Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 18, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Thursday, December 18, 1924. Give Yourself With Your Christmas "» Gift | ' i < ; m # Wk . !f IN t ■ . : i >-v? slip ;;$P * 1 <) ■■ mm : Ms : mh s : . s $ m f g ! •0- i y - i $ 1 I':! 111 ■ xx . i Wj 1, \ mv i’ •a ( By Mrs. Mary Morton.) Giving yourself with your gift. That’s the secret of successful Christmas giving. Who wants a gift that cost no one any time or thought; that is picked out at random out of a collection of things with the remark: “Here, send this to so and so. I’ve got to send her something and this will suit as well as anything. ff Probably followed by the com ment, “That probably cost as % Cl ■V l 1/ ; • «?, \ \ "lij > 5 :V ,V a ’j. v* s r- u i >&? ■ $ Tt/V Jm hisXMASGIFT one worries about who money it ahead starts to save of time I NOW Starting makes a XMAS next GIFT years FUND giving a pleasure. P A 4 Sr < : m. & I: ■ £ ‘ - EVEN AMOUNT CLUBS In 50 Weeks for Xmas 1925 fXMAS/ SAVUVG / 25c Club pays $12.50; 50c fUATD V / Club pays $25; $1.00 Chib pays $50; $2.00 Club pays $100; ' $5.00 Chib $250; $10.00 / tr* ? /// 9t pays Chib pays $500; $20.00 Club pays $1000. INCREASING CLUBS DECREASING In 50 Weeks for Xnuu 1925 CLUBS lc Club pays $12.75; 2c Club You can begin with pays $25.50; 5c Club the largest deposit pay-: and decrease each $63.75; 10c Club pays $127.50. week. CITY NATIONAL BANK We’re Looking; For You—So Come Jn and Joint much as the thing she sent me last year. n Thoughts That Count. Doesn’t it make you want to flee to the uttermost parts of the earth to get away from such mental approach to the jolliest and kindest holiday season of the whole year. If we had our way no one would be cold, hungry or forgotten at Christmas time. What do we want most, all of us ? Is it material things? Isn’t it GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS just to be remembered ? A cheery letter, a card with a pretty verse and a friend’s name scribbled thereon, are much, much better than an expensive gift that has no loving thought to prompt its sending. There are many things you can make yourself— Pretty and useful things—sewing or pasting bits of yourself into the present. For you cannot work on something %>r a person and not think a good deal about the recipient and your 'thoughts are apt to be very kind. _____.. Crepe Paper Gifts. The craze for making things from sealing wax and crepe pa per has by no means died down. Necklaces, pendants, hand deco rated candles, vases and lamps are among the many pretty things you may make. Pretty baskets that are so effective for holding the new dried and painted • flow ers and grasses are easily made by weaving' twisted strands' of crepe paper, afterwards shellack ing the finished article. It is wonderful to be able to give gifts de luxe like the lovely three strand necklace of pearls clasped with emerald cabochon with wristlet and little finger ring to match or the fan of ombre ostrich in rose shades, pictured above. But if one cannot give those or other equally luxurious gifts one can put so much loving thought into ^choosing just the in expensive gift that will please the friend you have in mind. In this way you will be happy with your heart full of the true Christmas spirit as you do - your shopping or make your modest gifts-’ and the recipient will also be pleased. I want to say just a word about gifts for children. Did you ever notice how a simple toy from the 10 cent store will please a child and he will play with it for hours and neglect the mere elab orate things? Sometimes a child will have many friends and rela tions who vie with each other in showering it w it h ingenious, toys aFd~W cWd'Ts s^ tiny fingers of a child from two to five years cannot manage the mechanical toys so often be stowed on it and a tow yhich he can attach a Btring and puli about after him or that he can run on an imaginary track over the carpet will please him much more. The grownups of the fam ily always get more enjoyment out of the mechanical or electrical toys than the children as the lat ter can seldom play with them alone. And the tiny girl will love and appreciate a rosy cheeked rag doll that can go to bed with her and share all her play much more than the fine one that has real hair, opens and shuts its eyes and talks—but must not be handled. ^ About 60 per cent of the popu lation of westerfi -Canada resides on farms. /.......... ■■ News of 3rd an<j Kincaid-Memorial M. E. Churches (By W. R, Williams, Pastor.) A gracious reception awaited the pastor on his return back to the charge for another year. The good people kindly manifested their love and esteem f or their pastor by awarding him with a large attendance at church, a goodly pantry shower and a wel come handshake by ail. We are now looking forward to a prosperous service for the Mas ter. As it is nearing the Christ mas holidays we are endeavoring to make the children as well as the adults happy in the giving of many presents and in a well ar ranged Christmas tree, also one of the best programs that could be arranged. We will arrange a tree for the presents at both churches, At the Third church we will have on the program, the Ten Virgins, the Crucifixion, Res urrection and Ascension of Christ, with four tableaux and two para bles. The program will be super vised by Tom Taylor. Our Sunday school superinten dents, W. E. H. Searcy, Sr., and H. C. Huckaby, are delighted with the progress made in their labors along with the pastor. We have our church officers all organized for this year with an every mem ber canvass going forward. Every body is cordially invited to attend the services at all times. Preaching at Third church, Spalding street, the first and third Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting has been changed from Saturday to Thurs day night at 7 p. m. Epworth League meeting each Sunday night- at 6:30 p. m. Ladies Aid meeting Friday at 7 p. m. Kincaid Memorial, West Griffin, preaching on second and fourth Sundays. Same hours as Third church, with the exception of prayer meeting on Tuesday night and Ladies Aid meeting on Wed nesday night. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS BIRTHDAY PARTY TO BE GIVEN HERE TOMORROW Mrs. Wilbur Brown, 7>Irs. W. T. Murphy and Mrs. Harold Griffin will be joint hostesses at a “Christmas Birthday Party” in the primary room of the First Methodist Church Friday after noon at 3' o’clock, , to which the members of the Junior Missionary Society arrd any other children, in the church \vho are interested are invited. A free-will offering for Mexi can children’s work will be taken. The following program will be rendered: •Juvenile chorus, “Little Stars, *• by Martha Thaxton, Katherine Goen, Miriam Luther, Virginia Forbes, Mary Griffin, Janet Shap ard, Charles Scales and Edna and J. H. Barton. Prayer, Mrs. W. S. Mixon. Vocal Solo, “Silent Night,” Mas ter James Bishop. Chorus, “O Little Town of Beth lehem,” by Louise Baxter, Rosa lind Henderson, Josephine Pitt man, James Bishop, John Yar brough, George Niles, Clay Daniel, Warren Elder, Anne Newsome, Betty Shell. •• The Christmas Story,” Vivian Boyd. Reading, “Our Birthday Gift to the Christ Child,” Miss Pauline Eady. . w Chorus, “Away in a Manger,” Fannie Willi* Niles, Prances War-, ren, Frances Yarbrongh. Reading, “The Christmas Spir it,” Frances Warren. •Chorus, “Joy to the World, ff girls. Benediction. i i f HE WAS US ED TO JOLTS a head on a certain railway, and many people were injured. When the wrecker arrived the crew began to search for bodies before at tempting to move Any of the cars and found an old negro Pullman porter fast asleep in the wreck. The rescuers roused him and ask «d: “Didn’t you know that you were in a serious wreck?” <• No, sah, boss,” he replied, « I did feel sumpin’ kind of jolty,'but I thought dey was a puttin on de dinah." t • POINTING WITH PRIDE It is a poor town that cannot boast of something to the strang er within its gates. u This is one of our greatest show places, said the citizen, while he was conducting a guest about the town. I Why, it’s only u vacant ,lot! ft replied the friend. u Certainly, but it’s where the circus always performs when it comes to town,” responded the proud citizen. Girls Qualified to Pick Mates Says Noted Engineer's Daughter v» ■ I •i #■ l > A - y.;. i •■ t :y. * / ' Miss Natalie Hammond, debutante daughter of John Hav* Hammond, famous mining engineer, takes exceptions to the state ment of Dr Kate Walter Barrett, feminist, that mothers should continue to choose their daughters mates. “Girls nowadays art qualified to do their own choosing—and most of them seek mental cavemen,” she asserts. THE SECOND LOVE. of a loved and lost one. Has she (4 She seemed pleased with your lost a sweetheart by death? if society last evening? »» *. Nojje; all she ever lost by Yes; she said 1 reminded her death was a Boston bulldog. FREEDMAN’S t ■■ .fit 'I ^BUYING HERE MEANS € * i' HOLIDAY -t MAKINGS V 7* —— LARGE LINE OF 98 WONDERFUL UNE * CHILDREN’S * OF % SWEATERS LADIES FOR THIS SALE COATS rj 7*y. ALL COLORS AND ■ Rvft T V StllOP jfl t hf J lO flS0 ® 2fO0S ¥ STYLES on sale * « Friday • * morning « . for * . . Grouped lor the Sale in just 2 prices: I ■ , $ 2.95 $ 9.85 ■ ale $ * 12.45 TO f t. \ o FREEDMANS 131 Hill St. Department Store Griffin, • * J. R. GLADIN, Manager 1" , H GEM if Chicago, Dec, 17.— in uniform, who entei town jewelry store wl bers were gathering up loot tc did not perturb the hold-up » “Hands up, quick,” they the policeman. “Don’t try to at your weapon or it will be cide. The policeman wait disarmed quickly and put in a rear room with other*, including the propri etor. The robber* fled with $50, 000 in jewelry and currency. SECRETARY MELLON ASKS $5 0,0 0 M 0 0 TO REFUND TAXES Washington, Dec. 18.—An ap propriation of $50,000,000 to be used in repayment of federal taxes illegally collected was re quested of congress yesterday by the treasury. Too Late to C! % ■ FOR RENT: Upstairs a npart ment, 4 rooms and bath. P osle* sion given January 1st. 622 W. Taylor street. FORDOR SEDAN FOR SA 11)25 model. Brand new. Ne driven. Discount worth while, vestigate. Phone 869. —• Young couple desire* two or three furnished room* for light housekeeping at once. Write bo: 279 . tStf,1 WANTED: Parties having ice cream containers belonging to the Griffin Dairy to fall 1038. CARD OF THANKS. For the many kindnesses and loving sympathy shown ua in the reeeht death of our ioved one by the physicians, friend* and rela tives and for the beautiful floral offerings, we wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks. Mr. F. S. Drewry and Family. -