Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 12, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ur E i -V.V, / Iff > f a . 2% a V » i c Be r: , I, *v 111 f \ iN .% 5 s * 7 Li I V3 & - '•V SOCIAL EVENTS 1 Invitations Received To F <!-■> r ;.’^: - y. • ' V , •=>. ■ Gray-Kimble Wedding. ' Invitations have been received in Griffin to the wedding of Miss Sara Adair Gray and Mr. Francis Marion Kimbie, junior, which will be solemnized on Saturday eve ning, December the twentieth, at eight o’clock at the First Metho dist church in Carrollton, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Gray, par ents of the bride, will entertain 8; St with - . ■ brilliant reception at the SI a Cliffton Hotel from half after eight until eleven o’clock. Miss Gray formerly made her home In Griffin and has many friends in this city who are sin cerely interested in the news of her approaching marriage. A number of Griffinites are planning to motor to Carrollton for the brilliant wedding of Miss Gray and Mr. Kimble. Mrs. Parks Walker Hostess To Bridge Club Wednesday. Msr. Parks Walker entertained the members of her club at a pretty bridge tea at her home on the Poplar stret extension Wed nesday afternoon. The game was played in the sun parlor, which was decorated in handsome growing palms and 7y ferns.____________________ a!;*; Mrs. Walker received her guests wearing a black satin mod el, trimmed in fcold braid. Mrs. T. I. Hawkins made high score, winning a deck of Congress cards. A delicious hot luncheon with tea was served at the small ta- ................. 11311 liHlinmJi' n a SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS and New Year Cards Now before the stock is broken. We offer a very libera] selection for your choosing, made up from the tines of six leading Greeting Card manufac turers. You want, when you select Christmas Cards. — QUALITY - ORIGINALITY - VARIETY These you will find in our cards together with a very wide selection. Post Cards at lc to Ribbon-Tied, Engraved Hand Colored Booklets at $1<00 DON’T FORGET THE XMAS CARDS TO RELATIVES AND MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY NEW YEAR CARDS—FRAMED MOTTOES Pickering’s The Store of Dependability >1 : Diamonds Are The Supreme Gift Every piece of Latham Jewelry from & Atkinson is guaranteed to be Platinum exactly as it is D 1AMOND and represented and Diamonds are the one gift whose welcome is al ways assured. We are offer Ing many beautiful pieces designed with all the infinite pains and artistic ability that the world’s master craftsmen can put into them. If it is not convenient for you to come to our store, we will send memorandum package to you. Look them over, pick out what you want and re turn the rest. Out-of-town people who have no account with us may take advantage of this by giving their references. Latham & Atkinson ? Jewelers arid Platinumsmiths 47 Whitehall—Atlanta 0 Successors to Davis & Freeman k i,k Mail orders filled day received m kfV ' , J , : m SOCIAL CALENDAR j. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13. The weekly tea at the Griffin Country Club. Miss Virginia Cooper will en tertain at a domino party in the morning and again in the after noon. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16. The American Legion Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Frank Pitt man on South Hill street at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Robin Wheaton will en tertain the members of her bridge club. The Exchange club will enter tain at Ladies’ Night with a din ner at the Hotel Griffin, to be fol lowed by a Christmas frolic. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17. Mrs. Douglas Hand will give a bridge and domino party at her home on South Thirteenth street at three o’clock. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. Mrs. Julia McWilliams Drewry and Mrs. W. G. Ca'rtledge will give a tea at the Country Club from four to five o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cartledge will give a bri d g e p ar ty a t the Country Club yt eight o’clock. bles at the conclusion of the game. Enjoying Mhe game were Mrs. Haskell Bass, Mrs. Bartlett Sear cy, Mrs. T. I. Hawkins, Mrs. W. W. Norman, Mrs. Alex Gossett, Mr*. C. A. Buise, Mrs. Gordon Wilson and Mrs' C. W Slaton. H. V. Kell Gives Ilird Supper Hendley V. Kell entertained at a delightful bird supper Wednes day night at his home on South Hill street in honor of the men who are employed by the Kell Grocery Company. The house was decorated in handsome yellow and white chrys anthemums, which filled vases and baskets. The center piece ft)r the dining room table was a silver basket of these same lovely flowers. A delicious bird supper was served. Covers were laid for fifteen. Christian Church Womten Observe Woman’s Day. The Woman’s Missionary Socie ty of the First Christian church observed their annual Woman’s Day recently. Mrs. Holt led the devotional period and made the introduc tory address in an excellent man' nar. Mrs. Lamar Walker, in her pleasing way, sang “Just for To day." The mission work of the dis ciples of Christ was presented in the form of a pageant. The eighteen characters taking part marched out of the Sunday school auditorium into the main audito rium and onto the stage singing, it Onward Christian Soldiers. ” The different foreign fields were effectively represented as follows: Miss Aleen Travis, Africa; Miss Wilson, 'China; Miss Eugenia Barrow, Philippines; Miss Annie Taylor, Jamaica; Mrs. Freeman, Japan; Miss Jack Hancox, Porto Rico; Miss Beulah Digby, India; Miss Ethlyn Ison, South America; Mias Edwina Tharpe, Mexico; and Mrs. Jones, Tibet. Home missions were represent ed as follows: Mrs. J. A. Taylor, educational, evangelistic and min isterial missions and Mrs. O. K. Cull, six old people’s homes. Six little girls very graciously represented the six orphan’s homes. The program was very instruc tive, educational and pleasing to the entire audience. Woman's Auxiliary Has An Interesting Meeting. The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. George’s Episcopal church recent ly had an interesting meeting in the Grantland Memorial Parish House, with the president, Mrs. Robert P. Shapard, in the chair. Tim meeting was opened with thy'Penitential service, read by yne members present, and the Lord’s Prayer, said in unison. This was followed by a prayer said by Mrs. Robert Walker for missionaries, particularly the Rev. and Mrs. Henry A. Willey in the Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. T. J. White, chairman of ~rr* m * ~ w 12 1 NEW GAMES r r AND ■yi i) Si [v*." TOYS FOR GIRLS AND . BOYS .■'/ a Ft M ssw. at 7 it THE PATSY n Gift and Art Shop t GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS the box committee, reported a box valued at $170.00 ready to be sent to the Ascension Mission Home, in North Carolina, from the Woman's Auxiliary of St, George’s church. The treasurer reported $27.00 sent to the Appleton Church Home, Macon; and $5.00 -sent to the tornado sufferers in North Dakota since the last meeting of the Auxiliary, It was voted to send a Christ mas box to the little five year old orphan at Appleton Church Home, for whom the Auxiliary cares. Mrs. Oscar W. Sibley, of the nominating committee, presented the following names as officials for the ensuing year: Mrs. Rob ert P. Shapard, president; Mrs. John B. Mills, vice president; Mrs. Walter C. Beeks, secretary and treasurer; and Mrs. Gordon Wil son, assistant secretary and treasurer; all of whom were elect ed. Mrs. H. P. Howell gave an in teresting and graphic account of the Hawaiian Islands. Those present were Mrs. Rob ert P. Shapard, Mrs. Mila T. Mor ris, IV^rs. John B. Mills, Mrs. Marcus Carson, Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Mrs. Thomas J. White, Miss Laura Glessner, Mrs. H. P. Powell, Mrs. Walter Graefe, Mrs. Oscar Sibley, Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. William G. Nichols, and Mrs. Walter C. Beeks. ------ WITH WOMEN OF TODAY Three women will sit in the next Nebraska legislature. California boasts of 89 women real estate dealers, the largest number in any state. Women of the Makaus tribe of Africa go the shingle haired girl of today one better by shaving their heads clean. The United Daughters of the Confederacy has a membership J HenartTs Salad Recipes PEACH SALAD Cat th* pored peaefie* into thin slices; add Hanrhed almonds sliced* very thin; mix with MENARD'S MAYON NAISE to which • little whipped cream ha» been added, Serve on crisp lettuce. Your Grocer ha* Henard’a or he can get it HENARD MAYONNAISE CO. Nashville • Atlanta • Dallas of approximately, 100,000 divided among 1,125 chapters in 38 states. French housewives, it is claim ed, possess more tact and ability in the management of their ser vants than do the women of any other nationality. u Let's Go tt is the unique name of a monthly magazine issued as the official organ of the Virginia Federation of Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club. Among the professional manne quins at a recent dress parade in a fashionable London shop was a baby girl, 18 months old, with red gold hair and blue eyes. One New York woman is said •to make $3,000 a year by running a holiday home for the care of dogs, cats, birds and other pets while their owners are away. Native girls of New Guinea are as fond of decking themselves with bright colored stones and other ornaments as are their sis ters in more civilized countries. For Christmas i Gift Suggestions See i FULLER BRUSHES in Sets, and parked in holly boxe<. Yon ’ll i , find appropriate gifts for those you wish to remember. Write or phone me to call at yonr i home to show you these Fuller .Christmas Sets. Frank W. Nowell 114 N. 10th St. Phone 570 'in. K U'nn', f. C* it % J k l 1 m f ■it v Qifts of Jewelry if. i\ if >ri Always Please / i T satisfactorily HE problem solved of Christmas by gifts Gift of jewelry. selection The is most in trinsic value of jewelry, its beauty, usefulness and decorative character, combine to male** it highly ap preciated by everyone. MB The personal messages of esteem borne by Christm as 'll Ini? gifts are repeated and recalled each time the article \ iV is used. Nothing is treasured so long nor so dearly as jewelry. l IVatches are Especially oAppropriate 1 ric Your gift of an Elgin Watch will be a lifetime re minder the of your daily sincere heartfelt interest. It becomes II constant, companion of the recipient and l an important influence in his life. 0 Beautiful wrist watches, men's watches, and strap watches for sports wear provide appropriate styles 1 A M for everyone. Our selections are unusually complete ! Y' and provide models at any price you care to pay. ' 5 » / T. 0 Other Gift Suggestions rv/ '/,/v PEARLS—RUBY RINGS—DIAMOND RINGS ’A ), MILITARY BRUSHES—TOILET SETS And Hundreds of Others w < * 2 lit' DEPOT STORE 1 JEWELRY i 128 W. Broad Street s. WHERE PRICES ARE LOW l v\ * m fj LULL mu P mmi i $ Ill ^a/ A. f Ui Kl. SY s an mm ) V Chrl 77 H|\V % 9 ■ / tm . 7 j A s, V / Friday. December 12, 1924. I - ■ i *1 Art in Siboerware The hostess who entertains with social assurance and poise does so because she knows that her table appointments are refined and reflect the dignity and charm of her home. > Simplicity and elegance are combined in our ex quisite lines of solid silverware. \ Christmas is the time to start a set of one of our distinctive designs, which may be added to from year to year. When the complete set has been filled in, you will know the Pride of Possessing what wil be looked upon as a Priceless Heirloom by the generations to come. C. H. WHITMIRE Jeweler, 109 E. Solomon St. —Ai bj