Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 11, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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£}#s it;' Si i v I ssgy * ^ */r 1 . ■ 4 1 1 M r c \S> 4 r p \ T f V v%mk»: ^ <.•* - [embers of College Set to Arrive In Griffin Next Week For Holiday Season; Many Gaieties Are Planned T With Christmas just two weeks off, the thoughts of Griffin are taming to the return of the col lege set from schools the country. Next week the young folks will begin arriving and a lively holiday season is in atore for everyone. A number of attractive visitors will be in the city to add to the gaieties and many of the older crowd, out of college, ■ but still a part of the social life of Griffin, will return home for the holiday aeason. Christmas is always the one time of the year when everyone who has ever lived in Griffin and ean possibly return for a visit comes back and the holiday sea son is always the gayest of the year. A number of informal parties have been planned and several elaborate dances will be given. Miss Rhoda Nichols, who i3 at tending the Chambers School of Landscape Gardening at Cam bridge, Mass., will arrive ber 21 \o spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nichols. Miss Mary Nichols, a student at Sweetbriar College, in Sweetbriar, Va., will arrive home December 20. William Nichols will return December 19 from Se wanee, . Tenn„ where he is at tending the Sewanee Military Academy. ' Miss Nellie B. Baggett, who is • Greenbriar College, in Lewis burg, Va., will arrive December 20 to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bag Miss Alice Searcy, a junior at Randolph-Macon College, Lynchburg, Va., will also return December 20 for the holiday sea son with her parents, Judge and Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr. From Agnes Scott College, in Decatur, will come December 17 Miss Rosalind Janes, to spend the SOLVED! i i IS/ Iff ID/m i * "A i <3 f;g2£? * u u T •j IS i " 9 •>] i 4 "1 •J * i t _j*L 9 i * * » 1 X T urnming* l§ird PURE SILK HOSIERY WEARS LONGER Her. A gift She of Humming Bird Hose is certain to please knows their quality and will appreciate your good taste. Give them all Humming Birds—no one ever has too many silk stockings. Only $ 1.50 the pair. GRIFFIN MERCANTILE CO. “The Store of Holiday Happiness *» SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. The Woman’s Club will meet at the city hall at 3 o’iiocK. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13. The weekly tea at the Griffin Country Club. Miss Virginia Cooper will en tertain at a domino party in the morning and again in the after noon. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16. The American Legion Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Frank Pitt man on South Hill street at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Robin Wheaton will en tertain the members of her bridge club. The Exchange club will enter tain at Ladies’ Night with a din ner at the Hotel Griffin, to be fol lowed by a Christmas frolic. _ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17. Mrs. Douglas Halid will give j a bridge and domino party at her |home on South Thirteenth street at three o’clock, t j - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. Mrs. Jjuly» McWilliams Drewry and Mrs. W. G. Cartledge will j give a tea at the Country Club from four to five o’clock. t J will Mr. give and Mrs. bridge W. G. Cartledge a party at the [ Country Club at eight o’clock, holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Janes, and Miss Mary Ella Ham j mond to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Woods Hammond. I Miss Mary Wilson, who is at the North Avenue Presbyte rian Church school, in Atlanta will arrive December 19 to be .with her parents, Col. and Mrs. Frederick Wilson. Miss Ethel Cochran will come up from the Sixth District A. & M. school in Barnesville to visit relatives. Miss Nell Pounds, who is at tending the State Normal School in Fredericksburg, Va., will not return home, but will spend the holidays with a relative, Mrs. Howard, in Fredericksburg/ Miss Gwendolyn Williams will arrive from Wesleyan College in Macon, December 19, to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams. Misses Virginia Flynt and Marie Weldon will come a day earlier, the 18th, for the Christmas vacations with their families. Miss Lena Mae Walker, who is attending Bessier Tift College in Forsyth, will return December 19 for the holidays in Griffin. Arriv ing the same day will be Miss Emory Drake, the young daugh ter of Mr. Emory Drake, who will spend Christmas with him. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomr ery will have as their guest their daughter, Miss. Douglas Mont gomery, who will arrive from Mil ledgeville, where she is attending the Georgia State College for Women, December 20. Wayne Traer will arrive home from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta December 19 and will spend his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Traer. Henry Smith will return next week from Gainesville, where he is a student at Riverside Mili tary Academy, for the Christmas season with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith. . William Griffin, who is attend ing the Philadelphia Tertile School, will spend the holidays with friends in the East. Harry Rogers and Harris Drew ry, medical students at Emory University, in Atlanta, will a r rive December 18 to spend the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rogers and Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Drewry. Phillips Brooks, who is attend ing the Philadelphia Textile School, will arrive a few days be fore Christmas for the holiday season with his mother, Mrs. T. J. Brooks. , Miss Martha Sams, of the Geor gia State College for Women, will arrive December 20 to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. gnd Mrs. W. J. Sams. Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Warren will have with them their daughter, Miss Mary Louise Warren, also a student at the Georgia State Col lege for Women, who arrives De cember 20. Friar Thompson, Jr., who is at tending the state university in Athens, will spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Friar Thompson, arriving around the 19th. John and Lewis Brewer, stu dents at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, will arrive December 20 for the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Butler Walken; Lawson Johnson, another" stu dent ar Tech, day to be the guest of hia .moth er, Mrs. Mobley Johnson. Miss Bessie Haisfield, of the Georgia State College for Wo men, will spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Haisfield, arriving December 20. Ralph Williams will arrive the 18th from Emory University in Atlanta, to spend two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Sibley will have with them their son, Franklin, Jr., also a student at Emory, who will arrive Decem ber 18. ' Monroe d’Antignac, who is at tending the University of Georgia, in Athens, will arrive December 20 for the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Auvergne d’Antignac. John Hall Murray* of Georgia Tech, arrives the 20th to be the guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS B. C. Murray. George Imes, Jr., will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Imes at Experiment, com ing down December 20 from Geor gia Tech, . Misses Eunice Bolton, Eloise Dye, Ruth Phinazee, Vivian Peel, Thelma Bryant, and Maggie Holman, who are at tending the Georgia State College for Women' will arrive in Griffin Saturday, December 20, to spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wheaton will have with them their sons, Minor and Gordon Wheaton, who are students at the University of Georgia, and who will arrive the last of next week. Harrell Drewry, of the Univer sity of Georgia, will arrive around the 19th to spend the hol idays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Drewry. Mr. and Mrs. Drewry will also have with them John E. Drewry, the head of the department of publicity, of the university. Henry Halsey Moore, of Emory University, arrives December 18 to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Breck Moore. Frank Binford, Jr., will arrive from Georgia Tech December 20 for the holiday season, with his father, F. M. Binford. * William Scott, Jr., will spend the -holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Scott, arriving home De cember 19 from Athens, where he is attending the University of Georgia. Tofey Smaha will also arrive from Athens about the same time to spend the holidays with relatives. George Wheaton arrives Satur day, December 20, from Atlanta, where he is attending Georgia Tech, for a vi sit to his parents, Mr. and^Mrs. Robert Wheaton. Ralph Eubanks, of Mercer, Ma con, will come to Griffin Decem ber 19 for the holidays with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eu banks. They will also have as their guest their daughter, Miss Caroline Eubanks, an instructor at the Georgia State College for Women, in Milledgeville. John Hammond, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Woods Hammond, ar rives December 20 from Atlanta, where he is attending school at Georgia Tech, for the holidays with his parents. Donald Baird arrives about the same time from Tech to visit relatives. Miss Louise Carver, a student at Bessie Tift College, is already in Griffin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carver, convales cing from an illness. Miss Thelma Faulkner, also at- 2I2S2I Change of Life "When change of life be gan on me," says Mrs. Lewis Llsher, of Lamar, Mo I suffered so with w womanly w e akn ess. 1 atrt fered a great deal of pain in my back and sides; My limbs would cramp, I didn’t feel like dolug my ifrork, and there are so many steps "for a woman to take on a farm. I was very anxious to get better. A friend recommended K CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic < to me and I began using It I certainly improved. I went through change Of * 3 life without any trouble. * I can highly recommend Cardul." At the age of about 40 to 60 every woman has to pass through a critical time, which is called the Change of Life. 4 * If you are approaching 4 * this period, or are already * suffering from any of Its In troubles or symptoms, take Cardul. It should help you, as It has helped others. At all druggists. EX-98 SEiaacKgarirA-# tending Bessie Tift, arrives De ( cember 19 for the holidays with relatives. A number of popular Griffinites who are • teaching in schools throughout the state, will also spend the holiday season in the city with relatives. Miss Lucile Grove Smith Complimented With Party. Mrs. Robert Smith entertained at her home on East College 1---1—i--i—mn -1 -TimBiimimrnmi iiinniumniiitiiiiminiwi 11,... wsaiiiiBiJiliirsurinr 3 f= /■ 0$ v. > s I ft, I g 1 Ft S §t Ve a Luggage Which Proves that “Har-dsome Is as Handsome Does >> j E be, and and and | It’s as handsome as can it wears wear3 wears! Take, / for instance, a handsome suitcase of black e> «‘ ..j ■ grained leather. 4 It would do handsomely as a Christmas gift. A fine traveling bag of black cobra hide is a distinctive i gift for the man : who travels. An enamel hat box or smart ■» overnight bag will bring joy to the college girl. If you wish § to give a gift that endures, let it be Luggage. A Full Line of Rountree’s Luggage to Select From g § WARDROBE TRUNKS HAT BOXES § $27.50 to $47.50 $5.75 to $10.50 j DRESS TRUNKS SUIT CASES g $8.50 to $35.00 $3.50 to $15.00 f OVERNIGHT BAGS TRAVELING BAGS pm $6.50 to $16.00 $7.50 to $16.00 GRIFFIN MERCANTILE COMPANY y. U The Store of Holiday Happiness iwfmiimtimnKmMmmttfRnwmRHiiiiftnfimfmifiFJ HiiiiuMtiuiiiumHHiHiiiiiiiHuiuiiMHHHiftiMiiiiifiuwmtiiiiJiiiiuiH fuiuDiiHiJiiiifitiinaiiiHfHHHiniwitwnjHi'fWHmiiiiiiii (HlWifHtotJWIJlflP .vt. l •XMAS 0 i 11’* \ it SI ■ FOR DAD whose feet seen so much larger than his shoes, there’s the easy on and off, the good old fashioned □ comfy slipper and the never-to-be-for gotten Romeo. tfik FOR MOTHER, whose dainty •tl ff: ankles from high French heels, i tire ■M t there are lovely satin brocaded «£ jM slippers charmingly decorated with bows and pompons, and for cold IE 4 ar x^wi'ntry nights, there are warm i. w ooly slippers tha t make e v er y -, 1 one happy. I- V FOR BABY'S chubby little feet, there are cosy toes and + ««*• comfy slippers — just like mother’s and dad’s. ±: it: * *«• ««a ItCV! is? Slippers for home and com4 Hj fort make practical, charms - "/- 1 m ing gifts!! it;: , K mP GRIFFIN MERCANTILE COMPANY bty The Store of Holiday Happiness r jSrt * • -f A 11, 1 924 , street Tuesday afternoon, at a pretty birthday party in honor of her daughter, Lucile Grove Smith, whose third anniversary it was. The color scheme in the decor ations over the house was yellow and green. Handsome growing plants and vases of yellow chrys anthemums were used as decora tions in the living room. The table in the dining room, had fox its central decoration the birthday cake, frosted in white, and holding three white candies.. At each end of the table were placed silver candlesticks hoMing unshaded yellow and green, can dles. Streamers of green and yellow crepe paper were attrac tively arranged from the chande lier to the corners of the ta ble- Silver nut bowls held salt ed peanuts. • Handsome potted (Continued on Page 8.1