Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, May 19, 1969, Page 4, Image 4

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New Cornerstone g BB "’’y S * ■■iiJhiMME Ift ■: |fe*- ‘ ~-<■ life: : wfSSil f bhke - MB - ; ~ jiKGfl -' -, : . i ■■ ‘■ // For Heaven's Sake HO Strong thread 33 Recorded, ia away 36 Concerning 37 Guido’s high note 39 Clothmeasure 40 Under-water detection device 43 Sack 44 Camelhair Tobes dn Jurisprudence 47 Speechless 48Insane . individual SOUpright standards 51 Transient heavenly body J 52 Highway ■ , 53 Im]>ortuno 54 Numeral ; DOWTC : 1 Infernal 2 Employs ; 3 Seine ; 4 Extent ? SLcgalwronffit : I—. ... . ACROSS 1 Source o£ light ' 4 Celestial I Bodies 9 Container 10 Luminous phenomena 12 Choral composition 13 Elaborate discourse 15 Epochs 16 Choose 17 French, pronoun 38 Heavy weight 19 Plant of mustard family 21 Eyes (Scot.) 22 Blackbird of cuckoo family 23 Musical note 24 German region. 26 English historian (1834-1902) 28Sun 29 Humble abode I|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 I? |8 I 9 _ L__ uT ' ‘ i 3 iTI _ ■p” gp 22 Hbr ~ iSBB 2 * 25 " 26 29 ML_ 3, i 32 33 |34 |35 36 ■■37 38"] 39 ’ 'll 42 »43 44 45 gH4G «47 " 48 49 50 __ _ 53 54 |l|l| j I I 2 It ' / * 1 fii. MWWSITV NEWS HIT /TA L- I tqoay ; [ Y A*a)( senator’ I ' B 1 Wft M // >Jr\' 1 tvwEfr J I J v Irl w o*ksen 1 1 ? WOBI “L WWH —XVI 7 W W A \ 1 O/\\ % y «HO h HU, W. TM U1 t«l. oa S'H "Senator Dirksen is the greatest! I mean he talks in ‘living stereo!” DAILY NEWS Quimby Melton, Publisher Fuji Leased Wire Service UPI, Full NEA, Address all mall (Subscriptions Change of AfArers form MIS) to O. Box ISS, E. Solomon St., Griffin, Ga. f Answer to Previous Puzzle _ ~i. . |B| A|pßgE|R|s|'f~ | * |sl^|^] A TMpMi |e]y t|E”T |E s|al 28 Os little value 31 Cloud like celestial structures 32 Puffed rip 33 Short-necked duck 34Booklika container 35 Venus or Mars >,38 Long periods of time ’ 41 Medleys > 42 Mother-of-. pearl 45 Surfeit 47 Earth’s satellite 49 Beverage 50 Expert (coll.) 6 Eucharistic wine cup (anat) 8 Steps over fences 3 Luminous envelope (astron.) 31 Shoe parts J 2 Beyond (comb, form) 54 Hawaiian bird 3 8 Praying figure 39 Nimbi or cumuli 20 Type of rain 25 Hebrew high priest 27 Article ‘Quotes’ By United Press International MOSCOW—Soviet news agen cy Tass, announced that for a second time in two days a Russian spaceship plunged a capsule full of instruments into the atmosphere of Venus: "Tlie stations continued studies of the planet, enriching science with important scienti fic data and expanding know ledge about Venus. They made a wonderful contribution to the science of the universe.” KUALA LUMPUR — Malay sian army major, to newsmen covering race riots in. the capital city: "Correspondents must be off the streets. You must stay in your hotels. There is no freedom of the press in this country.” SAN JOSE, Costa Rica- Panamanian national guard spokesman, explaining why he expects no trouble when New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller arrives with his fact-finding party: "First, the constitutional gua rantee of assembly is still suspended, and second, we just wouldn’t permit it. Besides, we have all the Communists in jail.” Almanac For Today By United Press International Today is Monday, May 19, the 139th day of 1969 with 226 to follow. The moon is approaching its first quarter. The morning stars are Venus, Mars and Saturn. The evening stars are Mercu ry and Jupiter. On this day in history: In 1536, Anne Boleyn, wife of King Henry VIII of England, was beheaded in London. In 1940, William Allen White, editor of the Emporia (Kan.) Gazette, helped organize the Committee to defend America by Aiding the Allies. In 1945, more than 400 superfortresses bombed Tokyo. In 1964, Gov. George Wallace of Alabama won 42 per cent of the vote in a presidential primary election in Maryland. Thought For Today A thought for the day— William Allen White said, “ ’Company’ merges into the family when clean towels are not kept in the bathroom every morning." GRIFFIN Cary Reeves, General Manager Bill Knight, Executive Editor Space success brings pride Sometimes Americans have a hard time holding their heads high with a sense of pride in their country. Problems beset us on every side and crit icism of us is a popular sport with most nations. Friends among other countries are hard to find. There's the Vietnam war, unpopular on our own shores as well as in other places. There's the internal upheaval on the na tion's campuses and continued racial ten sion. So it is with a refreshing relief that the nation cheered Sunday afternoon when Apollo 10 roared off into space headed for the moon. The Russians beat us into earth orbit with the Sputnik but since then, America has set its goals in space and methodically moved toward accomplishing them. Today we appear to be on the brink of landing men on the moon in July. If the Apollo 10 mission continues to be the suc cess it was at the start, the way should be cleared for the historic landing. Americans can take pride in their space program. And it belongs to us all-not just the astro nauts or those who launched the vehicles from Cape Kennedy. Every last living American has a part in it. It is a source of pride for us all. Ga. Needs Strong Auto Insurance Act MOULTRIE OBSERVER Attack* are currently being made, it has been learned, on the Georgia Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act in federal court. The objective apparently is to prove un constitutional an act which would allow the state to sus pend driver licenses and car registration certificates of un insured motorists involved in accidents involving SIOO or more. If there is anything unconstitutional about the Motor Vehicle Responsibility Law it should be found and cor rected, so perhaps it is good that a review of the act is being made by a federal tribunal. But the basic truth is that the responsibility act should be strengthened instead of watered down. Motor vehicles cost too much in this inflationary era and the accidents are too frequent to be loose with re sponsibility clauses. No motorist should be uninsured to the point he cannot pay any damage which might be done in an accident. The argument is used that it may work a hardship on many motorists, because he cannot afford the insurance. But what of the fellow who is the innocent victim of a car collision or other mishap in which the unimured is to blame? A great hardship has been undeservedly thrust upon him because the law was “light” on someone else. The motorist who cannot be held responsible for h i s carelessness or inability to drive should not be on the road. And it is far cheaper to be properly insured under the re sponsibility act than to be required to cough up funds enough to pay for most accident damages. Suspension of the driver’s license or vehicle registration may be punitive, but it does not protect the insured motor ist who is hit by the unimured. So instead of relaxing the Motor Vehicle Responsibility Act, we suggest the legislature pay close attention to the review of the act’s constitutionality and add more teeth at the first opportunity. Chuckling « With Ye Editor V A man who boasts that he rules the roost at home is more than likely to be cackled at. • e • • • “So you realize that we are raising a whole generation of kids who think that Nehru was a fashion designer?”— Cut Bank, Mont., Pioneer Press • e • .• • The sportswriters keep telling about “Hank hammer ing homers.” Sounds like he’s tacking up a good record. Quimby Melton, Jr. Editor Published Daily Except Sunday, Second Class Postage Paid at Griffin, Ga. —Single Copy ISO rars nut n “If I were you, I’d put it on ( JO K”"-— the table beside him and 4 /e»— — runl ” ..•?</ I* H Wf i r^ : - ■ e 1M» kr NEA, be. MY A ANSWER M Stay At Home My husband tells me that be cause he works hard all week I should stay home with him on Sundays Instead of going to church. This is causing dissen sion in our home. What should Ido? PC. When your husband married you he did not buy your soul. Five dollars or so he paid for the marriage license didn’t enti tle him to make all of your spiri tual decisions for you. Being a husband myself, I don’t believe that an average, normal man would respect his wife comple tely if she lowered her convic tions to conform to his whims and desires. If the marriage ceremony when you were married, the minister said: "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” If God is the One which holds you together, do you think it would be right for both you and your husband to ignore Him? It is bad enough for your husband to live apart from God. It seems to me if h ewanted to be with you, that he could join you in attending the church. From all that you say, I feel confident this is what he needs. In church he may find Christ and that could change his whole life. •o-pfiflyEii. & vos tosav Cbe Upper "For their sake I consecrate myself.” (John 17:19, RSV) PRAYER: Heavenly Father, grant that I may always be in touch with the interests of others and ever be consecrating my self to their needs. May I a 1 s o recognize others’ needs and give myself to the business of help ing them realize that as they live in harmony with Christ they will discover the best in themselves. In Jesus’ name. Amen. WORLD ALMANAC FACTS iKBMk 1 Ba Paul Starrett (1866-1957) grew up in a pioneer soci ety only to create in adult hood the shape of urban America, The World Alma nac notes. Leaving the Kansas prairies and away of life now gone, Starrett built some of New York’s subways and skyscrapers, including the Flatiron and Empire State Buildings. He also constructed Pennsyl vania Station, Macy’s and the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. Copyright © 19»9, Newspaper Enterprise Assn. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Subscription Prices Delivered by carrier: One year $19.00, six months SIS.OO, three months 15.00, one month 11.75, one weeh 00 cents. By mail, except within 30 miles of Griffin, rates are same as by carrier. By mail within 30 miles of Griffin: one year >IO.OO, six months 39.00, three months 34.50, one month 31.60. Delivered by Special Auto: One Tear 321-00 (tax included). Monday, May 19, 1969 Griffin Oaffy News Television Monday Night 2 5 11 6:00 Newsroom Panorama Hasel si 5 ” News ” 130 " Walter What’a My :45 ” Cronkite Line 7:00 News j News :15 “ Lucy • :30 1 Dream of Gunamoke Avengers •45 Jeannie • »» 8:00 Alan King »• •» :15 :30 " Here’s Laey Peyton Place KIS 9:00 Movies Mayberry Outcasts :15 "40 Pounds RFD • •30 Os Trouble” Family • ;45 * Affair ■ WK)O • Caret Big Valley :15 * Burnett ** S: : : UsOO News News News :15 • :30 Johnny Movie: Joey ;45 Carson “Cult of the Bishop 41 500 * Cobra* • 12“: ■ • Tuesday Morning 6 .-00 Black ;1S Town, C*nty Heritage t3O Frontiers of Quest for :45 Faith Certainty 7:00 Today Wows Morning :15 ” Weather Funnies :30 " Mr. Ptx Tubby and :45 “ " Lester 8:00 • CaptaSn • :15 " Kangaroo - :30 - sOO Today to IJnkletter Romper :15 Georgia Show Room :30 " Diek • :45 " Van Dyke ” WdM) It Takeo LnclUe Leave it :15 Two Ball To Beaver :30 Coneesh Beverly Mere :45 trattea Hillbillies Griffin UKX) Pereonadty Andy » :15 " Griffith • :30 Hollywood Love of • :45 Squares Life * Tuesday Afternoon *4 News News Bewitched I J :15 * | :30 Movie: Search For Funny Tow ■mMH :45 "Scream of Tomorrow Should Ask 1:00 Fear” Divorce Dream House :15 " Court • :30 ** As The Make A :45 " World Turns Deal 2:00 Days cd Love Is Splew- Newlywed :15 Onr Lives dored Thing Game •30 Doctors Guiding Dating H 5 " Light Game 3:00 Another Secret General :15 World storm Hospital *3O You Don’t Edge of One Life :45 Bay! Night To Live 4 KM) Match Mike Dark •15 Game Douglas Shadows •30 Truth or " Movie: :45 Consequences • "Son Os 5 KM) Perry Mama Frankenstein” :1S " :45 " Gilligart * :30 a island • 4