Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 11, 1825, Image 4

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    mmid urns*
Sheriff’s Sales.
CTWlt.t, b« said st the Court Home in Tatt-
■3J nail County, on the fir*t Tuesday in
February neit. »t the usual bouts of sale, to
Ten liVelv negroes. D nsh a woman, 35 or
40 years of ajje, Chaf^tUe, about 15 years old,
Tom, a h iy about 13. Cyrus, ahoy about 10,
toilet, about 30 yeart old. Dills, Mary, Grace,
and Hester, girls—Harry a boy about 7 months
eld. AH levied on as the property of Jatnea
A Tippina, to satisfy sjiifit, in favour of the
President, Directors and Company of the Da.
rien Bank. ■
Also, 300 acres of land lying in said county,
granted to John Woblinn, Also, 300 acres of
land, granted tu Julin llyard. Also, 400 acres
of land granted to Joseph Robertson. All
lying on the waters of toe Ohoopie, in said
county, levird on as the property of Casweli
Moore, to astisfv lundr.^fat from a Justices
Court, in favour of Allen Powell—levied by a
constable sod returned to me.
Also, 530 acres tying on the Ohoopie, with
r, me improvement, levied on as the property
• f John H'Fsriand, to taf ify hit his for 1833.
Ail concerned will please take notice
23d December, 1834.
dec 30 30
Sheriff's Sales.
On the first Tuesday in February next, iold at tile Court-House, in »U
city of Savannah, between the hour* of
ten and four o'clock,
Eighteen negroes. via. —Charlotte, Baccus.
Eve, Tenth, Titua, Sambo, Nero, Belinda.
Iforcua, Isaac, Bess, Sippio, Carlua, Cloe, Peg
gy, Anne, B’rtty, ami Monday, levied on by
consent, as the properly of N. O- Rutherford
under a ft fa. on a foreclosure of a mortgage
in favor of the Bank of Darien.
nec 6 10
On (hefirst Tuesday in February next,
inr@lLL be sold at ;be Court House between
the hours often and four o’clock, the
following three Negroes, via i
Mary, otherwise known hy the name of
Constance, and her two children Lucy and
K.xiali, levied on under a foreclosure of a
mortgage, as the property of William It Hoi
lend, to satiafy Gaudry A Dufmire.
1. D'LVON, S C. C.
dec 4 9
Sheriff's Sales.
On the first Tuesday in February next,
STWll.l. ne so d at tne Court House, be
V# twecu the usual hours cf ten and four
o c.ock,
Improvements of Lot No* 10, St. Gail, city
of 8av»nnah, levied on as the property of Ann
Pitt, to satisfy an execution in favur of 1 bom
as Lucias.
Lot No. 15, the corner of Franklin and
Springits. Oglethorpe ward, With the im
provements thereon, levied on as the Prop,
ert; of Tlioai Will ams, to aatiafy an ciecu
ti.m in favor of Jaa. Hay map, for use of W"m.
A bouse in the north corner of lot No- 6.
Oglethrope ward, near Chathsm-st, city ol
Savannah, to satisfr an execution in favor of
Joseph Burnet against Ju’iu Brisket
Half int No. 4, Ewinshurg. Oglethrope
ward, ahd the un- api-cd lease ol three yean
from lat January next, levied on as the prop
erly ot Hunt. Lewis, to sat.sfv an execution in
favor of J. U M. Pondergast- The above
pruperty levied on by a eobstaable unde, ex
ecutions from a Justices court and returned to
I D’LVON, S- C. C.
j.n 3 32
Sheriff’s Sale.
O N the firrt I'ucsday in February next, be
tween the usual houra, will be sold at
the Court-Houae, in the couuty of Glynn,
Six *hut d ed ana forty two acres of land,
mqte or le**a. situate on the Island «»f St. Si-
iDfi'g, composed if several separate tracts,
commonly known us the village and the farm
tracts, levied on and to be sold a> the prop
erty < f George Bxiliie, under a rule absolute,
granted by the Superior Court of Glynn Coun
ty, on the foreclosure of moitgage t at the in-
stance of Hubert Scott,administrator of George
Sc'»lt, deceased. Conditions ^asfc—pun lt.ia-
er to pay fort’tlca. I AMES BLUE* S G.C.
Docernhi.r 30, 18.4.
dec 31 31
Sheriff's ales.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
CITOiLL be sold at ths Court-House between
the houra of 10 and 4 o’clock,
Tne following nix n grocs, Hanoali, Isaac,
I.ondou, William, 1’eter, and Hannah, levied
on under a H* f». on foreclosure from Joh
Hunter to the Planter*’ Bank.
Four negroes, Biily, Moa-. a Will and Jen
ny, levied on under a fi. la. on foreclosure
of a mortgage from C. U. Hayden, to Jeremi
ah Cuvier.
A q antity of Houa hold and Kitchen Fur-
nitti e, levied on under a fi. fa on torecioture
of a mo tgKge, from Ele:>zor Early to Amos
1 D’LYON, 5. C C
j.,n 3 32
mu® sn
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
ue sold at the Court-House, be
>#/ tween the usual houra o ten and four
o c-.ock.
Eighty negro slaves, via. Nelson, Rachel,
Sam, Morris, Cha lr.s, Miller, Hannah, Harry,
Flora, Anna, Sam, Silvy, Hercules, Brabuy,
John, David Nancy, Philip, Judy, John, Har*
ry, Eve, Philip, Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tcnal-,
Molly, Henry, Ben, Venus, Cain, Rumba,
Celia, Flora, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, Luke-y,
Paddy, Jenny,Brutus,Rinds, Beck, Fanny, 'or#
Heater, July, Phebr, Jack, Bella, Fanny,
Jack, Robert, Isaac, Pumpcy, R*<ar, Caty,
Willoughby, Fortune, Ht-chtl, Phdlia, Rich
ard, Mine*, Jane, London,. Davy, Iahmael,
Lizzy, Suay.George, Grace, Rudjo, Caty, Be •
ay, Sampson, Billy, M illy and Abraham, to
gether with the future issue and increase of
the families, levied on under a fi fa. on
foreclosure of a mot gage, from George L.
Tope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, John
ll’Niah, and Robert Mitchell.
I. D’LYON, S. C C.
ded 31 31
Attachment sale.
On thefi st Tuesday in February next,
\» t/li.I. he sold ai the Court.House between
the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock,
A negro man named Anthony, attached by
Willixm lootyss-he property ut'Benj J. AI*
len. and sold by order of court
..D’LYON, s c.c.
jan 3 32
. -
Sheriff's Sales,
O N th'first Saturday after the fi st Tu*a-
di-y. in February nefct„ will b» sold at the
Market- House, in the town of St. Marys, be-
tween the bourn of ten and four o’clock, a tw<*
story house end out buildings, situated in the
town ol St. Mary*, on lot number four, levi
ed on as the property of George W.. Martin,
to ar.t Bl'yan execution in favor of Belton A.
Copp. .
Also, two negroes, Colerain and Silvia, lev
ied on as the property of John Parker, to
satisfy an execution in favor of Scott and Bat-
ley, and others.
Also, one negro man named Boatswain, le
vied on as the property «>f Samuel Swearin
gen, t> aatiafy an execution on the foreclosure
of a mortgage, in favor of Thomas If. Miller,
fur At’drew Low & Co.
. M. H. UEBBARD, S. C, C.
January 1, 18.5.
.tun 8 * 7
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the first Saturday, after the first Tues
day in March, will be add at the Mur*
ket House, in tha town uf St. Marys, between
the hours of ten and four o’clock, a negro
bov named M tcs, levied on as the properL
of Cornelius Riin, to satiafy an execution on
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John
Chevader. M. H* HEBBAltD, S. C. C.
St- Marys, January 1, lS* 1 ^
Jr* 8 "Z
IN EQUltl.
Thomas Cummins? and others, Complainants
and William Wallace and others Defendants,
Chut/iam Superior Court, January Term,
I T appearing to the Court, by the a ffida
vit of Joseph Gumming that William Wal
lace and Sarah his wife, Mary Clay, Ann Ch y,
Eliza Clay, Mary Jane Clay, William Chy,
Joseph Clay, Ralph Ciay, Wary Ann Claj,
Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who are pin-
ties defendant in the above case, residc-
beyond the limits of the. state of Geovgiu.
and within the United States, and tlu t Jame:
Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign parts,
beyond the limits of the Ur.ited Stales. On
motion of CttmuJa»iu»ntV solicitors, it is order
ed that the said defendants, first named, do
reayjectively appear and answer thr complain
ants’ bill, withm four months from the date of
this rule, and the said .lames Cliy, within miy*
months. And it it further ordered, that this
rule be published a week, during nine.
months, in one of the public Gsizette* of this
stale. A true copy from the minutes.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk,
may 11 49fpa
Between W. ffuries, uhlm nistrator, Complain
ant, and shim ». a nochun. ~hlin n-st':at'ir, d-
bonis nun with the will annexed of tJeorfe
Bichardson, and others, Jf jendants ——■/«
equity) Chatham Superior Court-- Chancery,
V0th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carwchan,
one of the defend^uta in the said bill of
complaint nsmed, resides without the state ol
Gco>gia, in that part of the Uiuted Kingdom;,
o! Great Britain and Ire'and. culled Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear and -..rawer to the com
plainant’s said bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, other wise that the
said bill, as to him, be taken pro confcsso .*
and it >s further ordered, that s copy of thi;
order be pubiisht d once a week, in one ot
the public Gazettes of this stale, until the ex
piration of the time within which the said de
fendant is required to appear and attswer as
True copy from the Minute*, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 50f
Camden Superiur Court.
Hr.-NAY II Aill'OIlD,
Verdict Mart hTerm,
Thomas Kino.
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff*, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do show cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why
(Inal judgment should not bo entered’in
the above rase, as of March Term* 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this ride
once a month, tor four months, in one of
the (ju'/.ctics of this District, or that a copy
he served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extractfira;the Minutes,
dec ?3 25 hi
N INE months after date, I shall apply to
the Court of Ordinary of Camden coun
ty, for leave to sell the real estate of John
D. Young, Into cf said county deceased, furthi
benefit o( the heirs of -inid deceased.
Administrator eatate of John D. Young
June IT # . 20
N INE months after dale, application will b»
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Rout
jfOrdinary -f Chatham county, for lesve t:
sel 1 all the real r state nfVoe tate William Rruig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heivaardcred
I’jrs of said estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor
ont19 7t
N INE months after date, I shall apply ti
the Court of Ordinary of Gxindcn coun
y, for leav^osell a lot of laud, lying in Mnn
roe county, in the tenth district m nbet
ninety-one, belonging to the orphans ufLev
Johns, dec. for the benefit of said orphans.
Ti'm* IT 90
Licorgla—Camden County.
SuPF.mou Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selocster
O N petition of Timothy Hopkina, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
issory) notes, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from first
of January, 1821, on the first of January. 182J:
a second payable at aforesai S on the first bf
January, 1823/ and a th’rd paynblc as afore*
st* id, on the first of January, 1834. executed a
mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, hi* heirs
And assigns, on all those four trac«a of Swiidj
situated in *he county aforesaid, conveyed bv
the smd Timothy, to the said J^nglcy and
Selvetter, and lying on the south aide of
Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev-
enty-sevenlacres, more or leaa/ two tracts
containing fif y acres, more or less, and one
:*tber tract, containing one hundred and eiglb
ty-t ight acres, more or leu, conditioned fiqr
he payment of the three said several notch
on the days shove mentioned, and that aaki
several notes remain unpaid—on motion #f
Arcliibuld Clark, attorney for plainti**, it Is
ordered, that th. said Langley and Selveste;
their heirs or «>f&igna» pay intoConr., withi*
twelve months from this date, i‘.*e sums due
on said notes, and the interesi and coats, oth
erwise that the equity- of redemption be for
ever foreclosed, and that sqph other proceed
ings take pi,ice, as are pursuant to law.
True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEV, Clerk.
nov 4 87
N otice
T HAT three monlhs nfter date, applica
tion will be made to the Bank ot' the
State-of Georgia, to issue a new cerliflicate
of stock, for one lost, issued on. the 17th
March, 1819, in favor of John M’Kinne,Jun,
or twenty-rive shures, and numbered 34U.
Guardian of John M’Kinue, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. 10, 1824.
den 18 21fp|
N INE MONTHS after the date of tliim
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real ostate of John Stacy, deceased, for
H*e benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W..STACY,
dec 18 21
■ * >•
N otice.
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land
known as number eight. 0th District, Pike
(formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
oftlm heirs and creditors of the estate of
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N- S. Bayard,
Jan 5 3-iii4
Administrator’s Notice.
N INE isoin iis from this date, we shall ap*
ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court
■»t Ch.-.tbam countv, when sitting for orlinary, to noil the real estate of Wiliiam
May hew.
augurt 12 45
Administrator’s Notice.
N ine MONTHS ofter ditr, 1 .hall apply
• v the Honorable the Ip.feiior Court o!
Cbaiham county, (when sitting for ordinary
purptiSes) for leave to sell the real esiate o’
Isr uc H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs And cred.
itors. C* H. HAYDEN,
aupost 12 45
T HE subsoribera being about to decline bu
si ness in this place, request persons hav-
ng demands against them, to present their
for payment.
net 5 6*ti.
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
T HE subscriber l aving discovered the. com
PANACEA, has now a supply on hand for
sale ; he has reduced tbepnee from $3 50, t<
82 50, or by the dozen JJ24.
All chiU'itablc inst’.iulions in the U. Stater
ind the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order am'
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine is celebrated for the cure of
the following diseases 1 " scrofula or king’?
evil, ulcerated or putrid sore thro'rt, long
standing rheumatic affection<), cutaneous dis
eases, -white swelling *.nd disease of the bones,
and sil cases generally of t!i ulcerouschamc
ter, and chronic diseases, generally a is ngin
debilitated constit-diui’S, but more especially
t:o*Ti syphilis or afK-ctioss arising therefrom.:
ulcer- in the larynx, nodes, (sc. and that
dreadful disease oceusiored by a long and
'-xccssive use of mercury, fic* It ia aia *< uit
litl in me disease of the liver**’
I have within the loot two had an op
portunity of seeing several casca of very tnve
torate ulcers, which having previously resist
ed the regular mode, of treatment, were
healed by the use of Mr.’s Fati.ce.,
.nd 1 do believe, from what 1 have aeen,
that it will prove an important remedy in scro
fulous, venereal and mercu- ial disease*.
N. CI1APM4N, M. D.
Professor of th* Institutes and practice
of Fhys'C, IU the University of Fenn
I have tyert the Panacea of Mr. Swain!,
n numerous instances, within the last thre-
ear., and iinve always found it extreme!)
.'fficacious, especially in sec-ondsry ayphilis
tnd mercurisl discuses. I have no hesitation
n pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable
value., W. GIBSON, M D.
Professor of Surgery in thr Uni’ty of Penn Iphia, February 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Uhemist. ‘
Fhil'delphia, Xwu 17. 1823,
N otice.
P LRNOrCS hiiving (lemaudu .gainst tiro
eslnte ol 1 iiomns Johnston, will plense
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of It. &. J, Habersham.
Lxecutrix ot the cstute ot Thomas Johnston,
dec 18 a|ft
N 1NF, month, after drte, application will he
made to the Inferior Court ofChitham
County, aitting for ordinary purposes for an
order, absolute, to sell lots Nr., four anr. five,
(4 «rd 5) in Carpenter’. Now, and lot No.
one, (t) Green Ward, in (he city of Savannah,
being ttie real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec
for the benefit of the heir, nod crcditois of
said estate WILLUm GASTON.
Qualified Executor,
11 97a
P EflSONS having demands against Ike es
tate ol the I-te William Craig, dec. are
requested to render the same, properly ut
tested, within the time prescr-bed by lak', and
those indebted to uid estate, are earnestly
called upon to settle the same without de
* , JOHN M’NISH, Executor.
* 3J 71
Vegetable Catholicon.
THHB/Aib*crib<r reap'. clfully solicits the at
teftion of every fiierul ofiuffeviug* lati*
, ; -.„ n ityJt<> to the above n« w and invaluabl.'
remeffyi whose unequal power* inelirninat'u.g
from the avatvm the very seeds of diseaw?,
aiufin reat- rng the deranged and morbid
1 condition of the organa of I fe to a free and
healthy excrciae of their funct-ons, Iinb exci
ted the artoniahmrnt, and completely ailun
eed the objections of the moai men diloua —
Pacts are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of the Lavholicon to at severe a
scrutiny as pusaib’e, it wa* offered by adver-
t’seinrnt, togethor with the attendance v.t a-
physician, gratuitously to any pers »n who
wou’d apply for it, an l whose cause might
seem tu come within 'he range of it* healing
power—numbers of severe cues of long a*
ing, ar.d iome of them seemingly de;mer te
ones, pr* ented thcmselvea, all of which have
been cured, orao much relieved as to wit rant
the assertion that a little perseverance will do
so In fact, such is the confidence of the. phyai
cian under whose care these patients were
placed, in this remedy, a coi retu.t
ing from the irrc>i»tible conviction that has
been forced upon his mind by ocular demon*
sirstion, and a personnl trial of it on himselt
that he permit* me to declare ii as his dtci-
dt d opinion that 'he Cath;uicon is not only »
perfectly aafe and i mocent, but a moat pow-
eriul and invaluable remedy in certain dia*
eases and states of ti e « sietn, such as the fol
De ility resulting.from intemoerance and
dissipation i Old nnd inveterat * Ulcers. Pains
in the ben-'t attended with swellings of the
join’s; Indigestion; Blotches on the face,
pimpie , tkc.; Al* complaints of the Liver;
Tetter.* Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
generaby ; Mercurial aud scrofulous com-
pl lints.
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges his word consists exclusive.;
if vegetable matter) with the exception of a
slight dctf.rmi lation to the bowels^ which it
preserves in a soluble stste, acts insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires no particu-
ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuoua li
quors hIA'ays esceptrd,) or confinement. As
a gentle, aafe and agreeibie cathartic medi
cine, improving the appet • te an die storing the
general tone, of the system, it in confidently
recommended to iadies in a delics f e situa
tion. W. V/ POTTKd,
66 UhesiiU's-alieet.
Philadelphia, May 31, 18.’4
At the request of Mr. W. W. Potter, Unve
late'y exhibited, in several in- tanno,* mtdi
catcd aivup. calkd Po.tar’s Vegetable Catbo
.icon, with the most decided ndvantage. -1
l.aa, aa*et, never failed i ffccting a cure ir,
.?»ery case in which f Inure thought proper to
employ it. H. M’MUil I RIB, M O.
Ph ! ade p/iia, July 28th, 18 J’4.
Mr. W W Potter,
Oea-* Sir--You e.xpreased a wish thi»t I
would give a cohcise statement of my scflfcr-
'•ng*. from * the hopeless commencement, tr*
the present propitious stage of my dise.fie ’
About five years Hgo, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized
with a violent fever. Having no medical at-
’.er.'lantson board, I wa* comr/elicd to bear
it, as l might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, S. O. it w*s t.eated as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Pl.teriix-like, the termination
■)f this gave rise to a disease eq uity distress,
ing, and which, till now, 1 had thought incur-
able. Various abscesses made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to sn enormous size.—
These gradually subsided into *V‘<i tumors
one of which oo my left knee affected toe
bone—an incision was now made wmi a large
evacuation of nua, mixed with pieces of hone
took place. In addition to this, I suffered the
most excruciating pains in inv j unta that man
ever experienced. Every tiling that was
fidininistcrtd either gave me no relief or Ner
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of
which inerfaned with every succeeding year.
Such W38 my painful si uaticn that I ^eapaired
of ever being restored to my hn&l h ; i had
not o ilv tried the regular means of relief,
but used, though in v»in, every popular rein-
utly I cojH hear of* It was in this awful and
despond'ng condition,ihat 1* '. to
-ommenccacoipae of your V«:getshle Rjuh'i-
top, and the happy remit ity “/ om the use
of the two bittUs my whole $ys'em hat tinder
gone a complete revo u'.fhn. my pains Inv Jo si-
ke' me i" the discharge irora my knee began
o diminish, and aoo i cea«ed altogetlier, the
ulcer-from v>hence it propeeded being cum
*>Jotelv henled. The tumors, fur tlie miiovsl
of which I have tried in vain more remedied
than 1 can name, are r-npidly <fecreating ; my
appetite, which was gone, hus returned—I am
in fact, ne«r ! y well, ana feel cnnf.d uit that a
few buttles more of y«ur, (to me) invaluable
medicine’, will m ke me pt r tctly so.
Yourobl.gcd frinnd,
Philadelphia, July ‘‘6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catludicon
is unditninished, and ns fresh mdances of its
power* ar- daily occurring, in my own pmc.
• ice 1 .have no hesitation in recommending ii,
in the peculiar discing to which it is npplica-
bit*, ns superior to any r«me ly I bui acipinii.t-
ed with. M. M’MUIt I ItlK, M. I).
Phita u Iphia, May ^8, »8 4
fijn—Tn enna qurnce of imprudent expos
ure four **ears ago, 1 had the misfortune to be
come ■ Iff cted witli a disease, the painful re
sults ol which induced me to apply in suc
cession to several respectable physiciaua ol
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose rcmcd-cs I re-
ceived another complaint quite as dlsti easing
•8 the former. My whole system became a -
•ected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violt nt pain that I felt in every
part of my body; the weaknen and e nacia
tion uf which wus such that I could scarcely
walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard uf
your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of
*’hich, haa completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good; and my
strength restored With many thunks for
th? relief your m; die ne h«s given me, I am
your obliged friend, &c.
Swnrn and subaer bed to before me, May 28
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Phi'adeiphUs, May 28,18-4.
3ir—I am now, Hunk, to your medicine,.
hearty m»i. For nearly six year. 1 have been
s martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a petiod to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
an advice from the commencement, my
comriaint at last got to such x height that I
could not sw.llow without great pain and
diHicuity. Tumor, formed in different part,
ot r. y body, and I began to think my situation
almost desper,te. The five bottles of the
Lathohcon which I taken have com
pletely cured me, and I ara now as well as I
could wish to be. With my thanks, I am your
obliged humble ,*rv.n,,«« Tioiit , EKAN(!
City of PhVnd 'phia, u
Gourde Kmc,of the District of South-
wnrlt, personally appeared, and, being dul.
-.worn, doth declare and say tli»t the abuv-
siatcmi nf iain all reapeclN correct and true
and that the signature tu it is in the baud
writing of this deponent.
J0H” BPTNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28j 18J4-
The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly
adapted to those disease* which are prevalent
among the col"ur< d population of the south
In that disease which is culled yaws, it is vl
sure remedy; a single trial of it, will convince
p'antera of its superior efficacy to any reme
dy of a similar naure intho United States*
The advantages of this medicim are, not
confining the parent unuecea-sa, ily lo the
house, or keeping him fr'>m his businesii'.—
With one solita-y exception, that of *r>iri»u-
oua liquors, it does net lay any restrictions upon
his appetite It >8uu genttc in ns operation
that the p tieni finds'nimself getting well lie
cannot tell how. Ks it h not the wish of the
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cannot give u consideration equal in value
person!' at a distance who may wish to try
>>is iredicine, but who are not certain if it
be applicoble to their cou.piaint, are request-
vd to dcjCrihe Muir case and symptoms in
i letter, n »st-paid, aud directed to him—th>
itttter wili be immediately placed in h«nus
fully competent to decide the question.—
Should ,he remedy not seem 'o suit the dis
ease, they will be frunklv told si.
To prevent d sappomtm n nt it ia well to
j-t ite thst it takes in ordinary cases fiom 3 to
5 joules to effect a cure aoth«' pe.sons wltt.
are labouring under any serous ;niir»nily,
muat incke up their mind to pursoveie to thai
exU n . at least—if they do not, they might a>;
well s 've themselves the trouble and expense
■f uduga sniHller qii«n(Uv.
All orders pjs'. pdd utid enclosing the m nry,
immediately attended t >, a ul me
packed and delivered with directioris for us*?,
to any place in »lic city, aud forwarded *s di*
N. B. To prevent the p: ssihility of 1* im
position, it vi«l hi* fluid in l»»« city of Philadel
phia, at the offiea in Fifth rear RaCk.-Mr-.ei,
oral the dwelling of the j.ropri* tor, N >. 66
Ohcsnu' street, only, and abruud bv his au
thorized agents W. W ROTTER,
08 Chesnut Street, Philadc pfi-.a'
I have aopointed GEORGE RYE ISON.
Druggist, of Savamudi, m ; sole agent. Drug
gist* wa rt ng the above valuable medicine
•vili bi; suppled by him for cash, at the same
nu*, as If ordered duect from me— v.z $:;u
pe" d’- zen, nr three dollar» a a ngle ho:c)e.
W. W. ROT PER, P utideiphia.
Any pet son on application to the aubsc ih**r
will be furnished with certificates of >he *rtfi
cacv of the above medicine, sufficient vo /, on-
v.nce the mind of the most sceptical, although
too numerous ; *nd fengihv for newspaper .n-
sertion. GEO. liYERSON, Dtnixg bt,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Streets,
dec 13
7ITH1S medicine t. offered as a remedy for
X. Scrofula or Kioe’s F.vil, Ulcerated Sore
ThroiVu.-.g tlatitltng rlieumalic affections/Hut-
aneous Di.ease., whites well, ng and disease of
the, and all cesn. generallv uf an ulcer
tuts : • .-acter, and Ch.oivc diveoaes arising in
debilitated constitutions, but more ispcctall.v
for Syphuia. or afleetiona arising tiie efroni
L'ieer. ol'tlie Larynx, Nodes, Ac., and that
dreadful disease occasioned bv a lung tnd es>
c-ts.ive use of Hermry, Ac. Ac.—It lt«s also
been found useful in Diseases of the Liver.
In a'l disorders arising from am impu-e or
contaminated state of the Wood, it will be
found a powerful and an effectual remedy—
The discovery of this medicine has been the
effect of long sod attentive study, and it is
notv made public front the mnst decided con
viction, founded nn ample experience, of its
per erin eradicating those diseases, nflcr t-jc-
ry ulher met ieine has failcd-
It cannot, however, be supposed, that this
t'aitxcxA will invariably curt—the most es
teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty,
will often fail to the very disersos for which
they are considered specifics; nut if the us,--
nf it be persevered in, it will rf dicatlv remuve
tdmnat every cause of the disorders specified.
Thousand a- e iingurtng under those complaints
in ann.e form, sink ng to the gtave, without
a renterty, whom this medicine v.oiuld'ctruin-
ty restore to perfect health slid vigour. Its
safety and innocence have been hilly tested.
10 that it may be administered to the tender-
est iuiimt. T'.c most distinguisiied phyain
cisn.s in tlie United States recommend it, and
admit, that a more important discovery in me
■heal science has not been nrtuie ,■ and to use
'lie Ungurpe of one of the must eminent Pro
ie.sors uf (lie ag., u is a triumph in the heal
fug art. Tu the present ano rising genera
tion. tlie lie.- elit must prove incalculable, not
qjdy by saving many valuable lives, but im-
naiting strength and soundness to tkhiliiuleix
aud corruptedonnstitutione, thereby preserving
their ofiep-, ing from her.iliiary dints-1. Those
tl'Cts, together with ihr numerous cures made
form imeitUb > oof a f th, high value of this
remedy. Notme, however, ia alvisodfo take
it, without fi;fct fully co.iViin ing himself of
the truth uf what is here stated, and the rec
titude of tlie Proprietor’s intentions.
The performed in tli.setiv alone, es
tablish ita superior virtue on n basis too solid
to be affected bv the malignity of ti e enviuu
—It is worthy cf remark, that the greater
port.-f the patients who have b- en perms
ner.tly cured, l.ati, previous to the Proprie
tor’s undertaking them, recc-.ved the airiest
assistance, »nd several wert abandoned, hv
their Pity icians, »s being hevond the resell of
hitman skill. Such is‘.he fiict and so yxtraor
thnary -were many of the cau,:e that an vx'Mrio -.
■wut made of them in the l/mvc-sity of Tttm
sylvuiliit, by the Ft-nf star of Surgery, b-fore a
c omied audience of S. wienie, who pronounced
them wonders in the healing art. It has been
introduced into the Philadelphii Alms House
and Pennsylvania ant) New York Hospitals,
and such were its surprising < fleets—in suc
cess after sll other medicine, had failed, Hist
the Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Dr. Wm. Price, wna induced to abandon his
highly respicraltle office, f-om the laudable
design of benrfi,mg hit fellow creatures, by
carrying the Panacea to England) where it
has already superseded the use of the genu
ine French Hob oPLsfactenr in a number of
instances, in diseases for which tiiat is intend
ed, end its vit tiles are publicly acknowledged
by same of the most eminent Surgeons there.
In ail complicated caacs of Scrofula and
Syphilis, and where the Syphilitic Virus of
the parent causes a developement - fScrofuli
in the child, this is the only remedy upon
whh h a single hope nf recovery can be rea
sonably founded i there has been no instance
of its failure, where properly used. It im-
Dirts vigour to the whole system while the
core i. going on_nn operation so long looked
for in the medical world ; at the same time the
patient is enabled to take nour.shing for d,
which uuder the couiinou modes of practice,
is usual 1 )' tv'thhr'd from tlie at Ifierer. la ms.
ny instances where the hcr.-ihle ravages of
ulceration had laid bare ligament and bone*
and where, to all appearance, no human mean,
out amputation could have saved life { ; n ce.
■e. extreme even aa here described, have
patients been snitched rum the grave aid
-e. tomd to guild health, and the devouring
itH.-ase Comp'- t lv eradicated 7‘he di ene-
-y of a remedy like thi■ new offeredfo eel: fine
hem a detitle: alum f om time immemorial.
The Proprietor does not suppose his hire
araettion will convince . he will therefore
give tefarence to so- h at have been cured,
and hose under Ills c.r'e, among whom ire
many hi r .h y respectable ritiz.-tix, that sh II
satisfy lit" most incredulous uf its superior ef
ficacy in i lie disorders for which it is here re-
commended. Every member 01 society should
sid in diffusing information of this discovery—
humanity atone makes i: a da y, 1
“ 1 have within tlie >a« two years had an
opportunity cf seeing several cast s of very
inveterate ulcers, which, having resisted p-e- the regular modi s of tie itmont, wens
healed by the use cf Mr.’t Panace■ •
and I do believe, from what 1 li.ave seen, tbit
it will prove an important reme ly ,n scrofu
lous, venereal, anti mercurial di.-ates.
Proftsiorofthc Institutes ai d Pr.ctirc
ot Physic in the University of Per,,
lylvania, Ac. Ac.
'** Philadelphia, February 16,’823.’’ •
“ 1 h “ve employed the Panacea nf Mr Stvsiin
in numerous instances, within the last three
"ears, ami always lou. d it extremely nf-
li- aCious, espnciailv in secondary syphira arid
hi tnerenrial disease. 1 have no hesitation \n
pronouncii g it a medicine of inevtimsble vui-
we. W G1H30N, M, O.
Profuflsor of Surgery n, tlie Universitvof, Surgeon and pl .'rcd
Lecturer to the House luh io
ary, Vo
** Foiuuxry 17,182,'!.” '
“ I it ire repeatedly ue d Stvaim’.' Pnhar-e..,
both lit the hospital ai d in 1‘n. itc- prunth-.'
and have fi, n.d it to h- a voluooie nv.-lt, ... J
in. hrti'iii, a jiltiitti-:t, ,drioriiruriinou.npcums
and in obat na'e nuiaiientw uflert on.-
' VALEN ' INK worr, \t n.
Pn lessor of Surg.-ry in the l/rutrjs'rtr of
Ne v.Vi.rk, Surgeon of the Now hurt
Hospital, Ac.
“ New..York, lit mo. 5th, 18,'4.”
Boston, J. r Mali, No ’ V Unian-Sl—rr l
New York. Collins at Haunty, i.Vn. ado, id .iria
5.reel, Jolm B. llodd A Co llrnggi.-ta) ai-
billy, Maocios A Vinilenhtirgli, Druggist,',.
1, Ponri'Henry Kef~ •, Pr.ithnrgi,,
I’snn Charles Avery A fro. Druggi-pi ( fp n .
cimiati, Ohio Jr ho Lira A rto. I Wd.r.iogion,
Del. Joseph Bringliutat, Druggiat, Itallimo e,
Henry Pwce.Druggi.t.yfirkefSlreei w ah.
'•"*>00 city, bif William Gumon, lltug^iat i
kli xaiidria, EdwatdSUibhr ASoigDruggiite •
Wehm >ml, V*. J .rnoi M’KIdoe, Uiopgi.t’,
Nor folk, C rislipher K.n. »io„| t s~j, er
rtharlvaton, s. ;. S. Huard, Hro'd-
atreet; Savannah, Geo Anson Pamonv.Drug,
gist ; Natch! t, Lt lmwn A Ceaumout, )) nl ,i., i N. w Orleans, William M'Keon -
Agents in other cities will beappuintnd.
Patients whose aitustioo and*
woiila erahie them tr. come to this city, , m< l
place thoinaeivet under the preprirtor’s cure, -
would find it much to their advantage.
The great demand and wonderful success of
this mecreeme, have induced t number of
pern,n* lo imitate in its vsrious ways -Some
.'re sellingbaraapariHs and oilier ayrups, im-
nosir.g them on the ignorant f. r the Pan'ace*,
other, am mixing the genuine medicine with
tniiiasves, Ac. making three bottle, out of one;
luis retaining rome of ifs virtue. These im-
itxtiur.s rod *. d literatlons h.vr, in many in-
stances, protracted the sitflliring<i t’f pRitietM.t
■n eaves where tlie gimtine medicine wmlti
liavn provco instantly tfti acini;*, | therefore
deem it» duty 1 owe the public, to tequein-
them, tint it isimpoasible, from th-ve’y na-
lure of its cunatituen's, to be discovered hv
ci*ermcal analysis | and ootia.-quuntly. th»t p|i
imtiturns represented to be mine and sold as
...iic.i, are firiliilci.t and h»«o itnpudtioiu. cul-
milaifd to deceive the ignorant nnd unvrnrv
I he goniutnn tnedirine has mysigt.atore onu
ttTZllZl*™* an,hu *•
o^k<f S “ t"
Prmted Directions accompany the
“‘'''"'"e WM. SlV slM,
Sm J}, A5 " rt Strre> opposite the Uni•
•te s ty ry Pennsylvania,
the Public ate reapectfuiiv inl'urrr.ed tl,ii
‘ .*>*''« arpt mitd parsons, of
nah. my sole Agent f-r the Stale of Geo.Z.
1 c rons wishing to pu cltasr at Whole Lie
or retail, will pm chase of him at the a,tr.«
prutca .-.s Ir.mi me, and shall in na in.ta,. e.
supply o.dsis, only through him.
rlnia.i. lpliia, October 1st, 1824.
«et Jl Yjf
N 'n, R “ 0NT !J S ; dale hereof, a
LA pi,cat.,,n will be made to tne || 0 nr.i*i
the Interior Court of Chatham countv >v|,
ordinary put post's, fir leave to.
.lot, with the improvements, aitua-e int
o.ty ol .V,varnish, in the said county,and knei
'" lh " P'»» «»'d city by the No. 53. Brc.
W ard, lor Inn benefit of tiro- heira and leg,,.,
■cas d MUlC °* 1 ,e *"■ ' f, 'Kh M’, ,
. ., Executor,
net 4
Cabanas Segirs,
Q«0D©CQ CA, * A! i A SEGARS,j
received nnd for sale hi
m.v24 J ^ HERBERT & CO
Ivory and Horn Combs
SX tlASUS buck, ride and fine horn com
I caso fine ivory
Received pur ship Emperor, nnd for si
°' v - >’y X. B. WEED.
dec ‘JH
Day & Martin's Jiml J api
I MPORTED and for tedo by
_ a. PARsorrs,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Buildings,
nov 3u b
Durham Mnstan
J UST imported and warranted tt
first quality.
For Stile by A.PARSO
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Bail
dee 11