Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 15, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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m AT mm — ' * ' , ., A large audience la expected at the city-county community meet ■' fng of the Griffin Chamber of Commerce at Brooks tonight at 7 o’clock. Many persons in Fay ette county have arranged to be The Griffin delegation will be headed the by Rev. John F. Yar brough, chairman of the rural relations committee of the local Chamber. He urges Griffinites to assemble at trade headquarters in time to make the trip. Good Program. A splendid program has been I, including several ad awl musical numbers, in to moving pictures of an educational nature. First Outside County. The local chamber has held community meetings in most of ■ the districts of Spalding county and the meeting at Brooks tonight is the first time time that outside territory has been invaded. The people of Brooks were an xious for one of the meetings aj|d in compliance ’ with various re quests the chairman of the 1 rural relations committee decided to go The meeting was arranged for last Monday night, but was post poned on account of a rainstorm. J, L. BOYD ARRESTED BY MISTAKE HERE f* SATURDAY NIGHT J. L. fiuid, o i tills city, wko was arrested at Rogers' Store Sat urday night by county officers on A charge of cheating and swind ling the Fourth National Bank, of Macon, was carried to Macon, where he was identified by ffank officials, all of whom said he was the Wrong man, and stated that J. B. Boyd, Jr., was the man they wanted, and released Mr. Boyd and seat him back to Griffin, »• Boyd is well known in X Griffin and his friends will be ..........- m 4 9 i 4 I. 332BE GIFTS of CHARM and COMFORT DANIEL GREEN • COMFYS For Men and Boys, Ladies and Misses, and small children. A complete stock in the new popular colors. Comfoyt. Beauty and Rest to be found in these Bedroom and Bath Slippers. Feet Tired? Authorities agree that the feet must be relaxed if the balance of the body is to become refreshed. STR1CKLAND-CROUCH CO. ■ SHOE DEPARTMENT X' Pedals Gloom On His Bicycle n Chesser Lortie, above, of Brooklyn, is a prophet —-with many documents to show that Re is. For the future lip prophesies The worst war in history with in four years. Rising of Moslem hordes to"de mand independent will start it. Conflict will involve the Unit ed States dually. _ Mexico * and South American ^S „ tric * wiH be Uncle Sam’a foes. glad to hear that his arrest was a case, of mistaken identity. The Chinese honor their guests by placing before them the oldest eggs obtainable, which are con sidered their greatest delicacy. The opium poppy first became known' among the Greeks and Ro mans. Snow storms in Greenland last as long as three weeks. r r est Griffin r^». MISS ESTHER HAMEUC Correspondent t The Parent-Teacher Association of the Rushton school met Friday. The physical welfare of the child was discussed. This will be the topic for next meeting also and all mothers are urged to be pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Payne and children motored to Hollonvilie Sunday. We are glad to report that the infant of Mr, and Mrs. B. T. «La prade, of Sixteenth street, la Im proving, Mrs. H. S. Gatlin had as her guest Sunday her brother, J. W Jones, and his two sons. T. L. Jones and Murray Jones' spent the week-end witk their sister and aunt, Mrs. H. S. Gatlin. Mrs. J. W. Rice spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Artie Waller, who continues ill at her home. The many friends of Willie B. Gatlin will be sorry to hear that he has been quite ill at his home. The Rushton School News. We are all busy getting ready' for Christmas. We have all of our rooms decorated and have learned many new Christmas songs. \Ve like for our mothers to come to the Parent-Teacher Association because they can see our rooms and some of the work we are doing. We are always glad to have them visit us and hear our lessons. There are three on the honor roll In the fifth grade for last Week- They are George Buchan an, Ellis Garrett and Raymond Skipper. the honor roll for the third grade in spelling are the follow ing: Troy Hand, Aubrey Lifsey, Paul Rhones and Littie Mae Lif " *-> sey. ' GRIFFIN BOY MAKING GOOD RECORD AT TECH Monday’s Constitution carried a picture of Lawson Johnson, pop ular Griffin boy, and the son of Mrs. Mobley Johnson, who is cap tain of the track team at Geor gia Tech this year. Young John son is making an enviable rec ord in scholarship as well as ath letics Eskimos haxe been taught to use the deposits of coal in the far north for fuel. Automatic telephones are com ing into general use in Great Britain. % # \ % \ FUND A1925 XMAS SAVINGS jk m K started now makes it *• ^ •V * XMAS possible time for you tortw most at / f >• with least sacrifice iiYs ! € \ EVEN AMOUNT CLUBS XMAS In SO Weeks for Xmas 1925 \ 25c Chib $12.50; 50c SAVEVG pays XK t ruArjy i Club pays $25; $1.00 Club pay? i ' \m / /rt 5 /u // 7 $5.00 $50; $2.00 Club Club $250; pays $10.00 $100; •* w» pays Club pays $500; $20.00 Club X # pays $1000. / l( INCREASING CLUBS DECREASING 1 1 * 4Z- - Iil 50 Weeks for Xmas 1925 CLUBS ( lc Club pays $12.75; 2c Club You the largest can begin with 'Vv V $25.50; 5c Club deposit ll pays pays and decrease each I $63.75; 10c Club pays $127.50. week. y'j $ City National Bank V Griffin, Georgia WE WILL BE LOOKING FOR YOU—SO COME IN AND JOIN X Z ‘\}- ^#v; GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Bobbed Tresses Call lor Bandeau ti; ’tv if I m V i W'y. :V. vX S'; : X . & : We are told that Paris spon sors jeweled bandeaus for shorn tresses. Here are three examples of crowns that are correct, for mi lady to wear with her evening frock C. OF G. BAND WILL BROADCAST PROGRAM THURSDAY NIGHT Thursday, December 18, from 8 to 9 p. m. will be Central, of Georgia night at the broadcasting station of the Atlanta Journal, WSB (429). The famous Central of Georgia Shop Band will give a program of typical Southern melo dies, ai«d L. A. Downs, president of the railroad, will make a brief address on the resources of Geor gia and Alabama. Last April the band gave a con cert which was heard in 28 differ ent states and which was so well received that it was asked to give another program. Those hearing the coqpert are \ asked to communicate with J. D. McCartney, assistant to the presi dent, Cental of Georgia Railway Company, Savannah, Ga. THOMAS A. B UTTAR Thomas A. Butler of Corston, Coupar-Angus, Scotland, one of the bect.known sheep breeders In the world, will attend the fortieth an niversary meeting of the American Shropshire Registry association at Chicago, November 29 to December 8, and Judge the Shropshire Tlasees at the international Live Stock ex position. TRY NEWS WANT ADS. — = ATLANTA BAB ASSOCIATION PAYS TBIBUTE TO LATE COtSONEL P. H. BBEWSTEB Atlanta, Dec. 15^—Men^rial services were held in Judge John D. Humphries’ court room Satur day by- the Atlanta Bar„ Associa tion in tribute to the late Colonel Patrick Henry Brewster, distin guished Atlanta lawyer, who died several weeks ago. Resolutions memorializing his life were unanimously adopted j JFORMER CARAWAY STATE SENATOR R. D. IS DEAD Washington, Ga., Dev. 15.—For mer State Senator Richard D. Cal la way died Saturday night at - II o’clock at his homd'here following an illness of two years, the result of an attack of paralysis which rendered him an invalid. He was 66 years old. Until the time of being stricken, Mr. Callaway was one of Wilkes county’s most active and enterprising citizens. The Malay language is spoken by nearly 50,000,000 persons. It is said to be easy to learn, as it has almost no grammer. Egyptian carpenters possessed practically every tool used by modern members of the craft 3,50.0 years ago. 1 Many wild are being trapped in northern Nevada to be broken for use by the U. S. cavalry. Long distance connections .can not be made over private tele phones in Columbia. PROCLAMATION. - * Griffin, Ga., Dec. 15,, 1924. By virtue of authority invested in me by law, I hereby designate the territory bounded as follows, to-wit: Chapel stree% on north, fourth street on the east, Poplar, street on the south and Eleventh street on the west, within which it shall be unlawful to shoot fire works or any explosives or to send up toy balloons or any rock ets whatsoever. I further direct all officers of the city of Grif fin to strictly enforce the above order, beginning with this pub lication and extending through Christmas holidays and immedi ately arrest any and all persons violating the same. Witness my official signature this 15th day of December, 1924. J. S. TYtfB. Chairman of Board of Com missioners, City of Grif . fin, AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT RADI0LA SUPER Xffl pm Y/V w -flriL' •*r 1% n i rm r TT * THE SUPREME RADIO RECEIVER Ask for Demonstration J. E. VARNER ELECTRIC CO. Phone 666 Monday, December 15, Ancient Cast am “There’s a chap I’ve bec*L to a quandary about for a year,” BaW a • man, indicating another who had - Just passed. ”1 don’t know whether I iilte him. You see, he liaa a prej .udice aguitrst shaking hands. He just naturally won’t if there is a possible chance of getting out of it. He always manages to have some thing else to do when a person to whom he is introduced gets ready to extend the glad hand. That chap says that handshaking is a survival, of an ancient existing custom today. that has He in- no j reason for sists if there is anything he dislikes , it is to grasp some stranger’s moist j paw and give it a shake, for when i he does so he wants to sneak away l and wash his own. I’ve heard him expatiate upon the subject just af- ! ter avoiding a handshake with some one- to whom I introduced him. I almost, guess 1 don’t like him.”— I Detroit News. - < . i Because few Germans can af ford to buy jewelfy, practically all that is made there is being shipped to other countries to be sold. The largest bell in the world is the “Czar Kolokol” in Moscow, made about 250 years ago and weighing more than 100 tons.