Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, November 03, 1945, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3 PETER PLIPVK Tr.itaiB.rt ft.fiil.rrd U 8 P.trnt OOk» 'Wvau ')fcoR step/ i set' ‘nf UiWERE- OWE soy EETUBWED m_ srAy i SAEe ONLY TO> GET 1 O0TA THEM HIS ARW. BRoKE IW V kikcva places, "TW2EE DiFF'REMT • V SWJ2SB,. n v places; / /j r 3 S'’™, f'h SM i ft fm / ' y/t /,' % Jt?, ,/ / I //, r '// U/S.A. E some c v p/clfic -&.ABMV island. DEAJZ, MCM*.- 1 -/ Wt AEE. LEADING ^OHtAY.. ITDUD TVfe. SABSE. IF HJE. GOT StPARATtD ID EE AT HOME.,I EVEN TOLD HIM "WE STREET CORNER BUS STOP TO USE-I6UESS /, k TWIS PROfE^ SGWETPIN& NEVER BEEN DD BEtORE VlDOR. SoW •a? tag U I: Sa^TO tal Off /(stgSuw (ftfev ®iidb AP Ntwtfrtnuiri il-rs CLASSIFIED WANT ADS SALE FOR SALE Large Clirysanthe mums, 429 Forest Ave FOR SALE—All types radio batter ies. CAIN'S. FOR SALE—6 room house—large L.t, very desirable suburban home. V. A. Klmbell, Spalding Development Co., 124 W Solomon St. Phone 3818. FOR SALE—93 acres land, 2 houses, fair condition, near Molena, Ga. Low price. Spalding Development Co., 124 W. Solomon St. Phone 3818. FOR SALE—150 acre farm near Williamson, good 5 room house, 4 room tenant house, fair condition, ample wood and wa'er See V. A. Klmbell or F M. Kincaid, Ji„ Spalding Development Co., 124 W Solomon St. FOR SALE—138 acres good land, 6 room house, 90 acres cultivation, close to Orchard Hill. See F. M. Kincaid, Jr., or V. A. Klmbell, Spalding Development Co., 124 W. Solomon St. Phone 3818. ■ FOR acres—one of the best farms in the qgunty. Two five room houses, lights, water, large' barn, good pasture, 3 tenant hous ed, fine lake site. F. M. Kincaid Jr., Spalding Development Co. Phone 3818. FOR SALE—Beautiful new brick house, Brooks Circle, four bed rooms, two tile baths, immediate occupation, John P. Harrison, phone 3454, 427 Macon Road. FOR SALE — Strawberry plants, ■phone 2769. FOR SALE 2 good lots on East College St. F. M. Kincaid, Jr.. Spald ing Development Co., 124 W. Solo mon St. Phone 3818 FOR SALE 6 room brick dwelling close in, good as new. V. A. Klmbell, Spalding Development Co., 124 W Solomon St, Phone 3818. FOR SAIjE—W oodland building lots, pecan trees and oak posts. W. C. Kendrick. FOR SALE—Four burner ctl stove with built in oven: $35. Mrs. S. G. James, 512 Meriwether St. FOR SALE Rooted cuttings. den Sage. $1.00 per dozen. Pink Wygelia $1.00 each, Red Orlando, $1.00 each. 233 East Broadway. FOR SALE- One 5 room house with bath rocm in Vaughn, Ga. V. A Klmbell, Spalding Development Ct> Phone 381)8. 124 West Solomon FOR SALE Riper gas stove model, like new. Can be .seen et Colonial Apartments. Poplar St. M. Cloud. Jr. FOR SALE—One double dwelling.! north 9th St., two double dwellings West Chappell St. F. Nl. Kincaid, Jr., Spalding D velopment Co,, 124 West Solomon St. Phone 3818. FOR SALE—Several nice Guernsey bull calves. Whatley s Dairy, phone 2907. FOR SALE Baby carriage in good condition. Call 4641. WOOD FOR SALE—CUT TO SHORT LENGTHS. QUICK DELIVERY. SPALDING LUMBER COM PANY. CALL 3228 FOR SALE—281 acre farm. 5 north of Griffin Willis Peek. Rt 4. Far Insurance Advice Ceiunilt BART SEARCY SEARCY & COMPANY DIAL 4118 WANTED — ] ,000,000 PEOPLE that are troubled with athlete’s foot and ringworm. Guaranteed results or money refunded. Trv SAFEWAY LOTION Today. WARDS “The Rexall Store." THE GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECTION RATES: Two cents per word for first Insertion; one cent per word for each following inm r lion. Minimum charge 4Ac ERRORS: Should any errors appear In advertisements they must be reported by noon the next ii*y. TL# Orttftn Dull' News will not be responsible for more than cost of one inser tlon. » CLOSING HOUR: Copy for classified advertising must be re ceived at The News Office before 12 o’clock date of insertion. On Saturday copy must be in office by 10 a. m. FOR SALE 'Large dwelling, close in on N. 6th St. F. M. Kincaid, Jr., Spalding Development Co., 124 W Solomon St. Phone 3818. FOR SALE—'36 Chevrolet pickup '31 panel pickup, within OPA ceil Real Tire Service. —151 acre farm, 11 miles ■from town, mile of Jackson high way, electric lights, school bus line in sight. G. W. Green, Locust Grove, Ga. FOR SALE Good six room liouse in splendid condition. McLaurin t’h F. M. Kincaid, Jr., Spalding Devel opment Co., 124 W. Solomon St. Phone 3818. FOR SALE—One Jenny Lynn bed with mattress and springs, slightly used, $37.50 See Fred Kendrick at Burkles Hardware or phone 2178. FOR SALE—One six room dwelling East College St. F. M. Kincaid, Jr., Spalding Development Co. Phone 3818. 124 W. Solomon St. FOR SALE—2 eye laundry heater, practically new wcod range—also large store type ice box, and other household furnishings. Call 4124. FOR SALE 1941 model Chevrolet long wheel base truck in A-1 condi tion. L. S. Peeples, Senota, Ga. FOR SALE—Three desirably locat ed apartment buildings, good in vestments, attractive price. F. M. Kincaid. Jr.. Spalding Developmen' Co., phone 3818, 124 West Solomcn Street. FOR SALE 8 room dwelling, large lot. East Broadway. F. M. Kincaid, Jr., Spalding Develpoment Co., 124 1 W. Solomon St. Phone 3818. i BABY QUICKS FOR SALE — We are now hatching New Hampshires, 1 Barred Rocks. White Rocks, and crosses every week. Spalding Hat chery. phone 3240. FOR SALE Pigs. 5 miles out Zt - fella highway on old Bolton farm. J p. Whitehead. FOR SALE--Farm, 7 miles from Griffin. Route 4. Box 207. Price 3 thousand five hundred dollars. Phone 1124 See owner, Marie Martin. 79 Elm St-., Experiment, Ga. FOR SALE 1937 Studebaker pick up truck. $170.00. 10- A. Railroad St.. Experiment. BUY YOUR WOOD NOW CUT IN SHORT LENGTHS, AT ROCHESTER’S WOOD YARD. PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 3400. FOR SALE- -Two four room dwell ings. Quill.v St., two four room dwellings. Tinsley St: F. M. Kln cnlri. Jr . Spalding Development C v 124 W. Solomon St. Phone 3818. FOR SALE Pen fed fryers, W. T Fm-ter. Ze.bulcn Road, phone 4710 FOR SALE—New 3 room hoUVr or. Herndon St. Price $2600.00. $1000.00 down, $25.00 monthly, C. A. Ken drick. ROSE BUSHES-World's Best. Hints on care and culture. Free Illustrated catalog. McClung Bros, Rose Nurs ery. Tyler. Texas. FOR SALE—Gas refrigerator, six foot deluxe model. Phone 2610. | Mister Breger Rib U S Pat. Office By Dave Breger JUvAt V U-3 VICTORY Th «] lB. hm n }% $ YM0 \ m mm A 19 V, K m ,--k; •f / /ZPYi s wm m rib |j i % V fMm 9^ V / ; jK j T 1 , j , Wi.rlt rtrlHi tcwrvcj .......• ■•'■■ ** Now, we were here and the Japs there—and right here was the Pacific Ocean . . .!” WANTED TRUCK DRIVERS—WANT ED: 2 COLORED TRUCK DRIVERS, GOOD WAGES. GRESHAM LUMBER CO., Inc., N HILL ST. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN desires room in private home, phone 2546. WANTED — Good Stewart pecans, butterbeans arid green peas. BeviJ Produce Co., 131 S. 8th St., phone 2623. WANTED—Second hand tricycle fo, 3 year old child. Call 3468. WANTED TO RENT Two or Three Furnished Rooms for Light Housekeeping by married couple Please notify Griffin News Office. WANTED—2 or 3 room apartment or small bouse ualurnlahed Write •Home” care News. WANTED—To rent one horse crop standing rent. H. H. Caylor, Jones- boro, Route 1. WANTED—To rent rooms or house, H. M. Dukes, Big Star Food Store WANTED—To buy filling station or other small business. Ernest !«. Tysop, Lanett, Ala. WANTED—Two wheel luggage trail er In good condition with fair tires. Call Buck Ellis, 2043. WANTEDs; Two salesladies, age be tween 18 a; ai 45, experience not ne cessary. Apply at once Box 124 care News. WANTED—2 colored girls, 1 color ed boy to work in kitchen. Apply Kirbye's Restaurant. WANTED—By ex-service man and wife, 3 unfurnished rooms. Phone 3004. WANTED—Used cars. Will pay high est ceiling price for clean late models. See Rufus Hand at Wilson Motors, 105 N. 6th St. WANTED—Cashier and also office helper. Apply Askins Store. WANTED- One iron safe. Call Mar vin Goldstein, 3860. HELP WANTED—Man with car to list and sell real estate. Mu'st know Spalding County. Tins pays strict ly on commission basis. Call J. M. Boatner Realty Co., 2692 or apply 101 1-2 S. Hill St. WANTED—Girl to operate popcorn machine Apply Lane Drug Store. WANTED—To rent two to five room apartment, furnished or unfurnish ed. for two months to 1 year lease. Phone John P. Wcods, 3069 or 227S. - WANTED To buy, rent, borrow, beg — one house, good condition and de sirable location. Call 2752. WANTED Some one to deliver telegrams for us. Must be 16 yeats of older and have bicycle. Apply Western Union. WANTED—Immediately by middle aged lady, 2 or 3 room apartment. No children. Mis. Rosa Kennedy, phone 3874 _%_ WANTED Colored man ior job at Tourist Camp. Rov F. Brown Gar ige, 1029 West Taylor St. LOST FOUND ww LOST Saturday, new gray IT, wrapped, in McLelian's or worth's. Finder please call 4757, wa rd_ LOST—Saturday or Sunday, bill fold with zipper containing $106.00. Phone 3658 after 4 P. receive reward. IOST One O M. C. wheel with hew U. S. Tire and tube on Willlam ••on toad. Liberal reward. Oils C Rawls, Williamson, phone 4613. GENERAL ELECTRIC AND WESTINGIIOl’SE SERVICE CENTER We Service All Makes Of Electric Appliances And Radios LUNSFORD ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO. 114 E. Holouion St. Dial 4576 BUY VICTORY BONDS! GRIFFIN (GEORGIA) NEWS OVER 250 COLORED SCOUTS BELONG TO NORTHEAST COUNCIL ATLANTA.—(/P) J. M. Molder, executive of the Northeast Georgia Boy Scout Council, said mere than 250 colored Boy Scouts are affi liated with the council, an increase of more than 100 since August. The council is seeking $26,000 for its 1946 budget. Squirrel Says Hello INDIANAPOLIS. — IIP)—Not pink elephants, but a squirrel, surprised Mrs. William Cowden of Indianap olis when she looked up frem her work in the kitchen. The wind had blown open her screen door and a squirrel was sitting up on his hind legs in the middle of the room. He scampered out the same _ way he got in as soon as Mrs. Cowden no ticed him. BUY VICTORY BONDS! MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Call W. P. StrUgianc your plumber lor contracts and re pairs a specialty. Phone 3430. TURKISH BATHS and Scientiiic Swedish Massages. Reducing a Spe cialty. R. A. Ware, Masseur, Bames ville, Ga., opposite Post Office. . WE HAVE SEVERAL prospects who are interested in buying farms or city property. If you hr^e any prop erty for sale call J. M. Boatner Realty Co., and list it with us Phone 2692. NOTICE—$25.00 reward any one finding a furnished apartment or house that I will accept. Apply Mgr. Askins Store. NOTiqE—General Hauling of all kiNds. Any where in State. Mione 4251. IF YOU PLAN to build a new home why not talk it over. C. A. Kendrick at 124 West Solomcn St., phone 4962. BRING YOUR Car to Brown’s Auto Paint Co., e”29 East Tinsley Street Phone 3366 for expert work. SaOafac tton assurer’ RADIO SERVICE, James Reese ra dioticlan, 230 Meriwether St., phone 3597. _ LET US WIRE YOUR HOME — Quality Workmanship and Materia Guaranteed. CRAWLEY and MAX WELL. Phone 3904. CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS PUT IN COMPLETE WITH DRAIN TILE. CALL 3228. LET US REPAIR your furniture and build you: cabinets. Arlin B. Stitcher, phone 2981. DEFEAT POSTWAR PLAN LINCOLN, Neb. (IP)—Lincoln voters have turned their backs on the city's proposed $2,975,000 post war construction program. The proposition was defeated by a vote -of better than 2-to-l at a recent election. Sec end - guessers explained the program lost out because the 14 separate projects were included as a single unit, If the voters had been permitted to accept some and reject others, according to post mortems. many would have been approved. THE OLD MILL t>TIS. Ind. — HP—Rotzean's mill, one of northern Indiana's land marks, has been operating for 112 as a saw and cider mill, al though the village of Holmesvllle which It served has disappeared. The mill was built in 1833 and originally inccrporated a saw mill, a grist mill end a cider mill. Flour is no longer ground, but a black smith shop adjacent to the mill is still running, repairing automobiles and tractors instead ol the Wagons and sleds of former days. ALLEY OOP BY V, T. HAMLIN (WELL, IT WON’T I’M SEEM BACK LIKE A6AIN...BUT HOME HEV/ SOMPi.N WELL, I’LL ; LpYjfs f^SSE—; FANTASTIC. 'N 0AKBEI?... . WITH EVERVSOPN &ONE / WRONCS HERE' t KNOW "irav^r |L iy BE... >.! CHIEF. Bl)T I'VE NEVER \ W E’ LL AN’ TH' lAB l-OCKEC* POC DIPN'T LEAVE ASJV SEEN OOP WITHOUT HlS p 0 alu , UP T ant dark/ _ LIGHTS BURNING.' r A? WHISKERS AND inAGoV / jgg.HT/ 1 HAIR. . I DON'T'KNOW ] WHAT HE LOOKS K LIKE NOW/ K U.: /. L k ¥s ■ ; Afr t •> t fly' A \'/- > M M fpfj Ml \;m£. m x » V' wMm. ' v^jiT- K '-V. Jl AJII •7-3 W7. PAT Off- -V W -V M-jB Cl .. ff FRECKLES .AND HIS FRIENDS BY MERRILL BLOSSER WILL YOU PLEASE SPEAK. ENGLISH ll WILE/—OUt CLUB PRO- { And if the idea \ and if there are Oh.well —x CAN AND TELL ME WHAT THIS SKITT J MOTES GOOD.CLEAN FUN/ i SPREADS, IN A Ft'W J NO CRIMINALS, WE ALWAYS DIG DITCHES J CLUB _____ IS ALL ABOUT? ,— j- r WE OJAB JUVENILE DE -• YEARS THERE / WON'T NEED ANY FOR A LIVING/c JL LINOUENCV ' ICIDS GROW UP TO WON'T BE ANY xccarsi AINT THAT BE GOOD CITIZENS-- CRIMINALS j y SWELL? fm V// I" ’ z rv O t U r c a l A f,r AG« a .C M\n ^1 1 Os’ % ft /sm! AT f- K u Ck I A a « f < V ? -dj L~ (' m / //-JL BY NEA SERV|CE. / INC. T REG. tl U S. PAtI oFF l /AS - RED RYDER BY FRED HARMAN » UTILE BEAVER-' V0HAT5 HE DONE,' Slack ton kili-ucv > If SHERIFF? C? \VHAT / taBHjkSON? 10&T-' KllL UfA IK c QRE.Wl X- YOU OUT BREATH' ’U YOU . Sul AVKKE en6 fMSTAKE l : 1 9^1 v ABOUT ? -- ■ COrvE WHEN TRT 10 K)LL-UfA < - ARREST-Uk RE.D RTDGR.' NOW 1, */// m. S BLACK. KTOU IAt<£-ijr\ TO, f j I \ ( I \ \ % v oa:’-' J ‘ ) \ p [yv m,j\ r ij v. t 7~=; 7i bWCHf a (f/j ISteiBiS J. r > l 1 ‘ ^ J [ ST JM \xV Y V.A'L, I .. flUM^ ) \ u-y -X if IMS E ,T. _____ WASH TUBBS BY LESLIE TURNEB THERE WHO* SAW 15 WAC YOU Y i SOW AMP SHE WHO IS CAN ONLY PROVE PER-^*< r MILITARY POLICE 'HAVEN'T SEEN ANYONE YET WE MUST FIND l V NEAR SCENE OF V MY AU0I FALSE! / / TOO PLENTIFUL WHO LOOKS LIKE THE JAP SUBTLE WAY ASSASSINATION f HERE R3R DIRECT WE'CE LOOKING FOR, EASY! TO SIP EARTH > OF PRINCE RUKU- /X y, - j KaMfat 4 ACTION, ONOO' It. OF YANKEE ’ HITO, NIKI ! BEAUTY! J ) f i t-f iV5 / , } i -A *% i W VL w • I > y i m ■i t+9 > tal jcX’j. fr T. M. IMS S tiiSii s£asr»vi > BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY EDGAR MARTIN ' GF^.CLWSfV. * MR.fVKJD PI9G. H09V5t« ?OH,| HO'G OVKY l oi cooass.,t.wt wiaVIJ wws 'bLVu-bOTTOIA J VlkO WSJc OOO TWIN) THKT | SV30VV C VWl Y'LWLCVvY GOOD A VCATYX f\ , O'LVGWbO'SO IT V3P& Wc. WvO J UYYVt GOV WcBSONfo,'bOY D't'LVA^ ‘bkYV ff Y\6ov?t WSYlfVVb'c.NiT p, tLoyt 09-00'. vyrvx p | 013 jWit OWAtS ChVVt.O IT 4>OV\ OY fV M GNOL.Y^OYI n (8 vm- YOV5V3Y Hfc&m TkfsT 6WL X , YOU OH ? YOU ? - cwlvvd TTT7— ; ONi Ylt', Wq I ; X V : iJiiiiiiiJi mA iv a 9 4H f ,B<>> 's—: ! w, ■ Vl fi A u y a 1: ') ft 1*2 ?>ci J s. //-3 •fc ■■- RfaU.ff. taT. oFff y v y y y y -s r Listen, Car Owners! u Better than Average Service Lower than Average Cost” State Farm Auto Ins. Co. Originated 80% Collision See Me TODAY! R. S. Ogletree McLellan Bldg.l Phone 3204 ATTORNEYS BRUSH UP LINCOLN. Neb. — (IP)—The Uni versity of Nebraska law college will offer a special “refresher” course to post attorneys, recently discharg ed from the armed services, on changes in law. The college, closed for the dura tion of the war, Is slated to reopen • next January 7. REVALUE FARMLAND LINCOLN, Neb. — (IF—The way Is paved in' Nebraska for fair evalu ation of farm lands. ^ Under a law passed by Ihe 1943 county boards may ap point local real estate classification to examine and classify rural property. County assessors then must value the land accord ing to committee recommendations. Under Wrong Bed HAMMOND. Ind. — HP—Finding a man under the bed might have been an answer to a maiden's pray er, but it scared Robert O. Olwurez. Olwarez awoke one morning to find a stranger under his bed. He rush ed out of the room, locked the door and called the police. Tire stranger couldtFt explain how he got there. REAL ESTATE Sales, Appraisals, Loans, Rentals TAKE YOUR REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS to F. M. KINCAID, JR. Spalding Development Company 124 West Solomon St. PHONE 3818 I For Life Insurance Advice Call MRS. RALPH JONES RELIABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Dial 2361 M. E. COLE CO. Prescriptions! Dial 3266 SERVICE Farmers’ Work A Spec.alty Lathe Work — Welding General Repairing GRIFFIN MACHINE SHOP Phone 2644 2 244 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■• PITTMAN 5 FUNERAL Phone Dial 2236 432 Meriwether St. !■ ■ Jl ■ ■ ■ ?«'"• •2V' 4 * Haisten Funeral Home mwim moNtrai-tttt r /* i F. H. A. and G, I. Loans Carlisle & Co. FIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Park Bldg. Phone 2121 RADIATORS REPAIRED Have Your Radiator Repaired For Winter Driving! NEW HARRISON RADIATORS WILLIS QUICK TIRE SERVICE PHONE 2246 Cor. 6th *t Tayloy page four For Courteous TRANSPORTATION 1 Call J YELLOW I CABS 2234 ENERGY — PEP. — VITALITY Supplied by all the vitamins, plus liver and Iron. con! alned In PLEN AMINES. WARD'S / “The Rexall Store” l*l".no 324) Drs. T. H. Wynne Sr. & Jr. DIAL 2924 Economical and Complete Eye Service Since 18i>9! WINTER SUPPLIES • HEATER HOSE • HEATER FITTINGS • THERMOSTATS ETC. QUALITY PARTS Of All Kinds For Yoytir Automobile Wholesale And Retail M3D-GA., AUTO PARTS CO., Inc. 131 W. Taylor St., Griffin, Ga.