo what we claim for it—rid you system of Catarrh or Deafness causei by Catarrh. CATARRH HAT.T/S Ointment 'wbieh , . fjuiekly ^ consists Relieves pi tho an catarrhal inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to •••.■store normal conditions. , Year Bold by druggists far over 40 R J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT—Eleven room house, Possession January 1st. North Hill street, Close in. E. F. Car lisle. FOR SALE: 1 radio set, 3 tube regenerator, in good working or der. Adair & Chunn, STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE DUE Books close December 20. terest a&Lcost charged after De cember 20. T. R. NUTT, Tax Collector ANNOUNCEMENT The friends of Mr. E. S. Mc Dowell, Mr. Jas. S. Tyus and Mr. J. P. Nichols, Jr, announce them for commissioners of the city of Griffin, ill the election to be held on December the 3rd. ps kkkk kk #«S*Wg®S ? ::« « «;<kk M.tu; Drake & CoBipJsrr^s OFFICE tmm K l— -- ■ % This Is The Location CALL feY TO SEE US OR si PHONE 675 3 >=' >! AND WE W'ILL CALL 6n YOU. m INSURANCE IS OUR BUSINESS K Drake & Company * ESTABLISHED IMS GRIFFIN, G. .». DRAKE D. B. SEARCY GEORGIA Masom : Building Phone 675 ’see us JJ, stnvics ! « SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will,be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court, in and for the said county, on the second day of De cember, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are idsposed of, the following described property, to-wit: Six 0 . houses , and , , lots . in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., lots being 70 feet wide and 420 ' feet long, bounded , j , as follows. - n „. | north by lands of L. P. Blanton ;! east by Robert Wheaton; south by | lands of L. P. Blanton; west by lands of T. W. Thurman and being lots Nos. 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118 in block B, according to plat on file in book 35, page 519, in the clerk’s office, Spalding su perior court. Levied on as the property of L. P. Blanton by virtue of a judgment fi. fa. in favor of Mrs. Lula Carver vs. L. P. Blanton issued from the superior court of Spalding county. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court, in and for the said county, on the second day of De iber, .1924, and from day to day ;il said goods are disposed of, following described property, wit: All that tract or parcel of land known as lot No. 63 and 14 acres off of the southwest comer of lot No. 64 in Mt. Zion district of Spalding county, Georgia, con taining 216 1-4 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: north by C. M. Anderson; east by J. I. Col lins; south by L. P. Blanton; west by L. P. Blanton. . Levied on as the property of L. P. Blanton by virtue of a su perior court fi. fa. in favor of H. C. Starr vs. L. P. Blanton is sued from the superior court of Spalding county. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. . SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Will be sold before the court house door, the usual place of holding court in and for said county, on the second day of December, 1924, and from day to day until said goods are disposed of, the following described proper ty, to-wit: Three houses and lots in north Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., back bounded as follows; north by Lawton estate; east by L. P. Blanton; west by lands of Col. T. W. Thurman; south by lands of L. P. Blanton, same being lots Nos. 108, 110, 112, in block A. as shown by plat recorded in book 35, page 519, office of clerk, Spalding superior court, and being 795 feet on Blanton street and running south 208 feet. Levied . the property . of . T L. 0,1 as P / Blanton by virtue of a supe nor court n. fa. m favor of J. B. J^ver vs. T L. y* P, m Blanton issued i from th " su P enor court of S P ald ’ ln| l coun Pr ° P " rty P ° lnted 0Ut by plam - tlff s attorne y W. T. FREEMAN, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—Spalding county. By virtue of an order of court of ordinary of Spalding county, Ga., granted upon application of Arthur K. Maddox, administrator of estate of Julia P. Maddox, de ceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, will be sold before ^court house door, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in city of Griffin, between legal hours of sale, on first Tuesday in December, 1924, as property" of said deceased, the following de scribed lands, to-wit: North half of lot number one hundred eight-two (182) in second land district of originally Mon roe, then Pike, now Spalding county, Ga., containing one hun dred one and one-fourth (101 1-4) acres, more or less, and bounded north by land lot No. 181; east by Grantland estate; south by W. C. Weldon; and west by South Sixth street road. Also fifty (50) acres, more less, off south side of land lot number one hundred eighty one (181) in second land district of originally Monroe, then Pike, now Spalding county, Georgia, bound ed as follows: north by lands of Mrs. Georgia Nunnally and Grant land estate; east by Grantland es tate; south by land lot No. 192; and west by public road known as South Six street road. This November 4, 1924. ARTHUR K. MADDOX, Administrator of Julia P. Maddox, deceased. CITATION GEORGIA—Spalding county. Whereas, B. M. Sherard, admin istrator of Mnry Green’s estate, represent* to the court in his pe tition duly filed and entered on recoi-d, that he has fully adminis tered Mary Green’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not m WANT COLUMN is 1 —. FOR RENT: Two unfi ooms. Phone 368.— ~ FOR RENT or lease: My story brick residence. Gordon Wilson. ? HOUSE for rent, possession m or before January 1, call SI or 35. FOR SALE: Well rooted grape vines, Concord, Moore’s Early Ives and New York White. 12 far $1,00. J, W. Travis, Griffin Route c. WANTED to buay a country home near town by a resident of riffin. State location and price ia “ .Country Home, ♦» New*. POS] by licenc ed druggist-ten years experience; graduate Southern College Phar macy, Atlanta, Ga. Both preacrip tion and front man. 30 years oM. Married. Best of references. An swer at once. M. O. McCraney, 1344 Nineteenth street, Columbus, Ga. FORD wants men; Standari Oil wants men; Bethlehem Steel Corporation wants men; Pepudine Chemical works wants men to w build new plants. Write for Form No. 68. Form can be obtained hrough * National Employment Agency, Petersburg, Va., on re ceipt of $1 deposit.— WANTED: Cow peas, O-too-ta* and Laredo Beans. H. V. Kel Company. LANGFORD TAXI SERVICE— day and night. Phone 869. Funeral Directory ^ HAISTEN BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Griffin and Senoia, Ga. Office Phone 575. Rea. Phone tt discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in December, 1924. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Whereas, Warren Moore, admin istrator of Sarah Ann Arnold, and Sarah Ann Buckner, repre sents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered their estates. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admin istrator should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission oh the first Monday in December, 1924. D. R. CUMMING. Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: H. S. Bridges and J. G. Carmi chael, as administrators of the estate of W. J. Bridges, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, this is to notify the creditors and kindred that said application will be passed upon at the December term, 1924, of the court of ordinary of said county, and that unless cause is then shown to the contrary, said leave will be granted. This November 7, 1924. _D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. W. G. Jackson, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Mrs. Myrtice Jackson Cunningham, deceased, this is to notify the next of kin and credi tors of the said Mrs. Myrtice Jackson Cunningham, deceased, that, that said application will be heard before me at the regular December term, 1924, of the court of ordinary of said county. Witness my hand and seal, this November 7, 1924. D. R- CU MMING, Ordinary. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS NOTICE. GEORGIA, Spalding- county, s All creditors of the estate of Harvey C. Wheat, late of Spald ing county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. MRS. OLA WHEAT, Administrator of Har vey C. Wheat, deceased. DRAKE & CO. INSURANCE \ E. D. FLETCHER Funeral Director and Embalmer with Griffin Mercantile Co. Office Phone 474 Res. Phone 481 Frank S. Pittman Modem Funeral Home. % 112 W. Taylor St Office Phone 822 Res. Pnone 682 ( lodge DIRECTORY | WARREN LODGE No. 20, I. O. O. F., meets every Monday night at 7:30 at Warrest Lodge Hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited. R. A. Peel, Secre tary; W. T. Atkinson. N. G. MERIDIAN SUN LODGE, No. 26, F. & A. M. Regular meet ing Tuesday, December 2, 7 j, _ Work f n the degree*. C. H. Scales, W. M.; Bill Well*, Sec’y. w. o. w. Meets every Thursday, 7:30 p. nu Sovereigns, your camp needs your presence. Yod will find your Clerk all times at Slaton-Powell Cloth ing Co. Visiting sovereigns wel come. Come. L. J. Sauley, C. C4 C. C. Stanley; Cerk. PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER No. 10, R. A. M. Regular meet- 7:30 ing second and fourth Thursdays, p. m. Visitors welcome. Wat. T. Atkinson, H. P.; Bill Wella, Secretary. BEN BARROW LODGE No. 587, F. & A. M. Regular meetings night* first and third Thursday TmHH| in each month. brothers invited. L. B. Guest, W. M.: Clifford Grubbs. Secretary. r ) Railroad Schedule V. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RT. Arrival and Dpearture of Paaaea ger Train* At Griffin, Ga. The achcdules are published information and are not guar anteed: North South 2:29 pm Atlanta-SavTi 11:06 pal 4:30 am Atlanta-Sov*fc 9:07 am 5:49 am Chgo-Cin-Jax 10:27 pus 7:17 am Chgo-St. L.-Jax 7:57 pa 9:01am Atlanta-Macon 5':20 12:25 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17pm 5:57 pm Atlanta-Alb’ny 12:T9 am 6:20 am Chicago-Jax 8:54 pm Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga 9:45 8:15 Cedartoown 5:25 pm SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta Point}— 5:53 pm Bfest— Mfyat 10:92 am 10:02 am Cl-bus-Ft V’y 6:63 pm