Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 02, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Tuesday, December 2, J924. GEORGIAN DIES s Pittsburgh, Dec. 2.—The story of a wealthy southern banker, ■who left a fortune of $500,000 and his home and business after a quarrel with his wife, was told yesterday as the body of Jesse L. Lemon was sent to his former home in Ackorth, Ga. The former banker had been working as a collector for a sew ing machine company here for $18 a week. He died last Friday in a poorly furnished room, which he shared with a fellow employe, without Ten Year Bad Case Completely Healed in a Short Time Writes Florida Woman. Faced with the loss of her teeth after 10 years suffering. Mrs. M. J. Travis, an esteemed resident of Jacksonville, declares she finally saved her teeth by a simple home treatment “worth its weight in gold,” using her own words: “After having pyorrhea for 10 years my mouth is now healed. Before I found out dif ferently, I was told there was no relief and had yielded to the loss of six of my solid teeth. Then I discovered Moore’s pyor rhea treatment. Three days af ter starting its use the soreness left my gums; my teeth began to tighten. Now my teeth are clean, my breath sweet and my mouth completely healed. ■ The experience of Mrs. Travis is duplicated in hundreds of other cases. If you have pyorrhea—or threatened with pyorrhea, your teeth are ‘in danger. Quick and effective treatment is necessary. You can test, without money risk, the treatment used by Mrs. Tra vis. Simply write the Moreham Co., 410 Gateway station, Kansas City, Mo. Under their guaran tee of refund send two dollars, or, pay postman the $2 with a few cents postage. Use the treat ment 7 days. Then if you are not wholly satisfied, write to that effect and your $2 will be re turned at once.—(adv.) A uw* « 1 1 4 w5! ft u ■ilrJ'A « ft t; m m i> 9% ■ Cv H: • 'i ■ # OCiTf MORE m ■E djilt B Some folks buy feed to fill up the cow. Others buy feed to fill up their pails. We have a message for cow owners who are after MORE milk—the utmost yield of which their cows are cap able. It’s this. A complete ration for your cow must contain two thing*. Roughage, all she will eat And seveVal pounds, twice daily, of a pure concentrate. More milk guaranteed The roughage you can supply yourself—alfalfa hay, „ legume hay, corn silage. But the concentrate is quite another matter. It must contain protein, carbohydrates, minerals and fats—each present in a definite proportion —and in the form of nutrients that -h palatable are pure, and quickly digested, Such a concen trate is JAZZ. Try it—with this understanding —that it will produce MORE milk at LESS cost Si ii than any feed you can buy or blend. W. M. Cosby Flour & Grain Co. i/J T Manufacturers Birmingham I L* J 100IM A DAI I V, PHIL PATTERSON Local Griffin, Distributors, Ga. ( WOMEN’S POUCE BUREAU FORMED BY CLEVELAND, 0. ■■y i 1 Mm ■ ■> f t :|:i w 4 4:4 :4y 44 -: m :4 : 44 . -j <■_>> Cleveland has joined the list of fities with Women’s police bureaus. The director of its newly or ranixed department, which will Save- a force of 20 when com plete, lx Miss Dorothy Doan Henry, prominent welfare worker the services of a physician in his last illness. Cousin Blames Alcohol. Acworth, Ga., Dec. 2.—The body of Jesse L. Lemon, former Ac worth merchant, who died yester day in Pittsburgh, is expected to arrive here for funeral services Wednesday. Relatives here deny reports from Pittsburgh that Lemon was a banker, stating that his career, up to the time of his downfall, was spent in the mercantile business. His father, they say, left a for tune estimated at $250,000 to three children, Jesse L. Lemon inherit ing a third of that amount. A large family and a penchant for alcoholic liquors is ascribed by Mrs. Nichols, a cousin of the dead man and to whom the body is be ing ; sent, as the cause of the loss of his fortune. Shortly after losing his money, it is said, he and his wife separ ated. The cause of the separation is described as a “family matter by relatives, who refuse to discuss that feature further. General Gordon’s Bible, given by his sister to Queen Victoria, is one of the treasures in the King of England’s private library at Wind sor castle. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS WILEY TURNER OF FAYETTEVILLE KILLED BY SAW Fayetteville, Dec. Z. Wiley Turner, 25, of Fayetteville, was fatally, injured about 3 o’clock Monday afternoon when he fell against a saw at the Cox sawmill, near here. He was taken to an Atlanta hospital by Dr. J. A. Les ter, of Fayetteville, but died soon after reaching there. Turner was taking sawed ma terial away from the saw at the the time of the accident, witnesses said. He stumbled and fell against the circular power-driven steel blade, which ripped open his head and mangled both arms. f He threw himself off the saw by using both his hands. Both Were almost severed from his body. He remained conscious to the last, and said he would get well, doctors reported. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Polly Turner, and a sister, Miss Mary Turner. The body was taken to A. C. Hemperly, of East Point, pending funeral arrangements. ATLANTA WOMAN KILLS HUSBAND WHO STRUCK HER WITH A HAMMER Atlanta, Dec. 2.—Crazed by his own moonshine, according to his wife, Charlie Johns, 57, walked to his death with a hammer in his palsied hand at his home Monday night. His wife, in fear for her own life, shot him down, she admits, to save herself. She told authorities that Johns infuriated in a booze-caused do mestic argument, came at her with the hammer saying he was going to kill her. The wife, bent and prematurely aged by years of excessive toil, now charged with murder at po lice barracks, Monday night sobbed out a sorrowful talc of 20 years of alleged mistreatment at the hands of her husband, and becom ing hysterical, intermittently abused and praised the man she had slain. ARRIVES TO BUILD BIGGEST ZEPPELIN : 4$; $43 4 44 :<<< n ■ * :• > mm ■ X' 444 ■ ■ Construction of the greatest zeppelin ever built will be begun in Dayton. O.. shortly. Dr. Karl Arnstein, designer of the ZR-3 (now U. S. S. Los Angeles), and director of the zeppelin works in Germany, has arrived to take charge of building the air monster. JUDGE SAYS CABARET GIRLS CAN USE ALL THEIR WILES ON MEN Chicago, Dec. 2.—Tickling under the chin and otherwise practicing their wiles on receptive patrons is entirely within the rights of fair cabaret entertainers, Judge Joseph David ruled in the superior court. Recently I was at a certain cabaret where women were doing this very thing,” the court re marked. “I cannot see any harm in the practice. ” Judge David granted a writ of mandamus to Louis Le Blanc com J peJling the city to restore his I ca baret, closed two months ago L when one man was shot in an 1 affray. * Chief of- Police Morga n Collins t opposed the writ on the grounds the cabaret was a common nuis ance. j ed A for can boy opener and especiall design scouts campers, can be folded flat and carried on a key ring. UNITED STATES T 1 AR.E GOOD TIKES * \ Trade! Mark I ♦ a 6 * usco CORD The Qood Low- Priced iCord T owners HERE in are this hundreds country who of thousands want a good of low* car priced cord tire. 4 Their requirements do not call for the extra mile age that is built into U. S. Royal Cords. :• :• While ■ they do not expect to get a'tire as fine as t the Royal Cord without paying the Royal Cord price, they do want a full money’s worth of depend ■4 able MrvWfflYddoWiaTue^......................... ............ i isto meet these requirements that the makers of :y X4 •: U. S. Royal Cords have produced the USCO Cord. The USCO Cord is an all-black tire. Its tread it it broad and flat with good high shoulders—giving splendid road contact and non-skid protection. 1 £ iThe USCO Cord is fully warranted and carries 44 44 :: the name and the trade mark of its makers. mm ;X mm It comes in 30 x 3 inch and 30 x 3Vz inch clincher, ¥ mm and 30x3‘/ a 32x3y 2 ,31x4,32x4,33x4, and 34x4 inch PM M iiM straight side—all , the sizes for light 4 sixes and fours. ■: 44 * United States Rubber Compary : I ■ By 44 44 KM s mm ; x? : -i 1 0 ■ POLICE COURT Lonnie Jones* negro, who ran an automobile into L. L. Stanley’s car in North Griffin Sunday morn ing, was fined $60 or 40 days by Juc^ge Philip Cleveland in police court Monday afternoon. Other fines imposed by the re corder included: Lisa Harris, Joe Williams, Phil Samson and Marvin Cannafax, each fined $10 or 20 days for Sunday drunkenness. Marvin Can nafax and W. J. Young, each $7.50 or 15 days for drunkenness. Selina Coleman, drunk and dis orderly, $10 or 20 days. H. C. Mather, speeding, $15. W. B. Squires, not paying sanitary dues, $5 or 10 days. George, Allen, not paying tax, $2 or 3 days. Sam Ward, Ernest Pritcahrd, Robert Pritchard and John Eth ridge, each fined $5 or 10 days for quarreling and fighting. Eunice Green and Horace Green, each $5 or 10 days for cursing. Raymond Parrott, contempt of court, $1 or 3 days. Milton Green, quarreling, $1 or 5 days. Read the bargains offered in the want-ad columns. A Good Thlag - DON’T MISS IT Send your name and address plain ly written, together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in geturn a trial package containing CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REM EDY for coughs, colds, croup, bron chial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; CHAMBER LAIN’S TABLETS for stomach trou bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and con stipation; also CHAMBERLAIN'S SALVE, needed in every family for burns, scaldR, wounds, piles and skin affections; these valued family medi cines for only 5 cents. Don't miss it. For Sal* fey JOHNSON DRUG CO Money If back without question HUNT*8 GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt‘a Salve and Soap),fall in I the treatment of Itch, Eczema, l ninsrworm,Tetter or other Itch ing skin diseases. Try thie treatment at our WARD’S DRUG STORE ====== you want is good With Sheetrock \ /''“NNE oi the big advantages of using Sheet* rock, the fireproof wall board, in either new construction, alterations or repairs,is this— Sheetrock takes any decoration. You can paper Sheetrock—-paint it—panel it. You can apply Textone, The Sheetrock Deco rator, and get the most beautiful effects, in classic or modern styles. And your walls and ceilings of Sheetrock arc always fireproof, non-warping and permanent Made only by the United States Gypsum Company. Ask your lumber or building material dealer for a sample and prices. UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois Re*. U. S. Pat. off. THE SHEETROCK Fireproof WALLBOARD m