Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 04, 1825, Image 2

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( U‘ ''U *£ » B If a. U W. ROBi.ii.TSON, PC hi I'llRHH Ol TIIK LAM'< or TW. I MON. The following interesting intelligence if coi.taun t! ui the Curuccaa Culumbiuuo, in i In: of an extract of a letter from Bo* The. following m a iftatemcnt af the- plication and expenditures of the ConiM gent Fund ofthe House of Represent ati> iiotn, dated tl.o W. October, from a distin.1 of the Untied Stale*, lot the year tu'ub!mt dwTlmllT, For NewAork, (ESTABLISHED LINE.) The recrular packet ship AUGUSTA, gueihed member eftlie i*djnini8tratmn»— Nov. 1st, DIM ;— “ You will knmv that. Cunterac wi»*d'“- Paid 6»r Printing, daily I'.iPRil, : C*OU>TKr I'API.H, i.iaat Di'i.iAiis. foaled Uy the President Liberator in : riVf. hom.aiw. ijJV±X2sJuZo TUESDAY WoRMNli, JAN. 1, l»2 the Pampas du Ioh Reyes, iky later news we learn the capture of two vessels of war and a transport with a greut quantity of wur- like Htoroo off Oullao, hy our 'squadront— the capture of the ship Asm by Hie Chilian 1/ Public .(Juicy lor Bus d»y, .util hg^doadwiit; the abMidonnmnt »f Callao and found on our fourth ptgu. lovon ofLima, by Ilm Spanish troops, in con- - -- 'sequence of the affair ofReyoa; tlmconster- County Flection. 1 ho whole number of n^tton of the enemy’s infantry, dispersed votes given yesterday for County officers/ ti iro ,-|g| l Aroquipn, Jfanjn, and Cusco and was nino hundred and twenty-aevnn. The t | J0 fl | mo8t totn ^ ( h’stnictioft of his rude ar- » option was very spirited—and the tmin- my.—'file Liberator President has pro.scri- hcr of votes polled is large. The result in as • th e officers of the refractory provinces follows John CfvtMixa, 727 A>tmo.m Poiitkii, 76 2 FiDifAUii IIahukn, B10 Ei.ias Pout, 51 J J icon R v. in. 5) 1 Ai lx. Ter ram, 4M Tno". N., 404 ecewer of Tux Rctunis, Ar»i>i C »rr, 911 or Tux Collector, GConor Millkn, 445 Divio Bkli.. Ja.MKH ElTINCnt, 189 elected. no oppov. elected. fl. W. Ho no, was yesterday re-elected bv tho Justices of the Inferior Court, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary and Eschcuter for Chatham County. elected by the City Council, Port Wardens: Ahraiiam Ntcnoi.a, | J\mf.s Hiu.h, Jahv-vR. Jku.OCH, I Al.HXSM.Rll llUNTtn, J VS. M. W AM. ACE. Jhirlioneeri.-— Cal vain Barra, and J. B. IlnuiRiiT. Josnen HvncnHMAM, Esq. was on Friday last, elected Teller of the S ate Bunk, in this city, vice J. P. Hknrv, Esq. resigned. Plantin' I>ank.-~The following gentle men wore yftfitorday elected Dnoctora^iif the Planters’ Bank, on the port of the Stockholders, for the yenr ensuing:— Stationary lor the House, Bo. for tli* Office, 0,071 in 300 Uplands, ordinary, at Id ; 50 lair. $29,899 03 %t 13^ ; tOO good, at 14; and 150 bales, 1 |fwp, Ne’y-Orleans, good, at 1 >4 cts. Poor House & Hospital. This property, so well known as to, need no description, will* liiiiUl ,,e offrre ^ at . i ,ublic Mf. with jjallilrB the out buildings Cluuhi'ick, Mnstrr' thing belonging to ip, at the CuurlTnTuHc, _ Will meet with immediate ae- r ^ rst 'puenluy in JanuarfBuxt. if nut For freight or passage Jj|jj^PJ||^ oU9 i v disposed of at private sale. Ap- 13* m days ’' 'rtn* advices received hy the Cadmu Finding books. Fuel, Newspapers for 1st session mth Con- 1 gro>g, 4 , 3*im .44 Do.previous sessions fin 95 Keeping the P.Office New furniture, UD1 51 Bepuirs of old, do. 2H7 7H • .tot Havre, on Monday, induced sow* of; 2.201 72“ ffio holder*to demand higher prices; but; 1.200 O'/i H purchasers were not disposed to advance h- transaction* w. : confined to a sale uf |1l> i.,*'" Upland q,t * U, and 50 bales ut I'd ™v f " Vh ' .V- vestertniy^p^rriotidiiy. no business 3.13P vv r n dT not alter our ijuoiationsj 1,301 00 11 SpHtch. excellent accommodations, a l , P r 1 / (■ ou board, at UrfA; Jnn 4 Services of horses and mnwengertf, Miscelluneoutf items For Hamburgh and \u; The Steam ■ MAID Of. ORLF/AN Capt. Smith, _, . . . —rniriT Will rnceivo freight until lie linpprt. since tuir ):,M. aihoimts to 002 .,. ( T .r,. thij , (inV nt Jones 1 Upper i.hpJts, vtr. •—Irmn New-Orleans, 160; Mo- 3 • TWa, JJib; PunsacoJa. 159; Soutl»*Carolma, ( 3 109 31 (76 ; Virginia, ‘21. Total, since 1st instant, ni ,' ■*“*' bales, Export, from 1st. to 9th 111st.' ° ur * * t*" *• >, plications in the aioan time, may he made Either of the un.d<*ndgncd committees. G. W. 0\\ SN8, + FRANCIS SORREL, ( Commit!up of ihe Planter^ Hank. tymmitty CA dec l NORMAN WALLACE, Y. XI. WELMAN, f -a. .bfakwiM uiui A iV< Intui and JFwf Inmranci IN BAKF.R, Auctioneer. I't ; to5d li 7,743 ‘25 '*'51 \ Wharf, for either of the above places, at reducqd rates. Ajfyly ^to ^CapL or to Jnn 4 \ he appointed fXme'rnl Snlorn, to the stulf, and Cpstilk. him remainml in his placo.” We do not pretend to rm om ilu tlic con tradictory statements received from South- America. The forgeries and falsehoods of the Royalists.have always been of a nature 1 to hnfllo any attempt at correct, information' The M« inborn of both gress, contemplate a public dinner, pr from Wiibhingtoii City. HALL & HOY 1 r/xpori, irom i si 10 ;#m lust, 7,743 ‘25 *51 halo#. I 5,633 67 The t >tal amount.of-the Cotton crop of. .. the I 1 ed States for the year ending \ht| JllSt 1 {«".»» • ! ' M ' **<il*** ■'•W.lHi'bale.Wud the ^rtOM bri" Fmnrns, from Pkiladelr w.thll., pr,.ceding Jp „ ml fnr "„| r !„w on the wl.nrf, Houses' oft Con- y ,, "i. /. h.i ‘ fit n-I arid, lb. ‘24 8- 28 ; Upland, 12 a 15 giving Gen. Lafipttt „ ,. ins< u ft n . Alabama, 13 a 13 • a p ildic dinm 1 ni'-v ions to his d. pr. . 12 1 n 14. t A . ' —Since our la*t report, about *200 I tierce* hUf* been sold <f,‘i 5-8 a 3^, 4 mos. A line rnpy „f of BoHft- !’ , g r ' »^g! ??.0‘^f 1 lialf —Tho private letters from Parmiun, which ‘parte crossing the Alps, by Xj^Urenco, has Wo noticed yesterday, received at Boston, been received in Charleston, and placed in represent the Colombian army as defeated the A«*adeiny of Fine Arts, foi which it was at TruxiUo with groat loss, and Bolivar, as ‘ painted, having retreated to Guayaquil; to which! it was added, that Oantaroc had ont-.rod j 'IV lota atnre keapw amt agont of tha Colombia I Now, if Lima anil Callao have j Vir b ril,i ' 1 ix-nitf-t.tiary, w.u. arrdignod for failon. it i» proof that tho victory, ,vlmt|,M I r n N«.y—b." «» tho crohozdem-nt of bmh\ ui Trnxilio or R, vu«, ,va» .... tho .ido (lf } ™'« »«« «■> an eo,b,-azlom.,nt of nwaoy, ho rtitrcmomottina no Stated in tho abovd— dueltarg-d by flu. bourt, ' Thai, 1st Doc. 115ft tierces, 113 r fToreeij** Export, from 1st t<> Ifttli Dec. in r>e-, 103 half tierces. Rice, 3 50 a G. W. AnpRAhon, R. R CuVI F.R, N. W VI.I. ACL, T YouNO, F., H. Is A At , W. (f 4STUN, J. Aur.r, PRTIT 1)6 VlI-I.RRH, W. T. W lift I AMS, J. C. Nicoll, G. W. Owi.NS, But thqro is another fact which corolioratea the latter opinion. A let tor was received on tho 24th of Inst month, hy tho editor of! the Charleston Courier, dated at Clwigren, | tho Ifttli of Oct* an abstract of which w** published, which evidently relates to the same Imttlo iih that mentioned by the letter writer, whose account we mentioned yes- rday. Tho latter nvnti 'ns ns tho jute of the battle, th< 17fit Srpltmber— the Chngrea letter says it look place about he middle of Sfidptidirr, at AZaiguota, near Zauga, and that Hpauiards were complete ly cut up—they both mention the loss of Generals Cordova and Miller, uf ti e Co* J. Wiuox.' rtfunh/r Cargo-— 1 Tho whip Chariot, P. Pratt, master, for Liverpool, which cleared aUIuj CuHUim-Uvmse ye.fcloiday. haaa car- go of II 2H bales Cotton—weight 803,011 Ibi.—value 62,016 dollars, Pitr.—Ln»t night, about eight o’clock, five was discovered proceeding from the third story of the bonne on tho gnutli side of Johnston’s sqiinre, owned and occupied by Mr. Worthington Gale. The wind was for tunately light and the house being of brick, the fire was confined to its walls—the into tier wii3 entirely consumed, but most of tin-furniture was saved. Tho usual diffi cully was experienced in finding a sufficient aupply of water, although the tire engine CoiApMiies were active. The range of low wooden stores west of the house on John fttnu 1 * square and Bull-street, belonging to tl"- estate of Gibson, wero so injured by tje attempts made to pull them down that the; ar nearly destroyed. The house in whiel the fire originated won insured by tho Rina Insurance Company of Hartford, fur 3000 dollar.-.— there was no insurance on tho fur niture. The lire was accidental. We re- grtr to have to add that Anthony Barclay, 1 Esq. was considerably injured by the fall of a portion of one of the ends of the building. A free colored boy named James Houston, belonging to tho Union Axe and Fire Com pany, had his scull fractured and his log broken—the latter was amputated by-Dm. JloaU, Fraser and Dpluroejie—but ho expir ed luvlf an hour alVr. Another boy belong ing to the name company had his thigh bru- keq. A letter to a gentleman in this eitj>* from Macon, states that the Branch Bank of Da ri* n, in that town, was destroyed hy tire on the 2Gtl» nit, ot about eight o’clock—the. mo ney and papers were destroyed, including 7000 dollars in collection notes—j 130,000 in money ofthe Bank and fi or v^iitmo of the Hamburg Bank, on deposite. The fire is supposed to have been communicated acci dentally. 'Phe Presbyterian Church at Darien wa discovered on fire on Thursday .evening last* Its progress was arrested when it n«d arriv ed at the eaves of the building. It is sup posed to have been caused by the net of an incendiary, for whose discovery a reward ot &H) dollars is otfrrcd. . .. 1,. , ...1 , iof his Words in those ovations of which tho lumbitn trmy. «nd Ml, ^ol llio b>vao, ^ #ri . j)( leM „ t „ (jouo hy Bolivar’s artillery—tliey both state ' America tlmn an apjKial to the ri’voiutionn 1 that Cantornc is wounclml—thus tar they ■ <S l'»» aio| l s ofSutope an aspirntimi fhr Hi, ii ,, . . . , , . „ i j success, and the complete triumph ufile- «l-’ r « e - 1 lie Eanania letter states tlmt IM- j mn ,, riU y, It i B then very natural that the ivar had rot routed to Truxillo—thn Chug-1 United States should decree honors ton res letter that Cantorac was on tin* retreat m:,n "'^ ,0 has carried to Europe ail the ideas ,, . . . , , . he Imd imbibed in America. Besides, these t,i Cusco, tho only way let open to bin.— ; r , nl|nr(1 , lU lt . nd „ d t0 pronwU) th ,, ir v i evvs .^ Thb latter is supported by the letter vve Tlu: object of tho United fciutoN is id invited it Milh There were, lately in prison at, Haitim*/* 1 fdr Debt,one person for 6 I-4 cents, o*e for 12 1-2 cents, one for 27, one for 3Q, and one fi-l cental ! I-'ifay otto in Jhnn-int.—'J’1* 5 fallowing are t lie remarks of a Pari* ministerial Paper oa the reception <jf General Lafayette in this country. “ Tlio liberal journals entertain us with nothing Imt the triumphs decreed to Lathy otto in all tho American cities. Even though tlm sentiments and political intention.-, 01 M. Lafayette had not boforo been known, he has taken care since ho has been in A merica to manifest them plainly, and ,Vr,/.- - fir/'. 4.—Statement of the quan- titi’of t^ottou received, shipped, and stock reirniining on hand duringVne two montlcs hiding tlie 1 lit December. 1824: Quamitv n. eived. t »79 holes. Shipped .during the a**''* lL. vd—to New-OrIvans, 7<u .,u shipboard. ^ v from f3/C«pU, There were 18,495 hales Cotton on baud at Havre 31st Od. 1821—of which were of Louisiana, 3.770, Georgia. Alalninm and Tennessee, 11 230 mid other descriptions of East and West India, -1,487. Philadelphia Whiskey. d Oft 50 Hogsheads, j 7!i Barrel 3 r , Casks Tiins 22 Barrels fit• Half Barrel 50 Half Bnrrf 16 Barrels L< 49 Barrels Pippin Annies WILLIAM NEFF. Jan 4 * 33p Superfine Flour, wheat Flour Phil id lptiiii aiut pa't'more Whi-ikey 1 fh A Philn.delnhiajipd Bah I. "r*r tjnmre Wliiskev jm have quoted above, which notipes tho con-', universal America under the standard ... which they have raised, and towards the sequence,, of tlm Colombian victory. VVo , fnrm of s „ vl , rnraont they have adopted. have little doubt that the Panama .letter is ( with the view of placing theiHHelve.H iiatur- ono of the thoumind fabrications ol'thc Roy-: B .^V' ,,n ^ n * on ff time, at the head of ■ that great American confederation, and of * ■ H * thus oppoaing a strong mass of republican - states to the monarchical intereststhatgo- A letter from an officer attached to the | veru Europe. Add tot hi,, also, the hop. If. fi. schooner Terrier, dated at Key West, of finding in this vast patronage tho proton* tho will Navmnlmr, slated),alllmv c-nptnr- f i,,n »''f»''arsfi.r th«ir c.mmorej, alro„- dy so active. In tins spirit it is, that the cd on the 1st, in tho neighborhood of (.'ape; American papers insinuate doubts resjiec* Antonio, a piratical felucca, which had the! *'"£ ’h' 1 stability of the govc^rumutt esta- . , , blished at Brazil. Tho title of emperor, day previous tftk'*n the schooner Rainbow. ... , ■ , . „ , , ‘ ■ ' that, monarelitcaldeiioimnation, does not suit of Wilmington, N. C. The Terrier found'North America. Tho influence of thnA- two of her crow, who escaped from the pi- merican drim'crncy, and of their journals, • , . . . ,, , j will not fail to be emploved to sav all that rates on heir retreat into the woods. 1 he n..' . T . | remains of the European system on that French Slop Calypso, rein ken from th“ pi-; side of the Atlantic. In this"spirit it* is that ".win, i» a ki*jnb,KO ;> o 'OUT OP SAVASmAH, and for sale by Jnn 4 T>«( J ifter and mo/ced Ton DBT T received hy Dio 'ship Au, 24 Kegs Gosbeii Butter 2 Cn-^ks Smoked T 'nmips. And for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jnn 4 (’icbimomt Flour '9 half do. Bicliniond 'lour, ietjf roe'-'ved and for sale by CALVIN BAKER. Jan 4 iooxs: Terrier, was to sail from Key! Ihey trinnipbed at the death of Itnrbidi ~ / .. , .. -t v , 1* lliat they eon-tmtlv exauit the prospects of i, r»vv Jays lor Nuw-York, umlsr. B?liv ., shm) ,o|o S! ,|v ,l,. |ir .>Vi:Ut. t|, 1MC charge of Lieut. Slidell. ofthe revalists of Peru end Mexico, when* 1 When the Calypso vvqs retaken, she was j ™>r it is thought that the latter retain any , .111 1 1 1 > 1 ; men ns of resistance or success. But what ashore on the beach, where she had been • , ,, , • , ,• 11 ' * , is very naturally explained respecting A-, run hy the pirates, who had already tnkon. morienn newspapers is more difficult to 300 bags of Coffee a\id some sails from her. j comprehend on the part of French papers,, ‘ a.’ ’ . “ I writteb under the protection of a munarehi- Jhnrrirrm ,N>»rrfj.—It is whispered tftat government.’’i, another American Novelist is about to com mence the career which has been so credit- CLEARED Ship Chariot, Piatt, Liverpool. S. JJ. Purkinan. ARRIVED, New Ship Samuel V. iglit. Riley, from BortPim nth, N. II. to Samuel Wlight. Ship Milton, VVehb. from Philadelphia. •h_ Ship Augusta, Chadwick, <i days from N. York, to Hull &. Hoyt, owners—consignee! J. W. Long, C. VV. Rockwell & co. Geo Gordon. Johnston, Hill- iV ro. T. Clark O Taft, R. Cumphell, J. W Morrell, II. Clo- lnnd. T. Butler .At co, P. Hill, S, C. Dun ning. Scarbrough «St Clark, 7, Day, Low. Wulluee ili co. H. Tapper. Roller & Scran ton, J. B. Guieu, J. Rea, G. B. Lamar, T. C, Ward, W. Lippitt ifceo. A iSt E. Wood, J. &. M, Pemi G. Newhall, F. Gikett IJ. B. Hatlwiway, D JnHnh, A. G. Ponce & Mackenzie, N. B. Weed. 1). &. B. Foley, A. Deiuroche. J. Cumming A’ Son, W. T. Williams J. B. Herbert co. H. Lord & co. J. B. Wick. Passen ger, Mr. Wales. Brig Frances.Crofts,Philadelphia, fi days, to Wm. Neff—-consignees. J. R. Herbert & co. R. Campbell, P. M’Deiunott, Johne-m, Hills & co. R Dennis, J I). Seitzo, R. Habersham. J irob Shaffer. J. & W. Hur p» r, Ivons & Graham, A. G. Uemlor, P. Wiilb'»rger, Jr. Petersen, Hainmond & co E. Gillihcn. A. Telfair, T. B„>ingcr, I. Nor ton, Goo. Gordon, W. C. Duniell, G* Gl- n T. Butler «St co. T. G. Chiiniherlain, Wm. Scarbrough, H. Topper, G.-o. Jones, M, Hopkins, T. B. How, P. Marlow. Passen gers. Messrs. Ryerson. and Hubbell. Mohr. Stugg, I Inter, N. Orleans, 22 days, hound to Charleston, put in ou account 0! head winds. Eloop Good Return, Bates, from n 1 voy ofthe coast by Capr. Le Count, Topo- graphicnl Engineer on board. Steam Boat Maid of Orleans, Smith, Charleston, 24 hours, to Hull & Hoyt. RAILED, Sliip Izettq, Shaw. Liverpool. ‘’ofket Spades CASK S-’cket Spades, just received and for sale hy N. B. WEED. Jan \ Family of Gm. LnJuuiUe—General La fayette has one Son and two Daughters, the son, George VV'ashiLgton Lafayette, is now in thiscouulrv ; the daughters are Madame Munbourg, and Madame Lasteynie. Mrs. Mauhiiurg 1ms three daimliters 1 The ship Izctfe. and brig Sea Island, were at anchor ridai* Tv bee last evening. j The stemn boat Hamburg, Blackm bound to Charleston, passed down the river yesterday, re FOR THIS PORT, • At Providence, Dec. 21, ship Hazard. Child, to sail 26th. At Augusta, 31st ult. steam boat Pendle ton, Bracken, to leave on Sunday ; steam ably pursued by Cooper and Brown, It is said to be his intention to confine himself to the delineation of American manners, and the illustration of American history.— I Mrs. Rrigode, Misses Louise and Jenny boat Henry Shultz, Lubbock, do. His first essay, it is understood, will em-! Miuibourgli. , 4 . . . .j Mrs. Lasteynie lias three daughters; brave the momentous sennas anterior and j ,| l>»uli U u. M.-lanie and ones™, na- subsequent to, as well as a spirited sketch ! mod Jules. MARYLAND of tho notion on Long Island, during the! , G«"rge Washington Lafayette hns three ... daughters, named Nntoha, Matilda, ami Revolutionary W ar. Clementina; and two sons named Oscur,' —- , I and Edmond. X he late rams have boon severely felt in j Mrs. Brigode has two daughters Georgia- South Carolina. Thu Columbia papers!n°* amd Gubrielln. stale, that the Congarno River, opposite I , 'I'doso all reside atthe hospitable man- * n 81011 ot La Grange, and, we aro lnlormed, tlmt place, had risen about fourteen inches ; are dependant for their support on the li-' ubuve the destructive freshot of.last Sep* mited income of thut Fan tentber, and wanted only about four feet of beifcg us high as any ever known in that river. Nearly all the labour of the plan- (iraud Slate. Yiotter^, NO. III. RESULT OF SIXTH DRAWING, JO. 12,603, prize of £1 13.661, 17,968, 4554, 2941, 5U And 195 prizes of 10 I'lUZKS YKT TO KE DRAWN, 40,000, ao,ooo, t 1,000, 5,OOU, &c. N \\ c copy the following advertisement from - the Plattsburgh lutelligoncer. "The seventh drawing was on 31st Dceom- ter. on the river, fro,# the September fresh : sc ZZ‘ haa cbped^frmn u’j b" d and ber ’ a “* 1 wUI bo rcc ' BiVod hore °" Mil i,,st - s to the present time, in repair ofdums.fcnces,' board, without any just cause, this is there-' Tickets dho t- &c. has been lost^and .iistrovei by tbu| £“'' ! 2° &11 ',V ls “t’ s v 1 !Bi:i9 s ^ wS> “ , -vShares t . ••• > r : : in proportion. ,' ■ n lug the Bald Jesse Norris, asl am mllv de- ' • 11 -* sweeping deluge. . |ti-iminedi not to liquidate any debts of hist ■sztls M contracting. Governor Tmnp olfers a reward of two v J— ‘,^0!' h, " i as many friends as foes, | 1 1 You might light your pipe and warm your i tndred and nlty d. liars, tor the npprehen* I pose ; Northern T uinher. T HE «uh«criher offers for sale, n ounn- tiiv of Runsonod Northern Wliite Bine Boards, clear a»'d merchantable, in lots to mil purchasers, at low prims. J. B. RICHMOND. Jnn 4 32p 9- OFFER FOR SALE, HO(rfiHEADS prime and second quality fit. Ctoix fiugnr. 50 barrels do do ^ do sugar 70 bags prime green coffee 30 crates blue and green edged plate? 10 ions iron, assorted /> pipes cognac brandy 5 'do/Hol'.Anil gin A# 8 kogshuadp Jftn»air™nm half pipes, quarter* casks, and half quurtA »ksks wine 30 barrels SRcoils bale rope 260 gnnfi stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn OfTtT^ do Long Island white, equal fa Georgia flint corn nov 23 Vyi’k, Lin, hare Moulds, ^FFEBfi for pal 7: C. GRlfiWOLD, M - * I Barreds Prirrib Pork, New*3forfc (Iffy M^ctUtn ^ I do Mesa. do do .„ dp. 20 ft) do Northern Gin 10 T"U* Share Moulds, 2 do Steel » 12 Kegs Black Paint n do VcriUgria Jan 3 Beer, Currant? cV. rjfl BARRELS Newbury Ale J b kegs currants 20 barrels Now-York pilot bread 10 cftsk. j sperm oil 10 half barrels Fly Market beef- . 30 kegs Goshen butter Just deceived and tor sale bv BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN& WOOD. dee 16 Pr'rne Crcen Coffee. 1 Q BAGS Prime Green Havana Coffee, ■ O for Halo by C. C. GRISWOI.D. Jan 4 “ Peers" Axes ” R ECEIVED by the Augusta, and for sale by N. B. WEED. Jan 4 fin. Demi}-.bus, ot S UPERIOR fourth proof Brandy Do Madeira Wino Do Tunerifl'e do Do Old Peach Brandy Do do Irish YVhi&key Do Holland Gin Fpr sale low;, by f. M’UERJIOTT. ("J|0 BARRELS Xoi-tlinrn Gin, for pair! ’ ' »-> bv CALVIN BAKER. •Tan *4 V- hiskey, X, 4^1 BARRELS Baltimore Rye Whiskey v 150 Bags Coffee 90 Barrels Loaf Sugar 2 Pipes Holland Giu NhiIs. Castings, Window Ginas For nale by DOUGLASS &. SOR REL. Jan 3 32c Jnn 1 U iiss Ant!ir by' ns R ECEIVED by the, and for sale by N. B. WEED. VHinVAVS tlE.1D QV.iRT!'RS. GEORGIA, ) Millf.uof.villg, 24t}i Dec. 1824. \ |T being known to the Comnninder-in- I Chief, that Gen. Lvfait.ttk will ex cept Lis invitation to visit Gr (irgin, and that ho may be expected in March or April-r- Ordered, that Volunteer Corps of Artili lory.Cavalry, Infantry and Riflemen, vvlietIn (r attached to llegimentAl Brigade or Di visions, hold themselves ih readiness to re ceive the General with military honors, at any point to which any portion of them may be ordered, completely armed and equipp ed. Commanders of Divisions, Brigades and Regiments, will see to the execution of this order. Hy order of th- C"mm-an’for-in-Chicf, SEABORN JONES,* Aid-dc-Catnp. Jan 4 33 Old l‘prt Wine. I Sp BOXES very superior Old Port & Wine, just received and for sale by PHILBRICK & SCRANTON, Market-Square. dec 31 ' ' 81p Looking-Masses. JUST received, per solmouer Retrieve, ;tn«J an elegant assortment of M a idle Pier Looking-Glasses, at imiriuinctoiT jui ces, by J. B. IIERBEUT(fe CO. dee 18 Notice. T HE subscriber is still a NOTARY PUBLIC—an office which cannot be TAKEN from him by those with whom indr- prndrncr, inteUiyence and integrity appear to be i NPori LAii. WM. BELCHER. Jan 4 33 It is stated that Com. Bain bridge, and Capt. Jones, will take the plat oh nt t! e Na vy Hoard, vacated by Corn’s. Rodgers, and Chauncey. r*Thc Lancaster Gazette contradicts a atory which han been pretty extensively cir* ewUted, that a director of one of the Lan caster Banks had committed forgerieo to the amqunt of 70,QUO dollars ; and declares jtto be df^tituto of truth- hundre. •ion of Peter A. Early, who has committed So nuW 1 ^’, VP done my duty, mi aggravutod murder on tho body of 2a-1 A '" 1 yUU haVC “‘"“'lUVLXA NORRIS chariuh Harlin, in Greeue County, in this- November 25, 1824. state. Early is of fair, compexion, light; " —s———u hair and blue eyes, about five feet nine in ches high, near twenty years of ago. Orders received as usual, at LUTHER’S OFFICE. EXCHANGE Jnn -1 PH It 1,1 Pa’ Academy and Boar. ling Scb ool. M R. PHILLIPS has the honor to inform the public, apd particularly those La dies and Gontjemen who intend placing their children under his tuition, that he will open school op Monday, the third of Janua rv next, in the upper part of tho house at tLe south-west corner of Col. fihad’s build iligs, Jqhnslon’s-Square. dec 22 24 Wanted to Purchase. S TOCK ofthe Bank of theStnt* of Geor gia, Planters’Bank, and Marine and Fire iUstUancorCompany. •' i J. P. HENRY. Jan 3, Coffee and Mackerel. HKDS prime St Croix Sugar 20 bbls do do do 49 bbls and 3 r > bags prime green coflee 200 bbls No 3 inackafol Now landing nud lor sale bv HALL & HOYT- nov 35 \ I ata ette Playing ards, A NEW superb article, for sale by A. PARSONS, j Djuggijt, No. 8, Gibbons’Buildings. Gin and Pork. BULB, country gin, first miality w 'S/ 80 do prime pork 20 do mess do Landing from sliip Corsair, for sale by dec. 27 C. C. GRISWOLD. Coffee. 1 Oft BAf:s Havana Green Coffee,fb r * "U rale by HALL & HOVT. 3.1 -fW. Lost, Pr;rm- fetigar and Hum. HMDS, superior St. Croix stwar -3'is 10 hogsheads ( v ._ , 25 barrels ’ | New-England r O N Friday last, by Capt. Wm. Bebee, Just received and for solp bv of the ship Savannah, thirty-four dol- P. M’DIiRMOT T. N olice. TUviicnd, .\’a. C> died, At Washington City, on the 34th ult. i few minuter after 1-o’clock, Pi'sh-a-ma-ts- Judge Bay, of South Carolina, has decitl-! HA , the Principal Chief of a District ofthe the profits of tho Steam-Boat Company I Clmi.lutv \ attitn of I 11.1 i „ - II.. .1 . 1 r._ »L L. .1. . , m, * 4 DIVIDEND of Fifteen Dollars per share, has this day been declared on lurs. three ten dollar bills of the State Bank of North Carolina, and a four dollar bill,! same bank. The finder will be suitably re warded, by leaving the same with HALL & HOYT. Jan 3 * dec 24 _ r ... |wv< Crockery. ed the question whether Aliens are liable ■ ^* KU , l *’ lW 0< He departed for the last eight months, payable on Thurs-1 ZpHE aubacribers continue to file orders to tho nor* rmaneo of militm ,1„k. Ti i thw . W * at 110 IIw ^ °* -' Ir - J^hua Tennis, day next, 6th inst. to the stockholders, or 4 for Crockery, of any description, on to the per.ormaiKe ot militia duty. The • on, m the above city, whore he had resided their authorised agents, at the Steam-Boat 1 advantao- * ' * ' " ' with othdk Choctaw Delegates, * ' agents. opinion of the Judge, predicated upon the "’’I" other Choctaw Delegates, during Office, Savannah. principle ofthe - Lex Loci," is, that Aliens lue ‘"I 1 n<*Srs>*i«tion S with WM. P. WINTER, ... . , woverumeiit tor the disposal ot a portion of. Treasurer Steam-Boat Coiupany. ate liable to perform militia duty, | the Lands of the nation. 1 Jan 4 '33P Swaim 's Panacea, A FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 4 Port U lie and Wh s„ey 27 CASES 2 dez. each, Port Winp r antageous terms Persono -, v i B |dng to, order for the spring, would do well to hand \ in their orders, as early as the month of j Just received and lor sale hy * January. J. B. HERBERT <S* CO. I J. B. JiJiiLkc nov 26 * dec 86 Hogsheads Philadelphia Whiskey ■ sale by HERBERT d». CQ.