Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 20, 1977, Image 1

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Homecoming set “This is the Year” will be the theme for Homecoming activities Friday at Griffin High School. They will begin with a pep rally Friday morning in the gymnasium and conclude with the Griffin-R. E. Lee football game in Memorial Stadium. The homecoming queen will be crowned during halftime. The activities for the day will in clude: Breakfast in the gymnasium for the Bears as they are cheered to victory during the pep rally. A homecoming parade featuring 47 entries from Griffin High clubs and organizations. The colors will be burgandy and rose. The parade will begin at 4 p.m. and will follow the same route as last year. Entries will be judged before and during the parade and winners will be announced at the pre-game show. Judges are the Rev. Thurman Foun tain, Mrs. Tina Vamadoe, Mrs. Linda Fields, Sheriff Dwayne Gilbert and Hijacked plane lands in Atlanta - K . » »'■ ■■>•,.' 7/F77Z/f ■-—mX ■yrf i!iW iMMf_?OKS --r. A *"— -,> , ~ ~„ - ■ -r» M— OMtWB>- ::t * '"■ ' *^\a«».».£.., 11l Imi I OHIO/ x -a. ,■ MN bff/ Al W r&L MH ' I I L_ l _j’ \ l* L 1 _ I IV- ESSkSia |k ■“"' I Man passes papers to pilot at Kansas City. Gertrude may become gator shoes PALMETTO, Fla. (AP) - If the state doesn’t hurry and find a new home for Gertrude, the mayor of this tiny city says he’ll turn the 14-foot alligator into 20 pairs of shoes. “I don’t care what the yo-yos in Tallahassee say about killing alligators,” says Mayor J.J. “Toby” Holland. Holland says the ornery creature, which lives in the Palmetto sewer system’s settling pond, ate an Irish setter, attacked a weeding then nearly knocked down a fence trying to get a small dog who happened to stray near the pond. Two weeks ago, agents of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Com mission removed another gator from the pond in this Manatee County community and took it to a less popu lated area. Then they tried to get Gertrude. To entice her, they baited an iron hook with a dead rabbit. The hook came back empty — and looking like a huge iron straight pin. Holland says he wasn’t surprised. Gertrude tried to eat a backhoe last week. Sanitation workers were using the machine to scoop weeds and cattails from the settling pond when Gertrude leaped from the water and grabbed the hoe, Holland says. Alice Sims. The pre-game show will begin at 7:05. Float winners and group winners will be announced during pre-game ac tivities and the sophomore and junior - representatives will be presented. Floats will not be driven around the field as in previous years. Representatives of the sophomore class are: Julie Ward and Charles Bartholomew, Elaine Mann and Jonathan Phillips, Melissa Smith and Roland Butler. Junior representatives are Dianna Johnson and Jeff Treadway, Diannese Mathis and Henry Miller, Cynthia Jones and Jesse Stewart. The Griffin High Bears and the R. E. Lee Rebels will kick off at 7:30 p.m. The halftime show will conclude homecoming activities. Senior representatives elected by the Senior Class to the homecoming court are: Lucinda Crouch, Rick Reynolds, Denise Mathis, Antonio Gray, Anne GRIFFIN Daily Since 1872 For a minute they thought they were not married ATLANTA (AP) —lt was only a joke. But for dozens of women who fran tically called federal officials to see if their marriages really were invalid, it wasn’t funny. On Wednesday, a man identified as Brennan Thomas of the U.S. Depart ment of Health, Education and Welfare was a guest on the Ludlow Porch show, aired by Atlanta radio station WRNG. During the interview, Brennan said HEW had determined that all marriages performed in the South since The Country Parson by Frank Clark “Often what seems tragic to experience seems fanny to telL” Griffin, Ga., 30223, Thursday Afternoon, October 20, 1977 Cook, Yogi Sanders, Dena Bates, Jeff Harpe, Renee Allen, Alvin Kendall, Lisa Acosta, Gid Lockhart, Annette Ellis, Calvin Cliett, Laurie Mitchell, Chuck Hammock, Bonnie Owen, Kenny Waller, Rochelle Weems, Joel Domineck, Donna Dorton, Richard Irvine, Lisa Lamb and Tim Cook. From the senior girls, the student body has elected the queen and 2 princesses. They will be announced at halftime. Mascots elected by the senior class to help with the crowning ceremonies are: Amy Tinley and Jaye Daniel and Marquita Davis and Octavius Sim mons. The homecoming queen and 2 prin cesses will be crowned by last year’s winners: Beth Perdue, queen; and Patty Raybon and Tommie Blalock, princesses. Dorinda Dowis, president of the Griffin High student body, will emcee the halftime program. 1957 were invalid. “You wouldn’t believe the hysteria it caused,” one regional HEW official said. “Boy did we get a bunch of calls. People think HEW controls marriage licenses too.” Joe Juska, head of public affairs for the regional office, said the HEW in formation center in Atlanta recieved about 30 telephone calls, including one from a woman who said “she thought her mother was having a stroke after finding out her grandchildren were Japanese plant due ATLANTA (AP) — Gov. George Busbee has returned to Georgia after a two-week trip in which he tried to woo Japanese industry to the Southeast and then warned Northern states that they can’t push the South around on economic matters. Busbee spent the first 12 days of his 15-day journey in Japan and the final three days in Oklahoma City, Okla., where he took over as chairman of the Southern Growth Policies Board. He talked briefly to reporters at the Atlanta airport Wednesday after stepping off a jet from Oklahoma City. “There is a great opportunity right on H Ki wK* fIWMj MPKI a MF'. Norma Jones and David Todd paint R. E. Lee heads for the Kay and Keywanette Club’s homecoming float. ATLANTA (AP) — A “very calm, very cool” gunman seeking $3 million and freedom for a jailed friend hijacked a Frontier Airlines jetliner carrying 33 persons at a Nebraska airport today. He forced the plane to fly to Kansas City, released about half his hostages and then flew on to Atlanta where the friend had been held, authorities said. The Boeing 737 made a normal lan ding at 12:04 p.m. EDT, several hun dred yards in front of the main terminal at Hartsfield Airport. It sat at the end of a cleared runway, then moved off slowly and was expected to go into a freight terminal where the FBI, Federal Aviation Administration and security officers had set up a command post. FBI spokesman Bill Williams said that while on the ground in Kansas City the hijacker released unharmed 17 passengers — five women, 10 children and two men. He kept 15 hostages — two male crewmen, two stewardesses and 11 male passengers, Williams said. The Federal Aviation Administration in Atlanta said the plane was expected to land there at about 11:55 a.m. EDT. The FBI in Kansas City said the hijacker, identified as Thomas Hannan, illegitimate.” Porch said he often does humorous interviews with friends playing fic tional characters. He said the shows are done “absolutely straight” except for a disclaimer at the end of the program telling listeners they have just heard “a Ludlow Porch Wacko Production.” “The last time I jumped on HEW in a light-hearted manner, I had a guest who said he was here with a $1.7 million grant to change the names of Southern the horizon” between Japanese in vestors and Georgians, Busbee said. He said his trip definitely will lead to additional Japanese investment in Georgia, and he said he would an nounce plans in December for “a Japanese plant that will affect trade.” The governor also said he discussed the possibility of direct flights between Japan and Atlanta with Japanese of ficials, and he said negotiations over such a route would be concluded before the end of the year. Earlier, Busbee told the Southern Growth Policies Board that he wants to use that organization to monitor federal Vol. 105 No. 249 29, of Grand Island, Neb., demanded $3 million, two parachutes, two machine guns, two pistols and the release from an Atlanta jail of his partner in an alleged bank robbery last month. The FAA said the plane took off from Kansas City just after 10 a.m. EDT on the 600-mile trip to Atlanta. In Atlanta, officials at Hartsfield Airport were preparing a runway for the hijacked jet. “We do not plan on closing the airport, we will have to play it by ear,” said John Braden, assistant administrator of the airport. The FBI said Alvin Feldman, president of Frontier Airlines, guaranteed the hijacker that the $3 million would be waiting for him in Atlanta. A bank spokesman in Atlanta said an effort was under way among banks there to raise the cash. A spokesman for the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta said he had been notified the hijacker sought the release of George David Stewart, 29, of Mobile, Ala., who had been held there since he and Hannan were arrested last month after an Atlanta bank robbery. A federal magistate had freed Hannan on $25,000 bond earlier this month following his request to return cities,” Porch said. “We got over 10,000 calls when I was the first man to break the story that Montana did not exist—that it was a lie by the federal government to cover up the fact that in 1956 there was a war between Oregon and Canada,” he said. Porch said his other spoofs have included programs on the money making opportunities in raising “naugas” for their valuable hides and an interview with a man who said he wanted to start a pornographic radio station. programs. He also said he wants the board to serve as a forum for helping resolve regional conflict over economic development. Busbee has been saying for months that Northern economic interests are attempting to curb the South’s economic growth and to gain a larger share of federal dollars at the South's expense. He said he would fight “economic colonialism” that favors the North over the South and added that he would work hard for “legislation that is balanced nationally, not reflect need, not greed.” Weather FORECAST FOR GRIFFIN AREA— Fair and cool tonight with lows in the mid 40s. Mostly sunny Friday with highs in the low 70s. LOCAL WEATHER—Low this morning at the Spalding County Forestry Unit 36, high Wednesday 72. home to attend to some personal business. The jail spokesman said that shortly before the plane took off from Kansas City, federal marshals picked Stewart up at the jail and drove him to an un disclosed location. “We tried everything you people can think of to persuade Hannan to give up,” said Williams in Kansas City. “We tried everything. He was very calm, very cool, but very determined.” Passengers released in Kansas City agreed with this assessment, and said the hijacker had kept his gun in full view but never verbally threatened them. In Washington, Atty. Gen. Griffin Bell told reporters that rejection of demands by hijackers is “our general policy.” Bell, who said he reported to President Carter on the Nebraska hijacking, indicated Carter also takes that position. However, Bell declined to say what might be done in the Nebraska incident. Asked if troops might be used in an effort to free victims of the hijacking, Bell responded: “I don’t have any troops. We would use the FBI and local law enforcement agencies.” Bell noted there are restrictions on the use of troops within the United States. But he noted the FBI has had experience in handling hijackings. Williams said a high school friend of Hannan’s who was on board the plane by chance tried in vain to get him to give up when he commandeered it at the Hall County Airport in Grand Island, Neb. about 6:30 a.m. CDT. An FAA spokesman in Washington said the FAA first learned the plane was in trouble when the pilot radioed there was a man in the cockpit and “we’re going to Kansas City for fuel.” The plane landed in Kansas City about an hour later. Larry Bishop, a Frontier spokesman in Denver, said 30 passengers and five crew members already were aboard the plane at Hall County Airport at Grand Island when the hijacker pushed through a security check and forced his way aboard at 6:30 a.m. CDT. People ••• and things Boy 10 or 11 holding up traffic as he rides skateboard down hill on West Solomon Street. Car with CB call letters on left side of trunk and handle of “Wee Willie” on the right. Son good naturedly taking ribbing from father after Yankees won the World Series.