Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 10, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Fwfiig N 4r g , " “344495! 11—32! I‘“,~:‘frréi f SOCIAL EVENTS HEAD SOC— A MORNING HYMN. The morning reddens in the sky; To Thee, Oh Lord, I pray, As Thou has kept me through the night, * So keep me through the day. I thank Thee for Thy gracious gift*, For darkness and for light For health and home, for faith ' and friends, Who make the dark days bright. Set Thou a watch before my lips To guard my tongue from ill; Give me a pure, an holy heart, Which' Thou Thyself can’t fill. t ’ • * Help me to speak some cheering words, To do some helpful deeds. To scatter roses in the paths, Where now grow only weeds. And if today, in .sudden death, On earth I close my eyes, Oh Jesus, let me see Thy face The first in Paradise. —Mrs. D. I. Carson, First Congregational Church. Miss Anne MacLauchlin Will Wed Mr. Rush Wooley. Mr. Donald MacLauchlin has issued invitations to the marriage of his sister, Miss Annfi Lauchlin, and Mr. Rush Wooley, The marriage will be solemnized on Saturday, the twenty-seventh of December, at five o’clock th, afternoon th, . hu « h North Carolina. * Cordial ~ 1 interest 1 a . in . the .. ap- v proaching wedding of Miss Mac Lauchlin and Mr. Wooley will be felt in Griffin, where ly bride-elect has been a frequent f visitor to her sister, Mrs. John I Rogers. „ She _. . has made , friends „ . , 1 *f all who know her by her ^harming personality, lovable dis position and graciousness of man ner. These same friends are wishing her every happiness in her new life. Mr. Wooley is a prominent young business man of Wagram 1 and is connected with families of importance throughout North Car- I olina. Mrs. Lewis Thomas Hostess To Bridge Club Tuesday. Mrs. Lewis Thomas entertain ed her Club with pretty bridge I a tea Tuesday afternoon at her f . home on South Eighth street. I The game was played in the living which attractive ' room, was with bowls of French marigolds, Mrs. Thomas received herj guests wearing a black satin fall The ^wmfflZVmSHARP FSRFBCTED 7 the into HE Wahl New any Perfected home. Pen will They carry Wahl will Christmas Eversharp please cheer those and hard-to-please cherish people as well as those who inu every gift. The worth of these writ . instruments is recognized by everyone. 2) This is the first Christmas for the Per fected Eversharp. Six new features place It far above any other pencil. Wahl Rcn is a rea * writing mate—writes with out shaking large or scratching and has a very ink capacity. N Matched Sets cased in beau tiful gift boxes. A wide se lection of styles to choose from. I wmpm 1+ \£'s m V ► r rs WL u ■ i Mg|; .i, , 0 1 1 I W SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY, DECEMBER II. The Woman’s Club will meet at the city hall at 3 o’clock. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13. The weekly tear at the Griffin Country Club. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16. The Exchange club will enter tain at Ladies’ Night with a din ner at the Hotel Griffin, to be fol lowed by a Christmas frolic. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. Mrs. Julia McWilliams Drewry and Mrs. W. G. Cartledge will give a tea at the Country Club from four to five o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cartledge will give a bridge party at the Country Club at eight o’clock. model trimmed in bright colored braid. At the conclusion of the game a delicious salad course with tea was served at the small tables. Enjoying the game were Mrs. James T. Freeman, Mrs. William Henry Saunders, Mrs. Guy New man, Mrs. Charles T. Gunnels, Mrs - Robin Wheaton, Miss Nell Bridges, Miss Emily Boyd, and and Miss Mary Hammond. Miss Sara McDowe11 came in for te ®’ ... , . _ «... __ „ ** .. ,nK ' r C . ,'"! ., T ‘T t ,te W °~ z: Ch tv “ reh ' ”" t, u ' h r nt w “ pre “ - met with Mrs. Richard J. Deane on South Hill street Mon day afternoon, postponed its meeting qn account of the inclem ent weather and illness of sever al of the members.. m. The circle . . will ... . have called a meeting , ■ next Monday M , afternoon< just after the Bible study class at Miss Mattie Corbin’s. Poplar and Taylor Circle Meets With Mrs. Griffin. The Poplar and Taylor Streets circle of the First Methodist church met with Mrs E , mer Grif . n ), er home on Meriwether Monday afternoon at 3 with twelve members After the devotional, Mrs. L. C. led the study, which is the Book of Luke. A social hour followed. The decorations throughout the were vases and baskets of chrysanthemums, Mrs. Griffin served delicious tea sandwiches. Members of the circle present were Mrs. L. C. Warren, Mrs. r" Wrap Fabrics Ana Trimmings h re Luxurious % * t f > m 111 ' ] . 1 l s r# m" ! :>;• A Mm msm ■ : - mm : <£>. • -C4 Lovely, Insurious fabrics and trimmings fashion many of the season’s wraps. A carriage wrap” of hand-painted white velvet (right) is trimmed with sable and worn with a black velvet hat trimmed with satin band and gaily colored cocade. Another handsome wrap (left) is developed m brown and gold oriental brocade collared with sable and trimmed with long silk tassels of brown and burnt orange. A golden brown felt, off-the-face hat banded with dark brown satin is worn with this wrap. In the center is a very striking black and white frock with matching manteau with long white silk fringe. The large black hot is built on Spanish lines and is trimmed with a single large rose .in black and .white silk- Alex Murray, Mrs. Richard Crow der, Mrs. Robert L. Williams, Mrs. Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Mrs. B. H. Moore, Mrs. C. C. Awsome, Mrs. Thomas Shapard, Mrs. Robert Wheaton, Mrs. Pailey, Mrs. Ben Brown and Mrs, Elmer Griffin. North Side Study Circle Meets With Mrs. Vaughn. The North Side Mission Study Circle of the First Methodist church met with Mrs. J. J. Vaughn at her home on North Hill street Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. A. F. Gilleland led the devotional, after which Mrs. Ben Connor was in charge of the les son on the Book of Luke. A social time followed the study hour. The house was attractively dec with decorations sugges of the Christmas season, hol and mistletoe being used in Mrs. Vaughn, assisted by Mrs. Claude Vaughn, Miss Opal Simon and Miss Maggie Vaughn, a delicious sweet course. Those present were Mrs. A. F. Gilleland, Mrs. I .E. Haisten, Mrs. Zed Patterson, Mrs. S. D. Johnson, Mrs. J. T. Waldrup, Mrs. W. H. Butler, Mrs. O. R. Si monton, Mrs. H. H. Jones, Sr. Mrs. T. O. Ruff, Mrs. Ben Con nor, Mrs. O. A. Stanford, Mrs. Eli B. Jones, Miss Opal Simon ton, Mrs. Claude Vaughft, Miss Maggie Vaughn and Mrs. J. J. Vaughn. i Hollonville News V___, Mr. and jHrs. Garfield Hutchin and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yar Mr: " and Mrs. T. B. Patton Monday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Connell, Owen and Howard Connell Friday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Weldon. Mrs. Maude Scott had as her Sunday evening for din ner Misses Owen Connell and Mattie Sue Walker and Warren of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Cochran Zebulon Saturday. Mrs. John Coggin and two sons, Atlanta, spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Patton Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Connell. Among those shopping in Grif Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS J. A. Yarbrough, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coggin, S. B. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Scott, Miss Mattie Sue Walker, Mrs. Maude Scott and C. W. Scott. The Woman’s Club met with Mrs. Maude Scott on Thursday The house Was attractive with decorations of fall flowers. Twelve members were present. After a business session a delicious salad course was served. Mrs. Carrie Wilson and Miss Addie Huckaby, of Williamson, were visitors here Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yarbrough entertained at dinner Friday eve ning. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnson and Miss Mattie Sue Walker. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Weldon and children and Miss Myrtle Si monton, of Griffin, visited R. C. Connell and family Sunday. f i Brent News l W. P. Clements died at his home in Macon Sunday morning after a brief illness, He was a native of Monroe county, but had been a resident of Macon for sev eral years. The funeral took place from the residence Monday morning and burial was in the family cemetery at Brent. He is survived hy his widow, two sons, Will Clements, of Atlanta; George Cleinents, of Macon; two daugh ters, Mrs. Collier Wilson, of Forsyth; Mrs. M. C. McGinty, of Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawkins, of Barnesville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurman. Mrs. H. D. Coppedge spent the week-end in Griffin as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartshorn. Mrs: J. F. Lane, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Ida Mae Brooks and Flem Brooks were guests of friends! i^i Juliet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie New son and children of Rhema were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dumas Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moye, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hudgins, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Moye, of Barnesville, were Sunday guests of Mr» and Mrs. Arthur Moye. Brent Community club enter tained with an oyster supper in honor of their husbands and sweethearts. The school audito- rium \fcas beautifully decorated in the club colors, yellow and green. Big baskets of yellow roses and mounds of fruit formed a centerpiece for the table. Mrs. M. C. McGinty, Mrs T. G. Scott, Miss Nannie Mae Worsham and Miss Ida Mae Brooks gave read ings on how to keep and enter tain a husband. The club quilt was sold, Albert Turner having the lucky number. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coieman and little daughter, Nell, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Owen. The next meeting of the Com munity club will be with Mrs. Charlie Dumas on January 1. There will be services at the , Methodist church, conducted by the pastor, of Barnesville, .next Sunday. H. H. Horn is the guest of friends at Hawkinsville. COLOR TOUCHES BRIGHTEN THIS SIMPLE FROCH W, sp w ff m % rj K l i A very simple frock of dark material is given a touch of color by blue linen collar and cuffj and jMFidc. red belt. Wednesday, December 10» ) 924 . INSTITUTt A! Barnesville, Dec. 10.—Gordon Institute announces the comple tion of their new dormitory and dining hall and both buildings are to be open to the public at a reception to be held Thursday night. These buildings were erected at a cost of $90,000, including equip ment, $15,000 in casti being given by the people of Barnesville. The dining hall will accommo date 120 students, while the dor mitory will house 78. It will also have an infirmary 'and four pro fessors’ suites, each suite com- I v Aj Wm I youth loves Jewelry A YOUNG MAN may not know just what he wants. But, give him a watch, a school or fraternity ring, or a watch chain and it’s quite likely he would smile his broadest. For any one of these gifts will make him proud not only today but for years to come. $ There are fnany other beautiful gifts, moderately priced, you can choose for mother, sister and dad— anything from silverware for mother to a silver cigarette case for dad can be had at C. a WHITMIRE Jeweler, 109 E. Solomon St. v Vi \ \ 4 /: li! Mil iiil Mr: r ji| Sv£ fiSJSMS * 1! -rr rv m <20 r. Am I clip v A -V I o % , H A Set of Beautiful China For Christmas Something from Open Stock that you can add to as you reed it. We have many lovely patterns and would suggest that you visit our China and Gift Shop on the second floor before you make your selections. f see>6ur windows Ik* $51% PERSONS-HAMMOND if M HARDWARE CO. the fflNCHtSTKfi STORE c 0 a? prising living room, bed room and bath. The new buildings were started in July, and were built to take the place of three that were burn ed several months ago. Another Dormitory. Gordon Institute also plans to build another dormitory in about two years, $30,000 having already been subscribed, It will be a*du plicate of the dormitory just com pleted. Haas & Howell, of Atlanta, have appraised the new additions and ground *at over $90,000, and with the old buildings Gordon In stitute will be one of the best military schools in the south. A new can opener that bends the rough edges downward as it cuts eliminates the danger of cut ting hands. Waffles and pancakes may be cooked on a recently invented electric iron.