Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 11, 1825, Image 1

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$«K8 ( S§0«ta#>
By G. 85 W. Robertson,
I'itilUiK IN AilVABCZ.
,c ....Kiieliert turoeeuhe Mmngegient o'
*\SX.- time. » *0Ch.
•jrnvsOM' iwtjmuUyy el Vhe-Offim; sf ih*
L-rl-.foMv.iCi'd, rulmc-l »mi
fnclirfmi;sdvcrtittmcnti.pubIshed ».
th nli , 'cJmry r p*r cr '* , * rUo *” ptTUnl
>he S ,u ,nd l!,:ii, or dclWeredm the r.t>
it i'vc dnt'crs per annum, payable in .<lv»nc,
tdrottinenieiiM *« '““"f 1 *’?*>“
»t 7 5 cents per square, u. " r •■* f "
* sefien, vid ??i for ««I Mece* P«b-
' p!^ r p ,,, n icsri»t* bv M'.i't tnn»r fte /*'<n fiord
s',;..., ..fW »i.d n-ar-ws *>v AuImmiRn.
VJIMinoni « guardis-H. required.
n, ;;:;i'nd'hr«in'b" ***** •• *-*
H " !q’tbs cuuiy in whWi the r”'t""ty «•
*i" puhlie *M.iW fi:rfy dayr previous 10 lh.
nfthe 5 ,lc nf Tieunnsl property <”«*'
heV«* «• 1 ** ni»unyr. To '} «Jf* piu* ,u "
*» tiro 4*y -f •«*»*• . r ...
D-th- debt<«» *n<l r.rorfonr* of a*
estue mum he puMiahed »*« *’“ rl 9 ’H'-
Nol.ev th<t applinrttam will Ire made to ,lu
C'liiri *rf Ordinary for leave to null Is id. mu*
b*’ ynbl. hud .Yin* Muniht.
Whiskey, Share Moulds, l’a-
• per, ojc.
c C. OR IS VO E D. offers for salt,
fi'el HDDS. whiskey
15 tons share moulds
3 tone steel
lV’O kegs white lend -
.16 jo. Verdigris'
12 do black paint
100 reams copying and letter paper
BOV 46 >
Butter, Lard, &'c.
y..w rp**i pmi f<y. id in If 'UiiatiL Wullrvrt,-
cv KEGS find quality Goshen Buttor
S'V.W Keffu liard
3ft Itiirre'i- prime beef
200 Bpwkotn table salt
41) lbs superior American mUstsrd
10 Barrels Serifant’s crackers
■ * Barrels smoked beef
50 Barrels prime pork
1)) U&lf barrels F« Market beef
For sale bv
Anciatix’a W hail,
dec 0 ___
1*. M’llertnott,
AS just, received by the ship Globe,
from Philadelphia,
t a barrels beef, put up expressly for
family use. bv Mr. Shuster
fi puncheons N.Orleans rum, lth proof
3ft barrel* whiskey
6 ru.-i'S lifts
0 bales do,Otestic goods
20 jack screws
4 ilex, patent cotton gimlets
500 barrels supf. Philadelphia flour
11)0 half do do
200 hhls No 3 inoi-keral
20 bags blac k pepper
,t *
Dry Goods.
Received per stoop Delight,
A N invoice ot 6-1 cuirtbi'icH,
Sliirtiiigp, iiannent Dimities
Fancy printed check muslin
Fancy chintz printed jaconet tniudin
MarKciiies hud quilts
Cambric prints, &c.
For sale by J. D. HKUr.EUT &. CO.
dec 1
Wiocs und Quills.
L ADIF.S’morocco heclod und spring lioel
0(1 thick and thin soles
Do. leather, thick and thin solos
Do. Denmark sa‘iu
Gentlemen's tine and common bools
Do. Dootecs and shoos
Boy’s shoes und hoots
{^Children's morocco and leather boolccs
Also Negro slums, and
10,OOrt J hitch tiuills
For bale low at
nov 10
To be drawn on the 5th of January, 1825,
and finished in a few minutes.-
J. B'.VATES t A. M’l.NTVHE, Managers.
10,0 .o Dollar^ is g50 00 r «
1 Prlie of
5 000
2u O.'iO,
io m.
47 0.
1,0 0
1U0 .
7 aw
10.0 '8
1; 6.060
’.2.1-0 friz 9,
’2,100 lllsuks,
134itS0 Tickets. ■
In this Scheme, with k*ir»ht drovm halloto,
here wH 1 he Jftiipa* 1 * with thr . rummers or
‘.irin, <4*6 with 1 wo numi.iert on them, «cd
106 8 win one nttmber on them. Tl.oac
t ok :\s liH - iiiftf none of the drav n bailoti on
them bring blurki •
to (/ri^rm’n** this fn*v of »II thj tickets in
'hcubjftVt; Icticry, 6^ s, from on.; tc>
sixty inrlu dvt, will leverulW be placed in .t.
•vlier! on the day of diawiiig, and e ; ght of
'mm will he drawn, and that t;cket having op
i as a comb*nation, the 1st, 2d and (bird quit
•era d«ttwn, will hr et,titled t'’ ? y .>0 000.
Tiiat having on i‘- «h« 4ll», 5ib and 6ih, wil’
!»e entitled *o £ ’0,000,
T» fv liivir, <i them the 3d, 4 h and 5tl.
nd :?d, 7,ti and 8'1*. each ^'SOOO
T ii on the 2d, 3(1 and 4th, wil
!ie entitled to g4,r<0.
Those having on them ’he
2d, 5 h and 8;h 3d, 5th and 6*. <th dth am! 7tl
3!, fi ti nn»J 7tt* 3d, 5* h n r d 7il» 4!li,6'h and H‘
n d. 6*h and 8 b 3d, 5th and 8 b .lh,7ih and S’ •
3!, 7 h and 8‘ti 3d. 6ih and 7th .*th,6’.h and 7■
\l 4th and 6'i 3d, 6t!t ant’ 8th 5th,Oth and 8 r
.hf. 4ih and 7T 4tb.,5:har.d 7th 3th,7th an»’ 8-
3d, 4 !i und 8 i, 4ti»,5th and 8th| each g;000
AH othevi, being (30 lickcln) having 'lire
•f thr d avm number* on them will «.acb b(
ntitJed to ^500.
_ Jffcc 52 tickets having‘.he 3! and 4lb draw:>
Tiurnbora on them only wiUejch be entitled it
The 150 tickwta having on th*m *he 4tf
md 5lh, or 4’li and 6‘h, o* 4 h anti 7th, di'aw;
•turn*era only, will escb be entitled to R50.
All others (Hemg 1243 t.eket».) witlt any
twerjf 'll ' drn'vst (lumbers on them, willcuct-
*>c entitled Co §00. *
Ad tU"i;c having < n them any on? of thr
d awn ruu)b«.f.e,(Uc'itg '0.608 ticket.;, or 13 C
d'r each drawn number,) will each be euli
tied to
No tick't which alodl have drawn • priz -
of h iHiperinr dnnomii'stion oag he entitled >•
an inferior piiz?. Piiz.'H ••ayablc thlry day
after die (iisning, and Siil-j-.'cL «*3 to i.
di.'dc.ction of 15 per cent*
A onnsiderabie nordon.{thislottery is pu;
•ip in parcels of “0 t nkets, <.m» - .’rar..i>^ all thf
* oird»ii*a*inn mxnbe a, from one to »!aV,
which pH*eel# are w. r kntn'l to rr^w at leu :'
$•10, lr«n lie ded'ivtion of 15 per cent, wd’
o niui.y chances F*:* the capitui prize.
(Hr The above is the most splendid Lot
tery in the United States, and the Tickets
are at a comparatively moderate price.
from the Country [Post-paid) directed to
the subscriber, utthe OFFICE OF THE
GEORGIAN, Savannah, will be immedi
ately attended to, and forwarded free of ex
Siivannnh, JYue+i/tbcT 43, 1821.
J UST received, a supply of Cavendish
Rliiirg Tobacco, and it is recommended
as being a very superior article, fur sale by
Druggist, No. li, Gibbons’ Buildings,
nov in
readier buls Bolsters and
J UST reci'ivril, an assortment of the
utiuvn orticlea, warranted to be of the
beat quality, fur sale by
/. IF. MORllEL.
net 26
Liverpool Ground Salt.
BUFHKIjS nflnnt—for snlo
by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
d)T 13 *
Bloom Raisins,
J lIKT imported for family lire, and for
Stic by A. 1’ARSONH,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
dec 10
Marking RvwsVvea,
O F a superior quality, just received and
for sale by GEO. UYEltSON
Hide Whips.
fiti'ff) 9 R0CK ^‘‘!e Whips, received and
for sale by JV. /?. IVEDD.
•Jo c 13
Superior Sweet Oil.
J UST received in bottles and Husks, for
sale by A. l'AltSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbous’ Buildings,
nov 16
\lose Water.
A FEW dozen superior French Rose Wa
ter, in large bottles, just received and
for salo by GEO. IlVHRSOJf.
net 26
Sitter a
SUPPLY of Hair and Wire Sifters, re-
. ceived and for sale by
A'. U. WEED,
26 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
CuvteA WaiT Matrasses
T I1E subscriber lias just received an as
sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
ng*. 26
H AS removed his DlWO STORE, to
the corner of Broughton uml WkiUtt-
kfir-ttrutl, opposite Cot. SheUman's Mormon
House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
•nd various other articles suiting his line.
He abstains relating the whole string of
names of the things lie offers, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in ovory Drug Store, viz:—
Fol Sabina S Church's Cough
Pyro UmbWIuta r Drops
Dqgitolis Purpurea { Alr.matic Vinegar
Se.ullenp. Hyssop { Toilet, Vegetable &
•German LovpardV J" ' ofJibr“Soaps
Bane,(arnica nam-s Macassar Oil
tk*11l) J Phosphorous
Eleeampano, (Inula * Ox.Mur. Potasse
H.’leniuin) \ James’s Fever Pow-
Hups, Ergot 5 ders
Tonquin Bonos 5 Infintile Powders
Squire’s Elixir | Read’s Stiptic
DafTs do {Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard j Fumigating Pastills
Ess. Tyre < Pvrobgniuiis Acid
Jesuit Drop ' Black Drop
Respecting the utility ofthis last article,
lie refers to the lp ! t, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
uct9 70t
I NFORMS his Friemlt? and the public gon-
. orally, that he liu* received by recent
arrival^, u lari^e and extensive assortment of
Grocer ies, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. The
following articles comprise a part of his
present stock, viz.—
!0 Hags' e«da prime St Croix ®ug«r
10 Boxes White and ) H An
*0 Boxes Brown 5 Hi,va,,i do
6(< Bacrolg Lout and T.ump dj
50 Bag* Having Green Coffee
6 Pines on peri* r 4lh nrooi Brandy
■* Pipea do Hollaiid Gin
5 Pipe* Imitation R kudy, 4th proof
5 D:> do 6 ; n
2 Pipes very nupcrior old Peach Brandy
2 Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey
50 Ho&Hi-’ads and ) Philsdclphia Rye
100 Barrels ) W bibkey
100 Burro!* Northern Gin
2 Pipes super! >r old. Madeira Wine
. 5 Ha*f Pipea superior old Lisbon do
ly. tt acte? .(,-asha l «f»e; do
Ver\ auot.rior old Madeira Wh.e and
Cognac Brandy in demijohns
ISO Whn’e and? Burrci* KUptift ;e frcsl:
100 Half 5 FI ur
100 barrels I?o* 3, New cl
50 Bur' eis No. 2. do uo
l r G0 B*sket» Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheese
20 Barrels
200 R .arns Wrapping Paper
50 Black Pepper
10 Boxes Cliocolatc
20 Five Gallon Demijohni
5 Bar els Glue
100 Reg* HE mi id 1IF Duponl*:*. Gunpowder
5 Pound Cuiisie a »f suoerior do
100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Male* Bagging Twine
10 W holy an*i > Boxes S. TV’hittitnore'&
6 Half > genuine Card*
10 Boxes Wool fftti*
5 R »x :* StiA*v Bonnets
10 Coil* Bale Rope
5 - Dozen Bed Gort.s
50 Do Plough Linos
100 Pounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point, London U-iille
Blankets ,
10 Gusts colored and beached and un-
bleached Homespuns
70 O'ns Iron Table dpnor.s
15 D > do Tea do
'0 Da Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Teg do
Ct»ppfe’,Ca.t, W r :oiuh< ai d Composi
tion Tea Kellie* * f *il s-z/s
Brus K.'tUes lor making preserves
20 Set* of Di -U Covers
fOTo'.ib’wM Moulds
1 Do Shd Irons
1 Do Bar LediI
1 Do Sheet Iron
100 C«.sxb assorted Cm Nails
Mill, Cross Cut and \V l.ip Saw, mad-.
expr'.Hs’y for tliis market
20 D: sen Handsaw^ W oodssws and Ten
nant Saws
Blacksmith Sledges and Hand hammer
Anvils, from 1 to 200ibs. real raous-
Blacksmith's Bellow*.from 24 to 36 in.
Single and Double Screw Piates
Corn MillSyfrom No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Ilooa* nod Hinges
Brass Andirons, from l 50 to ft 3
Brass und Wire Fendc-s, with shovei*
ar d longs to match
5 Cnsks Braid** Patent Hues
100 D'.’Zen P.idior.k*
Met lya-ds to weigh from 200 »o 5001b
2 Tom of Steel,consist ing «..f Shearing-
ILh, Blistered and <;«st
Stoves with Pip s
1000 Pound** Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Bug* Trace Chains
2 Df-zen Curryit g Knives
208 Dc.zen Curry Combi
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks,
consisting of 50 p cccs each
10 Sets Britannia Teupotr.
Sugar and Cream do
6 1) izen Patent Shot Belts
? Dozen G;ime Bags
2 n zen Powder Horns and F'ulw
1 Case double and single barrel Chins
10 D 'sen Wire and 20 doz Hair Sitters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets of
'f able Mats
A general assortment of CarnenteFs Planes,
Brushes, and Fancy Bellows, with (tinny other
articles in the above line,too tedious to enu<
20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will be
snld low from the wharf,
nov 15
T HR subrevibor ha* received by the late ar
rival, , large and general aiaortment o,
liar Aware I3ut\erj, t/c.
Knives snd Forks of aW kinds
Pen, pocket, 2 blade, Sport* lien’s and
Ddk KniVes,
Kl iven ai.d Scissors on cards
Razor* in Dunes
Dread, Butcher*. Shoe, Cook, and Carv*
ing Knives
Drawing Knives
plane Irons and Qjuv^f
Files aud Rasps of all kinds
Teutania, Britannia and Ron Tea & Tabic
GrvH.ard Soup Jtpouhi
Plated and «lver i<»p Ckxtora
Tea Trai t snd Waiters
Bread snd KnV.c Tray*
J'»P*d D ewn g C ivets und Spice Boxes
Brars and Japaned I*«mpa
Bras*, J. paued and Iron CardleRlicks
Pofshed Steel and common Snuflers and
Snuffer Trays
Plated Snuffer* and Tray*
Pined ur.d -ilver Pencil Caies & Tooth
Pocket Books and Wallets
Bram Commode*, Knobs and Rings
Cloak md Curtain Pins
Brass Socket Castors
Wood and Iron Red Castors
Wood and Bed Screws
Wrought and Cut Tacks and Brads
Bound Bolts
Knob, Closet and Mortice Locks
S'ork and Pad Locks of all kinds
Chest.Till, CupM aud Closet Locks
B**u*h Flush Botta
Plated Chain Spurs
Plated Stirmp Irons
Gilt and Metal Buttons
Ivon ai.d Bine Suspend~i Butters
Coal and Vast Moulds
Pear! and Hone shirt Buttons
Ivory and Horn Combs
Pack and Pound Pi; s
Brass snd Block Tin Liquor Cocks
Common and fine single and double bar
rel! Hiflrs and Fowling Guns
Fuzces with Buyone's
Mill, Cross Cut god Hand 9aws
Sash snd Tenant Saws
Bench and Moulding Planes
Hair, Cloth, Sweeping, Stubbing, Fur
niture sud Dust Brushes
Horse and Shoe Blushes'e Blscking
Shoe t hread and Twine
Anvil ", Vicos, Ssd Irons, Trace Chains
and Hoes
Smith and Small Bellows
B An Jitcuts and Shovels and Tongs
B"tso^.: d Green Wive Fenders
B*'*ck Tui Cofl**e Pot«pn** f*i:td!osiicks
Ctisi Iron Po*s, Ovens, Dugs, optdcis, &
W t»ggon Biixes
C .mp'iMlioo, Copper and Japaned Tea
Kettles and Sauce Pans
Coffee Mills, Spit Boxes
Stall* and Gisssus
Gompcsitioii Dipe.-ters
Haiirr and -lack Clums
Window GUbs
Beer* Axes
Together w th alm«>st eve^v other a;felt-
n the whicti will be s.iiu on accouuno
lating term*, by
No* C, Gibbons* ltangc. Sign of
the Pad Lock.
oc» 79
lui’iiY motion NV anted \
I F UKOHGK WILl.KIt. uthcrwia* DAN-
iEL OLAND MILL.F.H who in the year
>815, arr.ved in Savannah, in the Abeidecn
lr-n.povt, belonging to Mcasr'. Di wfon &
Sons of London is living, and will apply to
ins liitnde-'in England, hr will hear ot
soinetHpg much to Ins advantage. He left
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and
!.as no! been heml of by his fiend* siticv
*hat pe-io'l. lit had been many years a Mi
lov, ami while on board the above vessel,
wes employed as * carpenter. If he left 8a-
v*nn*h at iliat liiT.t, it is probable that he
filtered some vessel going to the Brazil Is
lands. as in Ins Ihbi letter, he sta'ed that it
.•/as h a intentiou to do s*j. Should he bare
i(.dat any place where a register orcertifi
cate of hit bur's) can be ebtuined. it would be
'.hankfully received aud all expen et attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
•op* o 57
Savannah Female Asylum.
4 N election for a Matron to this limtitu
- t.ion, will take place at the Asylum
House, on the firpt meeting in February.—
Application for the above to be bunded in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
E. M. LLOYD, Srr'ry.
nov13 04
C IONl'INUESto do husinrsi in MiUedpe.
) ville, and tender* the oflor of his ser
vices to hig friend* and the public, in the trans
iction ot agency business generally
oct 5 6Rf!>8if§
Glass, Paints, Oil, fSc.
,S>,'Jtv*\G*UON8 t.INhEFD OIL
J 100 K' gs Engliih Whitt Lead,
hi si quality
200 Do American 1st 8c 2d qual.
500 Pounds Lamp Black
80 Boxes Window Glass, assorted
50 CaniNter* G een Taint
Verdigressc, clry and ground
Spanish Brown do do
Y' Row Ochre do do
Spirits Turpentine
Painter's Brushes. Sec 8c
For site by GEO, RYEUSON,
Btuggist,Corner Bv- 8c Whiitaker«St».
lieers* Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
zm. 4nd for bale by »V. [>. WEED.
O f 27
. .——
1 Pti*e of—S5«J,000 I. 40.(TO Tlottir*.
1 Frue of ?t(,0(lt> II 20.000 l>o.tin.
I Hi «e o’—.10,00') is 10 0> 0
2P !*,•« of.— 5,000 is ' 0,000 1'olWi.
3u I’. i.e. of -l r < : 0:i it 3‘ ,1 Wl Dollon.
°0 Prise, ol 5)0 ii lO.OoO Dollufs
SO Prises of 100 is 5,100 Dollars.
100 Pares of Si) if JJIOO,
1000 Prises of——rO ii 30.000 Dollars.
Opposite the Academy.
J 04 Prises.
14795 Blaaks.
180,000 Dollars.
20000 Tickets st R9, is 180,000 Dot’s t.
The whole of the Otises to be floating
from the conimeneement of the drawing,
except the following, which are to be du-
poaited in the wheel at definite periods, vis:
On the 5th day, : : : i 410,000.
On the lfJtli day, : >• , 0,000.
On the 16rh day, : : . : 20,000.
On the 20th day, : i •. 40,000.
The whole to he completed in •
Twenty I’THViiags onty \\
The prises only to be drawn The whole
payable in cash, sixty dnys alter the cum-
jilotion of ti)e drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioners uppiintr tl try the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, oil WEDjYF.SDA V, nth inti.
Tickets —Shares,in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic rets taken in payment, at
No. 8, Commerce-Row.
nov 9
am' or:.war i.
"jk/JT tCASSARf Rutaiii, Bran and Antique
lY a. oils j Porusiuin* in large and amali pot*.
all soi .s of perfume
Row*. Orange.. Hr»v<.r and Lavender Waters
Culngiit* Water in boxes
Mi!k of U(»«!*», or BcfOily's Preservative
Low*! anperio** scented Shaving and wa*h
Soup*, uli sons ofnvifume
Naples Po*. Cake and Quinti aaenre_ 0 „
Shaving Snaps 7 Bl “ l
Windtoi P.-rfumcd Fancy Soaps, by l a
the bo. i J 3osps
Hail Powder, Plain and Scented Powder Puff-
assorted sizes
Ladies* ar.d Gentlemen's Por.Vet Books, with
and Without cis*>u», of all sizes
LsFaycit-, Silk and H ir Stuck*, au elegant
aitick tVr Gentlemen’s wear
Ladies' indispeniahles, assorted patterns
vlib Card Cues, ati nt.d sic s
V.siting Cards do do
Silver t^ncl Cases, best quality
Do. Tooth w‘*th iweazer* do
Lead Pencils, warranted of the best
Penknives, Segar Box-s, Dominoes do
Fancy Smell Bottles, Dice, Paying Cards
Ladies* Toilet Dress Casts
Gentlemen's Shaving do.
^lArshall's Supenpr Deutifrice
tieltcn’a do do
Bmtoi'a do do
Prepared Charcoal, from the willow bark
Do do Common Charcotl
Eye Stones, Snuff Boxes, a fine assortment.
Reeves* colours
Floating Nurembnrgh and French Tapers, foi
burning on oil
Durable Ink, Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar
Phosphorus Boxes, Hur Powder Boxes
Piatina and Fsncy Wood Shaving Boxes
Round Shaving Cake Soap do
Superior and large Ivory, Bone and Wood
Tied Shaving B ushes
English, French and American Superior and
Fancy Penetrating Hair Btushes, of all
Fine linir Cloth Brushes, all sizes
D > Wl-ist Cloths do
Piste, Nail s* dC »mb Brushes
Furniture, Shoe and Whitewash do
Sweeping and Hearth Brushes
AUo, his much admired durable and Fancy
silver wire Tooth Brushes, made on ar.
improved plun, aud to order, with plain
•nd fluted handle*
John B uber's and Thomas Scargill's superior
H .zt rs, in single and double cases made
to older, warranted to please the pur
chaser, or to be returned
D^y and Martin's imported Shoe Blacking
Genuine Otto of Hoses, large anil small size
Pearl Powder for beautifying the abin
Mzeobo)* Scotch and Csphaiie Sm.fls
fsorillard's fine ent Chewing Tobacco
Tonquin and V .nella II. ans
■»pothecary's Scale* and Weigh •
Evans* Citiwn Lancets. Spring Lancets with
extra blade*, with a fine assortment of
Surgical Instruments, Apothecary's
Glass Ware, be. Ac.
Together with every general and extensive
t**ortm>. nt of UrugSt Medicine-, Chemicals
Patent Medicines, Spices, Dye Stuff;, 8c?—
All of which hH* been selected by himu li
and in lieu of the word Per t tentage, are all
offered at Wholesale and Retail, each and tv
cry article as low priced as his neighbors.
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons' P.uilding*
MR.ft.Yl Ell,
R ESPECTFULLY’ informs her friends
ano tile public, that bar hcjooi. is kow
? 1 Pt ", opposite the Chatham Academy, for
tlio MECKiTtOit OK eurn.s. Assisted by
Iier daughter Miss E. A. Hiumm, slie
o«era Iier services in teaching the followine
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. Wliilst she returns sincere thanks for
tho patronoge hitherto extended, oho’'
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition end
Iier increased exertion* to further the pro
gresp of Iier Pupils, to deserve n still fur-
thor extension, of pobli, fm,. The ecnrfe
of tuition, and the terms on which schola-s
are received, are—
1st Clasa—Spelling, Reading, Sewin', and
. Marking, per quarter, : 44 00
2d. Cloao—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme-
tic, 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to anv pattern,
per quarter, : : : : ■ ; : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 01)
ITT The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Kkr, to the deportment and
morulR of those ent rusted to her charge,
nov 2 . 85
Consumptions, Coughs, ^c.
F Olt the cur* f Colds, Coughs, Cons,imp,
tions, Spiti.i.g of Blood, A.;bmas,snd
liaeases oftheb eatt aiu! lungs. .
There is periiups no mur’ioal observation
better established, none mure generally cm.
irmed by the experience of the best physieU
ms of all ages and countii^a, and none of
nore importance to the human family, than
the tact that many of the most difficult and in-
curable consumptions originate in neglect'.d
colds.. In s climate so variable as our*, where
•he changes of the wea hsr are frequently
.Hidden an.I uttfttnactoi
-•tt RreinToirurjfinrn xgau-at Wia aangerciie.
Mcnty of life, than moat people imagine or
ire able and willing u» be* ow. The bills of
nnrtwhty the meUnciioly t»,a that the
proportion of dca'hs h.> this disease may he
fonMitiered as about five to one. I a .much
then b* iliis fatal disease frequently Li» oi*fi»
auce to tlie skill of the ir-ost learned ph; sci
ins, it isa gfatificHtion to the proprietor that
he it enabled to ofier'o those afflded with
d, ago d!y prospect of relief, in that highly
valuable temedy, die Vegetable Indian &p,cb
f.c. The Indians ate happy in their know*
.dge of in dies! plania; g< verned wholly by
xpevicncp, they a«e certain as to their cft. ct,
ami i*. is said by an author of great character,
that a t ue C' u.suuptiou is a diacaae never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extrtcrion from
berbsi roots fluwers, pLnt-, &c. when in per*
faction. 1" consequence r.f a happy comhina*
lion of the most vsluablc. herb*, &c- it beconiea
. balsam of a superior value. It heals the iu-
j red parts, open* die, and compose*
k-je dii'urbed nerve*, after the maimer rf an
ynodynt; consequently the obstruction of
'be ches and ti e tungs which constitute this
lisease, parti -uluriy need its use. It promotes
ixpectorstion, w hich is constant!} culled for,
md whilst it cleai’Svs a- d heals, it also gives
■> rsngih to the tender lungs In this manner
il removea the hectic fever, improves diges-
:un, gives strength to the nerves, repairs ihe
Ppct'te snd improves the. spirits. This speci-
fic m*’ always be givtn in safety it i»- m.'d,
*le».8<Mit to 'he taste, and mxy aafeiy he g'Ven
o 'nfan»s. for w hich it is of inestimable valuf.
I: afford* relief «n bowel complaint*, t,
hooping coughs, tic. and is found partial*
l »rly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
hysterical diseases. Each bill ol direction
. ontainr a detailed acconm. of thii disease in
all its difF rent stag'’*, i nd will b» accompa
nied wilb he signature ot the proprietor in
tied Ink. Il is for isle by GEO. BY-
R.-G.•, only (my s le spent) D‘uggitt, cor
ner Bav and Wh'*<aker-»irccts, Savannah, at
me dollar per bottle. #
dec 30 30
Northern Gin and New-Eng-
laud Rum.
a CT BARRELS Gin, high proof
8W 30 barn-la New-Eiigland rum
.aniliug from ship Oglethorpe, and for sale
low frulii the wharf.
doc 16
Liverpool Ground Sralt.
a r\/t\ SACKS Liverpool Ground Sal’
Zi Uw, recoived per sloop Good Intent,
and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
noc 6
Lamp Glasses
G ROUND and plain, ofevery description
Glass Beg Lnmps
Tin japanned do with candlesticks
Tin Lamp Feeders
Lamp Wiok, assorted, Ac.
Constantly on hand and for sale by
GEO. RYERSON, Druggist,
Corner ofllay and Whittaker-Stieats -
nov 20
- Stvainds Panacea,
rt a, DOZEN received per brig Frances-
4 W Druggists in this state will ho sup
plied at the original prices, by applying to
A. PARSONS, Agent,
Druggist, No. f, GihHeiw’.Buildings,