Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 04, 1825, Image 1
ftwits—\ iA "V if t x vH V >11 vivo, JtNUARY 4, 1825. k« aa. IS I O.'TiiD cvsrx cr t> Bv Af KIOI1T n V . I'A VAIIC* STATE LOTTERY I'F.f NSYLVANl Y. FOURTI'.r.NTH t’l.ASS—M W SKHIT'S. . -J «r- '•* roi^'itE ctjr >9 jr.jl'. ■*' c V to me the :r»iul, ' '.'YCe tUl»W Thursd:) «« Eidunty’ pally Georgian, «nd vice, ~ V.' U- To bo drawn on the 6th of January, li» 'hml finished in u few minutes. ihquest prize c tf . tr r KthtOtUc*' l CoUt*i«ft if T tn im.metcifll* P olilicvt hup i*. t vs. advciucen eiiu. p‘T Paper. ’iht. l *8 sc t to - ♦b< 6<«t- arc! Un ; on, n? delivered i . t .81 'vc drfim per arrow .Jtayftblsi in . * \ Ivor; ‘’ewpnts arc .inserted in both at "5 cent* pet square, of 14 tries for *5rf>ttfton,s>\d i tm every succeed**' «*!4jjfo.B.Y.VrEs£.?! li ■ \ . r. ^•,1 n«C; 'ir I ; *v4 •s h* >•• d ?im*f *(• P >*<' : v 'ld r. K •t ft.ny TYRE, Mani.jjors. ftc\\»nui. ih.fMiO Dollars is 00 •’<1,0.0 10 lo 00 4,7 20,00*.' 15,00 4 ’(10 r api W •*€ JS, * T AUGU'.T (. H AS i moved his F)j\i < J tin nrsier ol /Jre . j ' Ow < ■'•"irir- *7.v, "/’/’ • <7* J’i Ilmmf, vhorti*4j assort mo^t rK l\s# rb.v^s ,«„vi . sgeds, •m l various hnuy 11 f? alls' a aw mi men rtf. the tinn.vL . i.n* l Luiis-mftv.V ‘.vfiirh oee not i < o: ■■.. ...... v I t; JL < , ;v? <t r ' *) \ V in every Drug Stn I'nl fihi.nmm Vyni U.-};v,!lata 5 .Deft U<'.-*ii„<'i: Purport .|,A: rt hr-?7si • .Snilh-fip, Hyfirftiji J'fmli-t vH O' rman LmTardL $ nth Hap^anaea ’non j Jflftriv' tana) ' 1'hes 4 (’ Elecftinpauc. (Inula J/'iv ) Honn, Ergo* T^nquin lb .. :i? Sturdy iZ^ir D^tPu, • 'A* 1 .ii' ' J -r.i ’ ? 1 ' J vRu h {Si'iv'is ir, !r iiJn * l* ■H Q, property rtiui >y dhys p'.cviou ! r>- Vpnrs < f a n the uffie ft le f pe P - ij vi; i' i Icq Or neer, v V iy f ! e Nr.lirt V 'll (lebtnrs 9n7 C rjstu' ’ ruv ivihluhwl < • A' 'y 1 ;;.tc< *h*»t .Dphc'Ttnr will i" mn 0 iv’ (O.dT.j"' f 'V !«• V ; to ni l; la'd, n.-.. fc- . t'l '.- l V-ne w'/ifi \\, Share Mouds, fa- {KT, i-jC. c C. O P fft W O 1. D ifrmfor aifc, M HlillS- wWfS y • Sw 16 ions shard moulus 9 tonrf sfeeV 1 JO ken;-' white lend 1« do Verdigris l5> do blank paint U>0 reams copying and letter paper ttoy 26 tarter, i.ard, cvc. Just r<reived by xhjt WtH'-'in IPnlhwe, fit '*'. KKtiS Jir;st qeulily Crodhcu Butter •W^/yO ICejf*? lou d :i(> Barrels pi bite beef you Bftskelrf i.nhlu-suit 40 lbs superior Americim mustard 10 Barrel** Sergaut’s erackora 5 Barrels snioked beef 20 Burrelf prime pm k 10 Half barrels F. Market beef ''jjrjdIe wclachon.W: rrooA Amiaux’s Wharf. dee 0 ickct, ' Z 2 ' 3 - m j J , M’Dmnot!, 1 % AS pv-t received by the ship Globe i from Philadelphia, lft barrel* beef, put up expressly fur family use, by Mr. Sinister f> puncheons N.Orleans rum, ilhpl'ool 36 barrels whiskey 0 edscK hota € bales domestic goods 20 jnrk screws 4 doz. patrnt cotton gimlets i> s-ronv., 20(> bi’.rrelt supf Philadcjph'.o dour lDOHnif do "tfo 200 bbls No 3 ninedeni al 20 bugs black pepper In thii S’l'.pmp, with r »jrht drawn ' rIIoO here ivif h». S6;r« s v ;tli I 'ir^e i.Min e.'S o •!. ‘4’6 with two •.•iinhers on them, «. 1 6 '8. ii'itii one nu mber on them. TI:o*. ck.'s ha-inp - none of liie drawn ballots i. Item hei. £ !danU» to d< tt :m tv the fate of “H the tickets i" •teabovc lottery. f» n • urr> 1 e r t om on j t xiv biebi' ivc, will sevpi ilv br plated in wlieej on the bay of drawing-, and e gl t ( , •iem will be drawn, and thul ticket having oi l hh ft comb'oatb*tU the 1st, 2d uud third mini erg drawn, vidb e-b i|edt- - JJ50U00 That having on i' *b 4th, Ath and 6'h, wi •eentlMvd'n ^ 0C>'0, Tl -s h v.j.. n ir m the 3d, 4 It and 5i; •id 3d, 71 li »nd8tli, each ^ ,06U T ;.i Ic vmp on it the *!<£, 3d and 4tlt, wil e entitled in g-l,7 0. Those huv^pg ofithem 'be d, 5'h an-'. 8‘ ■ 3d, 5th an,: 6 ; vi' ; i.n ion 7 1 ' 30, 5' .. ai d fi *'c h<!\ tov.v 8 U 3d, 5 0 and 8 ' 7th and 8 3-i, 'ifi and 7' d 4<h m ' fi 3-i, 6 i an« M> 3 .4« l i hii 7 4 .5 hand 7 ,4m: am. 8 i ii.i,5t.i and 8i '| htin^ : GO d awn ntiiti' ers on them wIT otiUed (» g500 The 53 licked liaving h • 3d and 4th draw 'timbers on them only win c*cli bo ei.litied t S 1 00. rs«i 1.76 d-k. tv b iv'ng on thftm the 4t ••d 4th, oi 4 i mu' 6 h. o 4 ! i aw. 7 h, dr»w unibers omy, will ear.u be ,• i tied it- 8^0- All 'ithi ra (bring :1?48 l.ekct *) with an. Wotf -h.- d vutnbcia un them, will cat >■• e tititd in 8 • • A I ih sc Iihv .,jj n them any one of th 1 aw.*: r.urnbr (bc : ng '0,608 t cketii, nr I3vf, ■ e«>di drawn number,) will each be ent iled U> ft'O. No licfe.t which sii^l! bavp drawn » pr’z •> ! a sn|n»ilord# norni ..lien can he entiti d m inferior p z*. Prizes ravwblo thirty <ii*; t'u- dm ii-g, and subject, as i.s-i.». # lo d'-Jnction i >.5 per cent* A considerable portion |thislottc»y is pu ip in parcels of 20 i ck e ia, emi.racipj' «l* tl. •I.' hii atii’ll uumbe.ri, tiem one to si,.'. • ch parcels are v. r oted to h.»w «t leaf $30, «-{, lw deduct ton o( 15 per cent, wit o iiiB'f} chances f •» the capital prize. jr‘ anOW .S' ic rofbrs to the Inst, but one, jingo of Georgia nnil Sduth Carolina Aimahar. ‘hia year. net 9 70f ‘ h 6th end 7t 4 ■ 6 'i ari l 8' 4 th,?«h(nd9 th 6 It and 7 bih.fitli and 8. vh,7lh am 8 each 8 bOu lir.bes) Icivbig them will . .a-Ji \\ M'DEHMO i ! , I XFOKMS iiis friouda and thp public ?■ \< emlly, th it he iiaa rerdt^CTmiv r<- arrivalb*, a large and extensive asaor »u (l/ oce, irs, Ilurtliv <.r.e uwl /. Gvodii, PRICE OF rich li es DOLL. I ns. J >1 v (iooas. Ttereimd per sloop Delight, i N invoice ('I 6-4 cambrics, Shirtings, 6ovm# ; nt Dimities Fancy printed ch» ok muslin Fan* v chintz printed jaconet muslin Marseilles bed quilts Cwmbtic prints. &o. For sale by J. B. 11FRBEHT k CO. (!«•«' i i hoes and (iuills I A DlF.^* morocco heeled and spring heel j ed thii k tied thin soles Do. leather, thick and thin soles Do. Jtenmark satin Cientlemen’s fine end common boots Do. Bootees-find shoes BoyY shoes and hoots Children’s morocco and leather bootees Also' Negro shoes, and lO.Ooti Dutch ' iuills For sale low at U-THEft’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. nov IP. Liverpool Ground Suit. BUSHELS afloat—for pale SBsSM/iy by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. dec 13 !T/ The above is the most splendid Lot tery in lhe United States, and the Tickets are at a co\npn»alive!y moderate. pri<it>. OltlU lW fOK'J I Ki'.'SS, from the Country (Post-paid) directed to ihe subscriber,at the OFFICE OF Till) G1SOBGIAN, Savaimnh, will he immedi- iitcly attended to, and forwarded free of ex- WM. HOV.Elt’rsON, Savannah, .Aorianber 23, 1824. r UK WING 108 YCC O. | CST received, a supply of Cavendish tel IMugg Tobacco, and it is recommended as being a very superior article, for sale bv A. PAKSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. feather 15 Us holsters uiul 1 iliows f UST received, an assortment of the above articles, warranted to be of the best quality, tor sale by /. W. MORBEL. Superior Sweet Oil. [ UST received in buttles and flasks, fur sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbous? Buildings.* nov 16 Bloom Raisins, J UST imported for familv use, and for Bale by A. PARSONS, Druggist., No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings, dec 10 O Marking Rrnsires, F a superior quality, just received and for sale by GEO. It VERSON nov 20 Hide Whips. #>'f\ GROCE Hide Whips, received and ISnEI for sals by X. fi. H UM. duo n iiosfc Watftr. 4 FEW dozen superior French Rose Wa ter, in large bottles, just received ant' for sale by GLO. It Y DU SOX. out v6 Sitter s 4 SUPPLY of Iluir and Wire Sifters, re* CX ceivod and Ibr sale by JY. II. WEED, 26 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range. Untied iiavr Matrasses 8 11E subscriber boa ju»t received un as- . s'-rtment. of tlie above articles, war ranted to be of the best qualitv, for sale b» I. W. JIORREL. ' which will be disposed of wholesale and i tail, on ihe most reasonable terms. . TW following article minjfripo a part of hi: present stock, viz.— !0 II; g e • prime 8t Groi« r up,»? , 10 IU't.of While . nd > tin , 0 n.«« Hr. v.. n i d! ' 60 Barrels f.oHl'er.d • ump. , d» 50 li j'.s Uftv'.na Gr- en Coflee 6 Finos sunc.ri* r 4m t'rool Bumdy * Pipes do II dland Gm 5 I’io. a Imiu.ion Bi-uclv- ilii proof 5 D) do Gin 2 I’tpen very mptcior u’d " 3«ch Brands j 2 Puncheons do cu I : sh W hisU, ! 50 H«>gsh r.ds and } Phi/ d Iphia ftytf too Bar re. is 5 Whiskey- • Up UofUjuru tin. ST'Fipes superi r old Madeira Wine 5 Ila’f Pipes superior cbl Lisbon do lo Q nrler Casks l ei e ff.- do Vc*rv stio tior old Manei'? Wine in C'lKr.ftc Brandy in '<einij"hris 150 IVh -’e and ) IGrrciv nup. iff c fr*;si' 100 Half 5 F! ur 10 ' ..ri els Ni>* 3, New Muckarel 5o >1 .r-HiaNo. 2, do do ifioG Table Suit 20 -asks G-*«hcn Cheese 20 Briii'eR Co[,pe< rs 200 Reams Wrap;iinv- Paper 5'.' Bags Black Pepper lo U"xea Chocolate 20 Five Gallon Demijohns 5 Bar els Glue 10 lv- irs i-Kn.ui I!F Dupont* 1 Giinpowd* i 5 i'nuivl i. 'Uiiaio b ofsuocrior do 100 Piece s 4 inch Cotton Bagging ii Bales Twine 10 Wboh. an / B-xes 8. A hiitimorc'i 6 Haif y genuine o-ius 10 H;ivch V/ool tints 5 U i a St law 14., ft nets 10 Coib Hide Hope 5 Dozen Bed Cor. a 50 Do Plough Lines 100 Founds Saab Cords 6 Bales Point, London D file Blankets 10 Cases colored and bienched and un* bleuched Homespuns 70 Cross Imft I abieopnoiia 15 D* do 16a do 0 Do Teuianta Table do i'iu.ed I i'b.c and Tea <lo C«>ppt ,Ou*t, Wtnugbt a id Compos: i- .ii Tea Keitlert uf A il > Z';.s B'.ig K itlesfor maieuig preaerves 20 Seis <1 Di. b Covers V0 >V'Mf S!• ur IL.'uids 1 I) ) 8 (1 l> > '3 1 Do Bar L<*.;d 1 Dj Slicet iron 100 Casks a'-j-or'ed Out N't!Is id>11, • ross Cut and V> iiip Sav/, m d exprtss'v' for Hus mavaei 20 I) zer. Hs.uIshw'u, WoonSuw . and Ten uai t Saws Blackbini’lt Sledges and Hsndhammeil Anvils, from l to real mous i hole niacksm thN Btllows.f, (*m 24 to .36 in Single and Double Screw Plates Corn Mills, t orn No. I lo 5 2 Tor s Hooka and Hinges Brass Andiro' S.f om ft ’ 50 to 14 a^s ai d Woe Fe«>de a, With shovel^ hi d tonga to mate*! 5 Csska BrnuRs Patent li es 100 D z-n Pidlocks Me- lya dsto u e>cbfrom. 200 5001WJ 2 '1 ons- ofPfeeljCOns'Htiog -I Shear,Eng lisli, BUs 1 e<ed and Cast Stoves with Pip a 1000 Pmind% W:<j.go> Bclis, as3'iiled Fancy Curtain P>ns" " 5 BugrTritue Chums 2 D zen Currying Knives 200 D> z n Cum Combs 6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks consisting of 50 p eces each 1 S-ts Britaainiu Teapots, Sugar huiI Cream do 6 1) zen PHtmil Shot Belts 2 l>< zen Curne Hugs 2 D z .n powder Horns und F 'wkt 1 C se double and single linriel Gnuft 10 D zen Wire arid 20 <'oz Hr .3 ter* 2 Dizen Fancy ll-dl Mats and 50 sets of Table Mu's ALSO, A general H s 8ortnn*i t • I Carpenter’ 1 Pl.incs, ■•U', and Fancy Bellows, with many other t r.les in the above !inr,too tedious to enu •lemte. EX'-’ECT f D DAILY, 20 I’on* of C: yron C»stii gs, which will b» iold low from the whaif. nov i5 fj'MtK, subscriber has received hy the late ai E rivals h large and general assortment u Ward^or^ Cutlery, £ r *c. AMONG WHICH ABE, Knives and Fur ha .if all kinds Pen, pocket, 2 blade, Spocla nen’s and D'rk Knives, Kn.veu >»nd Scissors on cards Razors to Cases Pv'.-nd, Bfttc.bevs Shoe, Cook, and Carv* !ng K'. ves Dihw ng Knives CbisKvli Phme Jtonjiinfl G nitres Files a>id Ratips offil kin 7* Teutani*, Urdanhiaanu lion Tea & Table t Spoons Brsvy and Soup Spoons Phitediiiul silver 'opCaBlori Tea Trays snd W .i ters ONtnd :>n ? Knife T'j'a; s ilsp’d 1) e.nMng apvi Spice Box » and .lupmieii I-mipH H .si. J :paned an i l -n Cm d *i ;kH P'tb*t'Stef’, "udcunitnou unufteta am'. Si^iiHer Prays Hided Snuffers and Tmvs Hinted hi d .‘.liver Pencil Cafcca St Tout 1 Hie.» Pocket Books and Wallets Brass CutlitHurit n Kno.ih Mid Wing# ORak jiu! Curtail t ms Brass Socket C»D« r» Wood and iron Bed Castors Wood and Bud Screws s ’A(roug't mid Cut lacks and Brads Rbhrnj Bolts Knoll^loM-t and Mortice Locks Stock u^d pud Locks of all kinds Cheat,Tip, Cup'ri and Closet Locks Brass Fhi)th.;y>ftg Plated (ib'ipi'a-.urs P'Hied St>r»u . luiii'. Gilt Hftd Metal ll.iltonft Iron and Hone Suspend r Butters Coal and V d. M'mh'x Hearl and Bone bhirt Buttons Ivmv nd Horn Combs Hack ;<:iii Hound Hina H* .8. ..nd Block 'I'm I. quor Cocks Common and fine Ring.r and double b*r loll iliftt'B aiio Fowling 14 ins K> z- es \\ th Bayone a Will, Cross Giit and Hand Saws Sash and Tenant Saws Bench aid U ulding Pianes Hrtu , Cl .th, S /ecping, S;ftbbing, Fur niliftk* ard Dust Hr>i«hcs Ho'se and oho« Ui'ushua P i o Backing F ms Shoe bread nod Twine Anvil A'i-.cs, Sud Iioob, Triuae Chwinsl a»»d Ho « Sm'th .-.'d-ftTfiftt’ fl "Kh An and Shovels and Tongs U"i.Shi d Cvcen Wot* Fenders Block Tin i iiilliii! Hots hii.i C.». dlcgiicks Gust Iron Ho a, Ovens, Dogs, bp.'dtiis, i* Waggon Boxes Composnlm., t’.npper ur.d Jspuned Tea Kelties and Suucc Pans Coffee >lills, Spit B xus Statin and Pock t (4 ps»j8 Compi-sition Dige^ew Haller and I ck oli.nns Window GI..SS Beers Axes Ti get her \s th slmofit every other art*oh . tie: une wliicu will be sold on Rcco.mno- iating tuim-, by N.B* WEED, No* 6, Gibbons' Range Sign "f the Pud Loci. n** 70 I CoK»VMr*T(ov« rbtuns), Cjc. STATE LOTTE11Y MARYLAND. HIGHEST I‘(U7,n «1 SCHEME NO. 111. 1 Priie of- £40,0.10 .fc 40 0. 0 Hollars. 1 Priae of o.OoO is ?0,000 Iloiliw. ) (•.■«<! of 10.000 is !0.o Opoll-irs ? I* * of S.000 is 0,0(10 I.I.-W s 30 I', nos if -li' Oo is 8: ,000 Hollars. “0 l*pz s ot-——5.i0 is ;O.Oin. H illsis 50 Pr a,is of 100 is 4, U j it liars 1"U 1* .in's »f - - 5 i .9 j.Oiih D s, 500(1 Pilaus oj uj is 50,000, 5 "5 i-vis-a. ’C/Oj lUaiiks. 18'i.OI'O Dolls, i : 0‘ l 0(* TioVoU s' E9, Is 180,000 rol'n s Tim whole of tho prizes to be Hosting li'.oin I In' ciiniiiit'iieciiioiit of tho (fl'iurinp, oxuupt. thu toll..wing. \vl» un to lie ftu- pusilod in liie wiimd at definite period*, viz : On tho ft th day, : : : .* jjru,«no. On tho Ihlli day, : * 6,000. On the Ifith day, ; : : SO,000. On tlm 20th day, •. » t 40,tmo. The whole to bo completed ii Twenty V i' a'\os» ..uty \\ The pnzoH only to be drawn.—The whole payable in enwh, sixty dayo uiler the 6om- I'letioii of the drawing, subject to a doduc lion ofliJleon per cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. 14. RINGGOLD, Commissiont rs npjnrintnl by the Governor and ('owin'/. The above Lett cry nunmenees drawing in Baltimore, on WEDXESDJl17/A inat. Tickets $12—Sharon in proportion. OUlltii'S received at the Baltimore price, and prize tic '.eta tuken in payment, ut LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 8, Commerce-Raw. iulai'iviati. u WAnted IF Gi.OiiG ■ MIL! I It otherwise DAN* 1 iEL OLAnD VUl.l-EU, v/hn in tbe ve .' 1815. arr vec in Suvam. -h, in (he Abeid* r n transpert, belonging to Messrs. Dcwson & Sons of London is living, and will upply 1(- f-muds in Emdanc-, he will heir oi smell mg mt" h iy his nd vantage, lie lef (he Aberdeen while Mho Kv at Ssvaniuli, hi" inis m.I been l exrd of hy h>A f iends muc - hat pe in's He had h en many year«a ‘«i •'or, and wi we on hnaid the above 'veasei. was employed as >* carpenter. II he left S>.^ v«nuuh at liiut time, it is probable tl.jit In "P.tercH some vessel going t > »h*» Br»a>» !• •an-.’s. g in hi» lost letter, he stiiw.d (hut ii va- Inn intention to do g i. Should lie Imv i* d ut any place c li "e a legtster or dtu'ifi :wle of his t)iir>Ml cun be obtained, it would b( tliinv fill y received uml ati expen ei attending :i, paid by ISAAC W. IIOURF.LI,, Savannah, or W .W. &T.L. CftES'l Elt. New-York r^r.' o t 1 ? nov H hi PIE bUUSCUlBKU OFFERS H>R SALE AT II1S PERFUMERY AND O r.N ERA I. DRUG AND FAMILY MEDICINE Ware-House, v M NCASSAft, R'lCaln, nears and Antique Oils - Hi.UmHirilft in lurtro anil smull u Hall i do Caids savaniut!i female Asylum. * N election for n Matron to thin Institu « lion, will take place at tho Asylum Ilouae, on thfl first meeting in Fehriiarv.— Application for the above lo be handed in to the subscriber. By order of the Board, E. M. LLOYI), Sec'ry. nov13 04 JOHN T. ROWLAND, / V. N'INI.KS to do huginesH in Mu.edge- vide, and teude s the offer of Ins set i».f.s to hi« friends and tb A public, in the (runs ctiun of agency business generally «yt 5 . fiK-th&H Ginas, Paints, 0/7, &c. G 'lONS I.IN FTID'ir. IU0 Kegs Engiiab Whitt Lead, first q'liiliiy 200 Do American lHtA2dquaI. 5'4) Hounds Lamp Black ' 80 Box h Window (iia«s, assorted s.zes 50 r.iinihlcrs G’een Paint Verdigrevg d and ground 5 1 auirh Brown do do Y Bow Ochre do do Spirits Turpentine Painter's Brushes. 8tc & For sale by GKO, KVERSON* Dnigvist,Corner Br & Whnluker-Sts. i .e. lv Axes. A SUPHIjY of the above Axes, received and for sale hy A*. /?• WEEJJ. out ii BUTLER'S poi! (tie cure f n, CcurTis, Hemimip. * ( o. s, S,.,ti ng oi Blood, Aidin,8(1,1.(111 uisp'.se>i oftlieb eiigt ano.lunirg. Thme is perhaps no nbser V «ilon uetier e tb ish«d, non. mme , «• ert lfj *•, j,. rmud h) the experience ol the beet phy»i. L efio. all a f t-s and cuUOtri a. and none of or,iinp' itunce to tin Im.iihn f.mily, than he f. ci that> of llic n.oat difficult an.) in curable lonsunipiions originate in neglect d " 'Ids. In a elm ate so viir-»hlf ssour 1 ', u licif die changes of th«: weft he.' arc ti.qii' ntly uddenand unexpected, ti i. q 11 gun re cure »n 1 l.emionto gua.d agaii.a Uijv dimgcrniis n uny of, than most people iinaui're oj ie Ibe nnd willing to bes o ■ * !.<> bills of nnrtgliiy exh bit the i 'y Let the proportion <T deft'i a by this (h^awe'msy he irtlSt'A "Cn HH i(V.-.-a. nvt! tt. S*ut- - T Htfif.-nt — then hh 'bin fatal di ease f quen ly i 1 n li- ‘ ‘cu to the s' ii’. ol the n.«>st led mm ph , s ci Hnt . il ib h gru fi utiou to .he pin- rieioi that ' «.* is ci'Hhlod to offer 10 those IH-.*eu with i» ago diy pmspnot ofru.ief, i 'Hat I Igt.Jy fIuh* !<• remedy, h Vegetable Indian A/- u- Jr. The Indians i. e hupp', in tin . k. i ,/.- ■ <;dge o' in di>-pl plants i g v rued %v(i>Dlv hy xpedcu'e, the> ftiewrhiit astolhtn . ti - > t, »'fi i is snii! by «-• author cl gtent cliaiaclt r, B st u trim ccnaui'iptioii is a liiaeaie utv«r Xm>W" nm- ng i. ein. I l a hptN il.c is obv. ined bv ritrfction from u ■ hs, out , fl w<t>, pi ut-, &«• when in per- c iuii, lu coda* qin lie f * l.iippy ci>u it a. tin'i o’ the most v uahle herbs, No tt becomes TbM»»iiiu of v, aupeiLw value. Itmaia theln. jn't'd (.grto, . pct.H ih' oi l'll, : int cum|iu»«*s . .e ilis n bed ni!»v jj, ..tier thf nmnner ■ f an >"> 'y n ,• OHS' rj e.itly tilt* uhatnicflor, tif he die* nnd tl.e lung» whtell eonsinote il.,s ■Iiseas*, r*arti* uh r. need i'fi u<„', It premgt*.« •ip'ct'i'atinn, w|> d, is conuttidlj called f»t* aid w i s 1 it c i *. b c r: d nt i.U, it ■ r«n,;'h t ' l : e tend-*.! l-mgs In th : B T.a.-r it it le 'ViV! 8 the In 1 vc: fevur, i nproVcS dig. *• t **n, gives h i- . g h to the. nfervi a, repair* di< , i et u* a-’tl in pints th< stirtg, thn spebR i. mat always hogivi n in safety it is nnid, '•e .taut to 'lie isate, and may aufcly he given 'o tifan's, tor which it is of ines.unablf value, i ^wff'urdS relief ni b..wi I conrj isiuc,. t f'l'liig, Ju'.y n.diil n. hypoohOciUv Cal. iierv.ut^,^ i>fit< ncfil ilisevK# h. Each bid m diri. tl"^ :ontaiii9 a d tailed account of thi di-ea>,p in >11 iib diff. r. ntstages, *nd w»U bi accompa- i d with ill., nig (t .ie A tin prop 1 ietor in Jcii Ink. I* is ft* red lor taU by GEO. 1>Y« It (i , only (m s fi* ageu') 1) u.jg't-t,«< t .i fl'iv ni W(» t akcr^str e»B, bavanni h, M me Ur .Dr per bottle. WM BlJiLKft. dec ‘10 30 Hmiihiuiuh in large and small pots all so i» of , i fwrne don •, Orange IT w r at d Lavender Waters ologne Water in i.oxcr. Vf>l)- m Rogcs, or BeaUids Preservative Low's sopeii»> r s^euted Shaving and wash S'.ups, al. sol’s of nctfume Japles Pu , Duke and Q lintesaence. Shaviag S' ims Wijidsnr H rfiim. d Fa cy Soaps, b 1 v . the bo, 3 '.Inir l’owdei, Plain and Scented Fuwder Pull ahanr'» d sizes .adits’ n d GciiiLmeii’s Pocket Books, witl and without clasps, of ail nz-v La Fayette, Siik and II ir Stocks, an elegan u tie)** fur Gentlemen’s wear l.adita’ Inrhspoiisahics, as orte<l puitcrns hit (laid liases, assorted siz a V:flitlng Cards do do jRver Penr. l Ci.geg, be.M quality -Do Tooth with tweasera do Lead Peni:>l'<, warrained ol 'he heat Poi.knivcb, Si'Kar Box s, |n.mui"ei Pmicy Sniell Buttles, Diet, Paying Lwiiies' T’oilc* D.iss Casts Uf-ntltmt n’s bhftvn.g do M ifghatl'g Superior Dentifrice Belt' ii*8 do do Mutton's do do H ' pared Charcoal, Rom the willow b: rk Do do Common Chat coal hye titones, SmifT Boxes, a fine Moaortn e t, l(f■('V( , s , colours Fioatiug Nmemburgh and French Tapers, fm burning on oil Durable Ink, Ar<ma'ic Spitils of Vinegar Plionpliurus Box s. Heir Ho t iter Boxes Plating and F.uicy Wind Sliavmg lio-es Round Shaving (:nkt* L’o>p do Superior am' Iarg<* Ivory, Bone uni Wood 'Tied Sliaving H nsbei F<«gl>b. French and American Siinmior and F-ncy Penetrating Unit Brushus, of all si z'/t Fine Hair (;loth Brushes, all sizes Vi; Whist Cl »U« do Plat •, Nail ai'dGomb Brushes PifiOilure, Shoe am! Whitewash <!o Sweeping 8 ;<1 Hearth Bruahes Also, hi 4 ' much admired durable ami Fantn silver wire Tooth Dr.-ishea, made on u improved plan, i. d to oriltr, vdlt pian and fltded 'tsndles John Brrb.r’c'.i d-T’ Scat gill’s superior R if >rs in single ebd d'.ub'e CKseg aiad* to order, warranted to please the pui chmrr, or to b»* returned l) <vand Mtirtin'i imported Shoe Blacking tienuine Otto of Rh0ch, large and bn<all size but l> s I'oarl P wdet for beau’ ft ing the nkin vlucob' •, Scotch nod Capbalic SnufTa <rillard's fine cut Chea m g Tobacco Tonquin and V nelU Bun s pftUocary’a 8f*ale/i and Weigh a Eyang' Crown lancets. Spiing I/ noeP» wi' 1 extra blades, with a fine a«Roitment of hurj'i'al Iiutrumeii'a, Apothecary’t Giass Ware, y, c. tkc. Together with a very general and extensive •issurtm o' "I Drugs, Mcdic.oe 1 *, Ghemical »»g‘f nt Mcdirines, Si’ice*, Dye Stuff'., Jkc— All ol wliich h'lg been s duct'd bv lmn->. 3 and in li*-u <*f the word Her, are a l Ifeti'd at W holes tie anti Rctz'l, each an I ev ury article as low pncedashb netghnora. A HAUSDNS, Drttgglat, No, 9, Chubon*’ Building* Notice. INK months after date, I sIimII apply to Lx the Court ol Culinary of (;*imi<*D uuuu« y 0 fur leave to Bell ti e >eal v*ritut< ul J;,hn ' Voting, Into of said couin V deconseil, fui til* ouefit of the hei>a of iuid deceased. JE3SKCRa\VF» ! I). Administrator estate of .John 1) Voting, Jutv 17 Sto NO 1 ICE N r lNK months aiici Uhl;, ujiidJcation wdl be made to tin* Hon, the Judges of tin Court i. Ordinary -f Ghs; ham c'unty, for leave to ■*el all the real • suite uf the tat*'William Craitf, 1 ceased, for tho benefit of liie heirs atidcred" iturs ot said estate. JOHN M'NJSH, Executor. o r \ 42 71 Notice, VTINE months after d ue, I ghall apply to x theGourt of Ordinary of.thund.-ri couu* y, for leave torieli a lot of land, lying m MuO« roe county, in the tenth dicliiDt iu nbof .inety-one. belonging P'theo phsns of Levi lohus, dec. for the Oencfii of tad orphans. JOHN I KK. (fUardiap. 17 i'0 Notice IS HEREBY an EX r r HAT ijirue pionths after date, appMeu. * tjrm will bo made to the Bunk „/ ;hn ^tote of Georgia, to ironic a new rmiliimrro of stock, tor one lost, isnued on the l7ijj March. 1819, in favor of John M’Kinno,Jun» ik twunty-live shares, uiid nnnibm d. J i;j, B. M’KJNNE, Guardian of John Ai’Kinnc, Jon Augusta, Due. 16, 1824, dec IH tMfpf N olice. !*lJINE MONTHS after the date of t)^ 1 x notice, application will bo made to the Honorable the Court uf Ordinary of 1AW* ty (J«un|y, for pt-rmisbioft to *elf ap^it uf the real OBtute of John ftimy, ductuiaed; fi.i the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Wjd deceased* JOHN VV. STACY, Administrator, dec IH ^] Notice. J>ERSONS having (luuiandB against tfip a. Grttate of Thomas Johnston, will pl'-p^M present them, properly attosted, at tj,y Counting-Room ofli. & ,T. Habersham, IIAMUTAL JillCMHTUiV, Executrix of the estate of Thomas JphustQ!). dec 18 i ^|f. < list, is* heel Iron liox • town, l; OK SALE bf 1 N, II. WBEP. Ne. O, (Jibbuiis 1 Awgdi nov 34