Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 10, 1825, Image 3
\ 4* + DIED, At Ctiarleaton. «n Thursday, N. M. Pr- T *,«!», Ksq. of tha firm of Peterson, Ham raond fit Co. oftliis city. POUT OF SAVANNAH * „ For Provideic.e, The fast Bailing rilular packet thinl RISING STATES, W. Pierct\jH.vttcr, ARK IV HI), Sidir. K'.i/a'o ili, Simim.'r,', Janie? River, (Vir.) #0 lioiifu, with Corn, to Humming at GwatlinitV, .. ,S, hr. Jnb. S. French, Catell, from Nor folk. with Corn. Sloop First Attempt, Hale, Newbern, N. C. 3 (Invs. w ith Corn. Now's! on in bout Augusta, from Charles ton, for Augusta. AT FOUR MILE POINT, Ship Hazard, Child, from Providence, to Pari# Hill. BELOW, Ship Niagara, Goolten, from Port-au- Prince. SAILED, Ships Oolethorpe. Tubnor. Liverpool. James. Salter. „ do. Augusta. Chadwick. NW-YnrK. Schra- R' iriovi, Tetft. Providence. KIim & Jane. Now Orleans. Sloops K.vcn ss, Ha met!. Charleston. | St, Marys, Nyn.Duriou. The brigs Osgood, Gardner, and Diana, M’Leun. both for this port, sailed from Li verpool Nev. «. The James, Oliver j Blu- clicr. Potter: Lydia, Robinson, and Crown, Brooks, sailed for do. Nov. 26. The s.-llr. Polly, fmm Providence, for this port, was spoken ofi'Hatlerns, 23d uit. Tim William & John, Tabor, from New York to Amsterdam, was totally lost, near the Vlio. during.igale in the early part of Nov.and only the chief mute and a few bales of ootten snved. I Several Eant. and West India ships, had I been lost on the coast of England, their crews. ARniVKD FROM THIS PORT, At Baltimore, 30th ultimo, sohr. Fornax, Davit. Cr.r. lREO FOR Till’ PORT, At Nc'.v-Von,, 30th uit. sciir. Emeiine,! K ''-'.id. I m ron this porn*. At Liverpool. 25th Nov. brio- Harp,La uric. A' Nov,- York, 20th uit. brig Jane, Blake, to Puii 1st inst. THE SlTPSriRIOERS •Continue the c.ommimion bvbinf.88 in (.iv- r.m ooi., under the firm of \&iA0« low & co. a NDwil) «l till times mnkc liberal ad-'Will sail with despatch. For flpiglit or . vances on produce consigned to them j passage, lnivlng elegant accommodations, for salo. ; apply to the Captain on board, at Rive’s Having ships regularly in the Liverpool; wharf, or to OKRAY TAFT, trailo, and owning a convenient wharf, on ■ dec 30 • 30 which there are nwtu\ firr-pmf jlnrai, cut- j ion will be received and forwarded in their I own vessels, or tho.c to their address, free | of any commission, ! Orders for merchandize, will he executed : and only a commission charged, when the j payment is satisfactorily neemed. A GFNF.RAL ASaOHTMRNT OF BlHTISH I)UY (>0003, ’Ipatc.h. For New*York, (ESTABLISHED LINE,) The regular packet ship AUGUSTA, Chadwick, .Master, Will meet with immediate do- For freight or passage, having IS lust received, being bought with money j excellent accommodation*, apply to Capt. and selected be one of the partners, they. C. on board, at Jones’Upper Whart, or to will be furnished ns low ns by nny.rogula*; HALL & HOYT, Importing House in the United States, and; on a long credit, for unproved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Jen 4 oct 55 7U For NewAork, The regular packet ship C 0 T T 0 N - P L A N T, Jl. Fash. .Master, Will have immediate despatch. nov 3 TO RENT, The west end of the emy Building, belonging to the Union Society, lately occupied by Mrs. Sweet. Apply to L. M ASON*,Scc’ry. V. Society. :■ 1 i ■—erf'i ■■ — Ra nt Oil, fcx. yUST received by ship Corsair, and per >W> laU- arrival^ IP Barrels Paint Oil 1600 Founds Spanish Brown Do. do do in Oil Dry Verdegris, ill enclts Do in oil 1 Barrel Pipe Clay 1 do Rotten Stone lb Reams of Sand Paper Coarse and lino Emory Powder IN STORE, A general assortment of Pui t : , (tils,Window Classic. For sole low bv IIAtZARD fir DENSLOW, Wbittaker-St. 2d door from the Bay. mu mm BT CAD VIST BAKER, On MONDAY. 10th inst. At XI o’clock, in front of his Auction Store, a general assortment of Ghoceuies. Jan 0 jwrma vix-- ( W. lUKikVVEi.I, «jUU. ,} AYE received by tho ship Georgia, trom lit Liverpool, and recent arrival? from iV. i For freight or passage, having handsome York, u large and complete uswu '.incut of - accommodations, epjny on board at Hun India, British, mid Domestic ' Dry Good.., CONS 1 S TING O F Grmniy’it White Plaiun Do ’ Blue Do Do Mixt Do Do Rod and White Flannels London Duffle Blankets Rose Birnkets Linens, Sincheiv* Saranou, Choppas, fitc. Sattinets. Plaids Brown and Bleached Shirtings, &c. which are oiTored for sale low and on ac- commods ling credits. oet 15 7 ' ler’s Wharf, or to GEO. GORDON. •f.rinding from trie 1 urgent, 4 Hogsheads Superior N. O. Sugar. Jan 6 3sp For Liverpool, The fast sailing coppered ship EMILY, W. B. Webb, Muter, 5<Is now loading end will be de spatched immediately, three.fourths of her cargo being on board or ready to go on board. For freight of the remainder, ap ply to ANDREW LOW & CO. Jan 5 34u B£ AUTHORITY. kandina;, FROM SHIP COTTON PLANT, “I AH KEGS American White Lead, Ivv warranted equal to English SO half boxes) ' Cabanas’ Segura, re- UiCl or. boxes ( ecived per ship Comet 3” lihds. St. Croix Sugar 26 bids. Whiskey 4 half pipes Pico Madeira Wine, su perior quality 10 eighths do* do. do. do. 20 barrels 1 Vandewater’s’ celebrated lli. ins 10 half pipes • Samos’ Wine For sale by JOHN W. LONG. Jan 7 ' pd'. [PUBLIC ACT.) AN ACT COflCERMlNO UtN. LAFAVITTE. B E it enacted by the Sengte and House of Representatives of'ho United States ol America, in Congress assembled. That, in consideration of the services and sucri ces of General L.ieajette, in the Wur of the Rovciution, the Secretary of the Treas ury be, and he is hereby, authorised to pay to him the sum of Two Hundred Thousand St-dlars. out of any money in- the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. Ami bo it further enacted. That there be granted to the said General Im- fa vktte, and his heirs, one township of lam!: to be laid out. and located under the authority of the President, on any of the uit appropriated lands of the United States. H. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAI1.LAKD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. Washington! Approved Dec. 28,18:24. ' JAMES MONROE. flitter. haiiD, »c J UST received per ship Cotton-Plant, and brig Frances. 50 Kegs Ghslien Butter 10 Barrels Hams 30 do Moss Beef to Half barrels Corn Meal 10 do do Fly Market Beef . 15 Kegs La rd 50 Barrels Philadelphia Family Flour 50 Half do do do do 10 do do Buckwheat Flour 100 Barrels Potatoes For sale bv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Jan 6 Anciaux’s Wharf. Si- nit AluntFIy \ a evr Vtles milE sub Foribfrs ;o the above Parties, X Hie particularly requested to sUend a meeting to be held at. the Exchange, on THIS EVENING, at seven o’clock, to make arrangements tor the Balls ensuing. Jan W 37 Hav, t urned Be-1 i$c. E BUNDLES IIAY 30 Barren Primp Pork,city inspection 30 Barrels Cider 100 Box* ►: Scnp Half Barrels Beef Rounds of Corned Beef For sale on board ship Cotton-Plant, at HunterV Wharf. Jnn 6 ?n For‘i n fi poo!, The well known coppered British brig ELIZA ANN, John Baird Maxtor, Has part of her cargo engaged and will meet with despatch. For freight of 400, bales cottou, bjt to the master on board, • p or h - a le bv at Scott & Balfour’s wharf, or to JOH* He dec Id \d Suuli aacl Tobacco, AT KEV-YOi'K PIIICE8. *JTIHE subscribers having b : en appointed f agents for Henry Rieli ^ Co. of Now- York, will keep constantly on hand, a com plete assortment of Moccohuy $nuff in Jari and Bottle*, Paper Tohcu t o, for charing and smoking. fresh from the manufactory, with which they will furnish the public w the factory prices. PMLBR/CK &s SCRAJWVM Market-Square, A or. ‘21 ‘.’.(lire l actings. TONS canon castings, just rcceiv ed from Greenock, via. Charleston, consisting of the following assortment, viz 2600 pot? from £ to 30 gallons 200 A inerican spiders, from 9 to 13 inches 60 set Hat metal weights, from 1 oz. to 4 lbs. 120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts 1300 camp ovens, from 9 to Ifi inches 130 uniinned tea kettles, from one to 5 quarts P. M’DERMOTT. FHILUl*^ Academy and Boarding School. - . M R. PHILLIPS has the honor to inform the public, and particularly those La dies and Gentlemen who intend placing I heir children under his tuition, that he will open school on .Monday, the third of Janua ry next, in the upper part of the house at the south-west corner of Col. Shad’s build ings, Johubtou’s-Square. doc 22 24 BY J. B. BSRBUBT 0^. THIS DAY, inth mat. Will he sold in front of* T 'birV. ings, on the Bluff, at XUoVWk, ti.»r arcmi or all concerued, 20 Bags Cotton, damage on the passage from Augusta.—Termacash. Jnn 10 Office nf l .c Marine and tire Insurance Company. S.eVAkkah, Deceutbor 2d, 1924. 4 N adjonrned meeting of the stockhold- !\ ers of this ijjctitujion, will tnlie piuce at its ('flice on WIZDAESDAY, tho l : dth. day ofjannnn/ nnci, at, which all person* interested, are desired to attend, either per sonally or by ntturney. As mat tors of impor* lance in relation to the future operations of the Company, will then be discussed at;d decided, percons rtijiresenting stock,should be invested with full power to vote on all questions that may arise, touching tho pro- gross of the institution. GKO. SC1ILEY, President, doc 4 9 For ! liverpool, The pfaunrh brig m. CHATHAM, Captain Holland, Is now loading at Smith’s JVharf. From 200 to 300 boles cotton, will be taken on freight at a very low rate. Apply to S. B. PARKMAN. Jan 8 37l or Sale, f reight or Charter, anal voais. A FEW Chaldrons of Superior Canal Coals, suitable for families, for sale on board the ship Milton, in lots to suit pur chasers. Apply to Capt. S. S. Webb, on board, or to BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Jan 7 Anciaux’s Wharf. Prime Sugar and Hum. HHDS. superior St. Croix sugar . HMW-talta J <- “>JSctmott. tons, a First-rate sailor, n nd in com- j i ^4 r 5 plete order for any voyage. For ■— — -- —. ■ — - 1 * further particulars, apply to BR.1DLEY, CLAQHCkRKSs WOOD. dec 24 Window Glass. (l-UV'EY BOXES of 8 by 10 and 10 bv 1‘2, IMN> Window-GW, ' ' ' ' . just received and : for sale low, bv HAZARD dr DENSI.O W, Far Darien, The fast saihne racket sloop ! Whittaker-Street, 2d door from the Bay. THREE BROTHERS,- l1 ’"' ;l «*l Howland, Master, Will sail with despatch, For freight or passage, having superior ac- Laurel Saw-Mill. jfft'HE above Mill is now in complete or- conimodaihins, apply to the master on i U dor< (ind wiu Clll nnd deliver Ht SaV ah- board, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf. „ ah „ r Rt th „ p , ant „ ti „ ns on tho rivRr , ]uIM ’ !1 ! ber of every description wonted. Apply to ; HORACE KIRBY Savannah, or to .^avani;ah and Augusta Line of; , Jacob read,Drake’s Plantation. ° dec 13 lCpI’&M Northern GL, 0 c. WK BARRELS Northern Gin • 1 C;*se Fier Glauses 1 do Piinty Received per Cotton Ph ut, for eal« bv J. B. HERBERT L CO. Jan 6 Union So iety A QUARTERLY MEETING will be h, hi THIS EVENING, Kith inst. at seven o’clock, at the' 8orjot.v\: Hall. L. MASON, Secretary. Jnn 10 35 * llais :tK la ms, fc. fY pi BOXES Miiaratei Raisins mikj 1000 Pounds Georgia Hams 2000 Pounds Middlings 4 Small earks Leaf Tobacco 2 Casks Chesnut.a 8 Hogjdieads New • England Rum 20 Barrels Prime Pork 20 do St . Croix Sugar 100 Barrels Potatoes 60 do Fleur Just received apd fur suic by H. BLAIR, Moore’s Wharf, Jnn 10 2Bp WO- 'iVVUU ), G RAND CAPITALS in Pennsylvania Union Canal Luitvry, 14th Class,which dreu in Philadelphia on the 5th inst. Those who have orden d tickets or shares, in this lottery, are requested to call and receive them at Welch and Gnin .ys Chins & BALES Welch Plains, very wide und & of superior quality 20 Do Grandy* do blue, white ami mixed. For sale by C. W. ROCKWELL & C( 1. . nov v9 4 VYh-skev anti idol' HOGSHEADS Rye Whiskey 22 Barrels Newark Cider, 1st quali ty, landing from ship Augusta, for sale bv C. C. GRISWOLD. nov 2? Wltiuktry. HHDS. nnd f»0 barrels landing and ibr sab* bt r dec 27 whiskey, ilJILL Sf TIOYT. Reduction of Brice on Bonders. \ NP not manufactured in this city, but regularly imported—for sale at jl per box, at retail, by A- PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings nov *i5 EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 10 Notice. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, will &t Office in Savannah, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of next mouth, February, at. ten o’clock, A. M. on business of importance. A general attendance is requested. N* B.—Any absent stockholder may, by power of attorney, under seal, authorise any qlher stockholder to vote for higi or her. WM. P. HUNTER, 1 roQsurar Steam-Boat Company. Jan 10 38 W ebstcr s Npcl mg Books, R ECEIVED andfor sale by doc 13 jy. b. WEED. Flour and Corn, BARRELS Baltimore superfine Flour 2000 Bushels Maryland White Corn For sale by HALL Si HOYT, doc t TO PRINT*'IK 4 RAMAGE PRINTING PRESS,com- plete and in ^ood order, sufficient to work an imperial lonn, will be sold at a low price, if apjilied for immediately at the of fice of the Georgian, nov 1 Swaim's Panacea. t FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated ;* Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 4 Stages, in coraeqnence of p 0 rk, Gin, ' hare Moulds, fee the accident to the ' steam-boat, the Savan- ■ nali and Augusta Line »f Stages, is extended from Purysburgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat will leave Bolton’s Central, Wharf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues-! day, Thursday and Saturday, at half-past j six o’clock, A. M. which will convey the j passengers to that place. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ten dollars. f J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jon 3 32 O do do C. C. GRISWOLD, FFERS for sale, 75 Barrels Prime Pork, New-York City inspection 20 do Mess do 80 do Northern Gin 10 T«*iis -S’liare Moulds 2 do Steel 12 Kegs Black Paint 8 do Verdigris Jan 3 Vinous tnu\ lAiesvp'.; The subscriber informs his friends and the citizens of Savannah, in general, that from this date, no will work j’ *»t the following reduced prices, viz Find rate hoots, made to measure, warrant ed of the best calf skin, : : : jju r »0j Footing boots, witJi best materials, 3 50 First rate shoes, made to measuro, of the first quality, :::::: 2 50! Together with mending and every thing in ! his line, proportionablv cheap. I JOSEPH SINGER, I From New-York, Bronghton-Street, one < door from Bull-Street, directly opposite Judge Cuyler’s. d p c, 7 Plain < ook. Washer A’ lroner j O hire by the year. For particiilare, I apply to W. T. W ILLIAMS, dec 8 12 i utter, Fujs and Har-ins. — "I rU KEGS first C|«ulir.y Goshen Butter arrant- jU 15 drums t'rosii Fijrs 10 boxes Muscatel Raisina Juat received ami for salo by A BASSETT, No. 1 Mongin’s New Buildings. Jan 7 BvokLftVtti**, V o v \n\ftoVtm, Ac he. T HE undersignp'd tenders his best sor vices to the public, in the 2»v\ Ortara.; General Brokerage and Cam Persons liable to Militia du-; tllissi <11 BusitK 56. tv, belonging to the Second He has taken those fire-proof buildings on Beat Company, will appear on the Bay, formerly occupied by Messrs J agios their Parade Ground, in Mar-; Dickson & Co. and has made arrangements fcot-Sqtiaro. on FRIDAY, the for liberal advances on all qpecies uf prop- 1 *4tli inst, precisely at. ton o’-. erty deposited with him. lie will buy and clock, A. M. aimed nnd equip- seli all kind of stocks, rcol and personal es- ped according to law. And fates, and attend to nil agencies, connect- on the same dnv an election cd with the above business, will be held for a Second Lieu- j J. P* HENRY, tenant and Ensign, for said. Jan 3 32re Compar. . LOUIS GIRODON, Captain Second Beat Company. In caso of default, you are summoned io appear before a Court of Enquiry, which will he held at. Justice Barton’s Office, on MONDAY 23d inst. at 3 o’clock, P. M. Jan 8 37 Brass Fenders. O NE onsn elegant brass femlors, rcceiypd j per Emperor, and for sale by N. B. WEED. dec 20 Notary Public’s Ottice, lor the f hipping of Peamen. T IIE subscriber having been left out of the Magistracy, in Die Third Coinpa- I tty Beat., and by the Board of Aldcnneii, as j a Port Warden, fur the Port of Savannah, . — !— : now offers his services to the Shipping Mer- rp/w ij|<'fern chants of Savannah, for the SHIPPING I 9 it Pi li I OP SEAMEN. His experience, as being The large three story brick J formerly a merchant and ship owner, Arc. building on tho Bay, lately oc- Ac. &c. he thinks will h" useful. The ^ D ^ most prompt attention will be paid to the Janies Dickson & Co. as a wholesale dry coods store, i orders and wishes of those who may favor I liim, and a suitable person will bo engaged to procure seamen. WM. BELCHER. Jan 8 35t Apply to Office of lIte Marine and Fit e Insurance t'orppuny Savankah, December 2d, 1824. P ERSONS holding bill# of this Comp# ny, are requested to present i Item for payment forthwith, as it is desirable that they should all be redeemed as early as may be convenient. GEO. SCHLEY, President, dec 4 9 •MUX l U FEMALK ACADEMY. MISS USHER, PRINCIPAL LVS1RUCTESS. ADMJN1STR ATOR’S BALE. 87 J. b. lamnsRT &. co. On SATURDAY, 1 OiIt inst. Will he hired before bur stoic, at XI o’, a Family ol Ndgioc-s—,to bo hirrd until the first day of January, 1H2«. The pui.son having the negmor to g -| vc an approved undo rued note, payable a’ 'im expiration of the time, and hud clothing. &o. Jan 8 ay j. a. tua&fxxt'V & co. Un TUESDAY, llth imt. . Will bo sold bi aij'.p Bolton’s • piitriuWl.Hrf, nt XI o’clock, ii quanrity of Old Junk end Rigging —Terms Cash.. Jan 8 T HE Trustees of the Monticcllo Female Academy, respectfully inform the pub lic, that, the next quarte r will commence on the FIRST MONDAY JN JANUARY NEXT. Miss Usmek has been engaged in the instruction of Young Ladies, both in the useful nnd oinuiucntal branches oi'female eduutlion, tbraoveral years. Slie has taught with dialinguislied success in the city of Hartford, Connecticut, in Yorkville, fcouth Carolina, and in this place. She devotes the strictest attention to the manners and morula of the Young Ladies entrusted to. liar care. The high and healthy situation of this village, is calculated to invite people from the !ow country to place their children in tbiti thriving Seminary. A pumbor uf Young Ladies can be accommodated with board* in Mrs. Usher’s family, which they will find peculiarly agreeable. Her terms for boarding, lodging, washing. &c. up.-gt 10 per annum, payable quarterly ill advance. Entrance to the Academy. £3. TERMS OF TUITION. PER qiMBTF.n, Reading and Orthography, $3 50 The same waning. 4 50 Ditto with Liigjitih Grammar, and Arithmetic. 8 50 The above, \\ith composition, Ge ography, Agronomy, the use of the Globes, History, Rhetoric, Philosophy, &c. 8 00 IN AOOITION TC THE ABOVE, Needle Work and Plain Sewing, 1 00 Drawing and Painting, Tambour, Filligree arid Embroidery, 2 00 Drawing and Pointing, alone, 8 00. Drawing, Painting. Filiigroe, Tam bour and Embroidery, 10 00 Music, 10 00 PETER W. GAUTIER,', ^ R. C. MIC RTF 11, NATHAN WARNER, PETER GRIN NELL, C. D. TERHUNE, December SO, 1824. .T-n 8 37p MR. P HIL / I P X., Of RO( FVILLE ACADEMY, &. CAROLINA, B AYING arrived in tfe city, for the purpose' of er.'abli&hing a School tor Youth of■ both .‘.uxns. hr respccifully so licits the pattouag, of the public. The testimonials of hi* ability, attention, and kindness, to the pupil* that have been placed under his tuitv»n, and their rapid, progress in the sevorul branchez oi thvit education, a! the examinations, particular* ly in the English Grammar, from the manner of his teaching it, will he earnest ly hopes, ensure to him a portion of patro nage. • Terms of Tuition in the following ^.ranch es of education. £5G, p«i. Avquni i*^ English, Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geyrt'ftpky, Astronomy. Fus-toty, }«kacr aric ami Comp^ffttun, Natural and Moral Philosophy, and the Belle Lrttrcs. French and Latin., if required, at an ad ditional charge. Navigation and the manner of measuring the distance of ^he sun and moon or %>y ^ idars, and of computing* the lnngitim- lu nar observation*. ; the mc*hcd ^ij'djrig the latitude by double alti^tii>-% nri the varia- t'ion of the con^.a&Sv, taught upon reason a hie teipx*. Miss Phillips will assist in the tuition of the young lading e^twisied to his care. Should iyt;. be so fortunate as, t.o meet with a sufficient support, it is hts intention to open srimol on the third of January, and further will establish a Board ing school, upon the same terrns as tiios^ of jiis academy at Rockville, and masters, \o instruct, in accomplishments requisite, wiR be provided. Any lady or gentleman wishing to honor him with their patronage, .will bavo the kindness to send their cards tplus proeent place of residence, at Cupt. J)oui'iltr/s Job Tv-ten’s-Square, and he will ^nmeJiaviH lv wait upon them. dec J3 IB}! I 1 LAW, J pIIE snbscribe-r temlct# hi# profoesionat U services to the public: ami bi;(r# lepve to inform them, that he may a* all time# .tie found at the nffiee of Messrs. Davies 4r rirh, situated in Hunter# buildings on tg« Bay. JOSEPH VUL.LENCE BEVAN, Sui'tvnnah.O'i. 26,1824. 83" The Constitutionalist, Georgia Jpti,.. nal, and Y/iiBliington Mows, are w<ivWV$ to give the above 3 insertions, weekly. ’ net 27 8(1 l S Ji Notice, VA\\a.?„ih\. Nd- ft- A DIVIDEND of Fifteen Dcjlmra Wit share, has this day been ‘dechired v>. ' the profits of the Steam Boat Company, for the iast eight months, payable ,;:i iT,u^-. day next. 6th inst. lo the stockholder;. their authorised agents, at tin. Stoam-Bp«t Office. Savannah. WM. F. HUN’TER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Cri' j.n.!)v, .Ton \ r Ijt-CDl.dwl, I NROM my service, on Saturday Inst, the first instant, my Mulatto Girj CELIA, aged *0 years, tali and tolerably comely, and very dressy. She is so well known in this city, (having worked .out as a seam stress) that a further description of her U considered unnecessary. It is supposed thnt. she is harbored by whip of her Mulatto acqu A itaneo in this city, as she liar; on ex tensive one. Any person apprehending "aid girl, and depositing her in Chatham County Jail shall receive a reward of FIVE T*' 'L- LARS. and an additional reward of TEN DOLLARS on proof to conviction of her being harbored by a White or free person of color, on giving information to MARY LEBKY. Kf All persons are forbid harboring or employing her in anyway or manner what ever, i mi r the severest penalty of the law. Jnn 7 35p M. I.. Not let', Tq Suitors, Witnesses, a .</ Jurors,, O F ilic Superior ‘hatham eppp* ty, January Term, ensuing. j Take notice, that in consequence of L';p i county election, public sbIchkikIcertain, ,*ia: i tins of lire InJbrioi Court of said « ou\it>-, v ii I Monday r Li*- tlurd .Ti»nuury. nr.d .hiving '! week of said nrnpth, the Superior Cuurf vt ili be adjourned over from the Lord tp. (pp tenth, tL* second Monday in .tnnuqry of which all iiiteifcstfcd will take \\.'r tice, upd give pum lual attendance. A B. FA'NNJN. Cdork dec -Jii I tike iNotiue T HE person who took awnv and still has in his possession, a well known poin ter and setter BITCH, will do well to re turn her to me, otherwise his name will be published and dealt with as u thief. J»n 8 37p Last Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of the late Robert WorralUnii. deceosed.aro requested to make payment by the Gth .Ian* uarv next, or their aecounls wi|I be placed in the hands of an attorney tor collection. PHILIP BRASCH, Executor, dec 28 28 otice. T HE Honorable the JuBtioes of tho In ferior Court will moot, pursuant to afijuUrtiinunt. at I ho Court House, on Moo dily, the 10th in-innt, for ordinary purpose. fc-AML. M. BOAD, c. c. o. • Jan 7 N otice. A LL persons I\uving Tjrnys, Wagpii?^ Carts, or f*J( rvants, tjiut w«ok for ail colored mpf-humes, hutcheis, barq'-ri, acll^e of grog of fi/n. are h, a r r hy if ’*A to cqll upon the Clerk ofConnril mu ' r»^i. uish themsphos with, badges, bt-iere tr t « 10th inst. After that date, lhf.i»e >vho hay^ no badges, be taken qp. jp. M. STQNE’ Marshal. Jan f> ;h! o S( r |'HFRE is at the Ftenm-Boat. Wht,j^ " three bales of cotton, whieh fmvebidq received by their boats, ami not claimed, dec.. 16 18 ( iu; unil H arness for aln A N eleeai?(, speond hand Gig. with pip- ini a» rnccy, for sale on reason -bie terms. Apply to the Editor. . Jnn 8 37 lgs Aiuseaiei arii-ts ih; R*ec>r.etl p : rJ)t;, Kft BOX US Miu#iit.,:l UoisiOB ?IV/ 5U Pfiuns Knivrp'a Fiu# Fur sale by J. B. HERBERT fit CO. Jan 5 '