Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 17, 1924, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Wm BLACK AND TAN ■ All solid leather, flexible soles, handsome styles jU*J: that appeal instantly to the boy. Let Santa give h him a pair Christmas,and j round out his enthusiasm \ of the season. M?': ■ Sizes 5 to 8, per pair......... . . $2.25 and $2.50 Sizes 81^ to I ll/i>, per pair. . . . ... $2.75 to $4.00 Sizes 12 to 2. per pair........ .....$3.00 to $4.50 Sizes 21/> to 514, per pair..... « • •* .....$3.50 HMt; . to $5.00 ■ .. GRIFFIN MERCANTILE CO. . PERSONAL NOTES N r Miss Douglas Montgomery, who is attending school at the Georgia State College for Women, In Mil ledgevilte, arrived in Griffin Wed nesday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, on South Hill street. I 4c. 1- ~ Mrs. J. L. Estes, of Gay, spent Tuesday afternoon shopping in Griffin. ms W. H. Allison. Jr., of Brooks, called at the News office Wednes day and subscribed to the Semi Weekly Newt. He stated that he aaw a sample copy of the paper and was so pleased with it that he came to Griffin immediately to subscribe. Nathaniel Bailey, of Lowell, Mass., former resident of Griffin, will arrive Saturday to spend the Christmas season with his mother, Mrs. David J. Bailey. - ■ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tilney and young son, Robin, are guests S>f IASI! Proven by Griffin People. Thousands of kidney sufferers have tried remedy after remedy with only temporary benefit. one That’s kidney mighty remedy discounting! has But earned a reputation fqr lasting results and in^riffln lenty ° f pr °° f ri|!rht herc Kead the experience of one who used Doan’s Pills years ago . and now makes her endorsement even Mrs. stronger. G. C. English, 422 Qullie Street, Griffin, says: “I suffered severe pain through my back when I bent over. It felt at though someone were putting hot irons on the small of my back. I had headache, and the least thing upset me, I was so nervous. Dizzy spells bothered me, too, and my kidneys didn’t act right. Doan's Pills put me in good health." MORE THAN THREE YEARS LATER, Mrs. English said: “Doan’s cured nt© of kidney trou ble." ■■■ 60c at all dealers. Foster-Mill burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. TO PLEASE Pickering’s FOR GIFTS VACANT LOTS Among the* vacant lot* w* have for tale are— 2 on South Hill Street 1 on West Taylor Street 2 on West Broad Street 2 on West Poplar ztreet 3 on East Poplar Street 6 on Meriwethei street. 2 on Lane Street 2 on East College Street 2 on S. 14th Street 1 on S. 16th Street 6 on E. Chapel Street 1 on West Tinsley Street Several in EASTQROOK Many more in different parts of the city. Stop paying rent. Buy a lot and build you own HOME. Griffin Realty Co. W. G. CARTLEDGE, Mgr. Ill E. Solomon St. Griffin, Ga. her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Barnes, on Macop road, Miss Elizabeth Owen spent Wednesday in Griffin with friends route from Milledgeville, where is attending the Georgia Col for Women, to her home in Zebulon. a. B. Sawtell and Mr. Lane have returned from a hunting trip near \ The Odd Fellows and the Re will give a Christmas tree evening at 7:30 o’clock the Warren Lodge on North street. J. W. McWilliams has return home after spending several in Tampa, Fla., on business. Mrs. Anna Banks Johnson will Saturday for Madison, Ga., she will spend Christmas her daughter, Mrs, Emerson Miss Burma Underwood, who is attending the Murray high school in Norfolk, Va., will arrive in Griffin Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with her par ent$, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Under wood. Mrs. Emma McClesky, who has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Nor man, left today for a visit to her son, Lamar McClesky, in Savan nah, before returning to her home in Americus. Mrs, A. F. Estes was among from Gay shopping in Grif Tuesday afternoon. Tillman Ijllakely spent Wednes in Atlanta with his sister, Sam W. Mangham. Mrs. Charles H. Field, of Bra Fla., a former resident Griffin, is visiting her cousin, Agnes Sorrel, on Taylor i§ • W. H. Collins, of Rome, county of Floyd county, spent in the city. Mrs. Walter Touchstone went to Macon Wednesday for a short vis it to her sister, Mrs. Robert Berner. Mrs. Jones Bridges left Wed nesday for Savannah, where she will spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. M. H. Allison. Mrs. David T. Bussey and her guest, Mrs. Fred Leister, of Ma cog, have returned from Atlanta after a short visit to friends, Eugene Underwood, who holds a pistion with the Virginia Rail way & Power .Company at Nor folk, will arrive.....uext week to spend tfie Christmas holidays with hia jmrsaUr Jtm -wMl Vlrt. B, T\ Underwood!: The Griffin Athletic Club bas ketball team will play the Fort Valley Y. M. C. A. team at the Athletic court Saturday nifeht at 7:30 o’clock. RA— Perrin Patterson, of Thomaston, made a business trip to Griffin Wednesday. Mrs. Will Elder, of Birdie, was shopping in Griffin Wednesday. Mrs. A. Ruskin motored to At lanta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Weems and young son, James, of Luella, were to Griffin Wednesday. William Nichols, who is attend the Sewanee Military Acad at Sewanee, Tenn., will ar- to spend the £ Nichols.; Mrs, H. S. Butler and Misa Ley mon Butler, of Barnesville, were Visitors to Griffin stores Wednes day. ■ • Miss Etienne Milligan, of Con cord, spent Wednesday in Grif fin with, her sister, Mrs. Elia Lee Randall. E. A. Baughan, of Gay, made a business tsip to Griffin Wednes day. Mrs. Hendree Harrison, who has been the guest of Mrs. Mary Nee ly Smith and Miss Opal Smith for 10 days, returned to her home in Pensacola, Fla., Wednesday. Miss Dewey Glass, of Wool sey, visited friends in Griffin Wed - nesday. Mrs. Clarence Strickland, of was shopping in Griffin - Miss JMary Patterson, of Thom spent Wednesday shopping Griffin. Charles Saunders, Jr., who is evangelistic work in Arkan sas, has arrived in Griffin to join Saunders and young son the Christmas holidays with and Mrs. Charles Saunders, Mrs. A. F. Darton, of Luella, j Wednesday shopping is Will Elder, of Birdie, made a trip to Griffin Wednes Mrs. L. C. Tarpiey, of Brooks, friends in the city today ' ' 1 Mrs. Irma Parker was among from Thomaston shopping in , Wednesday. . Miss Mary Louise Warren, who is attending the Georgia State , College for Women, in Milledge-; ville, arrived in Griffin Wednes-1 I day to spend the Christmas holi days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Warren, in the Manley Apartment. Mrs. E. A. Baughan, of Gay, spent Wednesday shopping in the city. Mrs. A. T. Jenkins, of Thomas , ton, was shopping in Griffin Wed- j nesday. ^ The members of the Junior Mis sionary Society of the First Meth odist enuren are invited to a • Christmas birthday party in the ’ primary room Friday, December j 19 at 3 o’clock. | The members of the Woman’s j Christian Temperance Union are requested to bring their gifts for j the inmates of the county farm to , the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Little Miss Sarah Reeves left Wednesday for Atlanta where she will spend the Christmas Holidays with her sister, Mrs. fiomer Math is. Mrs. Homer Mathis has return ed to her home in Atlanta after spending several days in Griffin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reeves. o»v f Chiii When die Is Exorbitant a A wom a n mjttrcd-by falHn; debris during repairs to a dry goods store sued for a sum which was exorbitant. 1 The merchant’s heavy expenses for litigation over a period of many months, plus damages, were entirely covered by insurance. Further, the case would be handled from start to finish by this agency, saving the assured time apd annoyance. You may have sudden need for this insurance and the service pro vided by this agency. Get it here, before the accident. Drake & Company 11 DAILY NEWS /----- Brooks News v ■** The fall term of Brooks district high school will close Friday, De cember 19, for the Christmas hol .. iday . °*"***' „ *’ on Monday, December 29, for the spring term. The teachers institute, which was held at the school auditorium in Brooks; last Saturday, was well attended by teachers from differ ent parts of the county. The meeting was a success In every way. Brooks and Fayetteville bas ketball teams played a tie gamfe last Friday afternoon, the score being 17 to 17. Miss Maggie May Pollard, of Brooks, teacher at Aberdeen in Fayette county, attended' the teachers institute last Friday and spent the week-end with rela tives. E. N. Crawford, of Orlando, Fia,, is spending several days here with relatives. Misses Elizabeth Steinheimer and Louise Stephens, students at the State School for Womqp at Milledgevillev will spend the holi days with home folks here. Miss Mary Hewell, of Brooks, student at Tyrone, in Fayette county, was the week-end guest of relatives here, coming to at tend the teachers’ institute Friday. Miss Jimmie Gable, student at the Georgia State College for Wo men, at Milledgeville, will spend the Christmas holidays at. home. Mrs. Alma Lynch and sons, Charles and Hugh, spent the week-end in Griffin and Pike county, attending the funeral of Mrs. Lunch’s grandmother, Mrs. Coker, who died at her home in Pike county. Miss Louise Allison and Mr. C. B. Johns, both of Brooks, were united in marriage Sunday, Judge K. B. Banks officiating, .in the presence of a few friends and rel atives. They have many friends who are congratulating them and wishing them a long and happy life. J. H. Jones, of Brooks, is serv ing on the U. S. grand jury in At this weeJfT The meeting of the Griffin and Spalding County Chamber of Gom which was held at Brooks auditorium Monday night, largely attended and a suc in every way. It was in of the Rev. John F. Yar and a nice program was including a speech by C. C. Thomas and oth- % Shop Early—Christmas Is Near SUGGESTIONS- 7 iSj From Us to Her y> For "Gifts From Her to Him ! I> £0 •» MTimwova ,TK «» 1WM I Gifts are appreciated for the spirit in which they are made and for the taste with which they are selected. Give him something to wear, but see that it is somehing that he (will wear. We have devoted much thought to our Christmas furnishings and you are assured of finding the right quality at the right price. Umbrellas INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES $2.50 to $ 5.00 In boxs of 3 and 6 Fur Lind for Driving Walking Sticks 75c to $2.75 $5.00 o $1.00 to $5.00 NECKWEAR TUXEDO VESTS ---------------------$6.50------------ " $1.00 to $7.50 $1.00 to $3.00 BATH ROBES knittedvests Bill Folds $3.00 to $6.50 $1.00 to $3.50 $6.00 to $15.00 SILK SHIRTS BEDROOM SLIPPERS $5.00 to $8.50 Belt & Buckle $2.00 to $3.50 Leather Silver Belt Buckle with PAJAMAS l^UFFLEFS Silk and Wool . $3.00 to $5.00 $1.75 to $7.50 $2.50 to $6.50 And Hundreds of Others on Display in Our Windows and Store OF MEN A GIFTS STORE SERVICEABLE AND FOR FULL BOYS Slaton-Ddwdl S* CLOTHING * COMPANY OF A GIFTS STORE SERVICEABLE FOR FULL CHen’s anti MEN AND BOYS "Boys' Outfitters I *f n ..........._____,_ t y i T .'y I ^' i yTi y y y ......y «y fify w T ' T T f T "V W' T'T ▼' T'"Y TODAYj Tomorrow & Friday a ONLY 1 -s Let* ^ol" ag O! *»sa*HT m HI % > P Ngj A Irvin whiat ■vf. % inroduction. i $ nmmfi, % •mmb mrtnnv w / c 4 ■ \ WILUAM deMILLE (Production —-WITH Ns/ s BETTY COMPSON Adolphe Menjou Cluott Dexter ■\ ZaSu P/tts 0 Qanmaunt Qiame 7 Here’s society drama a o H ERE great is radio the first ro- screen that fairly with burns its speedy up ac- the mance. A super- tion and sensational sur thriller by the author prises. You’ll like itl of “Man-handled” and ‘Empty Hands.” By Arthur Stringer—Screen play by Victor Irvin We Have a Wonder SPECIAL MUSIC ful program for Added: “Fearless Fools , IP Christmas ers. Music was furnished by the Biles String Band. Moving pic tures were in charge or Ceur.ty Agent W. T. Bennett. Chester Biles, an overseas sol dier in the recent world war/ will move his family to Athens in a few days, where he will take the government training course. The Rev. J. A. Drewry, Mrs. J. A. Drewry and the Rev. John F. Norton, of Griffin, assisted in or daining the three deacons -at Whitewater church Sunday. Wednesday, December 17, 1924. "■ Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Lynch and Miss Pearl Pollard, of East Point, spent Sunday here with relatives. The Rev. M. B. Whitaker and family arrived at Brooks Tuesday from Lakewood, Fla., where they have have been making uieir home. The Rev. Mr. Whitaker will have charge of the Brooks circuit for the ensuing year. The Brooks Woman’s Aid Society serv ed a luncheon in their honor at the Brooks Parsonage, inviting many of the stewards of the charge. Among those present from the aid society were Mrs. Vara Arnall, Mrs. Collins Sibiev. Mrs. J. P. Jones, and Mrs. I. A. Scott. Among the stewards and their wives invited were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cop pedge, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Huskaby. England has an ice-skating craze.