Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 15, 1977, Image 1

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'. : , - ' Im ••# 111 ** *» K». L .'/’<• . „•■/.■' .S |K saBBF Ms <«MIBMI I '* sk il W ' ** < w K ” 4,t i *r** ■'lj| JSL w i ’ I heml bftk dam, W.» lIJKW rlsar ’ L #g!og»\ r-flWKara. , — -—— w< r JI" BBKhKKUKBKBBBK r? fHSSBmm uw S&ay^}»lWUwUWi •yT’gnfrrfMC* vtK i a \faMkVA Mrs. Virginia Langford with her doll house, “Second Chance”. Crooner Crosby dies on golf trip to Spain MADRID, Spain (AP) - Bing Crosby’s son, Harry, flew to Madrid today to bring home the body of the beloved entertainer who once said he’d like to be remembered as “just an or dinary guy, a pretty good singer.” Crosby died Friday after playing a round of golf outside Madrid. He was 73. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday. His widow, Kathryn, said he will probably be buried beside his' parents and his first wife at a Los An geles cemetery. Crosby, an avid golfer, collapsed after playing — and winning —a handicap game with three Spanish champions at the La Moraleja club. He was dead on arrival at Madrid’s Red Cross Hospital. A few hours after learning of her husband’s death a composed but teary eyed Kathryn Crosby told a news conference in Hillsborough, Calif., “I can’t think of any better way for a golfer who sings for a living to finish the round.” U.S. consular officials said Crosby’s body would be taken to the U.S. air base at Torrejon outside Madrid today. They said an American mortician was being flown in to prepare the remains for return to the United States. Officials said an autopsy would be performed. Crosby’s personal physician, Dr. Stanley Hanfling of San Mateo, Calif., said the singer was in good condition at the time of his last checkup six months Drug traffic rumors against Panamanian leader unconfirmed WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. government files contain allegations of drug trafficking by Panama's leader, Gen. Omar Torrijos. But the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration says the accusations, “most of them hearsay," cannot be confirmed. DEA Director Peter Bensinger told reporters Friday his agency is not Investigating Torrijos or his family, members of which are named in numerous confidential files on illicit drug trade. He said the files include allegations made in 1971 and 1972. “We get a lot of reports on a lot of people and a lot of places in the world. Thia Information cannot be charac terised in a fashion I would represent as concluaionary in any way regarding Omar Torrijos." Benalnger said. The DBA chief waa asked about the drug ohargoa after Torrijos and President garter met for 90 minutes Friday in an attempt to clarify DAI LY N E WS Daily Since 1872 r." < * Bing Crosby ago. “He had minor problems, but nothing to do with his heart,” he said. One of Crosby’s partners in the game, Juan Tomas Gandarias, who lunched with Crosby, said the singer was relaxed and joking as he left the 18th Panama’s position on U.S. rights to de fend the canal and the rights of American warships to receive priority access. But as Carter attempted to defuse the controversy over canal defenses, the drug allegations surrounding the Torrijos family showed signs of becom ing a new rallying point for treaty opponents. The Justice Department ac knowledged on Thursday that Omar Torrijos' brother, Moises, who is Panama’s ambassador to Spain, had been indicted for drug trafficking in New York five years ago. Then Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., a leading opponent of the treaty, said the DEA should turn over to the Senate any files pertaining to Torrijos and possible illicit drug trafficking. Dole earlier had triggered the debate over U.S. access and intervention rights by leaking a secret State Griffin, Ga., 30223, Saturday Afternoon, October 15, 1977 GRIFFIN hole at the end of the game. “Suddenly he dropped,” Gandarias said. “Before that he had given no sign of illness although he seemed to be favoring his left arm near the end of the game.” Gandarias said Crosby collapsed about 20 yards from the clubhouse. He was rushed to the clubhouse in firmary, where a doctor gave him an injection and a pill. Gandarias quoted the physician as saying the entertainer suffered “a massive heart attack.” Crosby had come to Spain primarily for relaxation after a concert tour in England in which all of the proceeds were donated to British youth charities. Crosby had described the British tour as a test of his recovery from a back injury he suffered in a fall earlier this year. The brown-haired, blue-eyed crooner who added his trademark “bub-bub bub-boo” to many of his songs was known variously as “Der Bingle,” “Old Dad” and “The Groaner” — tags stuck on him by his longtime friend and costar of the famous “Road” series of movies, Bob Hope. In New York, a stunned and grieving Hope canceled a New Jersey benefit appearance on learning of Crosby’s death. “I just can’t get funny tonight. It’s just not in me,” Hope said sadly. “I’m just too shocked.” A saddened Frank Sinatra, who (Continued on page 2) Department cable that indicated the Panamanian and U.S. governments interpreted the defense section of the canal treaty differently. Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., joined Dole in pursuing the drug allegations. He asked Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell to ex plain what steps have been taken to find out about Torrijos’ activities, calling them a “crucial” issue for the American people. He also asked Bell to explain a 1975 DEA internal memo quoting a “con fidential source” as saying Ramiro Rivas, owner of a Panamanian cement plant, claimed to be a drug traffic partner of Omar Torrijos, using a 1750,000 Miami bank account. According to the report, Rivas said Panamanian planes were used to fly drugs — apparently cocaine and marijuana — from Cuba, Peru and Co lombia to Panama, from where they were shipped to the United States. Mrs. Langford She’s not letting 2nd chance get by When most little girls outgrow dolls, they never have a second chance at the game. Even when they grow up and become real mothers, they don’t have the time to really get back to it. But now that Mrs. Virginia Langford is a great grandmother, she’s not let ting her second chance go by. In fact, that’s what she’s named her doll house, “Second Chance.’’ “It’s my second chance to play dolls,’’ she expalined. The 3 story house sits on a large turntable in the comer of the den of Mrs. Langford’s Mockingbird lane home. It’s filled with traditional fur niture and has a family of a mother, father, son and daughter. There’s even a grandmother and grandfather sitting in the parlor all dressed up in their People ...and things little girl asking mother about frost Thursday: “Where did we get all this snow ?” Folks rushing to stores to purchase insulated underwear to keep them warm at the weekend ball games. Woman showing signs of disbelief when told the amount of her grocery bill. The Country Parson by Frank (lark Ji * “Folks work hard to learn how to do things they should have learned not to do.” ■ ? Cheer for Griffin fans Beverly Hardcastle did her best to bring some cheer to Griffin fans in Newnan Friday night with her flute on a night when it was a little hard for Bear Boosters to smile Vol. 105 No. 245 Victorian best. Everything is to a scale of 1 inch to 1 foot. “Any 6-inch tall person could move right in and have everything he needed, except for running water and elec tricity,” Mrs. tangford said. And he could get along very well without those conveniences because there is a dry sink in the kitchen and the bedrooms have a washstand with an old fashioned wash bowl and pitcher. Tiny candles made of toothpick ends are in brass candelabra. If any member of the little family wants to take a tub bath, he can go right outside the backdoor and bring in the tin tub hanging on the side of the house. The water can be heated over a wood stove. 3 area residents sign for bit parts in movie Three Griffin area residents have signed contracts for bit parts in the movie to be filmed in Newnan. They are Mrs. Betty Ballard of Zebulon, an employee of the Griffin- Spalding Hospital admissions office; Mrs. Dorothy Hutchings, a secretary in the Griffin school superintendent’s office; and Ken Cowan, an employee of Delta Airlines in Atlanta. The 3 went to Newnan Thursday night to talk with film officials about their roles in “California Dreaming,” a film about a high school track star. The movie plot centers on the late ’6os and was to have been filmed in Griffin until housing complications forced the crew to relocate in Newnan. Mrs. Hutchings, whose husband teaches at Griffin High, will play the role of a high school teacher. Mrs. Ballard will be the coach’s wife, and Cowan will be the high school coun selor. According to Mrs. Ballard, Cowan agreed to shave his moustache and have a hair cut. The cast will be dressed in clothing of the ’6os and has accumulated quite a number of articles. Mrs. Bill Mrs. Charles Wynne, and Mozelle Huckaby donated some 1967 pointed toe shoes with spike heels; Mrs. Andrew Whalen, Jr., Mrs. after seeing their team lose to Newnan, 28-29. Game pictures and stories page 8. Weather FORECAST FOR GRIFFIN AREA— Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday with lows tonight in the low 40s and high » Sunday in the mid 60s. There are 3 fireplaces, each with differently designed brass and irons. Needlepoint carpets are in the living and dining rooms on the first floor. A large combination kitchen-den stretch es across the back where the father sits in an easy chair reading his newspaper. French Limoges china is used in the formal dining room. The plates are about three-quarters of an inch in diameter and there is an anniversary cake ready to be served on the dining table. The cake was given to Mrs. tangford by a friend in honor of the I>angford’s 50th anniversary last year. Two bedrooms are on the second floor. One has Victorian furniture with (Continued on page 2) Mary Curry and Suzanne Campbell donated John Romain pocketbooks; Miss Mattie Myrle Statham, a London Fog navy blue raincoat; and Mrs. Naomi Passmore, a cardigan cable knit sweater. Mrs. Hutchings said she still needs some size 12 outfits with the hemline just above the knee in keeping with the ’6os styles. Wardrobe fittings were being handled today. Another Griffinlte, Kaye daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill lean drum, will be working in the produc tion. Mrs. Ballard’s 1966 Chevrolet con vertible will be used. The cast was told not to sign up unless they were serious and willing to work 8 to 13 hours a day for some 32 days. There will be 2 all-night sessions. None of the local people will have speaking parts because of the actors’ labor union. Their contracts state that if their voices are used, they will not receive extra pay, Mrs. Hutchings said. Both Mrs. Ballard and Mrs. Hut chings always have been interested in movies and collected autographs from several stars. “This is my first opportunity to be an actress and I hope it won’t be the last,” said Mrs. Hutchings.