Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 16, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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{,1 raw :4" :7 , = ms BOYS’ SUITS AND OVERCOATS No human ever “donned’* a garment with more joy pride than a boy when he puts on a new suit or overcoat. How careful, then, we should be in selecting something he likes. ; 0 We have a splendid assort c. ment of it® 2-PANTS SUITS that are of superb tailoring, . ■ * style and color— n $8-5° to $20-00 Stylish Belt Back m OVERCOATS i ir .$7-50 to $15.00 <§ GIVE HIM WEARING APPAREL THIS CHRISTMAS. HE WILL NEVER FORGET IT. GRIFFIN MERCANTILE CO. PERSONAL NOTES Miss Bettie Thornton, of Jack son, .spent Monday afternoon shopping in Griffin. Hunter Goddard made a busi ness trip to Atlanta Tuesday. W. L. Joiner, Jr., will spend the Christmas season , with his parents in publin, Ga. '$?• Mrs. J. L. Estes, of Gay, was shopping in Griffin Monday after noon. it Mark J. Janes spent Tuesday in Atlanta on business. Fred Daniel left Tuesday for Sooth Georgia, where he will spend a few days with his broth er, Harry Daniel. Mrs. Murphy, Miss Cornelia Varner, Miss Mary Cleveland and Ben Cleveland formed a party from Indian Springs shopping in Griffin recently. % Mrs. W. F. Dupree, of Poniona, 8FS ■was shopping in Griffin Tuesday. Miss Emma Thornton, of Jack son, was a shopper in Griffin Monday afternoon. Miss Willie Benn Dttewry, Zetella, spent Tuesday with friends in Griffin. t ’ Alexander Gordon, who has been working in the mechanical department of The News for sev eral weeks, has accepted a posi tion in St. Petersburg, Fla., and will leave tonight for that city. Miss Caroline Eubanks, who is teaching at the Georgia State College for Women, in Milledge .ville, will arrive the last of the week to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks, on South Sixth street. Mm. Carrie Foster, of Jackson, spent Tuesday shopping in Griffn. John V. Chunn made a busi ness trip to Atlanta Tuesday morning. v Mrs. Bertha Conkle, of Hamp ton, was a shopper in Griffin Tuesday. Mrs. H. R. Estes was among those from Gay shopping in Grif fin Monday afternoon. The Sunday School of St. George's Episcopal church will en t e rt a i n—*fc - Ch ri st m as service Tuesday night, December 23, at 7 o'clock, to be followed by a Christmas tree at the Parish house. - Everett Sammons, of the Mer cer University chapter Alpha Tau Omego fraternity, will attend the national convention at Philadal- BUICK Values m% 1924—Ford Coupe. Like new. 1921—Essex Coupe. 1920—Overland 490 Touring. 1920-iWilleys 1918—Dodge Touring. - Six, 7-passenger, Touring. 1918—Buick Six, 5-passenger, Touring. 1920— Buick Six. 5-passenger, Touring. Buick 1921— Six. 5-passenger, Sedan. 1922— Buick Six, 5-passenger, Greatly Tearing. reduced prices for quick le. TERMS IF DESIRED SLATON MOTOR QO. BUICK DEALER St. Pk*M 189 . last week. Dr, Morgan is well known in Griffin, where he preached * the Presbyterian at church several times last summer. Miss Sara White spent Tuesday with friends in Atlanta. E. S. McDowell made a business trip to Atlanta Tuesday. John Hall Murray will return from Atlanta, where he is a stu dent at Georgia Tech, the last of the week and spend the holidays in Griffin with his parents, Dr, and Mrs. B. C. Murray. Mrs. James Mills, who has been spending several weeks in Little Rock, Ark., with Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Murphy, arrived in Grif fin Tuesday to spend Christmas with Col. and Mrs. James M. Kim brough, Jr., at “Kimbrough Lodge. rr Miss Addie Haisfield, who is at tending the Georgia State College for Women in Milledgeville, will arrive tomorrow to spend the Christmas holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hais field, on East College street. EXCEPTION The two girls were strolling in a garden at twilight. “I wonder,” said the first, “I wonder if Jack really loves me?” «t Of course he does, dear,” said the second. “Why should he make you an exception?” phia, being a represenative from the Mercer chapter. Mr, Sam mons is Well known *4n : Griffin, where he formerly made his home. Mrs. J, O. Goodrum, of Brooks, spent Tuesday shopping in Griffin. Miss Carrie Eakes, who is at the Fulton County High School in Atlanta, will spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, the (Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Eakes, on South Hill street. Mrs. W. C. Smith, of Jackson, was shopping in Griffin Tuesday. Mrs. John Stevens Manley is able to be out after her recent illness at her home on East Col lege street. A. F. Gilleland, former employe of The News, who has been ill for several weeks, has returned to his old job. W. H. Williams left Monday for Atlanta, where he will spend a month. The Macon Daily Telegraph says: “Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Do mingos, of Griffin, were the guests Sunday of Mrs. H. C. Pendergrass at her home in North Highlands.” T. E. Foster, of Jackson, spent Monday afternoon in Griffin on business. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shaw, of Shady Dale,' spent Sunday in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Waldrup on South Sixth street. Miss Sara Gay will leave the last of the week to spend Christ mas holidays with relatives in Covington. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kelley vis ited friends in Atlanta Monday. Mrs. W. E. Foster, of Jackson, was shopping in Griffin Monday afternoon. Chaney Goen, of Jackson, made a business trip to Griffin Monday. Fred L. Durkee and Payne Durkee arrived in Griffin Tuesday from North Carolina, where they have been on a business trip, and will spend the holidays with Mrs. Fred L. Durkee. Ralph Williams, who is attend ing Emory University in Atlan ta, will arrive home the last of - th e w ee k "for-the~ €h ristm«r" holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer E. Williams. Mrs. E. T. Spruce was among those from Jackson shopping in Griffin Monday afternoon. Wilbur Brown has returned from New Orleans where he at tended the convention of Master Dry Cleaners. Misses Frances Wright and Ila Howell and Marlin Spencer and Taylor Butterill Smith, of Jack son, motored to Griffin Monday night and attended the perform ance of “Merton of the Movies” at the Alamo theatre. Mrs. J. W. Goen, of Jackson, spent Monday afternoon in Griffin shopping. Dr. Frank Morgan, pastor of the Sparta Presbyterian church, and son of Dr. Campbell Morgan, was officially installed as a mem ber of the Augusta preabytery at a special aervice held in Sparta DAILY NEWS - Bamesville News) Miss Jeanne Mauldin will leave the latter part of the week to spend the Christmas holidays with her father, Benjamin Mauldin, in Cairo. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hahr have returned home after a visit to Mrs. Thomas Callaway in Florida. Walter Griffith, of Eatonton, has returned to hiB home after spend ing the week end with his sister, Mrs. J. E. Bush. Mrs. A. R. Freeman, of Albany, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. A, Stafford. Louis Griffith, of Eatonton, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. E. Bush. Open house will be held at the new Gordon dormitory Wednesday evening, December 17. Bo Humphrey, a student at Riverside Military Academy in Gainesville, will arrive December 20 to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. C. H. Humphrey, Mrs. B. F. Winston has returned from a three weeks’ visit to Co lumbus. N. A. McMillan, of Latta, S. C., will arrive the latter part of the week to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. McMillan. Prentice Miller, Emory Corry, Emory Holland, Ralph’jones, Ellis CHECK YOUR GIFTS! - s. ft V/ /) 1 A Simplified Method of Filling m V Out ■% Your x Christmas * List For u Men and Boys. / A This Ad Out and Check Cut ( Your Selections. a \ \ WnV X ■9 v.. Arranged Alphabetically t 1 57 e BATH ROBES LOUNGING ROBES i BED ROOM SUPPERS MILITARY BRUSHES BELTS MUFFLERS BELT BUCKLES NECKWEAR OVERCOATS r CAPS OXFORDS 60LLAR CASES pajamas COLLARS PLAY SUITS CUFF BUTTONS RAINCOATS TJLL DRESS VESTS SCOUT UNIFORMS & SUPPLIES GARTERS # SHIRTS (SILK & MADRAS) I SHOES r GLOVES SMOKING JACKETS W GOLF BAGS SOCKS (SILK & WOOL) / GOLF BALLS SUITS !T ______GOLF CLUBS.- - SUSPENDERS GOLF HOSE SWEATERS *“ GOLF KNICKERS TUXEDO VESTS HANDKERCHIEFS UMBRELLAS v VESTS (KNITTED) HATS WALKING STICKS / JEWELRY WATCH CHAIN & KNIFE And Hundreds of other Attractive Gifts ■ n r , : A Many Store of the Above Full in Handsome of Serviceable Christmas Boxes a M' : VS K * SHOP EARLY \ Gifts for Men and Boys / V SHOP EARLY Slaton-Ddwell s V K/ CLOTHING * COMPANY s CMen's anti 'Boys' Outfitters -- - - “Let* got" TODAY « U MERTON OF THE MOVIES 1? with Viola Dana GLENN HUNTER G LENN HUNTER, the original “Merton" of the famous stage hit, in the even better screen version, A corking comedy-drama of a movie-struck country youth and his ad ventures in Hollywood. Made by the Covered Wagon director. The original of all stories of Holly-wood-behind-the scenes. A James Craze Production ADDED—FOX NEWS Tomorrow The Big $5,000 Title Picture u THE STORY WITHOUT A NAME 17 •IfV X with ANTONIO-MORENO and AGNES AYRES A fast-moving, up-to-date Melodrama. Adapted by Victor Irvin. —EXTRA— 44 Fearless Fools A-a.—-a. A A AA, A A T Jones, E. 0. Dobbs, Jr., and J. W. Carriker, Jr., students at Emory University, wili arrive Friday to spend the holidays with their par ents. Misses Sara Smith, Louise Rum ble and Elisabeth Hardy, students at Shorter College, will arrive the latter part of the week to spend the holidays with their parents. Red Lawrence, a student at Mer cer University, spent the week end with Clinton Cooper. t The Rev. A. J. Moncrief, Jr., student at Mercer University and son of the former Baptist pastor of this city, preached at the First Baptist church here Sunday. Pomona News Robert Richey was rushed to the Griffin hospital this morning for an appendicitis operation. He is reported resting well. Mr. and -Mrs. Herbert Ellis, Cleo Sparks and Ralfth Kiker, of West Griffin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Deane at Pomona. John B. Deane visited relatives in Pike county Sunday. SHE CURED HIM Mrs. A.—How did your husband get over his illness so quickly? Mrs. B.—I threatened to send for mother to take care of him. 16, 1924. 1 Tuesday, December