Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, December 29, 1972, Page Page 8, Image 8

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— Griffin Daily News Friday, December 29,1972 Page 8 Winners ■■W BOBBY FISCHER became first Amer ican to win world chess title. BOBBY ORR led Boston Bruins to Stanley Cup hockey title. DICK ALLEN won American League Most Valuable Player award. k / < ■ RIVA RIDGE captured Kentucky Derby, Belmont Stakes. BILLIE JEAN KING took U.S., Wimbledon, French tennis crowns. *«* >«♦« JOHNNY RODGERS won college football's Heisman Trophy. JANUARY 3 —Columnist Jack An derson discloses secret gov e r n m e n t documents indi cating “tilt” toward Paki stan in 1971 conflict with India. 3—President Nixon ap- S. roves Space Shuttle as ina or space project to follow 1973 Skylab. 7—Bombs found in eight banks across nation after anonymous letters de manded release of “politi cal prisoners.” 9 —Fire destroys old liner Queen Elizabeth at Hong Kong. 14 —King Frederik IX of Denmark dies, succeeded by daughter Margrethe. 16 —Dallas Cowboys beat Miami Dolphins, 24-3, in Su per Bowl VI. 24—President Nixon pro poses $246.3 billion budget for fiscal 1973. 30—" Bloody Sunday” in Belfast, 13 demonstrators die in clash with British troops. FEBRUARY 11 —U.S.-Soviet agree ment on medical research cooperation disclosed. 15—A11 o r n e y-General John Mitchell quits Cabinet to head President Nixon’s re-election campaign. 21—West Coast strike of 13,000 longshoremen ends after 134 days. 22—Arab terrorists sky jack Lufthansa jetliner, West Germany pays $5 mil lion ransom. 21-28 —President and Mrs. Nixon visit China. Dis cussions resulted in agree ments to exchange scien- »> • • JA j Ki T • ■ Kequiem in Munich "Chou Sent Me'" They're Off! I I bought i noa r-orgonenro ° n "—ond Now for Round Three’’’ ’We ll Hove You Up ond Around in No Time , ?} -a i ■ lOHri ibfwf I I AOWU. Wfejh w Jw »< LW-UeaaMFW' " Kiri [ WhSt? w MARK DONOHUE won the Indianapolis 500 race in record time, averaging 163.465 miles per hour. <3*4l ffK7> * ’ * wJF ». a. \y ' * 9KB. J- wgl _<Ai : W ”A v jkHk « «<** - Jw) t__ ttftl " 1 .mi •«*"* Ws> <- ■■ 2;-.. • — "" ■ w®? "’ i «n>K. tin w '^* m **^*^* ll ROGER STAUBACH (12) hands off to Duane Thomas (33) while Walt Garrison gets ready to block during the Dallas Cowboys’ 24-3 victory over the Miami Dolphins in the sixth Super Botfl. r' Bl / GENE TENACE whacks one of the four home runs he hit in carrying the Oakland Athletics to a World Series victory over the Cincinnati Reds in seven games. HIGHLIGHTS IN 1972’s PARADE OF NEWS EVENTS tists, artists, journalists and sportsmen and to increase trade. MARCH 2 —Jupiter probe is launched, unmanned space craft to reach largest plan et in 1974. 7—Presidential primary season opens with New Hampshire. Sen. M usk i e wins Democratic vote with 46.4 per cent and President Nixon takes 68 per cent of Republican vote. 10-12—First National Black Convention at Gary, Ind., votes permanent body to direct political and social action but d i s a g r e e s on separate black political party. 13— Writer Clifford Irv ing admits “biography" of Howgrd Hughes was hoax. 14— Governor Wallace wins Florida primary with 42 per cent of vote. 17 —President Nixon asks Congress for legislation curtailing busing for pur poses of school integration. 22 —Congress completes approval of constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal rights to women, sends to states for ratifica tion. 22—George Meany, other labor leaders quit presiden tial Pay Board, charging wage-price program fa vored business over labor. 30—British government assumes direct rule of war ring Northern Ireland. APRIL 4—Senator McGovern wins Wisconsin primary. United States recognizes Bangladesh, breakaway Pakistan province. ■ B’. M'W- Mkr M IRqjySM If IBQLrq&Efl .a ;« ■Bfai' 4i ; IP Sr dT3 2ftKv*OX ot. !? THE BIG MEN dominated basketball in both the college and professional ranks. LEFT: Bill Walton (32), who paced UCLA to its sixth straight NCAA championship, goes up against Florida State’s Lawrence McCray in the playoff finals. CENTER. Wilt Chamberlain, left, who led the Los Angeles Lakers to their first NBA title, stuffs one against arch-rival Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of the M ' l * a "^, ee ,P'J c M s ’ £l* league's most valuable player for the second straight year. RIGHT. Mel Daniels (34), the mainstay of the ABA champion Indiana Pacers, defends against Wulie Wise of the Utah Stars. s—Trial of "Harrisburg 7” ends in mistrial. 7 — Los Angeles Lakers take NBA title, beating New York in play-off finals. 8 — Mobster Joey Gallo killed. New York City gang war intensifies. 11— Senator Humphrey wins Pennsylvania primary. 12— Chinese table tennis team begins U.S. tour, gift of Chinese giant Pandas presented to Washington, D.C., zoo. 13— —President Nixon visits Canada, agrees with Prime Minister Trudeau on pollution control in Great Lakes, right of each nation to maintain “very separate identities.” 16—United States re sponds to Communist offen j sive in Vietnam with heavy ’ bombing raids on Hanoi and Haiphong. 16-27—Apollo 16 mission, | astronauts on moon three days. 22 —British adventurer | John Fairfax and London secretary Sylvia Cook reach ; Australia after almost a ! year rowing 8,000 miles I across the Pacific. 25—Senator McGovern wins Massachusetts pri mary. 27 —Senator Muskie drops out of primaries. MAY 2 —J. Edgar Hoover, di rector of the FBI for 40 years under eight presi- I dents, dies at 77. Senator Humphrey wins Indiana, Ohio primaries. Fire in Kellog, Ida.. Sun shine Silver Mine kills 91. 4—G over no r Wallace wins Tennessee primary. i sports 197 Z s—Republicans change convention site from San Diego to Miami Beach. 8— U.S. planes mine Hai phong harbor. 9 — Israelis kill Arab sky jackers of jetliner at Tel Aviv. 15 —Governor W’ all ac e shot while campaigning in Maryland. Okinawa officially re turned to Japanese admin istration. 20—Indiana Pacers take ABA title, topping New York in play-off finals. 22- —President Nixon visits Soviet Union, Krem lin discussions result in agreements on trade, scien tific cooperation and mis- ! sile limitation. 23 — Senator McGovern ; wins Oregon primary. 28 —Duke of Windsor dies I at 77. 29— Mark Donohue wins Indianapolis 500 in record time. 30 — Japanese terrorists kill 28 at Israel’s Lod air port. JUNE 4—Senator McGovern wins crucial California pri mary, 271 convention dele gates. Angela Davis acquitted. 9 —Flash flood devastates Rapid City, S.D., more than 200 killed. 17—Five men arrested i in break-in at Democratic national headquarters in ! Washington's Watergate i complex. 19—H u r r i c a n e Agnes devastates Eastern Sea board. 29 —President Nixon an nounces resumption of i Paris talks on Vietnam. USA a <» ’ ' ' '■ “ - YKv VMBNI ■- ■ti '' ww® 1 wMH* B **” ♦>» I BL ■ - ■ *. ■■ ■.- SWIMMER MARK SPITZ, above, won an unprecedented seven gold medals in the 20th modern Olympic Games in Munich. But many other American athletes were less successful. An example was miler Jim Ryun, who fell during a preliminary heat, below, and was eliminated from the 1000-meter competition. ■ 'a. < ;. :g% ■ ■ > — -W' " st-*!* <Bl ~ > ■' ■■ M 4gEs ..>- A * .ito. ..... JULY I—John Mitchell quits , as head of President Nix- , on’s re-election campaign at his wife’s insistence. B—United States agrees to sell grain worth a bil lion dollars to the Soviet : Union. 10-14 —Democratic con vention: George McGovern wins presidential nomina tion, selects Sen. Thomas Eagleton as running mate. BERRY’S WORLD / mirror. M ffce woW imogo it <l«ogi«g 18 —E g y p t ousts Soviet military advisers. 28 —Chinese disclose plane crash death of Lin Piao, once Mao’s heir. AUGUST I—Senator Eagleton with draws as Democratic vice presidential candidate after disclosure of past psychi atric treatment. 4—Arthur H. Bremer convicted of shooting Gov ernor Wallace, sentenced to 63 years. B—SargentB—Sargent Shriver cho sen Democratic vice-presi- ' ■ g ’ iR -■ |!k ■ * / pKßsmjll ' A ’ LIL tlffl JACK NICKLAUS had only a few wor ried moments during a spectacular year on the pro golf tour, winning the U.S. Open, the Masters and a total of more than $320,000. dential candidate. 9 —Uganda government expels country’s 60,000 Asians. 11—United States ends ground combat role in Viet nam. 21-23—Republican con vention: President Nixon and Vice President Agnew I renominated. 25— Communist China ' casts first U.N. veto, to , block Bangladesh member- | ship. 26 — 20th modern Olym- I pic Games open at Munich, 1 West Germany. SEPTEMBER I 1— President Nixon, Ja pan’s Premier Tanaka meet in Hawaii for Pacific sum mit. Bobby Fischer defeats Russia’s Boris Spassky for world chess title. 2— Army officially closes My Lai inquiry. s—Arab5 —Arab terrorists kill 11 Israeli athletes at Munich Olympics. 10—United States casts second U.N. veto in 26 years, blocking resolution on Israeli retaliation raids after Munich killings. 15— South Vietnamese re take Quang Tri. provincial capital lost in Communist spring offensive. 17—North Vietnam frees three U.S. prisoners of war. 24 —Norwegians vote against Common Market membership. 29 —Japan’s Premier Ta naka visits Peking for sum mit talks. OCTOBER 16 — House Majority Leader Hale Boggs missing in Alaska plane disappear ance. 22—Oakland Athletics win World Series by beat ing Cincinnati in seventh game, 3-2. 26—Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger says agree ment on Vietnam cease-fire is “at hand.” 29 — Arab terrorists sky jack West German jetliner, Bonn government yields to demand for release of Mu nich killers. 30 — Collision of Chicago commuter trains kills 44. 24—J ack i e Robinson, first black in major league baseball, dies at 53. 29 — Skyjackers, including former Commerce Depart ment official and son al ready sought for a bank robbery, kill airline em ploye at Houston, force flight to Cuba. 30— P resident Nixon signs broad Social Security , increases into law. Premier Trudeau suffers setback in Canadian elec tions, loses parliamentary majority. NOVEMBER 7—President Nixon is re elected with a landslide 60 per cent of the popular vote, carries 49 states, but Democrats gain in the Sen ate and state governor ships. 9 — East and West Ger many agree to establish re lations, opening way to U.N. membership for both. 10 — Dow Jones averages on New York Stock Ex change break 1,000 mark. 18 —One-time strongman Juan Peron returns to Ar gentina after 17 years ex ile in Europe. Losers FLOYD PATTERSON was one of six boxers beaten by Muhammad Ali. '*•» <Tj BORIS SPASSKY, defending cham pion, lost world chess title. / % -1 LEO DUROCHER was one of nine baseball managers who lost jobs. I JH HL >Cy WVzz, JULIUS ERVING lost bid to jump to NBA from ABA's Virginia Squires. .A>»uw f 1‘ i S; "W Wtt | —K £ ■ -*—- / I HANK IBA coached U.S. basketball I team to first loss in Olympic history. a VIDA BLUE held out well into base ball season, lost 10 of 16 decisions. 19 — Chan ce 11 o r Willy Brandt’s coalition govern ment scores major victory in West German elections with 54 per cent of the vote. 20— Britain’s Queen Eliz abeth II and Prince Philip mark their silver wedding anniversary. 21 — Appeals court over turns convictions of “Chi cago 7” on charges grow ing out of 1968 Democratic convention riots. 22— Conference of 34 na tions, including United States and Canada, on European security opens in Helsinki, Finland. 27— United States and Cuba begin talks on curb- ' ing skyjacking. 28— President announces ’ first cabinet shifts in re shaping administration for his second term. DECEMBER 3 —Spanish jetliner crashes in Canary Islands, i killing 155. 6—Heisman trophy won by Johnny Rodgers, Ne braska running back. 8 — Unite d Airlines jet crashes at Chicago, killing 45. Life magazine announces it is ceasing publication ! after 36 years. 9 — R obert Strauss of Texas replaces Jean West wood of Utah as Demo cratic national chairman. 10 — Hollywood columnist Louella Parsons dies at 91. 11— Mistrial declared in “Pentagon Papers” trial of Daniel Ellsberg. 3—U nited Nations agrees to cut U.S. share of assessment from 31 to 25 per cent of total financing.