Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 03, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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4’»: Four ■ ■ J %& L*eU / 4 , (jappiness ■■ ■ ♦ *7 ■:wvv M %-^Sm . ore o on ay , . . I r V bp (lew) 9b ^W V 1 . Even for that very best friend nothing could be a more ap propriate selection gift than a from our Toilet Goods Sec tion. A big assort ment C d y’s, of Wrigley’s, Colgate's, o Hudnut’s, M e lb a’s, Amami’s and Vivan dou’s. ' / 0 it ,» An Umbrella is a gift that you may safely give to peo ple of discriminating tastes and those who are hard to choose for because they seem to have everything. She can never own too many umbrellas. One of these at $10 will surely please. /( ■* CHRISTMAS choosing simplified! How? By the arrangement of gifts on tables throughout the store. Perhaps you know very definitely how much you wish to pay for a school friend’* present, how much Mother’s gift may cost and how Dad will fare on Christmas morning. You need only visit theae tables to find the perfect gift at the perfect price. They are cram jam full of suggestions for everyone. A rVi '0 y y a W h v K5 Round Out Your Christmas List with * ACCESSORIES Twinkling novelties and dressy gloves, sheer hose and blossom-like hankies—these indeed do win ways to women's hearts at Christmas time. So plan to give Accessories to Sister. Mother, Cousin, friends. Think how many more folks you may remember by giving the inexpensive pair of glove* or hose or handker chiefs which you find in rich variety here. Many inexpensive trifles being imports have added value as^gifts. * GLOVES Send a cordial greet ing with a pair of chic suede Gloves to please a girl mightily at Christmas time. Rich in Gloves like these she’ll be rich in nappiness. Aristocratic shades of tan and greys; smart trimmings. $2.75, $3, and $4.50. Our Suggestion Window will help solve your gift problems. GIFTS TO THE HOME Are Treasured One* Cheery Christmas on the way I And the Store* brimful of treasures for the home. Candlesticks and vases, brilliant glass ware and exquisite china will enter many house holds at holiday time. Delighted hostesses will send hearty thank-yous for home riches such as these, which you may purchase at very reason able pric s now. NEW LINENS With a Gift Air Remember a friend with beautiful Linens and you will be paying a tribute to her fine taste. With Maderia pieces to choose from, cross stitch monogrammed towels, festive linen bridge sets and filet tray cloths you will find the perfect gift. It will please you to see that in the Linen Section one may pay little or much; all gifts have real charm. GIFT LAlVIPS Twinkling Frinedliness A proud little Lamp with shade of chintz has a right to its haughty manner for in any boudoir it will shine agreeably and earn bound less compliments. A splen did gift for girl or woman, this tasteful ornament with sprightly shade, $4.50 to $7.50. HOSIERY Hose prove the Christ mas gift ideal, for where ia the woman who isn’t continually wishing she owned more ? Rosy hues, tanbark, eiredale, sil ver and many other shades to choose from here, in quality Hose, $1.95. Griffin Mercantile Co. The Big Department Store—Known For Good Values k m z% m ..V :■ m Jt SMm ‘ m •y, n bW rr •*/ (rJIB ■MM \ . ,, ■ Wt&'&K' % wmm Wmtmh w * r pniQSSjk' *i> \ ci'A/s; A’ jtY •" ’ ’ llllll mm 1 * : r I? ■ >L. ‘ : -j , >. ■ l**-V V r> w rii'iif' ;-v‘< > ' fa^SdM K- I >• Vj »>• VvV. VT ■w- r,V ■.V V -1,- : f r;> > . a •< 1 mmm y. ' r- 1 Vt C ji? 1 * m \K‘ •f •/r *"V- »%»‘s lis ®Sii..., »•< ■ 5 , tent \ K ...... cr-^-.v • ;,v: J>v?^ v 1. VY,,V; - r ■ :■ M , •'.T •/. "> •- • ; ■'/ t HH TO -1 - O w: v . ■■■ % Nil . v, ty- !*•. 'A vv v v‘: ^ v»*v y\ my& V. ■ 1 & fjlp * ‘tr-.$y.:rKy 1 * . .. / 1 N Wimi'. mm ffifei, Wim s.< - V * . < WpiPL- xr? ■ V ; r >:- 1M Kl ;-r •TV ,6 > ».l ’ V’ . V 4 tr. :S S ' W I Ss»*» ■<r: i 1 sSS w»in ► pf -vv’T A/. tl ' '3 ^ {ro 4 ,yw * tiij 1 kw&t'tF'r* fQpi. 1 0 < &M0, ■i" , tm*.; v? v; V .H $ v v o vs A l, I > % c.v - v V tT* ^.V ^ rMj f r A, It'' < t c. v r V, -f a? • + '. V ^ -fc. r- r A A. [t 9 I__ 1 A J k t 4 '4 / A MESSAGE CONCERNING FRIENDLY GIFTS TO MAKE THE YULETIDE SPARKLE Crimson holly, merry packages and bright-eyed people everywhere—there’s a picture beautiful, to rejoice in. It’s a part of the good, glad things which make up Christmas time. The other part’s concerned with giving cheering gifts which will keep the gay holiday spirit alive through months to come. The Store of Holiday Happiness invites you to do your Christmas choosing here, where there are delightful remembrances for folks of every age and every disposition. May you enjoy your task whole-heartedly and be cheered in this atmo sphe re. Thurs day, Friday and Saturday Opening Days. ~~~ STATIONERY ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE The gift of Stationery invariably gets a good reception, for it is something one never has too much of. Here is a splendid choice of stocks, and tint3 that are fash ionable. A box of fine Stationery can suitably go to the most fastidious friend, 25c to $1.50 per box. Visit Our Store Daily For New Suggestions GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS CHOICE GIFTS FOR MEN There are gifts to please men in almost every section. But some thing sportsy that he wouldn't purchase for himself is likely to satisfy him best. Scotch plaid Sports Mufflers, $3, and a Knitted Vest, $5, or a Knitted Coat at $7.5U will make him chuckle. For motorist, too, there are likable sports things here: Cashmere Scarfs' and Leather Gloves, for instance, at $1.00 to $3.50. SUITED TO THE TRAVELER When there’s a name on your Christmas list of a person who journeys much, a Cowhide Travel ing Bag suggests itself as the ideal gift. -Truly it will be a proud person who travels with one of these handsome Bags. Soundly made; choice of black, brown, rus set or mahogany. $7.50 to $16.50. December 3. 1924. SOFT LINGERIE Earns Smiling Approval Lingerie is the queen of gifts at Christmas time. It satisfies the feminine heart, young or old. It may come in lovely long masses, a girl will always for more. A b au tiful negligee in delicate tint, or a nightgown de lectably fragile will win exclamation of delight where another gift might fail completely. The Lingerie Section is wealthy in lovely things this, season and you would do well to choose many Christmas gifts here. SILK GARMENTS To Go as Gifts Giving Lingerie may prove an inexpensive proposition if you will choose fashion right Silk Garments to re member with. They are de lightfully soft and' have a fascinating range of colors. Though delicate in appear ance, they wear well. Tail ored chemises and night gowns in many instances are priced as low as $3.75 and $5.00. Fancy a wom an’s (pleasure at receiving one of these. Or at being presented with a honeydew Step-in, as low as $3.50. NEGLIGEES Feminine Gifts Superb Let a Negligee be your gift to that very special friend. Like a flower garden this section is, with splendid va rieties ranging from the adorable georgette breakfast coat whose price is very low, to the most magnificent creation of chiffon. If she's gathering a trous seau she’ll treasure one of these Negligees; if she’s a girl at school she’ll be thor oughly pleased. Shop early while the fairest of these at special prices still remain. Warm and welcome gift— Felt Slippers. They might , Mother, go to Sister, Aunt or friend. These are dainty and come in a wide range of lovely shades. Satin Mules are priced very low. Santa’s Hints Wf! FOR GIRLS Bisque Dolls, curly wigs, closing eyes. . .$1.00 Baby Dolls, mama voice..... ......$1.00 “By-Lo Baby” Dolls...... .....$3.50 Little Doll ‘‘Cupies’’ 15c Doll Beds 75c Fibre Reed Doll Cabs....... $3.50 Wicker Doll Sulkies, ivory finish $9.75 Doll Houses $2.50 Doll Trunks 1 75c Pianos .... $1.25 Laundry Sets, tub, washboard & wringer .45c Doll Bath Tubs $1.75 Blackboards, easel style $1.25 Desks and Stools..... $3.75 Rocking Chairs....... $1.75 Decorated Tea Sets . . . 35c Embroidery Novelties . . » ’..... 25c “—Toy -Stoves :"V""7TTT! ■• - $ 1,00 . FOR BOYS Decorated Drums........ 95c Toy Tool Chest.......... $1.50 Toy Automobiles ........ $ 10.00 Coaster Wagons, disc wheels $1.25 Velocipedes . ........... $3.50 Junior Golf Sets......... . $4.75 Ten Pins............... $1.50 Auto Bus .............. $ 1.00 Bird Games ............ $ 1.00 Pop Guns.............. 50c Rideaways.............. $4.50 Teddy Cars............. $3.75 Peddy Cars............. $5.75 Shoo-Flys . . . ........... $1.75 Wheelbarrows........ $ 1.00 Horse* .....:.......... 60c ABC Blocks........... 45c Shoo Swings............ $4.50 Desks and Stools........ 1 $3.75 | nu J j f ^ " VISIT i m v. j A luxurious Cor- : duroy Robe in rose or Copen hagen blue will , duly impress fair Alice on Christ mas morning, and delight her every chilly day thereafter, $3.75 to $9.00. -f, / \ s fin L j Very tailored, very tasteful — a Night gown in heavy flesh crepe de chine, $7.50. Tr /// \