Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 23, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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a® ■■- Eight 8 m 3= MMMMMWMMM S COME, S A! * W i HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION of Ties. Handkerchiefs, Socks, Reefers, Sweater Vests, Belts, Buckles, Gloves; Silk. K Broadcloth and Madras Shirts; Suits, Overcoats, -WF; Pajamas, Bath Robes. Knox Hats, Stetson Hats —any article you may want for man or boy can be found in our Men's Wear Department. - ! i What you buy here wiil be Right in Price, Style and Quality. 1 m GRIFFIN MERCANTILE CO. PERSONAL NOTES George Maugham, of Jackson, made a business trip to Griffin Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. S. Wynne, of Meansville, was shopping In Griffin Monday. ' 'l { ' ^ . . , r - ' Miss Jessie Pfearl Rice spent Monday afternoon arid night in Atlanta with Mrs. Charles Dun can. ; Mlss Lucile Burnette, head of the domestic science department of the Griffin high school, has gone to Tampa, Fla., to spend the Holidays with relatives. She has as her guest Miss Mariwill Haynes. The Misses Reeves, of Molena, were visitors to Griffin Monday afternoon. I Francis Forster made a business trip to Macon Monday. X Mrs. W. T. Coeliran, of Zeb ulon, spent Monday afternoon shopping in Griffin. Parker Cahoon, <rf the Griffin high school faculty, is spending the holidays at his home in Tam pa, Fla. Miss Mildred Zorn, of Thomas ton, will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. J. Ware, on South Thirteenth street for some of the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Zach Respess will go to Macon Wednesday night for a short visit to relatives. Wayne Traer, who is attending Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, has arrived in Griffin to spend the holidays with his parents, A Jewelry Carries the True Qift Sentiment f>IFTSof jewelry •ntmsured O through the yeera to come, an evwiaettag token oi the deap ‘ oi the giver. Thebeeuty cot«Mia*lutae«eu*fc- oi jnairiita jaafo** drawback oi out n e cewri practical, ly the combine being overly to . cany the thoughtful tantbnaut we •II covet in a gift Whenever you lav* occasion to a gilt, we with you to ieet pariaedy tree to in and ia apact our oBering*. Wa know you will ba happy with whatever pur you may make. ’ !- , Watches and Rings T. H. WYNNE Framed Mottoes “Bita of Sunshine" ■ Pickering'S FOR GIFTS sr Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Traer, on South Sixth street. Mrs. John Stevens Manley has returned home after a short visit to her mother, Mrs. Milton Smith, in Barnesville. Miss Josephine Turner, of Mc Donough, spent Monday afternoon in Griffin with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Slade, of Birmingham, Ala., who were to have spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Slade, have postponed their visit until later. Miss Virginia Wingfield, of Washington, D. C., will arrive Saturday to spend a week with Mrs. William Henry Saunders. Miss Wingfield is well known in Griffin, Having visited Mrs. Saun ders before. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Duffer, of Bluefield, W. Va., are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hulon on West Poplar street. Miss Caroline Binford, of Po mona, spent Monday afternoon in Griffin with friends. Mrs. George Barrow and Miss Nell Barrow, of Philadelphia, who are guests of Mrs. B. N. Barrow, Sr., motored to Montgomery, Ala., Monday, where they will be guests of Mrs. George Copeland for the holidays. Miss Nell Bridges spent Tues day with friends in Atlanta. The annual election of officers for Griffin Lodge 413, F. & A. M., will be held tonight. All mem bers are requested to be pres ent. Mrs. Lafe Wheat, of Pomona, was among the visitors to Griffin Monday. Mrs. Zol Ison spent Tuesday in Atlanta with friends. Mrs. Milton Smith and children, of Barnesville, motored to Griffin Monday night to attend the per formance of “Husbands and Lov ers,” at the Alamo theatre. Mrs, W. L. Almon and Miss Emily Almon, of Birmingham, Ala. have arrived in Griffin to spend the holiaays with Mrs. Aimon T parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Thorn ton, on West Taylor street. The Griffin Athletic Club will I meet the team from Jonesboro at j the Griffin Athletic court tonight at 7:30 in the first home game of the local basketball team. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Forster, of Atlanta, have arrived in Grif fin to spend the holidays with her j parents, East Mr. College and Mrs. J. W. Slade on street. Mrs. George Mangham, of Jack son, was shopping in Griffin Mon day afternoon. The Service League of St. George’s church is extending in vitations to their friends for a dance tonight from 9 to 12 o'clock st the Parish House. Mrs. E. P. Wheelis, of Milner, spent Monday shopping in Orif fin. Miss Mary Etheridge, of Milner, spent Tuesday shopping in Griffin. Alfred Morgan left today for Demorest to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. Mrs. W. L. Nutt, of Pomona, was shopping in Griffin Tuesday. Miss Mae Woodward, of Haw kinsville, is spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Mills, and .Miss Laura Woodward. Ware Hutchinson will spend Christmas day with home folks in Jonesboro. Ed Fletcher motored to Barnes ville Sunday night and was the guest of friends. Mrs. R. R. Carter and daugh ters, of Meansville, were shopping in Griffin Tuesday. David Harvey, of Cartersville, who has been spending several days in Griffin with friends has returned home. Monroe d’Antignac, who is a student at the University of Geor gia, in Athens, has arrived Griffin to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Auvergne d’Antignac. Miss Eula Kate Wells, of Lu ella, spent Tuesday shopping in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. P. Y, Luther and young daughter, Miriam, left this morning for Oakwood, where they will spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lu ther. _Msr. L. W. Jon es, of Concord, spent Tuesday in Griffin shopping. Mrs. Ernest in e worn visited friends in Atlanta Tuesday. Donald Baird has arrived from Georgia Tech, in Atlata, where he is a student, and will spend the holidays with relatives. J. S. Wynne, bf. Meansville, made a business trip to Griffin Monday afternoon. Miss Vera Chapman, a mem ber of the Griffin high school fac ulty, is spending the holidays In Lithonia with relatives. Miss Willie Chappel, of Daw son, will arrive early next week for a visit to Miss Jessie Pearl Rice. Mrs. E. T. Dingier was among those from Zebulon shopping in Griffin Monday. Miss Sara Goodrich, a nurse at Davis-Fisher Sanitarium in At lanta, is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Stewart, on North Hill street for the Christmas holidays. Miss Goodrich formerly made her home in Griffin. B. N. Barrow will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives at Vienna, Dawson and Edison bird hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Dozier Wynne, of Atlanta, will spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. an3 Mrs. T. H. Wynne, arriving in Griffin Wednesday night. Mrs. W\ T. Newman, who under went an operation at the hospital last week, has recovered suf ficiently to be removed to the home of her son, J. H. Newman, on West Solomon street. .X* P. W. Etheridge, of Milner, made a business trip to Griffin Tuesday. Mrs. H. E. Everette, of Con cord, spent Tuesday shopping in Griffin. Brider Jackson, of Yatesville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Colquitt Tuesday night. Lawson Johnson, who is attend ing Georgia Tech in Atlanta, will arrive Christmas day for a visit GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS to his mother, Mrs. Mobley John son, and his sister, Miss Miriam Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Herndon and little Miss Rebecca Mitchell, who are motoring from Gulfport, Miss., to spend the holidays with Mrs. Herndon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Watson, are expected to arrive this afternoon. Mrs. Harvey Mills is spending several da’ys in Atlanta with friends. / Mrs. J. T. Nutt, of Pomona, spent Tuesday afternoon in Griffin shopping. Miss Louise Sternes was among those from Milner shopping in Griffin Tuesday. Miss Lena Yarbrough will spend Christmas in Barnesville with rela tives. J. A. Wells, of Luella, made a business trip to Griffin Tuesday. Miss Lucile Etheridge, of Mil neb, was shopping in Griffin Tues day. Gordan Wheaton, who is a stu dent at the University of Geor i gia, will arrive in Griffin tonight I to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Wheaton, on South Hill street. Mrs. W. J. Coggin, of William son, was shopping in Griffin Tues day. Miss Elizabeth Owen, of Zebu Ion, will be the guest of Miss Douglas Montgomery for some of the holiday festivities. Mrs. C. T. Luthem, of Luella, was a shopper in Griffin stores A. F. Allen, traveling salesman of Memphis, Tenn., is spending several days in Griffin with friends. Mrs. Jack Childers, of Milner, was shopping in Griffin Tuesday. Miss Ethel Ryals, of Macon, will spend Christmas with Mrs. Lafe Wheat at her home near Griffin. The script dance to be given by the. Griffin Serenaders will be given at the Griffin Hotel instead of at the Elks’ Club. Caldwell Daniel, traveling sales man, is spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Daniel, on West Poplar street. * Mrs. 4 Elma Pitts will spend Christmas in Barnesville with her mother, Mrs. M. T. Grace. Miss Susie Mae Brown, of Franklin Institute, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. S. P. Pasley. Miss Grace Brindle has return ed home after a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. L. L. Tucker, Jr., in At lanta. Miss Mary Starr, who is attend ing the University of Georgia, in Athens, is spending the Christ mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Starr. SAESARIAN OPERATION ON MACON BOG PERFORMED Macon, Dec. 23.—For the first time on record in Macon, the cae- sarian operation has been per pormed upon a dog. Dr. N. E. Southard performed the delicate operation upon a Spitz dog. Two pups, one living and the other dead, were removed, The? operation as performed on the dog was similar to the case of a human being. GERMAN PRESIDENT WINS LIBEL SUIT London, Dec. 23.—A verdict in favor of President Ebert, of Ger many, in his suit for libel against Editor Rothardt, of the . Mittel deutsche Zeitung, was rendered by the court at Madgehurg recently according to an agency dispatch from Amsterdam. The editor was sentenced to serve six months in prison. Barnesville News Miss Elizabeth Godwin left Sun day for Valdosta, where she will spend the holidays with her aunt. Miss Helen Woodward returned Sunday from Atlanta. Lamar Smith, Bo Humphrey and Bubber Woodward spent Saturday in Griffin. Jack Bates, a student of Mercer University, is spending the holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bates, Mias Prances Holmes is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mr3. Ben F. Winston spent Saturday in Macon. Miss Ellen Hunt will leave Fri day for Waynesboro, where she will spend several days with Miss Elizabeth Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mathews and son are visiting relatives in Nash ville, Tenn. Mrs. DeWitt Pritchard and chil dren spent Friday in Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Corry and family attended the Gray-Kimble wedding in Carrollton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee are spending the holidays in Massa chusetts. Mrs. D. C. Collier and children spent Monday in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphey will spend Christmas Day in Hawkins ville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howard and daughter, Orilea, will leave Friday for Spartanburg, S. C., to spend the holidays with Mrs. W. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs Ponder ant* son, David, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Misses Annie Silver and Marisue Burke entertained with a six o’clock dinner Sunday evening at the home .of Miss Silver. The din ing room was very attractive with decorations of the holiday sea son. Covers were laid for Misses Mattie Gordy, Zillah Hawkins, Clifford Rigdon, Ruth Byars, Aurie E. Burnette and Mike Silver. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Chaffin were’ in Atlanta Sunday. Misses Elizabeth and Agnes An derson, Alma Crowder and Fran ces Bush, who are students at Wesleyan, have arrived for the holidays. Misses Elizabeth Hardy, Sara Smith and Louise Rumble are at home for the holiday season frond Shorter. Ralph Moss, of California, ar rived Monday to spend a while with his father, A. F. Moss. J. A. Gammage, of Hopewell, Va., arrived Monday to spend Christmas with A. F. Moss. Miss Marion Bush, who is in structor of music in the Hawklns ville high school, arrived Monday to spend the holidays at home. Zebulon News A good many hogs were killed in this community during the last few days. T. A. Bolton, our Sunday school superintendent, is preparing to have a Christmas tree Wednes day night at the church. Hope everybody will take an interest and help to make it a happy time for the children. Mrs. Garrett, of Lumpkin, visit ed her sister, Mrs, W, B, Crow der, last week. We are glad to welcome Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Harrison and fam ily, of Hollonville, in our midst. They have moved near the lat ter’s mother, Mrs. Mattie Nichols. Mrs. Raymond Minter, of At lanta, spent Wednesday as the guest of Mrs. WV'E. Walter,^. * '...I Mrs. Thelma Maynard, . r . Mrs. Ma rion Minor and children, of At lanta, visited relatives here Wed nesday. W. N. Coppedge, of Culloden, spent a short while here last week with friends and relatives. JJr. and Mrs. Clark Williams, of Kentucky, are spending the hol idays with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ella Williams, at this place. Mias Marilou Touchstone, who is attending school In Forsyth, is at home for the holidays. Misses Kate and Ruby Bolton, are visiting relatives in Blake- Tuesday. Decembe r 23, 1924 . , dUmdki .a. a ..* a a a a a. a a , a 4 XeU got" TODAY LAST TIME WEDNESDAY V, AND THURSDAY P A LX i t MCUNTIO WJ AOOCPH Z.UKOH’ Thon; rfj 1 o V Mei IN 9**m a Lewis Stone ‘TONGUES, OF FLAME Lew Cody 1 JOSEPH Production HENABERY Florence M, RIALTO Vidor TODAY Agnes Ayers and Antonio Moreno 1 in m\ TIGER LOVE i Extra— Good Comedy T T T T' W ^ r" <r ~ T T"VT V ¥ W W W W WWW T " W AT ALAMO TOMORROW ^*3 m mm ■ ■ UK ai ■ : X. THOMAS„ME!GHANL,sTAf»RmG PARAMOUNT t* I PICTURES^ ALABAMA PARDON BOARD ELECTS WOMAN CHAIRMAN Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 23.— Mrs. Edwina Faulkner, assistant attorney general, has been elect ed chairman of the state pardon board and is the first woman to preside over that body, it was announced here today. LONDON WOMEN ARE STARVING TO GET A SLIM FIGURE London, Dec. 23.—The cult of the slim figure is causing many society leaders in Mayfair, re nowned for the lavishness of their entertaining, to live on semi-star vation rations. The tables at a recent party given by a notable Mayfair hos tess were crowded with delirious things which were utterly neglect ed. The guests would not even eat plain cake. They nibbled, instead, thin slices of vitamin wheat bread and butter and drank weak tea. r, LODGE ELECTION TONIGHT The United Order of Splendor and Perfection will hold its annual election of officers tonight at 7 o’clock in the old Odd Fellows building followed by a banquet at the Hotel Griffin. ly this week. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Henry Crowder is again very sick. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Csnnafax and children, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with. the latter’s mother, Mrs. Pearl Rivers, at this place. $5 PER DANCE IS THE PENALTY FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS Oxford, England, Dec. 23.—It costs an Oxford student |5 to dance with a girl, that is, if he is caught in the dreadful act, which, while not forbidden by the univer sity authorities, is so frowned up on it is penalized by a one gui nea fine. All dance roojns are raided every night by the university proctors. As dancing is popular, dance fines are an important university revenue. Enterprising dance managers employ bicycle scouts to follow the proctors on their rounds and give warning, but the proctors usually elude the spies. LAST OF MAIL BANDITS IS CARRIED TO PRISON Chicago, Dec. 23.—Herbert Hol liday, sentenced to serve a 25-year term in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth for his share in the Rondout, 111., train holdup of last June, was started for the prison last night. Holliday is the last of the eight men to go to prison for the $2, 000,000 mail robbery. EGYPTIAN CABINET VOTES TO DISSOLVE STATE PARLIAMENT Cairo, Dec. 23. — The cabinet definitely decided Monday evening to dissolve parliament. King Fuad’s decree to that effect will be published today. A NOTABLE EXCEPTION "A IHJHRM.....(Sin ffd Slfftost “any thing if he tries hard enough. • ’ “D’jever see some people try to sing?” Special in Tobacco For Xmas 1 -lb. glass humidor Prince Albert....... $1.40 1-lb. tin Tuxedo. 75c I/>-lb. tin Tuxedo 40c 4he above is Extra Special Johnson Drug Co. BUICK Values ioe% 1924—Ford Sedan. 1924—Ford Coupe. 1924—Ford Touring. 1922—Buick “Six,” 5-Pass. Tour. 1920— Buick “Six,” 5-Pass. T6ur. 1921— Essex Coupe. 1920—Willys ‘Six,’ 7-Pass. Tour. These 1918—Dodge Touring. dition. cars are in first-class con TERMS IF DESIRED SLATON MOTOR CO. buick dealer IM East Solomoa St Phone ft