Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, June 28, 1946, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JUNE ?ft 1946 antique typewriter EUGENE, ’ ore ure - ~ no, W—An , ancient typewriter, patented in 1866 has been contributed to , he Lane Z Museum Coun f In ey uhairu«n Cal M anU ^ ^chine was used by Mrs. Young's father, Pihl, Dr. 1 Wh ° Was ^ent of Ptilsbury A cademy in Minnesota. I* y BEAL TIRE I SHIPPING P£TE.» 4 BEFORE YOU blow V 0UR OWN HORN TOO MUCH. SONNY IT'S BETTER TO PRACTISE BlOWINC the OTHER ^fellows/ - ' fenr 8u-l5 Nfi 7 M V A 'j&S 5. » v V V ED G£3 Llg ■V *i & Hr l) 1 Keep a watchful eye on your tires M da T to day driving safety. Don’t wVit until you have a flat. Give yvur tires necessary consideration bj having them frequently inspec ted. Our convenient pick up and delivery service wi’l save ycu. time, ' too. Seiberling sales and service. ' REAL TIRE SERVICE WBERUNG TIRES 116 W. TAYLOR ST. PH.2323 "LET US RECAP YOUR TIRES *• N'W-TIRt Milt AGE AT HALF THE GtiSJ wea? « PLYWOI.ILS 77 PEN with the revolutionary lx SLIDING BALL-PROTECTOR ! UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED TO WRITE i ■ J YEARS AT LEAST WITHOUT REFILLING PEN 1JSEEF GUARANTEED TO LAST A LIFETIME y e WOIVDERFUL NEW FEATURES . . 1. Unconditionally guaran- 3. New bo Midnij£lit blue'* lotMl lo write at l«*ast 4 years Satinflo ink gives more leg* • Wffr>» nret refilling. l>le, Mwoolher-v*tiling. n.irliit'PN tntJ mi - wilboitl Apr Water. 4. New si id i ng- ba 11 pro r Ik 2. Convertible* into a maids tector covers hall point when . IXilr. n» II wrile or woman's pen. Extra top not in use it clicks with Hill **u rill !£• . d provided at no extra charge. a flick. ... , WrHp*» p I p » r I y <h roim !i 0 mr- AX* The New Reynolds “100" Again Scoops lmns. the Pen Industry! . . . ^ /•'£ rile* high 1“ Iongent. L ». with thr most aniazilig writing guuruntee ill hinlory. Styled by ■ J famous designer, quickly converted for use by men or women, this beautiful streamlined pen is precision engineered to last u lifetime. It oiftmodes all < oilier forms of writing, meets every purpose of a pen or pencil set. Louie in and ask to see a demonstration of the new Reynolds “400.” 6UCK! readv 1 ami to h's 4P $1250 O. modern P. A. Catling. straamlined No FAIR Luxury gift packagt. TRADE Tax. PRICE Including de»k %tand and Covered by U, S. Patents Nos. 2,192.479 and D-143,508. Other r 4< Patents applied for. Copr. Reyn olds International I'ei Co. 1946. » & W 7 yy ./ i <nt ConvertiMe for 4* I Mrs. and V! i a i CPek! > ,,s 10 A m r r if a. * Is a c Ii wfite, no cap 10 rc * Reynolds “400’' %• Pen comes with i mm a n interchange (hick! il’l zemly for L able top for ron version to worn krl or |iur»r, no »>* en’* model. lo repluce. GUARANTEE! K»erv Tonli-J Reynold* “100" IVn rontoin* normnl ifl lo Ja years Mipplv of “Midnight Blue” Sul in fin ink. Ink «up|>ly uncondilion ' ully guaranteed to write at least 4 years from date of sale. Service ii guar »nlrr ,1 for a lifi'tim. whenever, pen i> rriurned with 35 cent* lo ill* finory. jHollberg Hardware Co PHONE 2233 CPA Administrator Praises Newspapers WASHINGTON. (A 5 )—Paying iiibute to America’s newspapers and other publications for "fine co operation" J. Hale Steinman retir ed today as chief of the Civilian Production Administration’s print ing and publishing branch. A newspaper publisher himself, Steimnan left for his home in Lan caster, Pa., after stating at an in terview that the government’s task of administering controls over newsprint “is just about done." That job has been Steinman’s for ’he last two years. He took it over on a dollar-a-year basis when newsprint still was tightly ration ed, lifted those controls at the start of this year, and has^ recom mended that the only remaining re striction be eased July 1. ■•That control is a limitation on the amount of paper newspapers may keep on hand—a 50-day sup ply in the South and West and a 30-day stockpile in the rest of the country. CPA Administrator John Rents And Past Due Accounts Collected At Reasonable Rates Griffin Collecting Agency 101 ’4 S. Hill St. Phone 2692 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE tepminai TAXI SERVICE CALL 33* t Women Listen To Profeasor On Chinaware COLUMBUS. O. — Wi—'The selec tion of dinnerware is usually some i I thing that is left to the women f 0 Uf S But a t Ohio State University | there is a gentleman who can give the ladles some fine pointers on how to purchase such service, He Is Prof. Arthur J. Watts, chairman of the department of ceramic engineering. Prof. Watts is one of the outstanding authori ties in the country on porcelains, ceramic bodies and glazes. Some years ago. Prof. Watts pre pared a booklet entitled, "Selection of Dinnerware For The Home.” Collecting pieces of china has been his hobby for many years an his collection boasts of prized sam pies from Trance. Germany, Aus tiia, Italy, Denmark and Japan ’’ There are nearly 600 pieces in hi; collection. D. Small will decide in Ihe. next day or so whether to rerlace this sped fic limitation with a regulation allowing a “minimum working ventory” of newsprint, the same type of control governing several other industries using scarce mate riais Steinman, who will ccn’lnur a: a CPA consultant, told a reporter it will be “at least two years be fore the world newsprint supply gets back to normal.” He expressed the opinion there will be virtually no newsprint im ported into the United States from the Scandinavian countries for at least another year, even though American publishers now can ob tain authorization to bid for it Steinman said production ~ in Fin land, Norway and Sweden—impor tant sources cf U. S. supply before the war—still is far below normal due to lack of coal and machinery Finland, Steinman said, will con j tinue along to with supply Russia's ard needs Sweden and. Norway “will sell whatever they have left over to the world market at the best price they can get." He said the world market price at present ranges upward from $125 a ton, as compared with the price try.’ ceiling of $67 a ton in this coun- ■GRIFFIN (GEORGIA) NEWS Husky Burglars Make Too Much Noise Have To Leave Safe ! DANVILLE, IU.—(AP)—Police are hunting for the husky and noisy bandits who broke into a chain food store in the eaily morning hours. They carried a heavy safe up to a front plate glass window and let it drop to the sidewalk. But beiore the batndits could get the safe onto u truck tire crash lng glass iiad attracted the atten tion of motorists and persons liv ing near tiie store. They fled, leav mg the unopened safe In the street. | Last Wild Buffalo Or600n DllSt ASHWOOD, Ore. — tUV-The deer and the antelope still pky in Ore- 1 gon, but no longer will the bufialo j roam this great Western state The last wild buffalo in Central Oregon was killed recently by mem- ! bers of the Sisters Rodeo Assn, at ! the request of Roland Gridley, , rancher, who said the old animal i had been damaging the Piiday - ranch near here, The buffalo was brought into Oregon 15 years ago after original species had been exterminated The buffalo was shot from horse back by George Wakefield and Ver non Peck who used 58-30 rifles. EARLY CONTROL ACT The assemblies of Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia pass ed a crop control act as early as 1666. This act provided for a one year tobacco-plan’ing holiday. 1. A fire policy that / suivs your neigh- i, bor may noK fit your require ments. We handle each client's problems individ ually both before or after a fire. SEAJRC A COMPANY 126 PNONft -So. HIU ST I Special Message To the FARMERS from Georgia's Nekt Governor, JIMMIE ... CARMICHAEL V \ Speaks Over J Radio WSB Statioi AND A Georgia Network oi j | I 17 Leatting Stations I EACH SATURDAY FROM i i i 12:30 to 1:00 P.M. j i His Message is also rebroad cast over Albany WALB 1:00 to 1:30 P M. LaOnngo WUAC 1:00 to 1.30 P M. Macon WMAZ 1:30 to 2 :00 P M Roma WRGA 1:30 to 2:00 P.M. Augui*- tyKZW 5:00 to 5:30 P M. Savannah WTOC 5.00 lo 5:30 P M f GEORGIA NEEDS GOOD GOVERNMENT ELECT CARMICHAEL AND KEEP GEORGIANS i • - PROUD OF 3 Georgia ^ _ Still Hotter World I For 2046 DENVER.—OP-pIt will be three 1 degrees hotter all over the world 100 years from now. ! ' That's the report of U. S. Weath- j er experts at the Denver bureau ' whose study of century-old rec-, ords show that the mean tern- ! P era ture of lhe earth increases three degrees every 100 years l "It's nothing to worry about.” Albert Cook, chief forecaster^ said. "Just, a fact." . "Tlie worid won t be any (loser to the sun. The increase Is due , u I the atomic disintegration within ] the 150,000-mllc-thick sun," he ex plained. TURNING ON I IGHTS BUERNOS AIRES. - t,Ti - A manulacturer here has solved the problem of housewives who come home after dark with their arms too full of bundles to turn on the lights. He makes a light switch which can be turned on and off by blow- 1ng tlirougli a grating. Still TT- solved, however, is tire problem of how to keep the ...; switch from flicking the lights on and off if the windows are open during a windstorm. CAT ’lINDS’ DIAMOND INDIANAPOLIS IIP)- -When P. L. Mostly discovered that a carat and-a-half diamond was missing from his Masonic ring, a frantic jearch was begun. The family cut was found playing with it the next day. |<- , Va Vj •* SjSSI f/f & • a ? t 1 & 1 $ 21 JL HOLLBERG HARDWARE CO. For Life Insurance Advice Cal MRS. RALPH JONES RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCl COMPANY Dial 2361 BUS To Swimming Poo! Leaves From Lane Drug Store MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 2 P. M.—4 P. M.—6 P. M. 7 p. M.—8 P. M.—9 P. M. 10 P. M. 11 P. M. SATURDAY 1 P. M. TO 11 P. M. SUNDAY 1 P. M. TO 7 P. M. GRIFFIN MOTOR COACHES jA Ef'onurrj( i) ,tud • • ;.t h.v Service Since 1K89' Drs. H. Wyniw Sr. Si Jr. DIAL 2 !i:t BILL’S Auto Supplies Soorl ng Good* Model Plane* Plane Motors and Accessories ** PHONE 2865 Robert Battle, M'jr Bill Ward Company m m m dDUCMBIkt YELLOW CABS DIAL 2234 << The Thrifty Fellow Calls A Yellow * I MILL PASSENERS HAUL ED TO AND FROM WORK SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES RED CROSS (CONTINUED FROM CAGE ONE jfclants; M T. T. Hawkins, chan- I man of knitting ntsd production: Mrs w r s;ule £ chairman I ' county women ana county produe- I Mis.. H. W. Bj n s, chairman of aide Davis Williams, I nurses : ; ■ annum of iiacan 1 • hipping; Mrs. W. H. Beck, chairman of sur gioul dressings wltn M.s. Waiter| Touchstone as assistant; Mrs.' George Niles, chairman of lire h •- ■ pltal committee; Howard Collier, chairman of the war fund drive; 'P T. Blakely, treasurer of tit;* chapter; Miss Carrie McDonald, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Haisttn, chairman of home nursing, Mi s Louise Fluker, general men of water rafety and ... 1 • i.: and Miss La try Goodrich, chair man oi swimming and v.a aie‘y. JUNIOR HI.I) C ROSS Miss Nell Caldwcil Is chairman oi the Jtnlor Red Crtys chrpti r line. Recent wink it s incind) d sewing londiuteu through Lie home e"ono II; US dassf of the high scltoolSf gift buxes to buspiiali/a d v: U' and boxes to chir.iren ivi-nsen'' week Miss Caldwell u.ien ud to National American Ri d Cro's cor vention in^P- iludi i and Mi Janet King and Mi.-a Mary Jill Williams a t v i ideii th.e Jur ior c ti Griffin News Wont Ads Get Results! j If I , CATARRH SUFFERERS CURB FIND •OR MISER) DUE ro Si AS M CONGESTION Hupt'l> Ku*hed Ite*r«* •StiflVrv*?*, Ki'jolre Relief In T • hf ore ^1 -iln tr< uble, calmr Vi > fe ii » coi. ion ip ■pern ,1 KUCCCKR * Ith for mo In . hicli h?'- the cr vt» d.n1uu* na*:ii couk. ti»» ri Men and wonutt who wifi* -e 0 wHn mU‘> M‘7.ttiB Ain nf bvfui iches, jK nosti ils, ririKiDH faroehe, I~nwk»n|t ntirl apiH'. inji miny f”'W t» : l fil l ieiseil r^itef after yt>i(iK It KI.(»UONOI »'.Pt 5 hut rt'11 h.lcrihy v > in priced by tisern. thin in not p mr rrv*unt ‘ to only a few - penn !»•» dose KI.OIMINOI. iraution, use 0*1;; is -old with strict o&nn^back gunrantee b; Ward’s Drug Store Mail Or 'or. I iMcd. CALL 5122 Brannon Supply Co. FOR S!da. '^1 C- ... » y t v • cut/ a^Yl ing Goodu, Hardware. -•WOF-. IHE GREATEST BAKING POWDER •-df !N 50 YEARS! / * 'i v * k % - . wi A . Am at 71 A I A 7, X:’ ji ■ A u Am i 7i '6j 7., II fwproved m \ ' powdJJL WITH • 00 COOD CfilClRM /. Jin BAKINGS loot) ( am n vf in LOOK the new KC BETTER! permits more ttru distribution of the I fine, active ingredients tlirtnjf*liout the baking powder. This promous more ntform auion j;ives bxl inj*s the light, smooth texture and invitnip, appearaiuc tvjr)one t joys. 2 J BETTER TASTE! . Food ( AM it m in K* prevents the "overpowering” of the rich natural I flavor of other ingredients in your bakings. There's no bitterness : or "Sodit Taste” when you use the, new KC 3 . K< BETTER tmd s everything FOR you 1 .ike YOU, with it a TOO! valuable source of FOOT) ( AlXIUM — adding 2 to 5 times more FOOD ( Ate it sj than the fresh milk used in a baking, depending on the recipe Thus K (. joins milk as a jluv source of this vital food .element. /it Your Grocers /Vow/ ‘ ■N T -Tn t b m BAKING Yic/fun POWDER w vention. At the general sessions of the convention they heard noted speakers fioni ah. ever ihe world! : including Lady Reading, heed of the W. V. 8 (Woman’s Voluntary I in England. The Junior convention was presided over by Juniors from all over the country, 1 ajid open forum discussions pro-1 vided the delegates with helpful suggestions to bring home to their own cluiptcr.’'. It has been, 29 years Mfi'ce the local chapter recctveJ i'.s charter. Next week b another year b / C I f S' v rt#/r£R! I £0 a Add theve blue flakes when you uso regular soap---- o Clues to glorious whitsnessl O End! bluing streaks. a O 2rve» time, work, needless wear and tear. USE FC” EVERYTHING - white O s, ell washable colors, If your dealer doe* not have BLU*WHITf tilings, fmost lingerie. ■yet, remember - »t'»new! Keep asking for It! > / RIVERS & GOVERNOR '#"■ JSf ;fi il;< I '« is \ HE GAVE YOU HE WILL extend and expand next these service* during if Old Ase Pensions RIVERS' administration. fr Free School Books HE WILL provide State if Homestead Exemptions Lending Agencies for Veter if Higher Teachers’ Pay to procure funds to if 5,000 Miles Paved ans Roads chase homes and businesses if State Patrol —WITHOUT RED TAPE. it Modern Health ISE WILL provide full Program Helpless ployment by constructing if Cara for the dams resulting tn ade it University System power flood Building Program quate electricity, con V trol, and irrigation. NEAR KIM SPEAK Radio Slalijn WSU, 3 to 3:30, Saturday Afternoons.' Radio Station WAGA, 9 lo 10 Monday Nights—Radi* Station WSB, 10:30 l» 11 Wednesday Nights. o *1 Your local station 3 to 3:30 Tuesday Affemoono. *»AGE THREE service. TRUCK FOR HIRE General Hauling • PEACHES Go Anywhere—Anytime Large Truck Day Phone—3318 Night Phone-3904