Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 18, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Wk i It % *3? mm if ■m V % M ,7..y i corrmsMT #v IHTtSVWWSM STOCKfNO COMP.ry RIBBED WOOL— 7 7 |K ■ ' fl its , tJoe and |>eel ii ; SURE TO PLEASE ANY MAN Griffin Mercantile Company PERSONAL NOTES N Mar. John Leverett, of Means ville, spent Thursday shopping in Griffin. John Hall Murray, who is a student at Georgia Tech, in At lanta, will arrive home tonight for the holidays with his parents, Mr. and ’Mrs. B. C. Murray. Mrs. W. G. Daniel, of Barnes viMte, was shopping in Griffin Thursday. A. K. Buchanan, of Meansville, made a business trip to Griffin Thursday. «*► Mias Elolae Dye, who is attend Ing the Georgia State College for Women, arrived Wednesday from Milledgeville for the holidays with relatives. W. C. Kennedy, a student at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, will ■pend Friday night in Griffin with his sister, Mrs . 0. N . Mathis, en ute to hla home in Edison. BUICK Values 100% 1924 —Ford Coupe. Like new. 1921—Essex Coupe. 1920—Overland 490 Touring. 1920—Willeys 1918—Dodge Touring. . Six, 7- passenger, 1918—Bulck Touring. Six, Touring. 5-pasaenger, 1920— Bulck Six, 5-pasaenger, 1921— Touring. Bulck Six, 5-pasaenger, Sedan. 1922— Bulck Six, 5-passepger, Greatly Touring. reduced prices for quick TERMS IF DESIRED SLATON MOTOR CO. BUICK DEALER (09 East Solomon St. Phone 680 * ft Under the Mistletoe \T0 better place, no better time, to surprise her with the gift of her cn- n gagement ring than under the mistletoe. And if the ring is selected at our store with its guarantee of perfection there will be just that much added satisfaction in its possession. Our display of solitaire diamond ring* comprises a most charming variety in all the modern settings, to fit all persons. jr V ' J DEPOT JEWELRY STORE ; 128 E. Broad St. L «&*i Mrs. L. G. Byfield was among those from Barnesville shopping in Griffin Thursday. The members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Uuion are requested to bring their gifts for the inmates of the county farm to the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon, December 26, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Joseph D. Boyd, Mrs. John B. Mills, Mrs. Walter Beeks, Misses Emily and Virginia Boyd and Mary Hammond are moving into Mrs. Boyd’s new home at 435 South Hill street, from 116 West Oak street, where they have been living since September. W. F. Willis, of Haralson, was in the city Thursday and renewed his subscription to the Semi Weekly News. He stated he could not do without the paper and that many in hia community feel the same way;—7 Mrs. James J. Page, Jr., went to Atlanta Thursday to visit friends until Saturday afternoon. Miss Martha Sams, who is a student at the Georgia State Col lege for Women, arrived Wednes day to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sams, on the Macon road. Mrs. J. H. Weems, of Sunny Side, was shopping' in Griffin Thursday. O. T, Moreland, of Rover, was in the city Thursday and sub scribed for the Daily News. Mrs. W, T. Newman, mother of J. H. New&an, who has been ill at his home for some time, was carried to the Griffin hospital Thursday for an operation. Mrs. Grady Pierce, of Hamp ton, spent Thursday shopping in Griffin. Mrs. Robert F. Strickland visit ed Atlanta friends Thursday. Mrs.'J. J. Callaway, of Sunny Side, was shopping in Griffin Thursday. Mias Thelma Bryant, who is at tending the Georgia State Col lege for Women, in Milledgeville, arrived Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. John Hammond, who is attepd ing Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, will arrive in Griffin Friday night to spend the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Woods Ham mond, on West Poplar street. Miss Laura Woodward spent Thursday with friends in Atlanta. Miss Hattie Head went to At lanta Thursday to be the guest of Mrs. Beckham until Monday. She will attend the marriage of her cousin, Miss Carolyn Beckham, and William Bartlett, which will be a beautiful event of Saturday, taking place at home. Miss Vivian Peel arrived in Griffin Wednesday night from Milledgeville, where she is attend ing the Georgia State College for Women, to spend the Christmas season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peel. Mrs. S. B. Sawtell and her guest, Henry George Redding, of Seattle, Wash., spent Thursday in Macon with relatives. Mrs. W. H. Bailey, of Luella, spent Thursday shopping in Grif fin. Miss Julia Woodruff, who is at tending school at Converse Col lege, in Spartanburg, S. C., ar rived in Atlanta today to be the guest of Miss Louise Carroll, on Lakewood Drive, until Saturday. She will return to Griffin then for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Woodruff. Miss Grace Stallworth, who has been connected with the Y. W. C. A. in Greensboro, N. C., will ar rive soon to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stallworth, on North Hill street. Alex Gossett, L. D. Gray and Henry McWilliams are on a hunt ing trip near Albany. Mrs. Ray Wirick, Mrs. Robert Smith, Miss Jean Gray, Mrs. Sam McCracken and Mrs. O. N. Math is motered to Atlanta Tuesday. Henry Halsey Moore, who is a student at Emory University, in Atlanta, arrived in Griffin last night for the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Moore. Mrs. J. H. Weems, of Luella, was shopping in Griffin Wednes day afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Baird, Jr., of Atlanta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cartledge, coming down for the tea Mrs. Cartledge and Mrs. Julia McWilliams Drew try are giving this afternoon and the bridge party Mr. and Mrs. Cartledge are giving tonight. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Plowden and young son and daughter have moved into the home of Mrs. Wal ter C. Beeks at^ll5 West Oak street. Ernest Hulsey, head of the mathematics department of the Griffin high school, was called to his h ome in Gainesville yesterday on account of the illness of his father. Robert Sawtell, a former Grif finite, who is now living Des Moines, Iowa, will arrive in Grif Saturday from Chicago, where he has been on a business trip, and will spend Christmas with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Sawtell, on South Hill street. Miss Eunice Evelyn Bolton ar rived Wednesday afternoon from the Georgia State College for Wo men, in Milledgeville, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hutchin son, of Haralson, spent Wednes day in Griffin with Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Owen. They met their daugh ter, Louise, who was returning from the Georgia State College for Women. Mrs. J. L. Boynton was among the shoppers from Williamson in Griffin Thursday. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Mrs. Jack Miller visited friends in Atlanta Thursday. Miss Alice Enloe, of Buchanan,' who is attending school at the Georgia State College for Women, in Milledgeville, was the guest of Miss Martha Sams, on the Macon Road Wednesday. Mrs. Eugene Cope, Of Hampton, was shopping in Griffin Thursday. Miss Mary Ella Hammond, who is attending school It Agnes Scott College, in Decatur, will arrive this afternoon to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woods Hammond. She will have as her guests for the night, Misses Evelyn Kennedy and Vir ginia Grimes, of Statesboro, Miss Loette McKneely spent Thursday in Atlanta with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Paulk are in the city, called here by the illness of their daughter, Miss Myrtle Paulk. Miss Paulk, who drank poison by ruffe take Tuesday, was reported much better Thurs day and able to sit up. Mrs. H. H. Weems, of Sunny Side, was shopping in Griffin Thursday. W. H. Bailey, of Luella, made a business trip to Griffin Thurs pday. Miss Addie Haisfield, a student at the Georgia State College for Women, arrived in Griffin Wed nesday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Haisfield. J. W. Murphy, of Hampton, was in the city Thursday and renewed his subscription for the Daily News. Mr. Murphy stated that he was much pleased with the News. Mrs. J. D. Ballard, of William son, spent Thursday shopping in Griffin. Mrs. O. K. Buchanan, of Means ville, was shopping in Griffin Thursday. Miss Martha Watson ^spent Wednesday in Atlanta with friends. Mrs. E. P. Perkins, of Milner, spent Thursday in Griffin, meet ing her daughter, Louise, who is returning for the holidays from the State Normal School in Ath ens. John Leverett, of Meansville, made a business trip to Griffin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graefe have returned home after a visit in Atlanta to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Diamond. Birdie News .......... . j Christmas will soon be here. How many of us are expecting a visit from dear old Santa? All of us will be visited, I hope. There will be a Christmas tree at County Line Wednesday night, December 24, and old Santa will be there. Miss Grace Calloway, of Love Joy, spent last week-end with Miss Mattie Wesley. Mrs. W. C. Strickland and fam ily, of Concord, spent last week end visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. W. A. Wesley, of Woolsey, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Elder, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Elder, of Scotland, Ga., spent Sunday night with his brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Elder. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Elder at tended the reception and pantry •shower Tuesday evening given in honor of our pastor, the Rev. Whitaker, ai\d family at Brooks. Quite a number of people from here attended the ity meeting Monday evening at Brooks, and enjoyed it very much, and we are all wondering when Birdie is going to be visited. Miss Eloise Wesley spent last week-end with Miss Bernice Cal loway at Love Joy. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elder, Miss Annie Ruth Elder and Mrs. J. J. Elder visited friends and relatives Sunday in this section. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wesley had as their spend the day guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Elder and family, Mr. and 'JMrs. J. G. Wesley and family, of Vaughn, and Miss Calloway. GRANDMOTHER OF FAMOUS FILM COMEDIAN DIES Beverly Hills, Cal., Dec. 18.— Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Frazer, grandmother of Harold Lloyd, mo tion picture actor, is dead here, aged 91. Vaughn News Miss Ruby Pope spent the week end with relatives at Concord. Miss Ola Feltman spent Satur day with Miss Irene Norton. Gayron Pope is at home after spending a year in Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Joe Lewis shopped in Grif fin Wednesday. There will be a Christmas tree at the Methodist Episcopal church. We hope the entire community will come out and help make it a suc cess. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barfield an nounce the birth of a fine boy, December 16. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reeves spent Sunday with Mrs. Jones Bridges. Mrs. J. M. Connelly spent Mon day in Griffin with her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Harris. Quite a crowd from here at tended the community meet given by the Chamber of Commerce at Brooks Monday night. Mrs. F. L. Moon and daughter, Viola, spent last Monday with Mrs. A. H. Moon. The Woman’s Club of this place met with Mrs. A. H. Moon last Monday with a good many pres ent. Mrs. T. J. Lewis spent Thurs day in Griffin with her daughter, Mrs. Nannie Williams. Movie Notes *. THE FAST SET,” WILLIAM DE MILLE FILM. HERE TODAY In “The Fast Set, ■ which Wil liam de Mille produced, a great lover really saves a family from disruption (Sy making love to an author’s wife. m X-7 ;f f : m ' ’ S B ■ : BETTY COMPSON SIMUung m PARAMOUNT PICTURES The film will be shown at the Alamo today and tomorrow. As a climax the novelist pays the philanderer the great compli ment of listening to advice as to the best v*ay of winning back his wife. Betty Compson plays the chariping young wife with fine artistry; Adolphe Menjou has an ideal part as the philanderer; El IF lies ACT 8A0 TAKE SALTS Says Backache Often Means You Have Not Been Drinking Enough Water. When you wake up with back ache and dull misery in the kid ney region it may mean you have been eating foods which create acids, says a well known author ity. An excess of such acicls overwork the Kidneys in their ef fort to filter it from the blood . and they become sort of paralyz ed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing all the body’s urinous waste, else you have back ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coatted and when the weather is bad, you have rheumatic twin ges. The urine is cloudy, full of sedi ment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine, This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the system, so they no longer irritate thus aften relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent lithia water drink. Drink lots of soft water. By all means have your physician exam ine your kidneys at least twice a year.—(Adv.) Thursday, December 18, 1924. — -_ ' " T ” T ” TTT^V V <* V T T -TTT f A If _ TODAY rj 61 and «A "" i St Lets #>r Tomorrow fcJk i Si '00 * a \ [Qktmmoanl) J Q>idure W * ADOLPH ZUKOff WITH AMP JESSE L-LA5KY BETTY COMMON .fftCSCNT Adolphe menJOU DEXTER w WILLIAM deMILLE ELLIOTT ZASO PITTS —— --- (Production - T HE DRAMA of a husband’s clever experiment to save his wife from “The Fast Set." From the brilliant Broadway stage success, “Spring Clean ing. OUR XMAS WEEK PROGRAM WILL BE A RECORD BREAKER. WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT. A A A, sk A A A A, M, M A iu Hot Dexter plays the novelist and ZaSu Pitts is cast in the role TOYS and GAMES of a social outcast. One hundred livers are required Pickering’s to yield one gallon of cod liver FOR GIFTS oil. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS AND SAY IT WITH OURS Christmas Display WREATHS-PLANTS 1 AND CUT FLOWERS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS MRS. J. F. WHATLEY PHONE 209-W i.utlmiiHi. SHOP EARLY ! : i -o V* V// •v V l i • CTOCftuM coaMMQ A store full of Serviceable Gifts for Men and Boys. They will appreciate something to wear. Staton-Dowell ^ CLOTHING *COMDAMvr Caen's