Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 13, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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•Saturday, December 13, 1924. J At the Churches ) v_ * FIRST BAPTIST. Sunday school, 9-30 a. m. (Pre session work, ih 15.) Morning worship, 11 a. m. Pas tor’s subject, '“3’he Master's Loy alty. tt Westbrook Junior B. Y. P. U. 3 p. m. Arnold and Westbrook Senior unions, 6 p. m. Evening service, 7 p. m,, pas- : tor’s subject, .. Christ at the Door. ft A cordial invitation. is extended to the public :to attend all ser vices. Leon M. Latimer, pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bible schodl, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. nr. Evening services 7 p. m. Thet pastor will -preach at both ser vices. Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m. The little church with the big : welcome invites the public. O. K. Cull, Pastor. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC The Sdcred Heart Catholic church is located in the residen tial section of North Hill street. Sunday school held every Sun day morning at 9:30 o’clock. Mass and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be held ori the second Sunday of each month. The public is cordially invited to attend. Father Clark, Pastor. FIRST METHODIST. Sunday school and Baraca, 9:30 a. m. • Morning worship, 11a. m. Ser mon by the pastor. Epworth League, 6 p.'m. Evening service, 7 p. m. The public is cordia lly invited to worship with us. Jdhn F. Yarbrough, Pastor. J FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Morning worship, II o’clock. Subject: “The Unknown God. Evening worship, 7 o’clock. Subject: “The Power of the CrbSs. Sunday school, 9:45. Men’s Bible class in the "Manse at 10 o’clock. Christian Endeavor, 6:15 .p .m. Prayer service Wednesday eve ning, 7 o’clock. A cordial welcome to everyone. Malcolm R. Williamson, 'Pastor. iPOUND ELECTED HEAD JACKSON KIWANIS CLUB Jackson, Dec. 13.—O. A, Pound has [been elected president of the Jackson Kiwanis Club, succeeding Judge H. M» Fletcher. Other of ficers elected for the ensuing term -are J. D. Jones, vice pres ident; L. P. "McKibben, ,treasurer; R. P. Newton, district trustee; H. O. Balk R. L. Smith, R. J. Mc Michael, T. A. Nutt, J. Settle, R. N. Ethridge and B. W. Wright, directors. The tihtb will hold its annual business meeting on December 30 When all officers and chairmen Of committees will make reports for the past year’s work. This will also !be “Ladies’ Night. n \ V w THOMAS % . f a t. ,L ADDRESS Tf» 7 ' Men’s Bible Class X \ \ *T ■AT. 1 1 It FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i i ^ a ^ Sunday Morning at 9:30 . ALL MEN CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND \ *« * * ^ A A ^ ^ ^ ...... 'C&jlttal “Summer Follies tt Show Brings Society Girl Film Offer J# M ST? < if - M >i* : . 1 X f m ¥ m X jppggf M; ,V< ' :■ WCvjv iff ill I & $:*• 1 m 1181 & ss '•; v •• s wm iy fi] ■ ■ m U'-- it . m * x.' 1 Px:ilx:X m & ■f> • $ mm :-x yx ■ym *V,' I ii mm II m f x ;xfx M ■:■■■ * m *- X X & KsW. e: f ;£ w / i m i ^ * Last summer Miss Claudia Read, above, daughter of Col. and Beveriy Allen Read of Washington, took part in a "Summer hollies given by capital debutantes. Attention was called then to her beauty. Now she has received a tempting offer to enter the movies. NAMED HEAD OF CHURCH COUNCIL " ---: XX J.-. '1 ,,:.:.:.. — ■v: &>.. g| m & 1 : x: ; ■ i X % > Rev. Dr. S. Parks Cadman, pastor of the Central Congrega-, tional. Church, Brooklyn. N. Y., . has been elected president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. He is the first pastor to hold that office JERSEY SHOAT FAILS TO ESCAPE EAGLE EYE OF A NEWS WANT AD A red Jersey shoat, owned by Cook’s Market, went A. W. 0. L. lpst Sunday, then forgot the home address and failed to return. Days passed without a word from the wanderer. Then a Want 'Ad was inserted in The News. Thirty minutes after the paper went to press 'Mr. Cook phoned that it wotflU be a waste of paper and ink to run the ad again. “The Want Ad did (the work,” he added. The ad cojft 'Mr. Cook only 25 KNIGHTS PYTHIAS ELECT OFFICERS HERE LAST NIGHT Griffin lodge No. SO, Knights Pythias, at its rgrr ular meeting Friday night elected the .following officers tor tne ensuing term of six months: &• F. MeKnight, chancellor com mander. C. S. Burns, vice chancellor. Kenneth White, prelate. W. T. Byrd, master at work. W. G. Cartledge, master at arms. Fred Carter, inner guard. A. L. Burpee, outer ■ guard. J. L. Reed, keeper or records ;«id.«eala. ; - _ > Walter Williams, master of ex chequer. J. M. Mathews, trustee. T. R. White, H. H. Moore and M. M. Emerson, auditing commit tee. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN THURSDAY BY REHOBOTH SCHOOL Rehoboth school in the Akin dis trict, has planned an entertain ment for Thursday night, Decem ber 18. The following program will be given: Patriotic opening, -p r i m a r y grade. Song, grammar grade. Welcome address, by principal. Song, “Santa Land,” .Primary. Recitation, “True Devotion. •• Dialogue, “Santa Claus;” Mother Goose play. Song, “Who Comes Dowrn ,the Chimney? ft Dialogue, u Christmas Censpir acy. Song, “Jolly Old Saint Nicho las. M Dialogue, “Assisting S a n.t.a Claus. Recitation, “A Song of Christ mas. rt Dialogue, “Just Before Christ mas. Recitation, a A 'Christmas Sur prise.” Dialogue, ‘^Christmas Soliloquy. tt Recitation, “Christmas is Com mg. Recitation, “A Welcome to New Year.” Carol Singers. Song, “Star Spangled Banner," by school. ELOPEMENT REASON FOR GIRL'S DISAPPEARANCE Atlanta, Dec. 13.—Miss Rubie Lee Hudgins, for whom the police conducted a search after she dis appeared for mbcahrdluetaoinn appearance from a church Wed nesday night, now is Mrs. C. J. Renfro, wife of the man to whom her mother objected as prospective son-in-law. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Market Reports (Over Parsley, Slaton & Co.’a Private Wire.) New Orleans Cotton 1 : IPrev lOpenjHigh Low ICI’selClos e Jan. 23.53 23.63 23.37 23.46 23.58 Mch. . 23.50 23.68 23.41 23.50 23.63 May 23.80 23.95 23.71 23.75 23.90 July 23.95 24.05 23.87 23.88 24.02 Dec. 23.49 23.72 23.49 23.57 23.73 Spots—Middling 10 down, 23.50. New York Cotton Prev IQpen[High[Low Cl’selClose Jan. 23.10 23.31 23.04 23.15 23.25 Mch. 23.50 23.70 23.46 23.55 23.66 May 23.85 24.07 23.83 23.90 24.00 July 24.02 24.22 23.97 24.06 24.14 Dec. 23.10 23.19 23.08 23.09 23.20 Spots—Middling 10 down, 23.60. Griffin Spot Cotton Good Middling .......... 23.00 Strict Middling ...... .......22.75 Middling 22.50 Jno, F. Chirk & Co.’s Cotton Letter New York, Dec. 13.—U. S. con sumption for November, published before our opening, proved to be smaller than last month, but the decline of about 20 points which resulted was promptly 1 recovered. Daily consumption during Novem ber was greater than in any month since February. After deducting holiday, election and Thanksgiving and five Sundays, there ware only 23 working days in November. More attention was paid to the reference to November exports, 000 bales. While Europe is taking which exceeded last year’s by 539, our cotton so freely, spinners are slow ,in building their mill stocks, which still 400,000 u n de r la st year and ly 700,000 below 1923. We for renewal of spot demand, tinued large exports and improvement in prices. JACKSON KNIGHTS NAME NEW OFFICERS FOR Jackson, Dec. 18.—Officers elected by Jackson lodge No. Knights of Pythias, at the meeting. They will be at the first meeting in January. Jackson lodge is completing most successful year and the new year with a bright look. Officers named for the term are as follows: P. H. Weaver, C. C. M. P. Lane, Jr., V. C. Charlie D. Moore, P. i L. D. Carter, M. W. L. M. Spencer, K. of R. S. J. L. Moore, M F. J. H. Ham, M. Ex. J. T. McMichael, M. A. B. R. McClendon, I. G. W. M. Redman, 0. G. O. A. Pound, trustee for •years. J. M. KELLEY SAYS HE COULDN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT THE J. M. Kelley, of 231 Twelfth street, is loud iq praise of The News. ii If I had to cut out ony I would discontinue the papers and keep my home coming,” he said to a tative the other day, —■— << T find more general news in than in the big papers, brief easily read, and get the best paper Griffin ever get along without rt” CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. fTo whom it may concern: Mrs. Sue Patterson, as istrator of the estate of C. R. terson, deceased, having to me by petition for leave to the real estate of said this is to notify the creditors kindred that said application (be passed upon at the term, 1925, of the court of nary of said county, and that less cause is then shown to the contrary said leave will be ed. This, the 12th day of 1924. D. R. CUMMING, CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: ' G. B. Wesley having in form applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Sandy Harris, late of Spalding county, deceased, this is to notify the kindred anti creditors of said Sandy- Harris, deceased, that the said application, will be heard be fore me at the- regular January term, 1925, of the court of ordi nary of said county. Witness my hand and official seal, this 10th day of December, 1924. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: James A. Greer, guardian of Bessie Mae Greer, now Mrs. J. G. Boling, has applied to me for a discharge from his guardianship of said ward: this is therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Mon day in January next, else James A. Greer will be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: B. M. Sherard, of said state, having applied to me for letters of administration with the will an nexed, on the estate of Rena Jack son, deceased, this is to cite all persons interested to be, and ap pear at the January term, 1925, of the court of ordinary of said coun ty, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration with the will annexed, should not be granted to said B. M. Sherard on said estate. D. R. CUMMING. Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Sp&lding county. To all whom it may concern: Whereas W. B. Mathews, admin istrator of Mrs. Charles Phillips, represents to the court in his pe tition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has f.lly adminis tered said estate. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in January, 1925. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: E. U. Snider, as administrator of the estate of A. A. Snider, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, this is to notify the creditors and kin dred that said application will be passed upon at the regular Jan uary term, 1925, of the court of ordinary of said county, and that unless cause is then shown to the contrary, said leave will be grant, ed. This 10th day of December, 1924. D. R. CUMMING, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue of an order granted by the ordinary of Spalding coun ty on the first day of December, 1924, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Griffin, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, 1925, the following de scribed property belonging to the estate of W. J. Bridges, deceased, to wit: Seventy-nine and one-quarter acres, more or less, in lot No- 1, first district of Pike, now Spald ing county, Georgia, known as Gilder place; 117 3-4 acres, more or less, in lot No. 16 in the fourth district of originally Henry, now Spalding, known as Travis place, less one acre deeded to church; 60 acres, more or less in lot 17 in the fourth district of originally Henry, now Spalding county, known as part vt the Mote place; east of lots 15 and 18, containing 200 acres; more or le«tf. (Bai S acres known as Shields residence)' in the fourth district of originally Henry, now Spalding known, as Travis land; 50 acres of land, more or less, in lots 17 and 48, fourth district of original ly Henry, now Spalding county, known as the Milam place; 2 acres fore or leas, out «f the northeast corner of lot 46 ia the fourth dis trict of Henry, now Spalding county, known as Parker land; four acres, more or less, in the southeast corner of lot 51 bought from J. W. Vaughn in the fourth district of Spalding eounty, Geor gia; 100 acres, more or less, of the south part of lot 47, known as Aiken place in fourth district Spalding county*; 97 acres of lot 47 and 50 known as Reeves place in same district and county; 87 acres, more or less, on west side of lot No. 80, same district and county, known as Champion place; and southeast corner of lot 82 known as Goodson place, same county and district, containing 50 acres, more or less. Said tracts of land to be sold in such parcels as the administrators „ determine. Said property sold the purpose of paying debts for distribution among the I Terms of sale cash. H. S. BRIDGES, J. G. CARMICHAEL, Adms. Estate of W. J. Bridges. SECURITY DEED. GEORGIA, Spalding county. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a security executed by Warren Moore to Griffin Mercantile Co., on the 14th day of April, 1924, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Spalding county in deed doob 45, page 299, the undersigned will sell at public sale, at the court house door in said count on the first Tuesday in January, 1925, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, the following prop erty, to-wit: One vacant lot in the city of Griffin, Ga., located on Slaton ave nue of said city and state, forty feet facing on Slaton avenue, and running back 100 feet; size of the lot being 40 feet by a hundred, bounded north by Dr. Wilkens’ property; east by Warren Moore home place; south by Warren Moore property; west by Warren Moore property. For the purpose of paying one certain promissory note dated April' 14th, 1924. And due December 1st, 1924, for the sum of 3115.83, interest from date at' 8 per cent per annum. A con veyance will be executed to the purchaser by the undersigned as authorized in thjs security deed, Thi3 December 6th, 1924. Payee and holder of se curity deed. Griffin Mercantile Co., NOTICE TO HEIRS. GEORGIA, Spalding county. To all whom it may concern: Jeff Bethea having applied to the ordinary by petition, asking that W. G. Jackson, as adminis trator of the estate of Mrs. Myr tice Jackson Cunningham, deceas ed, be required to make him a deed to her interest in fifty (50) Acres of land off the northeast corner of lot No. 185 in Union district, Spalding county, Georgia, in pursuance of bond for title made by Mrs. Myrtice. Jackson Cunningham, in her lifetime, to the said Jeff Bethea, the said Jeff Bethea alleging that hs' has fully met his obligations in said bond: This. is to notify all the at law of said deceased to be appear at the January term, of the court of ordinary of ing county, and show cause, if they can, why the should not be required to make said deed as prayed. This, the 6th day of 1924. D. R. CUMMING, STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE Books close December 20. terest and cost charged after cember 20. T. R. NUTT, 5ax Collector Funeral Directory E. D. FLETCHER 'Funeral Director and Embalmer with Griffin Mercantile Co. Office Phone 474 Res. Phone 481 HAISTEN BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Griffin and Senoia, Ga. Office Phone 578. Res. Phone Frank S. Pittman Modem Funeral Home. 112 W. Taylor St. Office Phone 822 Res. Fnone f k. Railroad Schedule CENTRAL OF GEORGIA Arrival and Dpearture of Paaacn. g«r Trains At Griffin, Ga. The schedules are published information and are not guar anteed: North South 2:29 pm Atlanta-SavTi 11:06 4:30 am Atlanta-Sav’n 9:04 am 5:49 am Chgo-Cin-Jhx 10:27 pm 7:17 am Cbgo-St. L.-Jax 7:57 pm 8.87 am Atlanta-Macon 5:24 12:25 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17 pro 6:80 pm AtJanta-Alb’ny 12:38 am 6:20 am Chicago-Jax 8:50 pm Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga 9:45 am 8:15 Cedartoown 5:25 par SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta Points— 6:58 pm East—West 10:02 am 10:02 am CI-bus-Ft Vy 6:53 pOa W, - ——— FOR RENT: Bi veniences. Call ....... ... FOR RENT: My ho Tenth street. %hone Vo. JO, mer Wilson. — FOR RENT: Four room ho all conveniences, West Bi street. Phone 271. — FOR RENT: Our nice la room to couple of men. Mrs. *asi C, Mitchell, 321 South Ninth. FOR RENT: Store building, 138 West Taylor Street. Apply Mrs. L. C. Manley. mmm FOR SALE: Large paper shell pecans. 35c and 40c per pound. Phone 370. FOR SALE: Crepe Myrtle bushes and young sycamore tree*. Call —- — FOR SALE: Cut oft uw and engine. Ralph M. Jones, phone 312. FOR SALE: Three H. P. Inter national engine. Ralph M. Jones, phone 312. FOR SALE—House and lot lo cated on 305 North Twelfth street. Sec J. P. Burton at Spalding Knit ting Mills. — FOR SALE—Refrigerator In good condition. Ice capacity 100 pounds. Sell cheap for cash. Mra. W. H. Rucker, Milner, Ga. WANTED—To buy used Ford truck, must be in good condition and cheap for cash. XYZ,-<are of Griffin News, Stenographer with good refer ences desires position. Write “A” care Daily News. IMPORTANT: Wanted, all sub ...... to Atlanta Co nstitutio ,call Blue Goose Cafe, phone 910, when ‘ fails to your paper come, promptly. — FOUR YEARS experience in grocery and business... Salesman and buyer. Open for trade. M ( J, Willingham, gunny Side, Ga,— , WANTED immediately, expe rienced stenographer. Accuracy and speed necessary. Familiarity with general office work essential. Apply at once to Box 412, Grif fin. WANTED: Cow peas, O-too-tan and Laredo Beans. H. V. Kell Company. » OUR GINNERY will be open until Christinas to accommodate our customers and friends—will also buy remnant cotton. H. S. Bridges and C. H. Westbrook. LANGFORD TAXI SERVICR day and night. Phone 869. I LODGE DIRECTORY j WARREN LODGE No. 20, I. O. O. F., meets ever f Monday Lodge Hall. night Visiting at 7:30 at WaVrea brothers dially invited. B. A. Peel, Secre tary; W. T. Atkinson. N. G. MERIDIAN SUN LODGE No. 26, F. b. A. M. Regular meet ing Tuesday, December 16 7 p. m. Election of officers. C. B. Scale* W. M.; Bill Wells, Secretary. w. o. w. 4> Meets every Thursday, 7:80 p. tt Sovereigns, your camp needs ron presence. You will find your v,«» all times at Slaton-Powel] Cloth Cp. Visiting sovereigns wel come. Come. L. J. Sanley, C. C.s C. C. Stanley, Clerk. No. M SP* 587, F. barrow * A. M. lodge Regular nights meetings first and third Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers 'pvited. L. B. Guest, IT. M.; Clifford Grubbs. Secretary. „ No. PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER 10, R. A. M. Regular meet- 7:30 ing second and fourth Thursdays. wmi T. p. m. Visitors welcome, Secretary. Atkinson, H. P.; BUI Wells, Follow The Crowds r * And You Win Eat at Tha BLUE GOOSE CAFE OPEN ALL NIGHT