Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, April 17, 1946, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS QUIMBY MELTON Publisher QUIMIIV MELTON. JR. Editor j CARY KfctsVES General Manager HA UR Y REEVES CfarvuiaOun Manager ki ssell smith Adverttning Manager GEORGE JONES. JIL Classified Manager ROBERTA HECK Society Edlior ELEANOR WALKEB Associate Editor F. L CURRY Mechanical Superintendent Published dally except Sunday at ;.0 East Solomon Street. Griffin. Qa., entered in the office as second class matter. The Grinin Dally News will not be liable for *r error In advertising beyond the coat of the advertisement OFFICIAL PAPER City of Griffin, Spalding County, United State* Court, Northere District of Qeorgla D«ait Drewry It Asked To Help Write New Book ATHENS. Ga. Dean John E. Drewry, of the University of Geor gia Henry W. Grady School of Jou-r naltsm and formerly of Griffin, has been asked to contribute to a book W. O. W. T. W.'MITCHELL CAMP ttEUKGIA 370 Meets every Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock. North hull Street. Vlsitlaj Boverelgnt welcome. % W. C. BUTLEB. C. C. W. P. BOGGS. E. ». EASTER LILIES POTTED PLANTS EASTER RABBITS Vegetable and Flower Plants POTATOE TOMATO CAB3AGE ONION MIN T PETUNIA Blooming size MCLAURIN SEED CO. RECAPPING U. S. TIRES BATTERIES FACTORY TRAINED RECAPPERS Washing .. Lubrication • • Steam Cleaning Battery Recharging and Tire Service Repairing Auto and Home Radio Radiator Repairing Road Service WILLIS QUICK TIRE SERVICE Phone 2264 Look At Your Shoes it Everyone Else Ooee (# A GOOD SHOE NEEDS EXPERT ATTENTION Ask For INVISIBLE RESOLING A Repaired Shoe — That Looks Like New mwms shoe shop 127 West SIrIoii Avr. Phone 4225 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusive ly entitled to the use of publicaU" of news credited to It and news n< otherwise credited to this paper, at all rights to all local news put Halted therein are also rt»erv> TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily By Carrier One year, in advance ... .17.3 Six months, in advance . 8.5' Three months, In advance 1.8 One month, In advance . One week, in advance ... . .1 By Mall More than 80 miles from Oriffl, Same ns by Carrier By Matt Within 3C miles of Qrlffln One year, In advance . 86 6 Six months, In advance 8.0> Three months, In advance .... 1.7 EtEDGE TO THE FLAG Ik “ I pledge all’ glance to the Fla of the Unltei States of Amerlci And to the Repu bile for which 1 stands, one Na (ion lndlvlslbh A with liberty an; Justice for all Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 100 Pealm. on Jobs In Journalism which 1s be lnR prepared by the Quill and 8croll Foundation. The book will be composed of chapters on about twenty specialists o nvarious phases of journalism. E\ean Drewry will discuss “ Criti cism. ” and was asked to handle thlX subject largely because of his recefct book,, "Book Reviewing," which according to the publisher has received the most praise of any of this firm's recent books. The book on Journalistic vocations is edited by Dr. Lawrence R! Camp bell, acting dean of the Syracuse University School of Journalism, and is intended to provide a realistic and authoritative guide to the news paper, magazine, advertising, edu cation, and special if elds of toui nalism. LIGHTEN TOO UGLY, 1 DARK ANNCD Uv> f tu. SKIN K IN ■ sUCCfSS“PuEi«:i-CcgfAF^ Use luca. Usa only loosen st as neeaed du blackheads ecled 2Sc ” *»• i iwm for that Sluggish feeling Owe f« CONSTIPATION Cleanse upper and lower intostine; | thoroughly with gentle acting Klok-Lax LAXATIVE TABLETS •■■■■■■■■■a BILL’S Auto Supplies Sporting Goods Model Plane* Plane Motor* and Accessories Bill Ward Company PHONE 2865 Robert Battle, Mqr* »* > w ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 7ho ItfftBDTo Wind Heidergott^r Copyright Maentc-Smllh-O. by Hazel yr Pi»'riim tr.i i.y nka sehvice. inc Colin turned it down a little. He looked into Ann’s face and said softly, "My dear—” and together they moved back to the davenport. Sitting there, Colin’s arm about her shoulders, Ann felt curiously content. “Ann,” Colin said. She turned her face to Ma, and he kissed her—gently at first, and then with more insistence as he found, in her an answering passion that met and matched his own. Presently she said, halfway be tween laughter and tears, “Oh, Colin — damn you, Colin, why haven’t you made love to me be fore? We’ve wasted so much time— *» “Did you want me to? ■ “So very much,” she said. "Oh, Colin—why haven’t you?” He shook his head, and didn’t answer. Then, tightening his arm about her, he said, “You love my house, Ann—I wonder if you could love it enough to take me on with it? »> Funny — and very humble — of Colin to word his proposal like that. Her first proposal, too—. Something in that thought so bered her quickly, and taking his face between her hands and kiss ing him to soften the words, she said, “My dear, I can’t marry you. !> • * * ■yTJRY quietly Colin released her, ’ and picked up a cigaret. As he held a match to it, he inquired in a detached manner, “Why not? 1’U admit I haven’t a very good record. I’ve never made a woman happy yet, of course—perhaps it’s merely my sunny optimism that makes me so sure I could make happy. ' > you nir, STOBYi Oelln 1* plee»*S will with the hon<n*. (ells Ann II nerve n« n good reeofnmendnllon (nr her. He wnnln to know whnt her plan* are now, n*k» about Ann ndmlta ahe hnnn't N«*rn Joek all winter, but any* nil*’* ■<>!*« to Hollywood from home- (or a while lo get When away Colin driven town ■ oanlp. ^.m^- her home. Ann p«l«Ivrl7t until MF*' r«lln Drrthe very person, alt rat people •f the very In the werld.” » • • IX 'T'HE evening Ann returned from Hollywood, sunburned and re laxed, Colin invited her to have dinner in the new house with him. He went into Seattle to get her and drive her back to Port Drake. Mrs. Christinas met them at the door. “ ’Bout time you was get tin’ back,” she said. She looked Ann over carefully. “Huh, been Starvin’ yourself, I see. Well, we’ll fix that soon enough.” Ann hugged her briefly. “Aren’t you glad to see me? I she de manded. Mrs. Christmas said, 'Hm. Maybe. Dinner’s ready," she said, "soon’s you are. Ab Colin took Ann’s coat, he looked at her searchlngly. “Nice to be here?" “Very nice, Colin. How I love this place—conceited wretch that I am!” Mrs. Christmas served their dinner in the dining room, and vanished afterward. They took their own coffee into the living room and sat together on the davenport before the fireplace, where a small fire of alder logs took the chill off the evening air. Ann set her coffee cup down on the low table beside her, and snuggled back Into the corner, tucking her feet up under her. “Dance? Colin asked, going over to turn on the radio. She tosscu her -cigaret into the fireplace, and-'he took her hand and drew her to her feet. They downed' for a little while, then stooped beside the radio, and Vets Start New Rome Weekly Newspaper ROME, UP)—The Floyd County Herald, a weekly newspaper, owned and edited by two young ex-service men, has made its appearance in Rome.. James H. Tate is iditor of th( Herald and John W. Davis Is bus iness manager. Both are natives of Rome and Graduates of the Uni versity of Georgia. Tate served with the 28th Infantry Division overseas and Davis worked vith the counter intelligence corps in South America during the war. The infantry received more Med- j a Is of Honor. Dlstingiusiitd Service Tosses, Silver Stars and Bronze Stars than any other branch of the Army. Lady's Stomach Was j Like A Gas Factory; ! Meals Turned To Gas One lady said recer tly that net stomach used to be like a “ga* •actory" That Is. when she ate a neal it seemed to turn right into gas. She was always bloated, had awful stomach gas pains, dally headaches and constant rowel action. Now, however, this ady sTtys^ she Is FREE of STOM \CI1 GAS and she says the chnngi is due to taking INNER-AID. Hex | neals agree with her. No gas float after eating. Headaches and ronstipation are gone. Oh whnt i relief” states this lady. “Why don’t ther gas and constipation sufferers ret INNER-AID. INNER-AID contains 12 Great Herbs: they cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable; peo ple soon feel different all over. So don’t go on suffering Get INNER AID. Sold by all drug stores here In Griffin. (Adv.. i for DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE BUS TERMINAL TAXI SERVICE CALL 3391 I Economical Drs. Service T. DIAL Sr. and H. Since A 2924 Complete Jr. Wynne 1889! Ey “May I have a Thank you. Because—oh, it sounds so horrid when I say it, but I don’t love you II “A moment ago,” Colin said slowly, “you rather led me to be lieve that I am nt least not ac tively distasteful to you. »» 333 ROOMS CONFUSING CHARLESTON. W. Va. — «P> — Visitors to West Virginia’s 16-acre, 333-room capitol here marvel at the beauty of the architecture—but few around. of them can find their way j The reason is the little under- ■I standing system of numbering the rooms. AH offices in the eastern section of the main unit, and in the east! wing, have even numbers that be gin In the basement and “ work up.” Rooms in the western portions' have odd numbers. FATHER RETURNS HONOR WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt. —UP!—Back in 1919, Wilmer Angell of Randolph came here to meet his father on the latter s return Lo.). service in World War I. The other day the father came here t0 meet son Wilnier °" th ( War XI. ON THE SAFE SIDE • MON Mnm °NGAHE^A. v rjHFI A Pa pt - UP—The Monongahela Dally local newspaper, takes nothing for g rante( j Its section listing forthcoming marriages is headed: Intentions to Wed." Dr. Lin Yutang, author, has in an Oriental version Of the typewriter . , _ |||||||||lll $78,100.91 Saved Member* of the Non Profit Griffin Hospital Care Association Sine Jan. 1, 1940 DIAL 2742 F. L. BARTHOLOMEW, JR. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS j Msrir, One-zy. Two-zy, Tip | pin’ In, Where Did You Learn | To Love, In I-ove in Vain, f We'll Gather Lilacs, l"m A I Big Girl Now. Don’t Be A I Baby, Baby, All Through The I I Day, Wave To Me My Lady, I Raise A Kukus Tonight, Tired Of Crying Over You. South, I I Chleago Breakdown. I’m In The Mood, Love Me or Let I I Me Be Huf. Ba-Ba-Re-Bop. Elevator Woman. NEEDLES — ALBUMS CAIN’S DIAL 3164 ARE YOU FULLY COVERED ... ON YOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS ON YOUR HOME. ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE? IF NOT CALL 2018 HARPER INSURANCE AND REALTY AGENCY Masonic Bide CIRCE AN HARPER Vhon* 2018 ■*> GRIFFIN (GEORGIA) NEWS “Darling! Of course jrbuYe no* —(twite the contrary, In fact. How shall I put It—I’m young and healthy, and so are you—but it’s just that it wouldn’t be giving you a square deal. You’re such a splendid sort of person, Colin. You deserve the best. Colin walked over to the fire place, and leaned his elbow on the mantel. “Do you think I’m too old?” he asked casually. “Doh’t be silly. I’ll be 24 day after tomorrow myself.” X was 39 last month. » “You didn’t tell me when it was your birthday." Ann said re proachfully. “A 39th birthday is not some thing to be celebrated—not when you love someone who is 15 yekrs younger, »> he commented dryly. u pOLIN," Ann said slowly, “I’ll be honest with you. For several months now I’ve bad a new drcam-picture. Not anything I consciously thought up, but there—in the back of my mind. I’ve seen myself as your wife, living with you in this house, sharing your life. I like you bet ter than anyone I’ve ever known —I admire and respect you. I’ve wanted—and hardly knew I wanted—you to make love to me, and bring things to a head—and then, when you did, I suddenly realized what a lousy thing I’d be doing to you if I accepted you under those conditions. I want to be fair to you, Colin—” He looked down at her, and smiled a little. “My dear,” he said. . i I’m really old enough—and experienced enough—to judge for myself what would be fair to me. Would it make any difference if I told you that whether you love me or not, nothing in the world would make me so happy—could make me so happy—as to have you for my wife? Would it make difference, Ann? II any Ann hesitated only a moment, she rose and went over to She put both hands cn his and looked into hi* “Colin,” she said softly, “I I’ll be a very good wife to i» (To Be Continued) A Vegetabu L axative For Headache, Sour Stomach and Dizzy i SoeHs when caused by Con- 1 stipation. Use only as directed. l 15 dose* for only 10 cent*. Dr. Hitchcock’s LAXATIVE POWDER TRY A NEWS WANT AD Concrete Construction ^ And Grading I Spalding Concrete 1 Company W. REID CHILDERS i Phone 3064 CLARK M. DAVIS Phone 3887 Here’s to the day...Have a Coca-Cola i I ft ( raii '■ 1 ■f" r j r T 7 remit i I t JDI I ! 14 1 mi E RE t i I **: 1 li . ) pit •f \ . I iMPiim •n i — V,--' V' A | ' ijWg ;v, im m m yy Z*A" V 7 1 ms 4 I Ajk f 'V' ■ k m IS W the friendly adds the times i • • • pause to gay , A surprise shower for the bride'to-be. A rime just made for friends alone. One of those gay occasions when the invitation Have a Coke rTTFEm bubbles with friendliness like Coca-Cola itself. Coca-Cola belongs in f»ii .. »]//> friendly refreshment—to brighten the uL your refrigerator for most at home important part of home, the people in it. v • OTTIID UNDCI AUTHOIITY OF THt COCA-COLA COMPANY *Y ,, “Coca-Col*" and it* abbreviation THE GRIFFIN COCA*CO I. A BOTTI/ING CO l"Coke" are the regutered trad* Jmarka *uct of which The Coca-Cola diatinguiah Company the pro4 • Hear Morton Downey WKEU 11 4S A M. * ' v ,0\946 Tht UU Sales of U. S. cotton abroad, which reached a low level during the war, have been Increasing stead ily since late 1945. Milner Stores Have New Hours Merchants at Milner have set new business hours. Effective im mediately stores will open there at 7 a. m. On Wednesdays a 11 stores will dose at 1 p. m. The postoffice will be open week days from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. and will be open from 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. on Sundays. Don’t Starve Yourself i UDGA Is Wonderful far Add Distress After Eating Tbo strenuous dieting may lead to starving, .which an t funl Don't deny yourself your f«-l foods because you suffer from stomach' ulcer pains, suffocating gas, indigestion, nesrtburn, sour upset stomach caused by excess million Try Udga used. Tablets Get 25c for quick relief. Ovec Iruggist. a First boi of Udga Tablets OUR dose convinces or MONEY BACK. SAVE YOUR CAR WITH It may be some time before new cars are produced in volume Therefore, you must continue to conserve the operating ability of your present car with frequent and reliable low cost service. Bring your car in today and regularly for “A-l” low cost service. WE SERVICE TRUCKS ED SMITH CHEVROLET CO. Griffin Phone 2635 S BOBBY by THE KIDDIE SHOT MOM.HOW MUCH DO BASIES ARE NOT SOLD TJ-iENi WHV DO THEY PEOPLE PfkV FOR A. , BY “THE POUND,DEAR- M-VJMS WEIGH TUEV POUND OF BABIES? Y AS SOON A.S THEY- . fyiMfV 7 ARE BORhi? * 7f 6 [T ■' ^ O’ - r,i O^) <0 m 4> A* :? <s < c < 2 £ rnlSS c A. 4 M. ADVERTISING UO. a -S5 T. % /// 7, L fee* & 4 WHERE QUALITY IS . HIGHE R THAN PRICE A \M0R0LI * HE cheat t\ MKPJIWISB101 vuu The highly specialised g professional services of a competent funeral director rank with other important com tributions to human welfare. Maisten^ Funeral Home eitlFFlN PHONE 3231 -5137 GAMES Finance Creative Bead Set* Pollyana Applique It Acey Dueey Bingo Backgammon MAKE Contact Crown and Anchor Rook Checkers Authors Flinch Chinese Checkers Pit Sorry GOOD Crossword Lexicon Quick Wit Pegity Make a Million Baseball Parchesi Pigskin (Everything but ' Monopoly the crowd) the roar of | Calling Ail Cars GIFTS Jumbo TJdaicdy Winks | Play Books Mah Jongg Southern States Printing Company V 120 E. Taylor St., Phone 3561 WEDNESDA Y, APRILJ7 » lOMCRRO^AlP-KiHI Dependable A//-V6GSTAE1E LAXATIVE A>.0'iie«» CAUTION 1**1 0".‘* m tedh 6ET A 25* BOX Lemon JoscePocip© Checks ■ Rhe^iiHQ'^ Poin GusckBy If Buffer from rheum&tlr. nrthrltis of vou mtaTtry this simple inctpenslvo home ”c“m neurltfc thattbo ^.DdS urt MIC of rtu-E* compound quart * of wfiter, t cu t today 5 \:[x It with n No trouble »t iu oM piea^S lemoiiB. It's easy <*» » sud 1 You need “Jfhln 4S houm I fuls two times n day. Often Its —sometimes ovnmialit — splendidL «*} art ; obtained. If the [«.ins do 1“* "li! ! JSmtv’DackaEe nnd if vou do cot fool hotter, ret urn ww and Ru-Ex will cont you noth i tng to try ss It is sold by your« dru«lw und« an absolute money-back guarantee Ru-hJ | Compound is for sals and recommended by ' »ml |,u Ipwxe’n Phurmiii’v •