Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 19, 1924, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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19 , 1924 . - m n SHI RULES Gift Buyers Come From Many Counties To » Trade Here i The Yuletide spirit reigns (supreme in Griihn. With streets and stores thronged by Christmas shop pers from many counties, with business houses bril ' - 1 \, if; 'iLj- 1 h o £) t o r e oj 0 liday Qappiness t ■ A I i ANNOUNCES k /| i & *> i < ANNUAL % YEAR-END SALE m i iilg x Uk ’ =•/ w I t *0 <*> « !i « r l 0 ✓ N to- / * > w O I 91 Tk a I i » m ! f § , oj Ll * V III : tm',) 0 ; H If y fll ■/ IL s w o • o*j o* b; A i t .• . i * ! 9 .0 »*• m 0 m cr I Z t 0 •o i $ n * $ Tj / * ' V 0 V SMART FROCKS \ ■* r- LUXURIOUS WRAPS ENSEMBLES - A Quick Clearance Sale of All Winter Garments 4 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 9 O’CLOCK SATURDAY A. M. DEC. 20 AND CONTINUING THROUGH MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVERY DRESS- EVERY COAT -EVERY ENSEMBLE SUIT i WILL GO ON SALE AT I ■ 25 % to 50 % Reduction From Our Already Low Prices t every garment in perfect condition, of the VERY BEST (mm Rules of Sale MATERIAE, RIGHT W THE HEIGHT OF STYLE, AND CARRIES NO REDUCTIONS ALLOWED BEFORE 9 O’CLOCK SATURDAY—NO OUR USUAL GUARANTEE-AN OPPORTUNITY THAT KNOCKS BUT 1 APPROVALS NO ALTERATION—NO CHARGES AT REDUCED ONCE A YEAR. BE ON TIME, AND GRASP IT QUICKLY PRICES. EVERY SALE MUST BE FINAL. ITS CLEARANCE TIME. . I Remember Our Sales Start by the Clock—9 O’clock Saturday Morning is the Opening Hour—Be On Time m Every Department Of The Store Is Filled With Practical Christmas Gifts Attractively Priced. Be Sure To Visit The t V Toy Section and Furniture Department. X? i SATURDAY-M0NDAY--TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY -FOUR BIG DAYS AT THE BIG STORE V ii Griffin Mercantile j l Com V* r r pany I \ ........................................................ liant with holiday goods and decorations, the city breathes the atmosphere of Christmas time. From Spalding, Pike, Lamar, Pike, Meriwether, Fayette, Butts, Henry, Coweta and Monroe coun ties the merry gift buyers are invading the city. Praise of the wonderful stocks of Christmas' merchandise carried by Griffin merchants and the un usual values to be found here is to be heard on every hand. Probably never before m Its history has Griffin been so abun dantly supplied with goods suit able for holiday gifts. On top of that, the backward winter weather has kept goods on the shelves that ordinarily would have sold before now with the results that most of the mer chants are reducing their prices sharply in order to move these goods. These reductions have been extensively advertised with the result that they have drawn to the city hundreds of buyers anxious to take advantage of the savings. The large department stores of Griffin are enjoying exceptional business and predict that all rec ords will be broken before Christ mas, and all smaller stores are enjoying a gratifying trade. Wmvmws STATE su HI im r FOR SHOW BI6 GAIN 8 Atlanta, Dec. 19.—Up to this date the state treasury has paid out more money on appropriations and state government operating expenses than in any December in a good many years—and the old state isn’t broke yet. The total payments made by the treasury up to date for December has been $1,350,000 for all pur poses, including payments made to the various state departments. Last year, for the total month of December, the total paid out by the treasury was $858,000. Large Items. Among the larger items includ ed in the total payments made this month, are: Pension warrant $4,000; state sanitarium on reg ular, appropriation $91,786; for advertising constitutional amend ments $.135; to town and city school systems $96,770; to county school systems $$78,230 (this pay ment is exactly 15 per cent of the total 1924 appropriation of $4,- 500,000 and larger than ever be fore paid at this time of year); state sanitarium, special on nurses home appropriation, $20,311; pen sion department from stamp tax fund for veterans $290,140; Uni- versity of Georgia and bronchos Books Close Saturday. The treasury will close the books on registered bonds Decem ber 20, as is customary, in order to compile the interest figures and make up the checks by the first of the year. Early in the new year some further rather heavy payments will fall due, the heaviest coming in February and March, when ap proximately $3,000,000 of dis counted school warrants will fall due. The funds for meeting those payments are in the visible in come and will be available when the paper is due. Lies are like rocks that are submerged at high tide; the ebb exposes them. m KN Bride (to salesi I'd like a little Salesman: Er— si 1 : wnue your nusuai — Sir Rider Haggard raise# and cattle, and plans to history of British agrici States last * year. "Is Jack a loud dresser t” “Is he? You should hear hi hunting for his collar button ' ■ Different colon are said to be due simply to different rates vibrations. ' #43 Human being inhale about cubic feet of air a day.