Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 22, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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8is fj SSSSSSSS^ V . COME, SANTA! W l have a wonderful selection of Ties, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Reefers, Sweater Vests, Belts, Buckles, Gloves; Silk, Wi Broadcloth and Madras Shirts; Suits, Overcoats, Pajamas, Bath Robes, Knox Hats, Stetson Hats —any article you may want for man or boy can be found in our Men's Wear Department m What you bu^ here will be Right in Price, m Style and Quality. PI ' ' GRIFFIN MERCANTILE CO. : PERSONAL NOTES N The Elks’ annual turkey dinner will be served in the lodge rooms Wednesday, December 31, at 7 o’clock. "Theater Layy and Miss Rachael Robinson wpre united in marriage Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of the Rev. C. B. Jones in East Griffin, who per formed the ceremony. -EUs Burma Underwood has ar rived from Murray high school in Norfolk, Va., to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I?. T. Underwood. Miss Rhoda Nichols, who is at tending the Chambers School of k Landscape Gardening in Cam bridge, Mass., arrived Saturday night to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr, arid Mrs. W. G. - - - Nichols. ---- i" ■ "■ ■■■ ■ ...... —■■■ -- pi' William the Searcy, IIJ, of Atlanta, spent week-end in Griffin with INSURANCE THAT INSURES m mm n , sr While we are wishing our many friends a Merry Xmas and a very Happy New Year, we think it also a good time to remind you that a «oasy little home, or a well located vacant lot, would be a very fine gift for many wives and mothers. GIVE ’EM LOTS FOR XMAS. It’s only an idea—but think it ■over. « Insurance That Insures” Griffin Realty Co. W. G. CARTLEDGE, Mgr. lit E. Solomon St. Griffin, Ga 00 ULJJi The Claim Was Unju A hotel owned, sued by a woman who fell in the hall of his hotel, was declared not liable by the court. His legal expenses of defense * were Ugh. But his liability in surance covered them and saved him time and annoyance by de fending the case. v r A claim of this kind may clean •ut year bank account and force you to sell all the property you have. You may have sudden need for this insurance and the service pro vided by this agency, s Get it here, before the accident. Drake Sc Company MfN . St MM* SHE'’- HWaCs8S>cc — his parents, Judge and Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr. Mrs. T. E. Goolsby has gone to Moultrie to spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Tucker. Mias Annie McElveen, who at tends Griffin high school, is spend ing the holidays with relatives in Concord. The Girls’ Service Club will give a Christmas program at the Presbyterian church Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Roy Fisher, of Anniston, Ala., is spending the Christmas season with home folks on North Hill street. Miss Grace Stallworth has ar rived from Greensboro, N. C„ where she is engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Stallworth. Capt. L. W. Walker, George Sachs and Bernard Gehauff, who have been engaged in experiment work at the Georgia Experiment Stating? for several months, left Monday for Edgewood, Md. Carter Williams, who has been spending several days with his aunt, Mrs. Archie Culpepper, has returned to his home in Luella. Nathaniel Bailey, of Lowell. Mass., arrived in Griffin Sunday afternoon to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. David J. Bailey. Miss Alice Searcy arrived Sun day morning from Lynchburg, Va., where she is attending Randolph Macon College, to spend Christmas with her parents, Judge and Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., on South Hill street. Miss Searcy stopped over at Lexington, Va., en route home for the Christmas dances at V. M. I. Miss Aline Cumming has return ed from Carrollton,, wherg she at tended the wedding of Miss Sara Gray and Frank Kimbel, Jr., Sat urday night. Miss Grace Brindle spent the week end in Atlanta with her sis ter, Mrs. L. L. Tucker, Jr. Frank Binford, who is attending Georgia Tecfi ih Atlanta, has ar i‘.cu in vji mm 'Torine Cnf istmas holidays with his father, F. M. Binford. Dick Brewer, who had an acute attack of appendicitis Saturday night, was reported much better Monday and out of danger of an operation. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wright and children have gone to Macon, where they will spend the Christ mas holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Parker. Minor Wheaton, who is attend ing the University of Georgia at Athens, arrived in Griffin Saturday night to spend the Christmas holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wheaton, on South Hill street. ^ , John E. Drewry, head of the department of publicity at the University of Georgia, is the guest Hr * V A;** x, i' ■ of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, E. Drewry. Mr, Drewry will go to Chicago next week to address a journalistic convention. C. P. Perkins, of Milner, made a business trip to Griffin Monday. Ralph Eubanks, who attends Mercer University In Macon, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks, for the Christmas holidays. ■ Misses Oleen and Ruby Colwell, of Zebulon, were shopping in Grif fin Monday. R, L. Richey, of Pomona, who is ill at the Griffin Hospital, is im proving. Mrs. Pendley, of McDonough, spent Monday shopping in Griffin. Mrs. P. P. Patrick, of Locust Grove, spent Monday in Griffin shopping. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Beck, Jr., Mrs. Milton J. Daniel, Mrs. William H. Beck, Miss Maathilde Brown and Miss Mary Alice Beck motored to Atlanta Saturday. W. W. Shannon, of Williamson, made a business trip to Griffin Monday. A. T. MacLachlin, of Wagram, N. C., spent Saturday afternoon in Griffin with his sister, Mrs. John Rogers, eh route from his home to Florida. Mrs. Walter Smith, of Locust Grove, spent Monday shopping in Griffin. <z a Mrs. Green T. Dodd left mornin * for Atlanta, where will spend two weeks. j i of Mrs. G. Locust B. Childs Grove, and near spent day in Griffin shopping. J. H. Peebles, of Woolsey, made a business trip to Griffin Monday. Harrel Drewry, who is attending the University of Georgia in Athens, arrived Saturday night to spend the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Drewry. Hunton Allen, of Williamson, made a business triR to Griffin to day. James Bedenbaugh is spending a few days in Atlanta and East Point with friends and relatives. Miss Alice Searcy went to New nan this morning to motor from there with friends to Columbus, where she will be the guest of Miss Theresa Knight for the Kap pa Alpha banquet and dance. Miss Searcy will be accompanied home tomorrow by Miss Knight. P. P. Patrick, of Locust Grove, made a business trip to Griffin Monday. Mrs. W. W. Shannon, of Wil liamson, was shopping in Griffin Monday. Miss Elizabeth Norman, who has been ill at her home on South Eighth street, is able to be out. # Miss Mary Nichols, who is at tending Sweet Briar College in S w ee t Bria r ; ¥«■., is- s p cnd in g the holidays in Griffin with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wilson, of . Marion, N. C., are the guests of his sister, Mrs. J. J. Thornton, for Christmas. P. J. Baughn, of Gay, made a business trip to Griffin Monday. Miss Nellie Calloway is very ill at her home on Meriwether street. J. R. Byrd, principal of the .Griffin high school, has gone to Holland, Va., to spend the holidays with relatives. Mrs. Hunton Allen, of William son, was shopping in Griffin Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Kilgore will leave Tuesday morning in their car for Athens, where they will GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS 4t i Today I and Tomorrow W ; :’v mm 7, (■: 7 ' •v’S ¥' mi ass r.:. X: V X 11I1I n //. f0 s '•x — ■ m •>: I m i P - Eg# XX Lewis Stone. *Hasband5«i Lovers* spend the Christmas holidays with her brother, J. P. Knowles. They will also visit Greenville, S. C., Atlanta and other points before returning home. Mrs. J. H. Peebles, of Woolseys, spent Monday shopping in Griffin. Miss Gladys Bailey, who is teaching school at Franklin, Ga., arrived Saturday night to spend the holidays with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bailey, on South Hill street. Dr. and Mrs. I. N. Mathis left Sunday in their car for Edison, Talbotton, Dawson and other points in South Georgia, where they will spend the Christmas sea son with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wellborn Blalock and young daughter, Martha, have returned to Atlanta after spending the week end in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Drake in the Marian Apartment. Mrs. Robert F. Strickland and Miss Hattie Head have returned from Atlanta, where they attended the marriage of their cousin, Miss Caroline Beckham, and William Barnett Saturday* evening. The Girls’ Service flub will sing carols in Griffin Christmas Eve. Harvey Scott, of Atlanta, will spend Christmas in Griffin with his father, J. S. Scott, and his sis- OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS ii K GIVE HIM TIES fe i it A SUGGESTION FOR LATE SHOPPERS Any man will appreciate one of our Ties, for our label assures him of Good Quality and Correct Style. A Wonderful Collection in Christmas Boxes $ 1 t0 $3 A STORE FULL OF SERVICEABLE GIFTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Qaton-Pcmdl CMC*?™'*? C0MPAMY ters, Mrs. Alva Moore and Mrs. Jack Gunter. Henry George Redding, of Seat tle, Wash., who is spending Christ mas here, visited relatives in At lanta Monday. . J. H. West, a member of the faculty of the Griffin High school, left Monday to spend two weeks at his home in Kirkwood. Misses Marjorie Hodges and Miriam Johnson spent Monday in Atlanta with friends. Miss Caroline Eubanks, who is teaching at the Georgia State Col lege for Women in Milledgeville, has arrived in Griffin to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eubanks. Frank Reese made a business trip to Atlanta Monday. John and Lewis Brewer, who are attending Georgia Tech in Atlanta, arrived in Griffin Saturday night to spend the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Butler Walker, on North Hill street. Mrs. Robert R. Evans spent Monday with friends in Atlanta. 4 Lee White, of Villa Rica, spent the week end in Griffin with friends. Miss Nellie B. Baggett has ar rived from Lewisburg, Va., where she is attending Greenbriar Col lege, to spena the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baggett, on North Hill street. William Pendergrass, who has been spending several days with his sister, Mrs. E. K. Domingos, en route to his home from Gaines ville, where he is attending River side Military Academy, has return ed to Macon. Mrs. C. P. Perkins, of Milner, spent Monday shopping in Griffin. Miss Velma Minter spent Sun day with relatives at Sunny Side. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phillips and Misses Margaret and Frances Phillips, of Philadelphia, arrived Sunday afternoon to spend the Christmas with ' his sister, season Mrs. T. J. Brooks. Miss Mytrice Paulk, who took poison by mistake last week, nas recovered sufficiently to go to her Monday, Decamber 22, 1924- j T- ^ ■ y ii y m.qjraqp y y r V y " ' y -r i 0 ] Ki vv : •• y. LI Lets 5 ' ° 1 9* • * 7<. . D TOMORROW THE 1 f JOHN M. STAHL PRODUCTION OF TWO KINDS OF WEN fl . ihaiidi ^ ? n_ lovers and ' 4 •J Lewis Stone •Si Lew Cody A ! Florence Vidor 1 : > i 7 : presented by LOUIS B. MAYER The, lover says such pretty things that - friend wife will listen ! i to—--but can a lover ‘ M ever make a good hus band? As -■> V \ < \ [»] RE Mt aw i i StfT -tc V, L tw^v \ IV.-,., t! A national wH Directed by M John M. Stahl ADDED FOX NEWS r T T T ▼ T TVT T V TT si 4S , z. A | OPEN THREE DAYS XMAS WEEK - WITH FINE PROGRAM TOMORROW TIGER LOVE THURSDAY Douglas Fairbanks in % THE NUT I SATURDAY r*Tr MASK OF LOPEZ home in Cairo to spend the Christ mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Paulk. Mrs. Hattie Kelley Dunham and Miss Marian Hewlett Dunham ar rived Sunday from Jacksonville, where they are spending t1ie win ter, and will be the guests for Christmas of Mrs. Dunham’s mother, Mrs. Ida Kelley. Miss Olivia Brown, who is mak ing her home in Atlanta, will spend Christmas in Griffin wtih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown. . The Sunday school of St. George’s Episcopal church will en tertain at/ a Christmas service Tuesday night at 7 o’clock, which will be followed by a Christmas tree in the Parish House. Mrs. Charles Fields, of Braden town, Fla., who is the guest of Miss Agnes Sorrell, spent Monday with friends in Atlanta. George Wheaton, who is a stu dent at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, is spending the holidays in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheaton. Dolls—Toys Games Pickerings FOR ^ GIFTS