Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, July 21, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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Birthday Dinner Fetes Mrs. Cathon Nowland Mra. Cathon Nowland was hon ored 8unday with a surprise dinner party on her sixty-fifth birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. E. Pitts in Experiment. The Pitt’s home was decorated with pink roses and chrysthemums. The birthday table was overlaid* with a white linen cloth and cen tered with a three-tiered cake em bossed in lavender. A low arrange ment of pink roses was used on the buffet table. Mrs. Nowland chose a navy bem berg print. Assisting Mrs. Pitts were Mes dames W. L. Ogletree, Harold Par ker and Gordon Huckaby, ail dau ghters of Mrs. Nowiland. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ogletree, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Storey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Park- ■v SITUATION: The young man you are dating is shy and does not like to come Into your 1 living room and speak to your parents when » he calls to take you out, WRONG WAY: Protect his feel ings by running out to his car as soon as he drives up in front of your house. RIGHT WAY: Expect him to come into the house for you, whet her he enjoys it or not. * Now She Shops "Cash and Carry” Without Painful Backache .. ........ °to hTyour . „ poiumoug m»tur remain blood, it maycauac nagging backache, rheumatiepains, leg paint, lout of pep and energy, getting up 1NHM your lddneyg bladder. or Pilta,VaUmuU^li^ blppy'X^nd^U klin *bl»d! , *G«tD<»n LTS. is‘ aPi'lb! 011 * your , HEADACHE-NEURALGIA MUSCULAR ACHES • When nerve-racking pains of this type make you feel miserable and you want relief, and want it in a hur ry, use “BC" Powders or Tablets. When you use “BC" you get the full relief-giving effectiveness of not just one, but several of the world’s most popular pain-reiieving ingreditnts. In combination these quick-dissolv ing, fast-acting ingredients ate re markably effective—far more so than either would be alone. WYNNE DOES IT ACAIN!--- "MAKE ROOM” SALE Yes We Must Make Room For Several Large Shipments Which Are Already On The Way. So, We Must Move Out The Surplus Stock On Some of Our Rearular Patterns of Fine ♦ CHINA WARE 25$, To 50% SAVINGS Quantities Are Limited! BRISTOL VIOLET OLYMPH INDIAN TREE By Vogue by Hardesty by Bavarian by George 52 Pieces 53 Piece* 80 Piece* 82 Pieces $32.00 $29.50 $163.19 $271.50 $21.00 $19.20 32 Piece, $97.00 $154.00 $17.50 $11.40 SPRINGTIME EDDA LORRAINE- BLUE BERRY VI by George by Bavarian MAROON by Blue Ridge 24 Pieces 5 7 Pieces by Franciscan 32 Pieces $24.00 $175.50 ■rf* 44 Pieces $18.95 $16.40 $98.00 $17.3.25 $121.00 $12.45 •c This Surplus China Is From Our Regular Stock And — These Savings Are Genuine! . i Cash or Credit. . . Buy Now! t m unnes JEWELERS Sine* 1889 er, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Huckaby, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Phillips, her grand children, Billy, Eugene and Marie Pitts, Theresa and Richard Parker Helen and Dickie Wheeler and Son ny Ogletree, her great grandchild ren, Kerry Phillips, Connie and Ronnie Storey, Bobby Terrell, Fred dy and Wesley Pitts and friends, Mrs. Lois Parker, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Ratliff and the honoree, Mrs. Nowland. ♦ Home • ••••• • • • .. .Hints , Tomatoes for summer salads are often nice peeled. To do so dip water top) and strip the skin off. them w'hole in hot water for a few minutes, then plunge them Into cold water (or hold under the cold If your food budget is a problem and you want to use thrifty cuts of beef here is a listing of: them: Pot roast, shoulder roast, shoulder steak, flank steak, boneless chuck pot boiling beef, short ribs, bone less rolled neck, beef brisket, shank meat, and hamburger Fact8 About • • • Home Q.—In Griffin's early schools, were there any provisions made for 'paying the tuition of poorer * -'tsrizrgs: County historian, the state made provision for paying the tuition of th « P^r children out of the Po ° r ScV;;q: Fund,” which was very inadequate. Nowadays when either you buy “BC” you may have it in powder or tab let form. In both you get the same famous “BC” formula—the same fast relief. You get a preparation that has stood the test of time—one you can safely use for the relief of simple headaches, neuralgic pains and minor muscular aches. Buy a package of “BC” Headache Powders or Tablets today and use as directed. Two tab lets equal one powder. 10c Sc 25c. WMU Circles Hold Meetings Recently W. M. W. Circles of the Baptist Tabernacle met recently at the cir cle members at their homes. CIRCLE ONE Circle one met at the home of Mrs. J. T. Perdue on West Chappell sthreet. Mrs. Earl Foster, program chairman, had charge of the pro gram. Mrs. Harry Donehoo opened ihe meeting with prayer. Mrs. Carl Spradlin gave the devotional. "World Evanellsm” was discuss ed by Mrs. Christine Adams and Miss Helen Shockley The program was closed with prayer by Mrs. Dorothy Shockley. Mrs. Spradlin, president, presided over the bus iness session. Refreshments were served Dy Mrs. Perdue. Mrs. T. B Tattore and Mrs. Clare Davis were visitors. CIRCLE TWO Circle two met at the home of Mrs. Arlene Stitcher on North Twelfth street. Mrs. Wilson Lifsey had charge of the program. Mrs. Stitcher spoke on "Christianing America”. Mrs. Lena Mae Norris clo. ed the meet ing with prayer. Light refreshments were served by Mrs. tSltcher. Junior RA’s Meet Recently The Hart Westbrook Chapter of the Junior Royal Ambassador of the First Baptist ChuTh met Mon day afternoon at the chapter room. Arthur Blake, Ambassador in chie f, presided over the business session.' The meeting was opened 1 pra5ers ' The minute - j of the last : meetlng werd read by Joel Cope ' : llnd ' record ' Norman Brooks gave the knightly deeds report. The program was conducted bv Standley Hayes, Johnny Daniel, Tommy Simonton, Richard Brooks, . Maury Fisher, Arthur Blake, Rob ert Harris, Zenas Massey, and Dal las Copeland took na*t on the pro gram. The meeting was closed with the R. A. allegiance. Tommy Simonton. setond assist ant ambassador, served refresh ments. There were 15 members present Next time you make a chocolate pie and you have some leftover coffee try substituting the coffee for about half the mi'fc. Nice flavor! Ballerina Toppers Wrap Fall Finery rso#4M-i m i i ; • I; iW" ■ T .* • ■ L w*’ TR #’ ** H t v.,. * m . . p. -v" . *r*i G -El ViL W1A\ L R ‘W* RLT.-.N U *■ ■ .S' ,, I . j *M it ?> if 4 - •>' •. Si WS i Wt Wmmrn Ballerina coats make big fashion news. Bright plaid taffeta jacket (right) flounces a peplum as flip as a dancer's skirt. Flame red suede velour spreads its charm* in the cape coat (left), quilt-stitched at hemline and at flared cuffs of sleeves. MEW 1 ’ little coat of the new season is the ballerina topper. Swinging into autumn with un restrained fullness this coat Monte Sano’s design is cut as qs a dancer’s skirt. It makes in width what it lacks in and in frou frou what it lacks the more solid virtues of a wrap. -*...—; Y \ i SOMETHING NEW-Strict: for girls who hate to check the furs at the door. Lois Collie, models the latest Hollywood cre ation—a mink blouse. It is band ed with yards and yards of wild ranch mink. Egg Nogs aie good in summer «« well as in winter. BeV an egg until it is pale and thick, add a dash of salt, a cup of co'd milk, table spoon of sugar, and a quarter tea spoon of vanilla or prated orange rind. Serve with straws. Worry of FALSE TFETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't, be emoarrassed bv loose false teeth slipping, dropping or Wabbling when you eat talk or la ugh. Just sprinkle a little FAS TEETH on your plates This plea sant powder gives a remarkable sense of added r '.mfort end securi ty by holding plates more lirmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty Gste or feel tog. It's alkaline (non-acid). Get FASTEETH w >i d*'i■» - tore AUTO LOANS Automobile Financing ( $100.00 TO $3,000.00 All Types Automobile Insurance (New or Used) Prompt Service—Reasonable Rate* GEORGIA DISCOUNT COMPANY “BO” LANHAM, Mgt. 128 East Taylor Street "Phone 3368 BY EPSIE KIN'AKD NEA Fashion Editor Bnlliantly _ .... . colored , . plaid taffeta ^ —red, green and yellow—lends its crisp charm, to one long-waisted jacket which sports a peplum as pert as a ballerina's skirt. This ruffly flounce can be flipped out. tilted up or down or crushed Into folds It owes its antics to a pliable Peck At Scalps BATON ROUGE, La —IF— The police department has ad vised pedestrians, especially bald ones, that they can use Government street again with out having their scalps lacera ted by butcher birds. Two butcher birds built a nest in a tree on the street. They soon became terrors. Their first victim, a bald man who wasn't wearing his hat. fled with two birds scratching and pcck- LADIES—This Is It! Th 3 SALE You’ve Been Asking About. \ JULY CLEARANCE 1111 ; Spring ,U)IM and Summer Fashions Cotton Dre ssos - - Bemberg Dresses - Crepe Dresses - Pure Silk Dresses - Linen Dresses - Spun Rayon Dresses - Evening Dresses and PI av Suits — j SAVINGS 1 to 2 / :* of reiruli tr pricy* o HATS—Savings Vi_ lo At of regular price $25.00 Cool timer Suits SI 6.00 All White - Pastel mid I wo-tone B; i its '2 Brice Two Cent SALE Summer Gowns Printed and Solid Color Batiste and Krinkle Crepe. Buy One yown at regular price and the second for only 2 cents. Regular and Junior Sizes $2.98 Gowns—2 for $3.00 $3.98 Gowns—2 • $4.00 mith-Roberts Company »n stiffness that is woven into taffeta. Another ballerina topper which, spreads across shoulders like but ... terfly ca P e of , w suede ' n8 ‘ “ velour. * "^-colored; - Th.s cape-j , . coa * * ias ^ u ** nes * a dancer *| skirt and is quilt stitched in deep bands to strengthen its flip appeal;) and again to enforce the flair of| full trumpet - mined sleeves. ing at his dome. But bald or not, any one who passed was pounded upon by ihe butcher birds. When^ police were called, they were attack ed, too. But they brought along a shotgun and killed the birds. Jl>T FREE LUNCH WINDSOR, Out. -IIP— Windsor are looking for a man who efter drinking beer smashes the glass ar.d eats it One bartender j sot so excited after watching the man swal ow the glass that he for I got to char.e him for It. Thursday. July 21. 1949. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Miss Evelyn Ogletree To Wed 6 Mr. and Mr,. John Ogletre* of Experiment announce the ment of their daughter. Miss Evelyn Ogletree to Floyd Laney, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Laney of Maid en. N. C. The wedding will be an event of Auguat «.• Mis* Ogletree attended Spalding High School w here she was a drum majorette in the Spalding High Band. Miss Dorothy Ogletree la the bride-elect', only sister. Mr.' Laney was graduated from Malden High School in North Car olina. He is at present third base man-catcher tor the Griffin Tiger*. For a quick supper serve mac aroni and cheeae with slices of cheon meat and cole’slaw Dessert might be a bowl of fresh fruit, crisp cookies and a beverage. Smith- Roberts Co. A C89L SAVNK! - • • • * r« 5 * 1 “ » . COLOGNE ^ r ' G siting, MAmMng that i karma—yow» as Uf 4 k pK% I jUk at naigkng Woodspmc b cuKvioua^, uni 4 k (m b asse, mI Special Notice! Our Dorothy Perkins Cream Deordorsut Vu Price Sale ends August 1st or sooner if our present supply gives out. $1.00 Jars for only 50c plus tax. J The DoCtOT AltSW€T> By EDWIN F. JORDAN. ML D. QUESTION: Art there any bar raful effect* from taking hflrmon, for bust development and can the I be bought at a drugstore wtthoc a prescription? ANSWER: There is great dout as to whether thi* treatment wool produce the desired result* perm anently. Such harmones ahoul not be used without a preseriptio. Buy From Us and Save. Rand-made: Baby Clothes, GRIFFIN Woman'* Exchange m East Solomon Street Rag*. Trays, Variety Gifts.