Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, June 02, 1930, Image 1

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GRIFFIN FIRST Invest your money, your latent, your time, your influence in Griffin. . of Associated Press HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS TONIGHT t Gang War Breaks Out In Three Cities SEVEN MANY IN OUTBREAKS (By Associated Prws) Gangster guns blazed on three widely separated fronts .Sunday killing seven, two of whom were police, and wound ing half a dozen others in Chicago, Detroit and Boston, Chicago’s outbreak, believed ut gignalize the opening of a new mob warfare dealt death to three henchmen of Terry ttnigtrajn and perhaps fataJ injury io a mail and his wo man companion, All were machine gunned. Three oth er men were shot down later by machine gunners In a car. One died. Another victim was taken for a ride. In Detroit, two policemen were slain by supposed rum runners, A gang victim was later found shot to death in the Michigan eity. Two al.eged gangsters were shot by automobile machine gunners in Boston and one may not live. Roberts Becomes New Member Of Supreme Court WASHINGTON. June 2.—(/P)— Owen J. Roberts of Philadelnhia wax inducted into office today u., ar. associate justice of the supreme court. When he had taken the oath the bench again had its full member ship of nine for the first time since February. Roberts succeeds the late Justice S.i nford of Tennesspe. Roberts Is 55. He made a na tional reputation as special govern ment council in the celebrated naval oil cases. Local Food Dealers Meet Tuesday At P. T. Archer Store Griffin Retail Food Dealers will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night at 7:30. The meet Ing this month will be held at the store of P T. Archer and a 'ielici bus dutch luncheon will be served. Many important business matters are to be discussed and plans made for a delegation to attend^ the na tional convention in Macon the lat ter part of the week. Ed Ihgos, president ol the local as sociation. urges a full attendance at thp meeting tomorrow night. Sunday School Council Of Kincaid To Meet The Sunday school council of the Kincaid Memorial Methodist church will meet on Tuesday evening at the home of Mis* Blanche Allen on t’heatham street. The meeting will be held at 7 o'clock. All mem bers. are urged to be present. Cotton Report | > NEW ORLEANS COTTON Prrv Open High Low Close CIom Jwv 1484 14 72 1488 Mch. 15.00 15 00 14 89 14.89 15.03 J'll. 15.75 16.76 15.70 15.73 15.85 Oct. H.72 14.76 14..86 14.66 14.00 Dec. 14.79 14.79 14.72 14.72 14.88 NEW YORK COTTON Ian. Open High Low Close,flo- 1 15.03 15.03 15.01 15.01 IbX Mch. 14.84 14 84 15.11 May 14.95 15.00 14.91 14.92 New Jul. 10.08 10.U0 15.99 16.62 10.16 OH. 15.08 15.06 14.92 1|.92 15.19 1 fee. 153)9 15.09 15.00 16.02 15.24 -1 IN ■3 I r- »•> s 4 \ j World In Hall War of Fame Hero ] | aE=ri== . & : x ' ’ ;> >-;• II ! V : M % I m > M % m m The first World, War hero hon ored with a position in Sta tuary Hall in the V. 8. Capi tol is Lieut.-Col. John Camp tsell Greenway. chosen by the st?te of Ai'i7rna frond which he bailed, whose figure is shown above. Colonel Greenway was decoiafed for bravery near Ver dun when he led h s men for ward under terrific fire and was first to enter a German tiench which was their objec tive. . ^ . Health Officer Urges Precautions Against Typhoid AI1 persons are cautioned by the Health Officer to protect themselves against Typhoid Fever this sum mer: especially those leaving the city on vacations, camps, or mak ing a tour for any purpose They are liable to come in contact with milk, water, flics and food contam inations with Tyhcid Fever germe. A few simple rules to follow: I 1. Drink only pasteurized milk. 1 2 Drinlc no water from source* ! - of questionable sanitary char acter without first boiling it. 3. Get vaccinated against typhoid fever before leaving home. 4 Eat no food and handle none without first washing the hand thoroughly with soap ’ and water. 5. Go bathing or swimming in no polluted streams or lakes. Following these rules MIL reduce to a minimum the chances of get. ting typhoid fever this summer. BENEFIT BRIDGE PARTY HELD WEDNESDAY P. M. AT COUNTRY CLUB TO BE The Benefit bridge party that was to have b’en held at the country club last week will be held tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. Any one wish ing reservations are asked to call either Mrs. Jim Powell or Mrs. Dal las Hunt. BAPTIST JUNIORS ! WILL HAVE PICNIC j The pupils of the Junior Depart nients ol the First Baptist church Sunday 8chool will have a picnic at 4 o'clock at Johnson'.', Pool. Mrs. Harry Johnson will entertain them with a swim, following which the children will enjoy u picnic lunch, each member bringing part of this. CONVICT INVENTS PROPKLLOR JOILET. Illinois, June 2 t/Pi Jchn Ker,) * n «>nvlc', ventor of an airplane propH’or revolutlonairv design, has refused all monetary offers, insisting that when t oclety releases him from prison it will reretve the benefits of Ills discovery. GRIFFIN, JUNE 1930 279 ARE UNEMPLOYED IN SPALDING COUNTY CENSUS SHOWS, 940 FOR DISTRICT Only slightly more than 1 per c?’it of Spalding county residents who are able to work and are seek ing employment, are unemployed, according to preliminary figures re leased by W. C. Jackson, supervisor of the seventh Georgia Census Dis trict. The preliminary report made by Mr. Jackson shows that there are 23 472 residents of the county, ol which number 279 are unemployed. These figures Will be supplemented later by data given out from Wash ington for other classes of persons who were not at work at the time ol the census, such as those who had a job but were sick cr temporarily laid off. Thr complete report lor unem. ployment in the counties in Mr. Jackson’s division follows: Eutts ........ .44 Clayton^-*... 52 Crawford . .19 Fayette ..... . . .12 Henry ....... 100 Lar'ar ..... .49 M.,nro r - ..... t u Pike....... 27 Spa iding .... ..... 279 Upson ...... ..... 280 TOTAL 940 The large number of unemploy ed in Spalding and Upson counties Is caused by the shut-down of the Oriffin Manufacturing Comtfahy This cotton mill will open un under new management, the Hightower interests of TT.omaston. within a month which will largely relieve ’.he unemployment situation here. Genera! J. J. Hunt Attending Meeting Confederate Vets 1 General John J. Hunt, com mander of the Georgia Division. United Confederate Veterans, left Sunday for Bilox'i. Miss., where he will attend the fortieth annual re union of the Confederate Veterans. General Hunt will be away all week. He is actively interested in all vete rans' work and will be one of the most pronuennt of the veterans at lending the convention. Mrs. Mobley Johnson, of Griffin. w'as to have been matron of honor 011 his stall but was unubli to at tend. Miss Dollie Haralson, of At lanta, will be maid of honor and ’ x. Tillman, of Quit, Mrs char | es man, will be chaperone or his staff. Entry Lists Close Tomorrow Noon Tomorrow marks the last day in which Spalding county candidates can qualify for the political con tests in the state and county pri mary in September, The entries for the various offices closes at noon Tuesday. Only those who have paid their entry fee to Bob Duke, secretary of the Spalding county executive committee, by noon will be eligible for election. There have been a number of en tries in the race for county com missioner. Judge of the supervisor court, representative from the coun ty and senator from the 26th dis trict. The entry lists for the various state offices will also close at noon tomorrow. Senate Passes George Bill Today WASHINGTON, June 2-*4/P>— The senate today passed the George Bill uTprovide for the collection and publication of deparGn statfeft tics ,on pea nuts by the ent of agrtcul ture. r - \ 8 Lose Lives By Accidents In South Sunday (BV ASSOCIATED PEEKS) Sunday automobile and airpiane accidenis claimed eight lives in the South. Two persons drowned Four of the dead were killed in Georgia. Three negroes were killed at Dearlng, Ga.. when their car was struck by a passenger train. E. H, 79. killed a: Macon Ga.. in wlia' the coroner termed an unavoidable accident, when lie wa> struck by a car driven by A. W Johnson, pro lessor of economics at Mercer University. City Court Opens This Mooting With Busy Session City court convened this morn ing with Judge Arihur Maddox pre siding. Cases tried during the n orning .'ession were: C. W. Haney charged with oper-! sting car while under the influence of liquor, entered plea sentenced to 10 months or $100.00. Life Insurance Company ol Vir ginia vs. H. T. Green suit on note judgment in iavoi of plain!if". Griffin Banking Company vs. J. J. Hancock and I. W McElroy suit on note judgment in favor ol plain tiff. C. W. Drake charged with being drunk, plea, six months or $.!(). Albert Bass, charged with hav ing liquor, plea. 10 months or $75 00 A. B. Maddox charged with driv ing car while under influence of li quor. plea. 10 months or $75.00. Travelers Insurance Company vs W. L. Maynard, case dismissed. Eli Johnson charged with selling cigarettes without tax. case now on' trial. Cannon To Appear Before Senate Lobby Committee Tuesday WASHINGTON. June 2.-—</Pi— Bighcp James Cannon. Jr., is ex pected before the senate lobby committee tomorrow, despite his statement, questioning the com mtttee’s right to inquire into his expenditures in the anti-Smith campaign of 1928 ’’We have not hesitated to q.ies tion other witnesses concerning political expenditures.’ Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montano said Asked if the committee httd authority to compell Bishop rum to answer. Walsh , . aid, . "We ,,, will eroes that bridge w r . hen we come to It. Bobby Jones And Johnston Defeat French Champions ST GERMAIN France. June 2 — t/P»—Coming from behind In the ccond nine. Bobby Jones and Jlm piy Johnston deteated Atnore Vag. llano and Marcel Dallemagne French amateur and professional golf champions respectively Ui an 18 hole match today. Their margin was one up. Jones was best ball on three holes out of the li. Youth Sets Sizzling Pace In Grind At Indianapolis ■Sm A - • f&kii ■*: S3 } , «V r**' A y> * *'3j K- . wr- Cv- J JR* r w to < r t v* * fee'-" a* b\; “ ” V.;. if t jl - a \ pi? V m 3. -k i, I. V wz -. yv ' y 'xZ&y i X;>: -ft ■ -: A : />;• :;V -^ W 'x , > > fi ■m •». V'‘ h. 1 i ** I [* W. V - i I * x i i % Sff! am "'v X ■Uj : « ■■ y- M y : y N f mm ■■ ;• mm .■fi NFA * Setting a pace of slightly more than !(■<) miles an nour over the 500-mile it ute at Indianapolis Decoration Day. 23-year-old Hilly Arnold cl Chb ago won America’s tnytor sjiced classic and $52,150. The track at IndianaiKilis. visited by one of the biggest crowds ever to attend a sports event in this country, is pictured above. Eelow are Arnold, right and his mechanic. W E. ’’Spider’’ MatJock The time far the 500 miles was 4:58 39.72. Local Ball Team Defeats Atlanta In Close Game The brilliant pitching 5T George 1 j Autrey. • with the final support of the rest of the team, gave the Grif fin baseball elub a victory over the All-Prep Stars ol Atlanta Saturday 3-2 til ojie of the most exeiting games ever played here » The three base hit by Stewart, when the All-Stars were leading 2 to 0. raised the crowd to t; leet Following this, the home boys made some nice plays to hold the visitors i for the rest of the game, while they evened the count in the sixth. II looked as if the game would go In ‘* x,ra Innings. When in the la J of the nlnth ’ w,th K ™‘ on ,hlrd ’ Martin smRKh,,d il llne drlw lhru short u> l)r(,ak u » thr ' Wedne8day aft< ‘ rnoon anot ^ r good game will be played at Light. Park, which has recently been Krad, ‘ <1 a,ld 1,1,1 1,1 exceUent shai,e when Griffin meets the last team from . Hajievllle of the Atlanta ettv . league. Manager Cochran will have about the same line-up as Saturday and will probably start Black in the box. The line-up will be Rogers, 3rd base: Murphy, as; Stewart. 1st base; B. Autrey center: Spravber ry. left; Kent right; Shivers, sec- 1 ofid; Martin, catcher; and Black pitcher. ITALIAN SETS NEW ENDURANCE RECORD HOME June - 2— (/pi -The World’s non-refueling fight en durance record was brought 1 »o Italy this morning by Major Hum berto Muddalena. the new record being 68 hours and 15 minutes. Griffinite Injured In Auto Wreck, 4 Others Hurt Miss Dora Carter, of Griffin was painfully Injurled on Sunday Macon when a car m which she wit riding plunged oil the Dixie High wav Miss Carter suffered lactr.i tions of the i ealp and leg., bruises to the bodv and minor abrasions Four other persons in the ear were also injuried The party was returning to Vate.ville from u viist in Macon. The car got beyond the control of the driver at the foot ol a hill and plunged over the em bankment into h thicket Bennie Boyt. ol Yatesvllle was bruised, Thomas DeHart ol Yutes ville. was cut and Jack Rowland, ol Yatesvllle was cm and bruised Mi.J Lorena Howland, ol Yatesville,.aJKi received painful cut sand bruises All members ol the party are In a Macon Hospital where tliev were taken fdr treat mem Ninth of Series on Women's Organizations of Griffin Appears on Society Page. The ninth article ol a series on the history mid works ot the various women’s patriotic, rivie and fraternal organizations of Griffin is givix today on the society page of THE GRIFFIN NV/K The sci lex 1 being com plied by Mrs J Harry Rogers society editor, and will include the Woman’s Christian Temper, ante Union, which is taken up today: tile Garden Club, which will be taken up next week, and the Rebehak;, Boynton Chapter, U. D C the Woman:- Club; Liberty Chapter 0 E S.: Pul aski Chapter f> A. R ; Ul- Utili ty Club, the Pilot C'ub. >hc Woodmen Circle; and the Auxi liary to the American Legion have already been taken up, GRIFFIN FIRST Invest your money, your talent, your time, your influence in Griffin. ANN STUCKEY WILL DELIVER VALEDICTORY Hfty-Mx Griffin High School seniors will receive diplomiut In Ihc school auditorium tonight at X o'clock. Mis* Ann Stuckey who ha* the highest scholastic record of the graduating das* will deliver the valedictory. Mis* Ntuekey has been ill in the hospital tout it was announced today would he able to speak tonight, Miss Charlotte Tyuw who haa the second highest scholastic record of the class will deliver the salutatory. Col. L. I*. Goodrich chairman of the board of education for the public schools will deliver the diplomas. Col. Charles It. KmwHI of Savannah, well-known lawyer will make the principle address of Ihc evening. J. If. Weft, principal of the high school will announce the citation of honors. Among these honors will toe the scholarship given by the Woman's club to one of the graduating girl*. This scholarship is for one year** college training at a Georgia accredited college. The invocation will he given by Rev. I,. W. Blackwelder pas. tor of the St. George Episcopal church and the Benediction will be given by Dr. J. W. tfuillian pastor of the First Methodist church. A feature of the evening’* pro gram wHI be a song “Night Sink* •e Wave" by the entire class. The fare well song, W fed sung by the class was composed by two of tlie graduating senior*. • Seniors receiving their diploinaa tonight are: Beulah Autrey. James Bailey, James Boyd. Eugenia Bridges. AI lene Brindle. Nora Brooks, Sara Lou Bird. Nclie Chappelle, Eliza beth Collier. Sudie Belle Crisp. Mc Kenzie Daniel, Edwin Dye. Ellis Epiis. Gordon Futral. Wmiired Futral, Lounell Gam mon, Betty Gamsert. William Gold enberg Miller Grant. Mildred Greer. Lillian Griggers. Vera Ham brlcK, Roy d eane Harris. C-olden Hazelrigs, Josephine Hemphill, Mar garet Henderson. Maurice Hodges, Beulah Hutson. Orllla Jackson. .Etta Jones Read Jones. Ferol Kendrick Loulle Lati_ mer Dorothy Maddox Ernest May nard John Mills. Talley Montgo mery Marion Patrick Molltasa Pa rick Saru Patterson. Florence Pow, ell Janies Powell. Mildred Reeves, FUga beth Ross. Frances Shapard, Ruth Slnerliny EYiC Snipes. Ruth Stallworth. Sara Steele Ann Stu ckey, Charlotte Tyus. James Wal ker Grant Weaver Florence Wel Grace Rivers Enters Race Today For State Governor ATLANTA. June 2 -<£»)—Geor gia'* gubernatorial race today be came a five cornered affair with ■ntrance of Ed Rivers ol Lakeland ;ito campaign. Richard B Russell. Georue H. Carswell Janus.A. Perry and John N Holder already are in the race. Forme; Governor John M Slaton fmpiently mentioned as a probable opponent to U S Senator William Harris promised a tatement today biit a at hwm liad not paid his en lranee lee Sen Harris already has qualified. Noted Gambler Executed By Gas In Nevada CARSON -CITY Nev. June 2 - i/Pl -R H Bob’ White. Elko guin bler wa< put to death today in the p tinl ga rtuunher at the Nevada ..tale prison here He had been convicted on circumstantial evi dence of the murder of Louis Lav e 1 ! another alleged gambler White •*’»>< taken into the stone chamber he heljied build—an air tight room nine ten long by eight wide and seven high and strapped Into a chair He sti lled and nod ded to person* ix-erme through a window There were 53 witnesses, including two women nurses. A string extending into the next room was pulled., opening a con tainer dropping nearly a dozen ont ounce eggs" of cyanide ol imiasi um into an acid solution Thf deadly gas was generated almost In staidly. White nodded again as the gat •started to come up from the genera tor. Then lie look h deep breath as he could inhale He leapeo back easily At the third breath his head fell back His arms and body twitched as in a convulsion and 'hen was still Aged Woman Passes At Home At Brooks I IlIS , MOmiUg rv3NV * . | Mrs Janie Learli Martin, one el the oldest residents ot Spa Id* mg County died at her home neat Brook* this morning Ft an early horn Bhe was 90 years of age. and was the widow 01 the late A C Martin who died 9 ,yeai? ago. She is survived by two (laugh ters Mrs R. A Rivers of Brooks and Mrs. Alt in Nixon of Experi ment three non* Will Martin ol Hampton. Ga L. E. Martin ol Newivin and W. E. Martin pi Expet iineru a brother B. I* Leach, and a sistet Mis MaXi'ie Sansoni funeral »ci \ Icev will lie held from the Comity Line Christian church at Dlgb v '1 uesdav morning at 11 o'clock Rev. .1 A. Drewrv will officiate. Interment will be made in the church vaid with Halsteii Brothers funeral directors In charge 1 50 Boy Scouts I Expected At Camp * ( lamil J omorrow Camp Ham tl boy scout camp will I open for two weeks on Tuesday fifty local" stout •ire expected to 1 participate 111 the scout activities. Josh Mouldci scout executive | lie In charge of the camp 1 b\ camp leaders. CJtttord Freeman I George Niles Billy Butler Torn Lindsey and Joe Chambers, camp bugler. Established 1872 WlXHl Griffin Votes For Modification Of Dry Law In Pol! The city of, Griffin is 'damp" ac. cording to the vote tabulated in the nation-wide poll recently com Diet ed by The Literary Digest The Digest re|wru. that 199 \ otes, properly marked, were returned from Oriffin ot this number 30 voted in lavor of enforcement of the 18th Amendment; 93 voted in favor ot modification, itid 7ti voted for a complete repeal o! the dry law_ Hie returns from the state of Georgia show that Atlanta is In favor ul -,i repeal. Albany for en forcement. Americas for modifica tion. Columbus. Augusta. Bruns wick. Savannah and Valdosta join 'd wrh Atlanta In favoring a re peal Athens. Decatur Dublui. Elber* ton. t Gainesville, f . Fitzgerald, La Gll,IU< ' Ihomasvuie and were in favor of the »n , lormnent of the dry law Amende, and Cordele were the only Georgia rules ot over 5.000 population thin voted with Qrtftn 01 modification ______ | | rex* 1 DC *17 TT CStUCT * — / Fair tonight and Tuesday