Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 15, 1924, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Monday, December 15, 1924. ,j Two Reporters Solving Franks Receive Murder 13,000 Mystery for Chicago, Dec. 15.—Two report ers and six other men shared in the $6,000 reward which had been offered for the solution of the mystery of the murder of Robert Franks, for which Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr., are serv ing life sentences. The reporters, Alvin H. Gold . stean and James W. Mulroy, em ployed by the Chicago Daily News at the time of the slaying, .receiv ■ ed the larger shares, $1,500 each. The other? were: Robert Minke, To Cure a Cold 9 , ■j Iff One Day l it \'\y* \ VI I ! Take^r dT Laxative SBrom % Quinine§ * The tonic and laxative 1 effect of Laxative BROMO 1 QUININE the Tablets will for tify system against Grip, Influenza and other serious ills resulting from a Cold. The box bears this signature Price 30c. COAL COAL COAL s Why waste money buying the cheapest coal? We have best grade TENNESSEE JELLIC0 at a reasonable price. PEOPLES ICE COMPANY PHONE 287 - ▼ ". ▼’ v t «r ‘ T " W , "" r rry ? w t t’ t 'T.Tt’TJT. y n or u OUIL i / <0 t i\ ? -iffy y 15. \ a \ Start s\ </ n ■ 7 a . renmeS Dollar? i \ or The sure way to have the money you will need next Christ mas is to oome in now and join our Christmas Club. There is a Club to fit you and the small amounts deposited each week will make a handsome sum for next Christmas needs. Select the Club you carf join and bring in your first deposit. What the Different Clubs will pay you. INCREASING CLUBS EVEN AMOUNT CLUBS IN 50 WEEKS (For Christmas 1925) IN 50 WEEKS (For Christmas 1925'. 1c Club pays $12.75 25c Club pays $12.50 2c Club pays $25.50 50c Club pays $25.00 5c Club pays $63.75 $1.00 Club pays $50.00 10c Club pays $127.50 $2.00 Club pays $ 100.00 DECREASING CLUBS $5.00 Club pays $250.00 You can begin with the largest deposit $10.00 Club pays $500.00 and decrease your deposits each week. $20.00 Club pays $1,000.00 Come in, get a Pass Book and join the Club today. Bring along ALL THE FAMILY and have them join. SAVINGS BANK OF GRIFFIN 4% on Savings who found the body under a rail road culvert; Paul Korff, John Koleska and Walter and George Knitter, members of the railroad signal crew, and Robert Hunt, a watchman. Exclusive Information. After they had obtained exclu sive information and turned the evidence over to the authorities, Goldstein and Mulroy received a $100 check and a commendatory letter from Victor F. Lawson, pro prietor of the Chicago Daily News, with which Mr. Mulroy still is affiliated. Goldstein now is employed by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The reporters and six co-bene ficiaries were selected from 102, persons involved in the case. Because their information was regarded as the more important, the reporters together received half of the total reward. Jacob Franks offered $5,000 re ward and Chief of Police Collins' added $1,000 to it. Policemen and public officials were eliminated on the theory that paid enforcement officers should not share in private re wards for work done in the per formance of their duty. WAR VETERANS MUST FILE CLAIMS BEFORE JANUARY 1 Atlanta, Dec. 15.—With barely more than two weeks left for ex service men to file their claim for disability compensation, the time limit being up January 1, 1925, all such veterans of the world war are called upon by Director J. G. C. Bloodworth, of the Georgia service bureau, to be quick in fill ing their claims if they would benefit* by the federal act. AT LOWEST PRICE LEVEL IN HISTORY David T. Bussey, authorized Ford dealer in Griffin and Spald ing county, expressed himself as follows regarding the new prices announced on all Ford cars: I A cut of $25 in the price of the Fordor sedan, one of the most popular of the Ford enclosed cars, has been announced by the Ford Motor Company. The same an nouncement carried substantial re ductions on all other Ford cars. ■ The price reductions come at a time when (he car is enjoying the greatest sales in its history, for retail deliveries of Ford cars have so far this year exceeded the same period in any previous year. Contributing to bringing about lower prices are production ad vancements during f the year in which it has been possible to bring about many improvements and at the same time effect numerous manufacturing economies by the opening of new resources under company control, the announce ment says. yy The big reduction in the price of the Fordor sedan presents it to a new and larger field of buyers. Originally priced at $725 when it was introduced in the Ford line about two years ago, the price of the Fordor was cut $40, when reductions were announced Octo ber 2, 1923, and now, much im proved in appearance by better and more attractive upholstery and equipped with many accesso ries, the new reduction of $25 brings this popular family cl osed ear to the remarkably low figure of $ 660 . The net# list prices on cars, F. O. B. Detroit, are as follows: Fordor Sedan ____ $685 to $660 Tudor Sedan ______ -$590 to $580 Coupe ,___________ -$525 to $520 Touring Car _____ -$295 to $290 Runabout ________ -$265 to 260 Ford Chassis ___ _. -$230 to $225 Ford one-ton truck chassis ________ $370 to $365 The new reductions affect all persons who are enrolled in the Ford Weekly Purchase plan, as those who have not yet taken livery of their cars benefit in the reduced prices. This reduction in prices will save over three-quarters of a lion dollars to Ford car during the month of . Dixie Army Store SPECIALS! LIMITED TIME ONLY Children’s SHOES Lucky purchase of 350 pairs enables us to offer Starr Brand $2.75 Children’s Shoes, black and white, all sizes, at, per pair $1.49 Men’s Heavy Bobnailed ARMY SHOES Regular $3.50 Shoes $2.49 0 New Army OVERCOATS Regular $10.00 Coats $4.75 New Shipment $3.00 ARMY WOOL SHIRTS Two for $5.50 $1.75 OVERALLS Western Brand $1.39 Regular 50c WOOL GLOVES 25c DIXIE ARMY STORE GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS alone. That thla amount will be left to the car buyers to spend on holiday gifts and other things is based on a conservative estimate of December sales. The- new prices bring the prices on all models to the lowest price level in the history of the com. pany. EVELYN NISBET WARNED TO KEEP AWAY FROM FLORIDA ROADHOUSE Atlantic City, Dec. io.—The Ku Klux Klan of Miami, Fla., has forbidden Evelyn Nisbet, di vorced wife of Harry K. Thaw, to appear in a roadhouse this winter according to reports here, where Evelyn now lives. Emanuel Katz, owner of the cabaret here in which Miss Nis bett is now appearing, is said to have leased a roadhouse on the outskirts of Miami and to have planned to take Miss “Nisbet there as the star attraction during the winter season. JUDGE J. H. PRICE DIES AT TIFTON SATURDAY Tifton, Dec. 15.—James H. Price, 59, judge of the city court of Tifton since 1917, died here Saturday after an immediate ill ness of one week. He had been unwell for two years. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Gladys Westberry, of Sylvester; three brother and one sister. Funeral and interment were held here Sunday morning. Extinction of the antelope in the United States is threatened. ACHING JOINTS Stop “dosing” rheumatism. It’s pain only. St. Jacobs Oil will stop any pain, and not one rheumatism in ^ case 50 requires in ternal treatment. - Rub soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right on the tender spot, and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. St. Jacob’s Oil is harm less rheumatism liniment which never disappoints, and doesn’t burn the skin. It takes pain, sore ness and stiffness from aching, joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up. Get a small trial bottle of old time honest St. Jacob Oil from any drug store and in a moment you’ll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don’t suffer. Rub rheumatism away.— (adv.) iifliiligs ' ' . A WORTH-WHILE GIFT A Subscription t ■ A v 44 THE NEWS 7' V* n A /* > y vv-a Let Santa enter the of your friend name V Vf YM09*- or relative on our subscription books—an / /I ftW - -w ideal Gift, a constant reminder through I i.( n out 1925 of your thoughtfulness. # % 5 i > A it w -• A V By v 5. r V* i r. * L* t r<'Or •■*53 i:ii .....y- gyi ' i g y............ i |p , 1 ^ BOYKIN TO PUSH WAR ON ATLANTA BROKERS Atlanta, Dec. 15.—The Fulton jury Tuesday will resume of alleged violations the Georgia law prohibiting in futures on margins, additional indictments against will be sought by Solici tor General John A. Boykin, it de Saturday. Nearly 100 indictments have been returned by the grand jury as a result of raids staged under direction of the solicitor gener al, 29 of these having been re turned Friday. SATISFIED «< I am satisfied on one thing at last; I found where my husband spends his evenings,” remarked MEs. Gadabout. it You don’t say so, dear; how did you find out?” questioned Mrs. Gossip. “I stayed at home one evening last week and found him there, >> answered the satisfied lady. m SI ■ 9A8 All Prices Reduced Effective December Second, the Ford Motor Company announces new tow prices on ail Ford Cars. A reduction of twenty-five dollars on the Fordor and lower prices on all other types make Ford Cars even greater values than ever before. NEW PRICES Runabout — --$260.00 Touring Car — — e • --$290.00 Coupe -- --$520.00 Tudor Sedan --$580.00 Fordor Sedan — — --$660.00 Chassis —— — — $225.00 Truck Chassis--- — $365.00 ALL PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor Company. They create a new stand ard of value for motor car transportation. ‘ v Detroit ! SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER The ancestral home of the gold fish is China where it still abounds in a wild state. In crime Abbyssinia smoke. it is considered a to ' T>.*rN ir GOLD FISH Two Fish, One Bowl, and One Fern ALL FOR ; e* so' ■: WHILE THEY LAST SCALES DRUG CO. PHONE 418 ' ' 9...“... C°: Jssl