Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 09, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Pm "Four ' np OVER U. S. DEBT London, Dec. 0.—-The nervous ness engendered here over the * proposed Franco-American debt settlement has developed into a controversy between American imiting London newspapers and British officialdom. o The conservative government would not like to see any other country get better terms from the United Statea than Stanley SftMwin made himself, and it' is entirely likely that If such terms should be made there vyould be representations for a readjust ment of the British funding plans. But at the dame time the gov ernment dislikes the constant at tacks on the United States, based possibly through ignorance, on misstatement of facts. „ "■ The reason why agitation against American methods of debt settlement reaches popular ap peal in England may he found in two things. Two Reasons, Cited. The first is that every dollar borrowed by Britain was borrow ed by her for her allies, for the reason that the United States Why PHAMBERIAIN'C U COUGH REMEDY U used than each other* year*) any ‘ Because you it can rely on to stop CROt IfejSsI tlie cough •*22 and check res the cold NO NARCOTICS *<W Sale by JOHNSON DRUG CO —- XMAS-SHOPPING? —THEN DROP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR LINE OF USEFUL CpTS, AND ONES THAT WILL PLEASE. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Air Rifles Percolators Guns Skate. Casseroles Hunting Coats Footballs Carving Sets ' Rods Knives Roasters Reels Scissors Dip Nets Wagons Trays Razors Lather Brushes Flashlights Pitchers Rifles Blank Pistols Baking Dishes Gun Cases Rifles Silverware Shells GRIFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE PHONE 91 rt t 4 T T'T T' VTTTTT...... T ' ^ T ▼ t T " 'T " r'^ 1 t t t *r t ▼ \ 1 CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS WILL BE MAILED TUESDAY That was the DECEMBER 9 Easiest , Will You Get One of Them? Money I Ever Saved. Make sure of having money at Christmas time" next year by this easy and simple 4 method of Saving. f Tbe 1925 Club is now forming. You can beght with moot wjsh Ot any amoyint you from lc to $10. JOIN TODAY GRIFFIN BANKING COMPANY GRIFFIN’S OLDEST BANK ENSIGN A, N. MORGAN T T mmMm, mMS : : V ■ ?; Jr.y ■y <>> /•» Hi mm ■ S' ■ ■ mm } ■ XtsM. ■ •/ i m >■> iPpgl Si i I ' »■' m \ wm ■■I ill 5,, honor Inelgn A. N. Morgan wae tbs man of tho class of 1924 at tho United States Naval academy at AnnapoU* would not lend to the allies with out Britain’s guarantee. The second reason is that never has it been explained to the Brit ish public that the United States never asked Britain to pay but simply to make some suggestion of her intentions. It was a Brit ish proposition to pay, but in the popular mind that does not seem to be understood. TEDIOUS CIVIL CASES ARE BEING TRIED NOW IN CITY COURT HERE The city court has been engag ed in tbe trial of tedious civil cases yesterday and today. / The court yesterday afternoon was engaged in the case of J. S. Rosier vs. Atlanta Life Insur ance Company, a suit on contract, which resulted in a verdict for the defendant. The morning session today was occupied in the suit of the Gres- BOLD PICKPOCKET f ALL BEADY CASH Warsaw, Ind., Dec. 9.—Senator James E. Watson Sunday deliv ered the address for the annual memorial services of the Warsaw Elks lodge. Senator Watson made the trip here from Washington to fulfill a promise given to the Warsaw Elks last summer. En route to Warsaw on the Manhattan Limited of the' Penn sylvania railroad Senator Watson was relieved of, his pocketbook. He did not tell his friends here the amount of inoney taken, but said it was all he carried on his person and he was required to accept a loan from a fellow pas senger in order to pay for his. breakfast. ham Manufacturing Company vs. L. P. Blanton. [Court HouseNews _ Marriage Licenses. Marriage license issued to Wal ter L. Sewell and Miss Mary Fourdenbary. Applications for marriage li censes: Isaac S. Horton and Mary E. Buckaloo; Hoyt Cauthen and Lucile Cook. Property Transfers. J. P. Nichols, Jr., to Ophelia Allman, 1 acre of land in Africa district, $535. Mrs. R. F. Strickland to Mrs. Cooper Newton, lot on Oak street, $ 1 , 000 . In an effort to reduce the cost of living in Italy special fast trains are to be run between pro ducing and consuming centers every day. More than 5,000 men are en gaged in fishing in the vicinity of Newfoundland. DR. JAMES H. ROGERS : II &; '■ifYi y Is X i m ■ ■ / Dr. Jamsa Harris Rogers, diatln guishsd Md., Inventor of Hyattsvlile, and Washington, was declared to be the Inventor of the submarine radio device uacd In the nsvy dur ing and since the war, in a unani. moua opinion of the District Court of Appeal* In Washington. The de cision terminates a lengthy litiga tion between Doctor Rogora and the government. MAX HUBER ' ■ XAX.-v. VvT..-( Max Huber, legal adviser of tha political department of Switzerland and a member of the Court of In ternational Justice, who has been elected president of the court for tho term 1925-27. ARTHUR T. HANNETT ' WRM S* : . w ■ 1 m m % M&i |® m ?: * Arthur T. Hannett of Gallup ia the Democratic candidate for the governorship of New Mexico. He wae born near Clyde, N. Y. NEW ENGLAND COTTON MILL MEN TO INSPECT PROPERTY IN GEORGIA Atlanta, Dec. 9.—Coming to Georgia on a trip of inspection of the three cotton mills which they own in this state, a group of of iicials of. Lockwood, Greene & Co., and of the New England Southern Mills corporation, reach ed Atlanta Monday night. Two of the mills they operate in Georgia are located at Hogans ville and one at LaGrange. Edward F. Greene, president of both companies, denied Monday night that there was an unusual significance to the trip, n We are simply making a brief tour of in spection of our textile manufac turing properties, H said Mr. Greene. ■V ‘BRIDE OF SORROW” WILL HONEYMOON ALONE IN EUROPE. Chicago, Dec. 9.—Miss Isabelle Pope, “bride of sorrow,” will go alone to Europe to make the honeymoon tour she had planned wi,Sh her childhood sweetheart, yoking William Nelson McClin to Known as the“ boy millionaire, »» William McClintock fell heir to fortune *vhich has seemed un der an evil star. The boy’s fath was killed in a motor car ac when William was five old; his mother died two later. William was the last of the family line, It is under stood that Miss Pope will receive a large part of the fortune and that the balance will go to char BISHOP ACCUSED OF TAKING FUNDS GIVEN TO CHARITY Copenhagen, Dec. 9.—The Rev. Dr. Anton Bast, American Meth odist Episcopal bishop for Scandi navia, was arrested here tonight on * a charge of misappropriation of charity funds. He will be giv en a hearing in court tomorrow morning. ORCHESTRA PLAYS AT MUSICIAN’S FUNERAL i Atlanta, Dec. 9.—Funeral ser vices for W. R. Crocker, director of Loew’s Grand theatre orches tra, who died Sunday afternoon, were held at 10 o’clock today* Special musical selections were rendered at the services by the theatre orchestra. griffin daily news Tuesday, December % 1924. <■ Strickland Crouch Co. 44 THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR ALL w PRESENTING IDEAL DOLLS And A Splendid Stock Of Christmas Gifts Dolls with hair and moving eyes—Dolls that actually cry, walk, talk, sleep and wink their eyes. DOLLS FROM 50 c TO $5.00 . J / 1 I*?- / 52 AlS X, HERE IS I SUSIE SMILES f k I 1 Susie -v7 one minute May IF; smiles and the next K 1, i minute cries, just as i I 1A Mi pictured. —u Every child and ( n Ip grown-up enjoys Susie. Comb and Brush Sets for Christmas .....$2.95 to $10.00 New line of Mirrors............ .....$1.50 and $2.50 Ivory Brushes . . . ............. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.95 Military Sets in Black and Amber. .....$5.00 and $6.50 Wonderful hand-made Bags....... ......$2.95 to $22.50 WHAT COULD YOU GIVE SO BEAUTIFUL AS THESE ALL LINEN LUNCHEON SETS, HANDSOME PILLOWS AND SCARFS, ITALIAN LACE SCARF SETS? i Thousands of Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c to $2.00 each in Gift Boxes * THE DE PEND ON STORE Kinds of Products $ Advertising Can Sell / First, the product that offers some new and better way of meeting human wants. For such a product advertising offers the cheapest, quickest means of finding those people who will appreciate the advant ages the new product offers. Second, tlje product with hidden values that escape the consumer’s untrained eye. For such a product advertising can educate the buyer until he becomes a discriminating purchaser. Third, the product which—in lucid moments—its owner will admit is no better than others of its kind. For such a product advertising can create a personal ity that will make it stand out from competmg prod ucts like the one lighted house in a row of dark ones. Which kind of product is yours? Have you learned to use advertising to its needs? Published by The News in co-operation with The American Association of Advertising Agencies. If a