Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, January 11, 1966, Page 5, Image 5

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Gov. Sanders In Speech ‘State Of State is ' By ED ROGERS United Pres. International ATANTA (UPI)-Gov. Carl Sanders today painted a picture of “our beautiful Georgia" as a young and vibrant state with ber best years ahead, bustling with opportunity and repeating an abundant harvest for Its 4,400,000 citizenl “The state of our state is truly magnificent," Sanders told a Joint session of the Gen eral Assembly in his annual message. Sanders pointed to an unem ployment figure of only 1.4 per eent — the lowest in the his tory of Georgia and among the lowest in the nation — an in crease in sale of agricultural products of nearly $1 billion, construction of more than $1 billion last year, an increase in personal income of $1.5 billion during the three years of his administration and the chance that he will leave a surplus to bis successor of between $40 and $6o million. “Never before has such a record of achievement and progress been written on the enduring leaves of Georgia’s bistory," the governor said In congratulating the legislature -SSIS yssmm Oiic-- RIP s : |. fit *£*/*< li - Wll ill m i ■ 'Sfk .. ft* % 4 ~ y £3 ■ % ''-4 4# v. - #:■ If % ,, 1 mmmii \ — Wk - ifspi m & WBk 4 i A ; m-o \ •> m v-.^r \ f. . 3 # 4 X 4 «»**-*“• ■ V : . 'Ay mo. k- k -*? • ■ ; • SI j r > 444 WHAZZIS?— You can’t ten for sure what you're looking at here, but it’s the innards of the William A. Irvin, one of U.S. Steel’s Pittsburgh Steamship ore boats, getting a new “stuffing’’ at Conneaut, Ohio. About every 25 years the three holds have to be replaced, in clu ding sides and bottom. It takes about four months. Olds 88 Swing Fever is mighty hard to resist! iPc? —c (( \ % CL ; er « ■&M u. k ill B : 4: w. mo i h\ t TOftONAOd-MSftHCB MLTA M HQUOAY COUP* A good thing always is* Got that can’evrait-for-apring, ean’t-walt-for-that-new<ar feeling! Welcome to the club! Old* 88 Swing Fever if catching up with juft about everybody, and they’re loving every minute of It. But the beft part it the cure—as easy to take at a twinging new Jetstar, Dynamic or Delta 88! There’s one priced right for you. See your Olds Dealer for a Rocket Rx today. Then watch your fever go down at your fun goes up. Happy convalescence! LOOK TO OLDS FOR THE NEW! OLDS 88 ffffli IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY! IB B *——■— — r -f irri— marm i n dldsmdbile Hi----- -*— 1 ----i--Hu tutwh -»-~-iin U ir fei nttn SPALDING MOTOR COMPANY, INC., 1356 W. TAYLOR ST s mNBI i ■j j ■i 0 * j wv.Aj Gov. Sanders for “a true and working part nership between the legisla tive and executive branches of government.” To Spend $18 million He called on the legislature for supplemental appropriations of $18,555,000 “to meet the con tinuing needs of the citizens of Georgia" of which more than $6 million would go to public schools, colleges and unlver- He also asked $4,475,000 for two new regional mental health hospitals, with a total of 850 beds, and for staffing and operating two existing fa cilities, with a total of 1,200 beds, at Thomasville and Bain bridge. Sanders said his administra tion would offer four amend ments in the field of education during this session to facilitate school system mergers, sim plify the selection of county superintendents and education boards on a local-option basis, enable a tax miUage Increase for local school financing and permit the local school bonded debt to be increased from 7 to 10 per cent for school purposes. He called for a careful look at rapid transit for urban cen ters and 01(5 P uWic concern over crlme control. Cities in Spotlight “I believe it is time also for us to take a careful look at means of expediting rapid transit for our expanding cen ters," he said. “We need to free the General Assembly of constitutional restriction from direct fund appropriations for such a and this I rec- ommend to you. “By so doing, our cities will be better prepared to establish a rapid transit system when federal matching funds become available, and at the same time, we would thereby make more money available for high way construction in other areas of the state. “There is still another public concern, one which must be covered by legislation. I refer to crime control. Georgia truly is a ’big league’ state today In many ways, and has therefore become more attractive to or ganized crime. “We now have major league football and baseball fran chises, and it is our vigilant duty to take all steps necessary to keep the corrupting influence of syndicated criminal activity out of Georgia. “This administration will in duce measures to discourage any attempt at establishing syndicated gambling operations in Georgia, and will do all else that it can to supress and eradicate crime of any kind in Georgia.** ha conclusion Sanders noted that the 1966 legislature has an Millions Saddened Shastri’s Death By JOHN BARTON United Press International NEW DELHI (UFI) —India’s saddened millions today re ceived the body of Prime Minister Lai Bahadur Shastri, man of the people whose final hours were spent in pursuit of peace for a nation which has seen little but hardship and war. A crowd estimated at 30,000 thronged New Delhi Airport for the arrival of a Soviet ms propjet plane which returned Shastri’s body from Tashkent, U.S.S.R., where he succumbed earlier today of a heart attack. Receiving the body of the 61 year-old Prime Minister were Indian President Dr. S. Rad hakrlshnan and Shastri’s eldest son, Hari Krishnan. It was placed on an open gun carriage flanked by six generals as the vast crowd, many weeping and others shouting “Long live Shastri,” pressed forward for final glimpse of the dlmunitlve statesman. The late afternoon sun cast sharp shadows across the airport as the crowd strained to catch a glimpse of the tiny figure with its familiar Ghandi style white hat. Greatest Accomplishments Shastri’s face appeared ser ene in death, reflecting the diplomatic triumph of Tash kent, where he signed a historic peace pact with Pakistani President Mohammed Ayub Khan just 12 hours before he was stricken. The accord stipulated India and Pakistan would renounce the use of military force to resolve their decades-old border dispute over Kashmir which twice erupted into undeclared war. The funeral procession moved slowly along a seven-mile route to Shastri’s residence at 10 Janpath, where the body was to lie in state overnight. It will be cremated in Hindu rites Wednesday near Shantl Vana —the Woodland of Peace on the banks of the Jumna River. It was here that Shastri’s predecessor—Jaawa harlal Nehru—was cremated 18 months ago before Shastri was sworn in to succeed him. En route to New Delhi by jet airliner for the funeral were ranking government officials from throughout the world, including Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and former U.8. Ambassadors to India John Kenneth Galbraith and Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R Ky. They are the official representatives of President Johnson. Kosygin Present Soviet Premier Alexei Kosy gin, who arranged the historic Tashkent summit between Shastri and Ayub Khan, led the Russian delegation which trav eled aboard a separate plane from Soviet Asia. Ayub Khan, whose nation long has been involved in bloody conflict with India since both were granted indepen dence from Britain in 1947, named a three-man delegation to represent him in New Delhi. He praised Shastri as a man ; of “sincerity and dedication” and said, “We have laid a promising beginning in Tash kent." Two days of publte mourning were decreed and black bordered newspapers reported details of Shastri’s death alongside reports of his major opportunity that perhaps no other in modem times has been afforded: “That is, eliminating —once and for all — any divi sion between urban and rural representation, ana establishing forever the fact that we are one state, and that you repre sent one Georgia." Sanders sprinkled his un usually optimistic State of the State message with figures on progress made during the last three years of his administra tion, an emphasis possibly not lost on those who expect the young chief executive to toss his hat into the ring against Richard Russell for the U. S. Senate. "Our works are seeds sown in the fertile soil of Georgia to grow and be harvested for years to come,” he said. “Our stewardship — yours and mine — will not be Judged solely by changes we make in our state, but by those changes which make our state what it ought to be. “The strides we have helped Georgia make are many, and the enthusiastic achievements of our people, from one end of Georgia to the other, are truly accomplishments at Tashkent, Shastri, who had been in frail health since becoming leader of the world’s second most populous nation on June 9, 1964, had suffered two previous heart attacks during recent years. Nanda Sworn In Home Affairs Minister Gulza rilal Nanda, 67, was sworn in earlier today as interim Prime Minister, a sorrowful task he undertook once before on the death of Nehru. There was a possibility Nanda would be named officially to succeed Shastri later this week when r :• . WASHER & DRYER SALE! 0 1 COME BY AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT THE FRIGIDAIRE WASHER AND DRYER CAN DO FOR YOU. W- I With the cold, bad rain, sleet, snow, and ice ahead, wouldn't it be nice to own a Frigidaire Dryer so you would not have to wait on a : Pretty day to wash? Gets pretty cold hanging out clothes early in the morning doesn't it? It can be col d also when you have to bring them in. You can avoid all this discomfort by coming to Grifftn Appliance and letting us install a Frigidaire Dryer (and washer) and you will be prepared for all the bad weather ahead. Come by for a FREE DEMONSTRATION. DON'T LET PRICE KEEP YOU AWAY BECAUSE WE HAVE MANY DIFFERENT MODELS AND PRICES TO CHOOSE FROM. JUST COME AND PICK OUT THE MACHINE THAT YOU WANT AND WE'LL DO THE REST. REMEMBER! FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION WASHERS ARE TOPS WHEN IT COMES 4* • 9 TO CLEANING CLOTHES. 4 m MILLER’S GRIFFIN m APPLIANCE -> V; 612 WEST TAYLOR STREET PHONE 227-5122 \ impressive to behold.** “These transformations did not come about simply by word or creed, but by action and deed.” Education Stressed Sanders said education, the No. 1 aim underlying his com plete administration, has been revitalized. “By the time this adminis tration closes its books, we will have opened the doors of our schools to 75,000 new students, and we will have provided for 10,000 new teachers and other certified professional personnel. “We have financed salary in creases totaling $1,200 a year for our public school teachers and we have made salary ad vancements averaging 25 per cent for our college professors and instructors." He said the number of college students in Georgia has already increased by 50 per cent and graduate and professional en rollment has increased by 135 per cent. He said that by next January, more than 6,000 class rooms will have been financed for the state public school sys tem, and $162 million worth of college construction. ruling Congress party meets to elect the now Prime Minister. Radhakrishnan told a griev ing nation in a radio broadcast late today Shastri would be honored posthumously with India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna, jewel of India. He said sadly he had planned to announce the award on Shastri’s return from Tashkent for his meritorious work in the cause of peace. Want Ads Pay Griffin Daily New* SHOP GRIFFIN FIRST ■ HEATERAM DAYS 1 fj , ■ *f VENTED Wall Furnaces VENTED Floor Circulators Floor Furnaces Both LP or Natural Gas Many Sizes and Brands Left! 20 % m WHILE THEY LAST! SPALDING GAS CO. Inc. 415 W. Solomon St. - Phone 228-8484 3 Tuesday, January 11, 1966