Newspaper Page Text
Sheriff’s Sales.
\4irlIJ' be sold st the Court House in Tilt*
w nail County, on the first Tuesday in
Yetmmry next* at the usual hours of sale, to
Ten likely negroes, D'nah • woman, 35 or
40 years of age, Charlotte, about 15 years old,
Tom, a boy about 12, Cyrus, a boy about 10,
7 oilet, about 30 yean old, Dills, Mary, G ace,
and Hester, girls—Harry a boy about 7 months
old. All levied on as the property of Junes
A Tippins. to satisfy *jfi fa, in favour of the
• toesident, Directors ana company of the Da*
Men Dank.
Also, 300 acres of land lying in said county,
E ranted to John Robison. Also, 200 acres of
nd, granted to John Byard. Als" # 400 acres
of land granted to Joseph Robertson. AH
lying on the waters of the Ohoupic, in said
county, levied on as the property of Caswell
Ifloore, to satisfy sundrijf fan from a Justices
Court, in favour of Allen P* well—levied by «
constable and returned to me.
Al«o. 520 acres lying on the Ohoopie, with
rune improvement, levied on as the property
of J *ho M Far land, to sat sfy hit tax for 1823.
AU concerned will please take notice
A. JOHNSON, 3. T. C.
22d December, 1824.
dec 30 ‘ 30
to« um
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in February next,
VTOtuL be sold at the Court'House, in ih ■
\## city of Savannah, between the hours ol
ten and four o'clock,
Eighteen net?roes, via.—Charlotte, Bacons, Tenah, Titus, Stuntio, Nero, Belinda
Dorcuq, Isaac, Bess, Sippio, Carlus, Clue, Peg*
gy, Anue, Bitty, and Monday, levied on by
Content, as the property of N. G> Rutherford
under a fi fa. oo a'foreciosure of a mortgage
in favor of the Bank of Darien.
nee 6 10
Sheriff’s Sales,
O N th* fitst Saturday after the fi-st Tuea*
doy, m February next* will hi sold at the
ilnrket- House, In the town of St Marys, be*
tween the hour* of ten and four o'clock, a tw •
story bouse*ondhut building?, situated in the
town of St. Mary*-, on lot number four, levi
ed on as the property of George W. Martin,
to sat sfy an execution in favor of Belton A
AiSo, two negroes, Colerain and Silvi9, !ev<
led on as the property of John Parker, to
S’ttisfy an execution in favor of Scott and Bai
ley, and other*.'
Also, one negro man named Boatawsin, !e
vied on as the property of Samuel Swearin
gen, to satisfy an execution on the foreclosure
of s mortgage, in favor of Thomas H* Miller,
for And.ew Low & Co.
M. II. HEBBARD, 5. C. C.
January 1,18 5.
.far 8 °7
'Georgia—Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1884.
Timothy Hopkins, vi. ljingtey and Seloester
j i N petition of Timothy Hopbine, stating
' that in consideration of certain prom
aanry| notes, made to the aaid Timothy, by
them, one payable with intereet, from Aral
of January, 1821, on the first of January. 1822:
Vegetable Catholicon.
,-np subir.ribtr roap'-ctfully aol clta the at
iKTtcntiun of every friend of (.offering hu-
manity, m to the thorn new and invaluabl.
a aecoml payable aa aforessi', on the fimt of re niedy, whose unequal power, in eliminating
tunnaau I UO 1 ? ■ u.sel a lkt.,1 ^ni,..Uln caa af,aa. . m * . I. . P
{sheriff's Sales.
O N the first Saturday, after the first Tues-
day in March, will be add at the Ma
li et House, in tba town ;f St. Marys, between
the hours of ten and fou> o’clock, a negro
boy named M ses, levied on as the property
of Cornelius Rein, to aat'Sly an execution on
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John
Chevalier. ». H HEBRAUD, S. C. C.
St- Marys, January 1, 18?5*
,T - 8 37
On thefirst Tuesday in February next,
TOFILL be sold at the Court House between
W the hours of ten and four o'clock, the
following three Negroes, vis t
Mary, otherwise known by the name of
Constance, and bur two children Lucy and
K zuh, levied on und?r a foreclosure of a
murtgitg.?, it the property of William B. Hoi
Ifnd, to satisfy Gsudry & Dufiuire.
I D’LYuN, 5 C. C.
dec 4 9
She iff’s Sales.
On (he fiat Tuesd ay in February next,
Vkt# LL oe sou at liie Court-House; be
V# tween the usual hours of ten and four
Im t rovements of Lot No* 10, St. Gall, city
of Savannah, levied on as the prnper'y of Ann
Pitt, to satisfy an execution in favor of I lium
as Lucina*
Lot ho. 15, the corner of Ftanklin and
Spring-sts. Ogleihrope ward, with the im
provements thereon, levied on as the Pi op.
4>rty of Thos: Williams, to satisfy an ext .u-
tun in favor of Jas. Hay man, for use of W in.
A house (n the north corner of lot No* 6.
O^tfUhrnpi* ward, Mir Chatham*gt. city ol
Savannah, to satisf * an execution in favor of
Joseph Burnet against Jui» Brisket.
Half lot No. 4, Ewinsburg, Oglethrope
ward, abd the tint ip.^ed lease of three years
from 1st January next, levied on as the prop
erty of Uobt. Lewis, to satisfy an execution in
favor of J. U M. Pcndergsat- The above
property levied on by a colutaable urde. ex
ccutions from a Justices court and returned to
I D'LYON, S. C. C.
ja"3 32
Sheriff's bale.
O N the first Tuesday in February next, be
tween the usual hours, will be sold st
the Con t House, i.j the couuty of Glynn,
■ Six hui d ed and forty two tens of land,
tnoie or less, situate on the Island of St. Si-
mo^’s, compo.vrd • f several separate t acts,
commonly known i>s the village and the farm
tracts, levied on and to be sold as the prop*
city c f George Baillie, under a rule absolute,
granted by the Superior Court of Glynn Conn*
ty, or. the foreclosure of nvutgage, at the in
stance of Robert Sett,administrator of George
Sc <tt. deceased. Conditions ca‘<h—pinrh'is-
cr to pay fur titles. I AMES BLUE* SG.C.
December 30,18 24.
dec 31 31
i-heriil s ales.
On thefirst Tues lay in March next,
TfTWll.L he sold at the Lmir'-tioust between
VJ the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock,
The follow ng * x m gYoes, Hm.iah, I-*abc,
London, William, Peter, and Hannah, levied
on under a fi* fa. on foreclosure from John
Hu ter to the Planters? Bank.
F >ur negroes, Billy, Mos. t. Will and Jen
ny, levied on under a fi. la. on foreclosure
of a mo; tgage from C. H. Hayden, to Jereim*
ah Cuyler..
A q -.antity of Hout bold and Kitchen Fur
fiitu e levied on under a fi. fa on foreclosure
of a mo »gnge, from Elcuiar Early to Amos
1 D’LYON, S, C C
jan 3 32
in mumc.
Thomas Gumming and others, Complainants
and William Wallace and others Defendants,
Chatham Superior Court, Junnury Term.
182 p*
I T appearing to ihe Court, by th« a flUa
vit of Joseph Gumming that William Wal
lace and Sarah his wife, Mary Clavj Ann Cluy,
Eliza Clay, Maty Jane Clay, William Clny.
Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay,
Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who are par
ties defendants in the above case, reside
beyond the limits of the state of Georgia
and within the United States,and tin t Janie-
Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign puts,
beyond the limits of the United States. On
motion of complainants'solicitors, it is order
ed that the said defendants, first named, dr
respectively appear and answer the com. lain
anta' bill, withm four months from the date of
this rule, and the said James Clay, within nine
months. And it in further ordered, that this
rule be published once a week, during nine
months, in one of the public Gazettes of this
state. A true copy from the minutes.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk,
may It 42fpa
Between W Davies Administrator, Complain
ant, and John l amochun Administrator^ dr,
bonis non -with the wi'l annexed of Geor fe
Richardson, and otfure, Defendants ■ — In
equity C hai/uim Superior Court— Chancery,
V0th A gust, *824-
I T appearing (hat John Murray Carnochan,
one of the defrndunts in the said bill of
complaint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms
of Great Britain a»u Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car
nochan, do sppeni and answer to the com-
plainam'i said bill, within nine months from
the d-ite of this order, otherwise that the
said bill, as to him, be taken pro cor>fcsso t
and it ia further oidered, that a copy of this
order be publislud once a week, in one of
the public Gxzettes of this state, until the ex*
piration of the time within which the said de
fendant ia required to appear and answia is
True cony from the Minutes, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. B.FANN1N, Clerk,
august 24 5()f
Camden Superior Court.
Henr* Harford, J Verdict MarchTerm,
Thomas Kino. ) laot **
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not bo entered* in
the above case, as of March' Term, 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extract from the Minutes,
dec 23 25fu
January, 1823; and a third payable as afore
said, on the first of January, 18 24. executed a
mortgage to said i’i nuthy Hopkins, hi* hers
and assigns, on all those four tracts of,
situated in the county aforesaid, conveyed by
the said Timothy, to the said J-angley and
Selvester, and lying on the souch aide of
Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev
enty-seven) acres, more or less; two tracts
containing fify acres, more or less, and one
ither tract, containing one hundred and eigh
ty-eight acre*, more or leas, conditioned for
be payment of the three said several notes,
on the days above mentioned, and that said
several notes remain unpaid—on motion of
Archibald Clark, attorney for plai>'i fl , it i*
ordered, that (h- said Langley and Sclveste-,
their heirs or assigns, pay iutoCour., withi;-
twclve months from this date, 4«»e sum# due
on said notes, urn! the interes' and ensts, oth
erwise that li.c equity of redemption be fo'.
ever foreclosed, and that such other proceed
ings take place, ts are puisuauttolaw.
True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo
ber, 18. 4. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk.
nov 4 87 Ve
N INE months after date application will
be male to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Muuroe) County, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of the estate of
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bavnrd.
Jan 5 34n4
Administrate.r’s Notice.
N IN WIDTHS from this date, we shall ap
ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, to sell the real estate of William
august 12 4.\
Administrator’s Notice.
N INE MONTHS after dute, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Icl'eiior Court oi
Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary
purposes) for leave to sell the real estate o;
Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred,
dor*. C. H'HAYDEN,
august 12 45
T UB Rubswiber, being who',it to decline bn •
lines, in thia place, request persunc tmv •
mg demamli xgmisi them, to preient them
for payment,
net 5
%TINE months after date, 1 shall apply to
Lx the Court of Ordinary of Camden conn-
ty^ for leave to sell the teal estate of John
D. Young, late of said county deceased, for the
benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
Administrator estate of John D. Young
Junp 17
Sheriff's Sale.
On the Jirtl Tuesday in March next,
K iU. be lold at the Hoer.-Uouie, be
tween the uiual hour, a I ten and foui
Eighty negro .lave., vi,. Nelion, H chel,
Sam, Morria, Cha lc, Millev, Htnn.h, Itarry,
Fiora. A hie Sam, Siivy, Hcrculci, Brahoy,
John, David, Nancy, Philip, Judy, John, Hat-
vy, five, Philip, Anna, I.uc.v, Monday, Tenth,
Molly, Henry, Ben, Venuv, Cam, Cutnbi,
Celia, F'on, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, Lukcy,
Paddy, Jenny, Brntua/iinda. Beck, Finny, o ,
Hetler, July, Phebe, .lark, B Ha. Fanny,
Jack, ltob-rt, I.iac, Pumpcy, i’e-ir, Caiy,
Wdlougliby, Fortune, H cinl, Pbillia, Ric -
■rd. Miner, Jane, I.ondon, Davy, Iihmnel,
Liziv, Silty George, O' tce, Cudj i, Caty, Be
ly, Simptnn, Billy, M illy tnd Ahralmm, tu
getber with the future iuue tnd increase of
the ftniiliet, levied on under t fi fa, n
fnrecloiure of t mo. tgage, fron. George I..
Cope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, John
M’Nith, and Hebert Mitchell.
I. D’LYON, 8. C. C.
ded 31 31
Attachment sale.
.On theji st Tuesday in February next.
UtflLL ue mid at th Unurt-Houie between
vJ the hnura of IT) and 4 n-cluek,
A negro man named Anthony, attached by
William.loor.atihe property of Benj-J. Al
len, tnd told by order of court.
.'v. ..D’LYON, a e o.
jho 3 33
NO iloE.
N INE months after dtte. application will b»-
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Cour
»>♦ Ordinary **f Chatham county, for leave t<
sell ail the real estate of the late Willian* Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cied
(tors of said estate.
JOHN M'NISH, Executor,
ont 12 7|
Nl otice,
N ine montha after date, I ahall apply »i
the Court of Ordinary of Camden enun
*y» for leave toaell a lot or land, lying in Men
roe county, in the tenth diattiot iu nbe.
ninety-one, belonging to the o -phan? of Lev.
Johns, dec, for Ibe benefit of mid orphans.
. Guardian.
t"n-1* 9o
N otice
T HAT ll ? ree months after date, applica-
* tton will be made to the Bank of the
Stnte of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicate
of stock, tor one loat, issued on tile 17th
March,181(1, in favor of John M’Kinne.Jun.
or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243.
< . B. M’KINNE,
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. 18, 1824.
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
T HE subscriber having discovered the com
PANACEA, has now a supply on liana for
sale i he has reduced thcp-ice from fc3 50, to
$2 SO, or by the dozen g'4. »
All charitable institutions in the U. Stater
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order anu
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine is celebrated for the cure ol
the following diseasesscrofula or king’*
ev *fi ulcerated or putt 'd sore throat, long
standing rheumatic tfiections, cutaneous dis
eases, white swelling tnd disease of'he bones,
and All caws generally of th; ulcerous nharac-
tfir. ind chronic diseases, generally a. is ng in
debilitated constiti<ri'*r.8, but more especially
fro-', ayphili.- or afi rctions arising therefrom ;
ulcer* in the larynx, nodes, ^c. and that
ureadlul disease orcas.o. ed by a long and
nx-tessive use of mercury, idc> It ts ais" use
ful in the disease of the liver "
I hove within the Inst two years had on op
port unity ot aeeing several cases of very
terate ulcers, which lioriug prevlnualy resist'
cd the regular.modes of treatment, were
healed by the use of Mr, Swaiin’i Panacea
•md I do believe, from wliot I hove ieeo,
that It will prove on important remedy in ,cl o-
ftilous, venereal and mercui ial diacaves
N. CH.tptlOM, pt. p.
Professor of the Institutes and practice
of Physic, in the University ut Penn
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. S waim.
in numerous instoncee, within t ie last three
ears, and have always found it extreme.!-
fficacioua, eapeoiallv in aee-ondary oyptlild
md mercurial diseases. I have no hesitation
in pronouncing it n medicine of inertimablc
v "l» e -. W. GITtStlN, M 1).
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of Penn
Philadelphia, Fchruarv 17,1823.
J , I . . JOHN SHINN, Ohemiat.
Pliil-.ddlpMa AW 17 1823.
N otice.
pERSONS having- demands against the
*- estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room ot R. &, J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston.
from the 1 system the. very seeds of disease,
and in rest-ring the d•vanned sml morbid
condition of the organs of life to a fee and
healthy exercise of ih ir fund one, has exci
ted the astonishment, and completely silen
ced th$ objections of the most ibcr« d tlous —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues ot trie Utuhnlicon to as severe a
icr tiny as possible* it was offered by adve*
Psement together with Ihe attendance vf a
pbysic-sn, gratuitously to any p?r«m who
would apply for it, and wh>se cause might
seem t' come within the range of its healing
pover—numbers of severe eases of long st* d-
ing, at d <ome of them seemingly da-n'-r >tc
ones, pr» enled themselves, all ofw'iich have
b en cured, or yo much relieved as to warrant
the assertion that a httle perseverance will dr.*
so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi
cian under whose ca r e these patients were
placed, in this remedy, a cot fide .ce resuit
tngfiem the irresistible convictn n that has
been foiled upon his-mind by ocular detnon*
at ration, a’ d a person d trial of it on h>mseit
ihu« he permits*me to denlure i‘ as Ins d :ci-
ded (*;iinlon, that *he ChiIi dicon is not only a
perfectly safe and innocent, hut a most pow
erful end invaluable remedy in certain dis
tance a id states of the s.-su m, such aa the fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation j Ol-.i and inveterat - Uicers. Pains
in the hunt's attended with ss’dlings of the
jo-n's; Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimp tf* f &c j Al complain!* of the Liver t
Tetter.- Yaws i Syphilis: Cutaneous diseases
generally ; Mercurial a;id scrofulous com-
pi lints.
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol-
emnly pledges h h wotd consis's exclusive,
•if vegetable malic') with the exception of a
•d-ghi dvtermi lotion to tlyi bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires m particu
lar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous li
quors ."lways excepted.) or confinement. As
(gentle, axle andag>'ee«bie cathartic medi
oii-e, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone >f the''system, it io confid-.-ntty
recommendid to iadies in a delicate situs*
66 Chcuuut-street.
Philadelphia, May 31, 1824
At the request of Mr. W. W. Poller, I h tve
hde’.y exhibited, insevertdin.t*nce>,a medi
cated su’up caih d Po lor’s Vegetable Catho-
icon, with the most decided advantage- I:
.as. as • et, never lailcd eff«-ct»ng a cure io
every case in which ! have t'loug; t proper to
mploy it. H. .M'MUU RIE, M D.
• ——
Phi adephiu, July 28th, 1824.
Mr. W W. Potter
Ilea Sir— You expressed s wish that 1
would give a concise sUtement of my *t;ff,.r-
inga from * the hopeless commencement, tr
■ he present propitious stage of my disease.'
About five years ago, on my parage from
•fordebttx, during ihe month of January, frfim
imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seised
v/ith a violent fever. Having no medical at*
lendnutson board, I was compelled to bear
it, ns I might for two weeks, when on try ar
rival at Cnarl***ton, S. C. it wa* treated
ryphtts. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Phocni x-like, the termination
••fthis gAve ris o to a dbrase equally distrew
ing, and which, till now. I had thought incur-
ib!e. Various aoscesses made thei newel-
?ome appearance, particularly on the j lints,
vhich were rwc l»d to an enormous size.—
These g'adually.subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee Affected tie
bone—an incision wf«» now made ano a lanre
evacuation of nus, mixed with piece* of bone
l ook nines. I \ addition to this. I at fiVec 1 lie
most excruciating pains in my junta that man
ever experiennfd Every thing that wa«
adin ; n «teri*d either ga ve me no relief <-r ser
ved to aggravate the JiscBttf, the seventy t»f
whi« h increased ^very «ucceed"-g year.
Inch w.-g my painful si uatinn 1 'e(paired
of ever being restored to my heal h ; J bad
not o ily trie i the e nds'* means of relief,
•'•ut :ned, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 co.iM hear o r - II was in this awful and
•1C: i-ond'iig c<>ndi!'on, hat I was persuade ! to
onmenc.eaemrse of you*- V .'t?t table P-uth . •
op, and ti e hanpv vefiult is, ••font the use
of the two b ail s my whole :ys'cm has under
gone a complet'd revo ntion my p uns haw Jo s:i«
le me i* the discharge from my knee began
o dimmish, and si o i ceased altogether, the
ideerfrom - hence it proceeded being corn hoijed. The tumor?:, for the removal
of which I have tried in va»o more remedies
than i can name, are rapidly decreasing ;■ my
appetite, which wcsg mo.has re«*irned—I an.
in fact, near'y well, and f-*el confident that a
few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable
nedicin?, will m ike me pt recily «o.
Your obliged friend,
could wish to he. With my thanto , I am your
obliged humble ftcrvaut, Ua
City of Phihulephiu, se>
George Koie, of the District of South
wark, personally appeared, and, being dnl
sworn, doth declare and say that the aboVr
statement is in all respects correct uud true,
and that the signature to it ia in the baud
writing of this deponent
J >11 ' BINNS, Alderman
Philadelphia, May 28, 18 4-
The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly
adapted to those diseases which at e nrevale t
among the coloured poimlat.on of the south
In that disease which is called yaws, it >8 a
sure remedy j a single 1 rial of it, will convince
planters of its s jperior eflicacy to any recne
dy of a similar nature in the United Statjs*
The advantages of thia medicin** are* not
confining the pnfient uiinecesmi tly to tfic
house, or keeping him fr. m his business.—
With one solitary exception, that of » fritu
ous liquors, it does not lay any Kstric io./s upon
his appetite It is so gentle n iu operation
that the p diem finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how. As it is not the wish of'thr
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cacnot give s ror; si deration equal in value,
persons at a distance who may wisti to try
Pis rredicine, hut who are not certain if it
be applicoble to thei'. 1 complaint, are request
ed to describe r l»eir oiao and symp'oir.a in
a fetter, p »st-pai(l, and directed to nim—thb;
letter wit: be imm 'dmtr ly ;>taced in h inus
fully competent, to de*d-: 'he question.—
Should 'he remedy not se mi o suit the dis
case, they will be frankly told so.
To prevent d ^appointment it is well to
ff ite that it takes in ordinary cases from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure so that pern jus udi
ire labouring under any ser ous infirmity,
must mt»ke up their mind to persevere to that
extrn at least— if ihey do not, they might as
well a’.vethemselves th«: IrouUie andexj-« n.e
f u ioge s.rj;.l!:»r qu.ntitu.
All orile-s pjt p.iid and enclosing the m net/,
immediately t ., a.:d Ue mciiioitic
packed and delivered with direct io mu for use.
to any place in the city, and forwarded as d,*
N. B To prevent the possibility of ini-
P ’sition, it will be soi l in Ihe city ofPhiludei*
iphia. at the office in Filth near ltace-'ir: et
oral the dwelling of the cropri tor, N ». 66
Chesnut street, only, tin-1 abroad bv his au*
thorizjdagents , W W POTTER,
66 Chemut Si, vet, Phi lade pfi c*
I have appointed GEORGE RYE 180W,
i Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent, Otug
gists wa .t<ng the above valuable medicine
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
rate, if ordered direct from me—vz. $30
po d un, or ti.ree dollar.'; a single boule.
W *W. POT * ETt, Puiladelphis.
Any person on application to thesubscrib. i
will bn furnished with certificate* ol the r ffi
ootty of ilui tb ive medicine, sufficient :o con-
v nee the m nd of the most sceptical, althoug.'
too numerous .-nd I«-ng<hy for nev/spape?in
sertion, GEO. KYEflsOMj Druggist,
Comer ot Ba. and Whittaker Streets,
dec 13
due 18
21 f l
dor IK
N otice.
%TINE MONTHS after the dote of this
notice, application wUI be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber-
iy County, for permission to sell a part of
he real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN \V. STACY,
dec 18
N INE month, after dtte, application w|l! be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
enmity, sitting for ordinary purposes for an
order aocolute, to sell lots N s f JU r»n. five
V- *™ s ) <» Carpenter’. How, and lot No
one, (t) Green Ward,in :h« city of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis Jalineau. dec!
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
•aid estate WILLIAM GAS TOY.
Qualified Executor,
P ERSONS having demand, against the ci
tato of the ..te William Craig, doc. ere
tegneated to render the aarne, properly .«
tim - c prMC,ib(d ^ law, and
those indebted to said estate, are esmest.y
caHed upon to settle the same without de-
oetl3 J°HNM’NISil, Eiccutnr.
Philadelphia, Julj, r 6, 1824.
. M y, confidence in the v geubie cathnlicor
is tintiiminislivrl, and as fr ;«h in tances of it,
powers ,r„-daily occuiritg, in my own prac-
'."cc I have nn hesitation in recommending i .
in the peculiar diseases to which it is ap'ihca-
btv, ns superior to any tome lv I am acquaint
ed with. M, M’y.UHl DIE. M. D.
Philadelphia, May 38 !8 4
Sir—In consrqn-ncn of imprudent exp:-,8
urn four wars ago, 1 hail "he misfortune o b..
come • ffl'eted with a disease, the painful rt
iu* sot which induced me to i.pplv in sue.
cessiun to several respectable Pliyaicians ol
th s city, from whom, however, I received
either r.o relief, or from whose remedies 1 -c-
ceived another complaint quite as disti esaing
.a the former. My whole system became . -
tented. I could get no rest at night on sc-
-ount of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body; the weakness and e naci,
tion of which was such that I could scarcely
wnlk. In this stats 1 fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon- f JU r bottiea of
which, has completely reatored me, I have
now no pain s my appetite ia good s and my
strength restored With many thanks tor
ihe relict your medicine hits given me, I am
your obliged friend, !ic.
Sworn sad subscribed to be fore me. May 28
. 1824 JOHN BINNi, A.derman.
■ Philadelphia, M, y 38,18’4.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a
nearly miu . For nearly sis years I have been
a martyr ttr a disease, whose ravage threat'
ened, if not aoon .topped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencemen', my
complsiot >t last got to such t bright that I
could not a*allow without grent pain and
difficulty. Tumors formed in different pnits
of my body, and I began Io think my situation
Idmiot desperate. I be five bottles of the
Uathohcon which I have taken have con.,
plctely cured me. and I tin uov as well as i
T HIS mLdicine it ofleted as a remedy for
Scrofula or Kuo ’s Evil, Uicersted Son-
Throat,long Mailing rheumai ic aff.:ctioiu,Cui.
anemiaDileasrs, WhittSwelling anil disease of
the Bines and all cases gene ullv of an ulcer
oua character, and Chiomic diseases arising ir,
debilitated constitutions, but tnort ca.wciidl.
for Syphilis or affections arising the efrom
ulcers of t he Larynx, Nodes, 8tc., and that
dreadful disease occasioned by a long act) ev.
cossiVo use of Mercury, Ac. Ac.—It has als.
been found useful in Diseases afthel.iver.
In a'l disorders arising from .m impure or
contaminated stale of thr Weed, it will he
found a powerful and an effectual remedy—
The discovery of this medicine has been the
effect of long and attentive stu >y, vrtd it is
tiow made public from the moat decide ! con-
viedun,founded on ampie experience. T i.s
no* e> in eradicating those diseases, ijlcr eve-
y ether me, icihe has failed
. It catm-'t. however, be supposed, thst thre
Paxacta will invariably cure—the m.-st es.
teemed ntedieinea; employed by the F cplty,
will yfteafail in the very diaerses fir which
they a e considered apecifies; but if thy use
of it he persevered in, it will radically remove
almost ev rv oauie of the disorders spe- ified
Thousantl are lingering under those cumfjii t-
in some form, to the gmve, without
a remedy, whom thia medicine wool I certain,
ly restore to perfect health and vigour. Ip
safety and iunocence hate been fully tested
So th .t it may be administered to the tender-
est infant. The most di. linguisiied phyci.
cians in the United States recommend it, and
admit, that a more important discovery in me
d : eal science has not been trade ; and to usr
the language cfone of’he most eminent Pro-
tensors of ths age, ft is a triumph in the h,al
ing art. To ihe prescut an ; rising genera
tions the benefit must prove incalcul hie, not
only by saving many valuable liVei, hu: im-
'.aiding str- ngth and aoundness to dehiliiuled
ant' corruptedc-mitilu<ioni, therebypre,crying
their offspring from hers ditary discerns. These
f ;ts, tug therwith ■ he numeroui ‘t.ures ffiadt
form irresistiblepreof of th> high value of this
remedy. No one, however, is a I vised t 0 iske
it. Without first fully Cohvineing leinsult ot
the truth of what is here stated, and the rec
titude of the Proprietor's intentions.
The cures performed in this citv ajnne, es
tablish its superior virtue on s basis too solid
to be nlfioted bv the malignity of the enviou
—It is worthy of remark, that the greater
part f the patients who have been perma
oently cured, had, previous to the P.oprie-
tor’s undertaking them, received the ablest
-ssistance, and several were absndbned, by
their I’hy; icians, ns being beyond the reach ot
human skill. Smh is-he fact and so ext'nor
dinary were mauy „J ihe cases that an crlUhiit-
was made of them in the Uuivcreitf of t'rnn
ssylvunin, by the Prof iler of Surgery, before a
c traded audience of Sudtnte, echo pronounced
them -wonders in the healing art. It has been
introduced into the Philadelphia Aimt-House
and Pennsylvania and New Ycrk Hospitals,
antUuch were its surprising iff cts—its suc
cess after all other medicines had failed, that
the Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital,
Dr. Will Prior, was induced to abandon hit
highly respt cratle office, from the laudable
design of benefiting his fellow creatures by
carrying -he Panacea to England) where it
ha3 already superseded the use of the genu-
ine French Rob of Lafvcteur in a number of
instances, in diseases for which that is intend*
er,, and its virtues are publicly acknowledged
by some of the most eminent Surgeona there.
In all complicated cases of Scrofula and
Syphilis, and where the Syphilitic Vitus of
tlie parent cause a developement i fScroful,
in the child, this is the only remedy upon
win h s single hope of recovery can be rea
sonably founded ; there has been nn instance
of its failure, shore properly u c ;‘l. It itn-
parta vigour to the whole avatem while the
cure is going on_an operation so long looked
fe, IX the medico; world; at the same tune the
patient is enabled to take nourishing fot d,
which under the common modes of practice,
Durham Mustard,
J UST imported and warranted to b
first quality.
fot in the medico! world / at tlie same time the For sale by *
DHtirnt II oneKIorl (a lak. _ i ■ ia . •
■s uiuii'f WsiimciQ iron me inwrer.
oy instances where the horrible ravages of
oiceralion had laid bare ligament and bone,
and where, to all appearance, nu human means
out amputation could hare saved life) in ca«
sea extreme even as here described, hare
patients been snatched'rum the grave aid
•e tored to .good health, and the devouring
'isease cnmpl- t lv vraJicHted The di.c vt-
,g of a remedy like thi now offered f,. yds has
been a deside' aiumf om time immemorial.
t he Proprietor does not suppose his bare
assertion Will convince , he will therefore
give reference to au.h as hive been cured,
and'hose under his care, among whom are
many highly respectable offices, that sh ill
satisfy ih- inost incredulous of* it* superior ef-
ficacj in1 tliedismders for which it is here rc-
commended. F,vcry member ofsocicly should
sitl 01 dlHoSing < -formationoMhis discover)—
humanity alone makes it a da y, '
-1 have within Ihe hit two years ha ! tn
opportunity of seeing sevi-ral cases of very
■nveterate ulcers, wntcli, resisted tirx.
viously the regular motf-s of uestmem, were
healed by the use of Mr. Swaim’a Panne.,
and I do believe, from what I have seen, ili.t
i: will prove an important temedy m scrufu-
bus,, venereal, and mercurial diseases.
Profrasorof the Institute* a d Praetir*
of Physic in the University of Penns
syivuma, Ac. Ac.
■'Ph.lajelphia, February 16, -833,”
-• I hare employed the Ponacct of Mr.Swaii*
in numerous instances, w.thin the last hi-.'e
nears, unit li.tve aiwity. fnui d it extremely of.
fi .ctous, especially in secondary syp'ij sand
in inercuriil disease. I have no ht-siiattoo >n
prouoiincing it a medicine of inestimable v.l.
ue. W GIBSON, M. D.
Professor of Surgery llt the University of
Pennsylv.. ia, Surgeon and P-lii :eui
Lecturer to the Aim, House, ®.
ary, Are
* February 17. / 823,”
“ I li.ive repeatedly us- H Swsim* Pmscrs,
both in the hospital a: d in Private practice
•nd ha-e found it lobe a vuluahle madiotn*
inchrnmc.a. ididltieand scrofulous ouiiipiaii
and iu obai i.a.o cutstieous alfectiona.
Professor „f Surgery in the University -of
New-Yoilt, Surgeon of the New-York
Houpitil, &u.
“ New-York, 1st mo Sth, I8v’4."
AGENTS. ie> —
Boston, J, p flail. No- i, Union-SUeet,
New Y :rk, Collins U Hunnoy, fin. '230. VtH.i*
S.retit. John B. Dodd A Co Or'iegists, . 1.
b.iiy, Mancius A Vsniie'dniruh, T),.
Lancaster, Penn. Henry Keff-- ( p. t . ( C. r . ’
Penn Chsrl » Avery A f:o. Druggist,. r„.‘
Cinuati, Ohio J h- Lea A Co.) wUuing n
■jtl. Joseph Bringhursi, Druggist, bsitoi.u e.
lenry Prien,pniggisi.Market-Stree' ,• w.-s!i
i-.gtonCity, kir- William Gunton, Drugeist,
Moxvndris, L.lwavd Stabler A Soti.ln uggi«. *
fttcf.mand. Va J.mes si’K Idue. Druggist^
A'-.-»k, C'-ria ,-her H<ii, Boo* 8
; h.ri.s , «»n, S. ; S. Htiard, O.tigsisi, lir (li d
^.' r l et ’'/ *"‘»"»*ih> O'-'© Anson Parson-, Drug.
,isl s Natcois, Lehman A Coaumoot. Drug,
g.stsi Now-■irlesns, William H'K:on—L
agenti in other cities will he appoint! u.
Patients whosr situation and circti'nstRnce#
would er able them to come to this citv, nnd
pluce themselves un^er the proprietor’s care
would it much to their advant-ge. *
The mat demand and wonderful success of
tilts medeeme, have induced a number of
pe^i-ins to imitate in its various waya—Son;#
v-re gelling Sarsaparilla and otncrsvnps i m *
posing them on the ignorant f.rthe
•tners are' n>*xinp- th^* gcnuiti'- m dlCine witi
m-'Nsseg, ‘<c. making three botifes out cfoe.y
Ims reuitimg • une of its virtues. These ini.
(rations and I'd-*iterations h-»ve, in many io«
stances, protrackd tlu* Bnrtfepin^g of patimprs*
* n CM<,es where the g.tntine medicine would
h *ve pr. ved ir.sf.iiuly t fli.iacioiiH. l tlie^for#
lecm it a duty I owe the public, to »rn-j»i#..
hern, th. 1 it is impossible, fmm ! h very nn.
tore of its const .mens, to be ilisocv^rud l.y
chemtcsl snalysb; and cons- qii<:iitly. ;hr.t nil
mixtures represented to be mine and'sold us
'inch arc fradu ert at.,1 has* impoaitiouv, cal.
culalcd to deceive the ignorant tnd ninvwy.
1 he gcn.umr medicine has mys'g„,t„, e 0 n a
ah J reprii. entirig and the Hydra, se t
my vme on the seal. **
Ibuggisi?' 50 ,K ‘ bM ‘ ° r 830 per d " t ‘ n - '*
it/' Prinled Direetiops aceompnnv the
Medicane WMAtVAlM,
L * r,e ' "se Uni.
,, 94 e "enmylvama.
The f'ubiic Sic respectfully infora-ed that
l love srp'inlt-d A. PvKSONS of Sevan-
nah. my sole Agent for the State of Georgia.
I e sons wishing to pu chas- si Whole
nr retail, will puicltase of h : <n at the sime
orices as trom me, and shall in no ,os-unco
supply o ilers, only through ffm.
„ WM. 8WAHI,
rltilaoelphia, October 1st, 1824,
"Ct 2|
N ine MONTHS «f erthc dale here. f.»
plication will be madetoto.. Hoo'-rv'.
th- Inferior Court of Chatham com,tv «|,
SitUiig ''nr ordins-y fiirp.,sc V . f-, r I, t„ s ,
it lot, with th- improvemenn, situate u- ti
city ol Savannah, in the said county,and knrv
m the plan of said citv by ihe No. S3. Hiv
Ward, tor the benefit of the heirs anti leg .to
of the estate of the late Hugh U’Ga.I. d
,,, Exceuto-a.
fCl '4
Cabanas Seg rs.
Q41M)(D^ BAr i A “oaxs-J
received and for sale h.
Ivory and Horn Comb*
B CANRS buck, side aud fine horn cor
1 case fine ivory p
Received per ship Emperor, and for s
ow ’ ^ ,V. B. WEED
dec 28
Day & Martin's Real Jap
IMPORTED and for sale by
1 n • „ A-PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Butldi’ij.
nov 30 6
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildiuj
deoil °