Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 10, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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■ : - IP G AND BATH ROBES Make Very Acceptable Gift* and a Lasting Luxary ii / * We have tome fine richly designed, i handsomely colored and beautifully trimmed Flannelette Robes with heavy 5? cord to match— ! 16.00, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 $12.50 They are splendid values and aure to please. GRIFFIN MERCANTILE CO. PERSONAL NOTES FOOLISH CITIZEN. HU store it on a backward He tits in it and sight; Adversity it not to sweet, He doesn’t advertise. —Houston Post-Dispatch. He gases at his crowded shelves, And murmurs, “0 dod rot ’em!” He hat a world of things to sell But no one knows he’s got em. —Exchange. W. T. Kendrick, of Zebulon made a business trip to Griffin Wednesday. A. S. Shepherd and daughter, of Zetella, were visitors to Grif fin Wednesday. Mrs. E. M. Owen, of Zebulon, spent Wednesday shopping in the Hty. Mrs. Graves has returned to her home in Zebulon after a few days’ visit to Mr*. J. M. Graves on the Williamson Road. Mrs. J. H. Wilson has gone to Savannah for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. Clarke. Mrs. E. M. Wheeliss, of Milner, spent Wednesday shopping in Griffin. Miss Adeloy Stanley left Tues day night for Savannah, where she will spend some time with Mrs. Carl Shepard, formerly Miss Loi* Emerson, of Griffin. Trank Grant and daughter, of McDonough, were visitors to Grif fin Wednesday. Mrs. Estelle Carmichael, of Mil ner, spent Wednesday in Griffin shopping. Mrs. L. C. Connally, of Jones boro, was a visitor to Griffin stores Wednesday. Henry Clay Burr, of Atlanta, spent Wednesday in Griffin on business. ■v ^ Mrs. John S. Hooker has re turned to her home In Tarboro, THE LAW IS DOING ITS BEST P OLICE in every community are trying their level best [to ’ prevent hold-ups. In spite of this, hold-up men [are making rich hauls in all ’parts of the country. ! HOLD-UP INSURANCE ipays for losses when employes are held up and robbed. Perhaps tomorrow! So in sure today. Drake & Company u N. C., after a visit to Mrs. J. Graves on the Williamson Mrs. Hooker will be here as Miss Nina May formerly of Zebulon. Mrs. W. T. Kendrick, of Zeb ulon, was shopping in Griffin Wednesday. Mrs. E. Rivers, of Cabin dis trict, was shopping in Griffin late Tuesday afternoon. Solicitor E. M. Owen, of the Griffin circuit, was mingling with friends in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Claude Tidwell was among those from Zebulon shopping in Griffin Wednesday. • Mrs. E. R. Littlejohn and Miss Annie Mae Littlejohn, of Milner, were shopping in Griffin Wednes day. C, E. Ross, of Zebulon, made a business trip to Griffin Wednes day. Mrs. David T. Bussey motored to Atlanta Tuesday and visited friends. "Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Archer an nounce the birth of a daughter, December .8, who has been named Mary Ellen. Mrs, Fleming Bailey spent Wednesday with friends in At lanta. The members of the Ladies’ Aid Society, of the First Christian church, are requested to meet the president immediately after pray er services tonight. A. E. Coggin, of Brooks, was in the city today and called at The News office to renew his sub scription to the Semi-Weekly. Miss Elizabeth Coats spent Wednesday with friends in At lanta. Mrs. John Stevens Manley is ill at her home on East College street. Mrs. John Hendley Parham, who underwent an operation at the Griffin Hospital Monday, is resting well. The Woman’s Club will hold an important business meeting at the city hall tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stallings announce the birth of a daughter December 9 at their home on South Sixth street. S. S. Gailliard, of Route C, was in the city today and renewed his subscription to the Semi-Weekly News. , Farris Nowles, formerly of Griffin, now of West Point, is spending a few days in the city with relatives. The Griffin Athletic Club bas ketball team will go to Fort Valley Thursday for a game with the Fort Valley team. R. F. Shedden, of the Mutual Life Insurance company of Atlan ta, spent Tuesday in Griffin. Mrs. William H. Beck, Jr., who esting, as a large vote was The election in Brooks resulted as follows: For justice, E. R. Cog gin, 5^ votes; J. B. Carson, 35. For constables, L. L. Haynes, 87 votes; A. M. Green, 77. Every , uktice of the peace in the county was re-elected. Brooks and Shake rag were the only districts in the county where the justices had op position. Mason Cooper, a well known young man of Brooks, who works at his father’s sawmill in Line Creek district of Spalding county, was accidentally shot early Mon day morning while rabbit hunting near the sawmill and was rushed to the Griffin Hospital for treat ment. His left eye was shot out and he was badly injured. He is reported to be doing as well as could be expected. His friends wish him an early recovery. Mrs. L. L. Haynes, who has been ill for some time, i» reported un improved. Her many friends wish for her an early recovery. Three deacons will be ordained at the regular services at White water church next Sunday morn ing. The ordination services win be conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Amos Turner, assisted by the Rev. John F. Norton,, of Griffin. | West Gr 11117 News | J Wesley Analey, of Thomas ton, spent the week-end with his mother, Mr*. J. X Gossett. M. L, Stewart, of ThomastDn, was the guest of relatives iin West Griffin Sunday. Mrs. Pulliam is visiting her mother, Mrs. Coker; who' » ill in Pike county. Mr. Duffie, of BVooks, spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Chambers. Mrs. L. T. Tachette is very- ffl at her home-. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Reid, of Esmond, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gibson were called to Americas Sunday by the s eriou s iflhcss- of their son. E. M. Garrett is spending the week-end at Woodbury with rela tives. has been the guest of Miss Betty Chichester in Macon, went to JaAmn Tuesday for a short vis it to her mother, Mrs. Kate Car michael Lester. W. C. Elder today sold to J. R. Jones 96 acres of land in Union district, the purchase price being $1,500. A microphone recently complet ed by scientists is said to record sounds made by small insects, generally believed to be mute. An automobile dump body can be elevated by hand operated gears, to deposite loads at levels higher than the truck bed. Brooks News The December term of superior court dosed after being in session for two days. ' Ihe eachers’ Institute of Fay ette county will meet here the Brooks school next Saturday, December 13. All of the teachers of the county and the Board of Education have been invited to attend. It will be an all-day meeting. Mias Sara Gable, of Brooks, and Lee Bowers, of Woolsey, become subscribers to the Semi-Weekly News with this issue. The Griffin and Spalding County Chamber of Commerce meeting, which was to have been held last Monday night but was rained out, will be held at the Brooks High school auditorium next Monday night, December 15. The program already arranged will be carried out and the public generally is in vited to attend. The rains Monday were very heavy in this section. Farming lands were badly washed and small grain was badly damaged. The election for justices of the peace and constables in Fayette county Saturday was very inter- r ’ ~ ..... . j Orchard Hill News | — _ j The Rev. Ballard filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon and' de livered a fine sermon. Misses Effie and Ivar Browa spent Sunday with Mrs. George brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shackle ford and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Car ter. Misses Eliabeth Colquitt and Nanie Mae Moore spent the week end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Jim Colquitt. Mr. and Mrs, Linton Beckham, of Griffin, spent a while last Sun day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pitts. * The Ladies’ Bible Society will meet with Mrs. W. J. Grubbs Wednesday afternoon. We have been studying the “Life of Jesus,” and will study “His First Minis try at Samoria,” Wednesday. Mrs. Bennett spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, Sam Fisher. Miss Hae! Seagraves spent last Sunday with Mis* Lois ‘ Fisher. *Mr. and Mrs, Ema Shackle ford spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shackle ford. Albert Swint made a business trip to South Georgia last week. Mr. and Mrs.. J. B. Edwards and family, of Forsyth, spent Sunday with Mir, and Mrs. Earl Pitts. Little Robert. Swint is on the sick Cat this week. . We ... hope , .. hum a speedy recovwy. Everybody is invited to attend preaching services the first and tMrd Sunday evenings at the Bap tist chwch. Rev. Ballard, pastor; second Sunday, Rev. Betts paster. Only 5,000 eases lobsters, aftout . half the . catch, , previous were caught off Newfoundland^ year. NOW FOR SALE THE R. H. DRAKE ESTATE On Meriwether Street RESIDENCE AND SIX-ACRE TRACT This superbly located property oa Meriwether street has been placed in our hands for sale at a very attractive price. A fine old residence located tn midst of oak and magnolia grove. Contains nine large rooms, with water, lights, baths, hardwood floors and large basement with cemented floors. Needs only repainting and minor repairs to make it one of most desirable homes in city. Pecan grove and more than 50 fruit trees on place. Owner would consider selling residence with any amount of ground desired. Six-acre tract is admirably suited for subdivision purposes. A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR EITHER HOMESEEKER OR INVESTOR! GRIFFIN REALTY CO. I W. G. CARTLEDCE, Mgr. GRIFFIN GEORGIA GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS When Plain Mr.Calvin Coolidge Ran Over To Chicago For Visit ;;X; M ill! mm m WT"* m Wm "V m fmimk > 9 _ ' mM ;X|v|v v: -> The photo shows President Coolidge practicing the economy he urged upon congress. The president departed from the usual custom of private car, special train and elaborate secret service protec tion and journeyed to Chicago in an ordinary Pullman with Mrs. Coolidge to speak at the international live stock show there. He pointed out the saving totaled $1,763. He and Mrs. Coolidge are the FAYETTE SUPERIOR COURT ADJOURNS; DOCKET WAS LIGHT Judge W. E. EL Searcy, Jr., re turned last night from Fayette ville, where he has been presid ing over Fayette superior court, which has adjourned. There was very little business, at this session, Judge Searcy stated. | A case in which there is local interest was that of Joe Foster ’and Caroline Foster, who were convicted on a charge of forgery, and each sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. The man and wowam claimed to b* brother and sister, hut it de veloped at the triad that they rose not. They claimed to bw the owners of a house and lott iir College Fsferk and secured at loan <m the property for $7,00ffi from Carl Graves, a brother if Janaes R. DEESYOUR BACH ACHE? Kid Backs Bring Suffering to Many Griffim Folk*, : Is that dull, constant backache making you old and msserable? Does your back tHpob and ache until it seems you. just earit keep going 7 Do you suffer headaches, fiiazy spells and urinary disorders; Keel weak, tired and worn-out? iThen look, to vour -kidneys. Delay may mean serious kidhey- skim-ess 1 Use Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diuretic to the Kidneys. Doan’s are recommended! by Griffin folks. J. F. Grant, proprietor Eureka Shoe Repair Shop, ,M> Alabama street, Griffin, says:: tt T suffered from weak kidneys and tie secre tions passed tow frequently. My back was lannr and sere and I could hardly couch it at times. Sharp pains darted through my back at the least move and mom ings I could hardly crawl out of bed. Friencte Highly rwwmmended Doan’s Pillss, and I procured some at the Griffilr Pharmacy. Doan’s me.’' _ 60c at all’ dealers. Foster-Mill burn Co., MTrs., Buffalo, N. Y .Wednesday, December 10, 1924. y f'T'T T T ' TTy yT'T'T f ri ¥ ri V ..... f g s •la *>r TODAY Thursday and Friday WORLDLY HER GOODS NIGHT ’ % Starring Agnes Ayres OF ROMANCE From Sophie Kerr’s brilliant Ladies’ Home Journal serial. WITH A picture luxuriously mount- CONSTANCE ed and lavishly staged. TALMADGE EXTRA More action, romancs, ex Good Comedy citement and clever situations i than ever before. It’s great to - Sailor Maids » 1 - be love, but Connie in sure makes it seem funny. WE ARE SHOWING Tt* Added BEST PICTURES THAT FOX NEWS CAN BE BOUGHT. A Ada* J.AA * A. A AAA Graves,, tf Griffin. Mr. Graves prosecuted them when finding out that he had been, swindled. The world's highest radio sta tion is situated on top of Mount Corcovado,-. 2,000 feet above the city of Rkide Janiero, Brazil. France txaa only 10,000 unemt ployed. ANNOUNCING J i F. S. PUTMAN •?* AND' ? r* If TH0S. J. DENHAM •«r r* Office, LI2 W. Taylor St. T i' DISTRICT MANAGERS OF THE > MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK j ^Assets $705,000,000 1 .l. i X \ R. F. Shedden, Manager i T ATLANTA, GEORGIA too Late to classify LOST: Red Jersey sfaoat, beam missing since Sunday, Will pay cash for taking care of same. Cook’s Market, Phone KflO. WANTED immediately, expfc rienced stenographer, Accuracy and speed necessary. Familiarity, with general office work essential. Apply at once to Box 412, GriL fin.