Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 13, 1825, Image 1

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    X . ,
VoV V\L .
. ~ ..vjm ~*f ■-' "*• *• •
*fo 41.
lir TH«
By G. *5 W. Robertson,
19 pubtahed to meet the amusement oi
,v» mult, three times a week, CTtiesfls..
sH.i'Beitnrft«j‘) *t-the Office of I
* I)atlv Georgian, and coii'aiiia aF the in em*
eenee, Commercial, Political an.! llisaclhm-
eeus. including advertisements. pub isbtd n
the tVdy l'enff- „ .
The Century rnper nr «■ t to *D parts...
the State and Union, or delivered tr. then';
at tfcflta* per mraum, payable in advance
Advertisements are inserted in Until pa on.
at 75 cents per square, ol 14 lows, lor he tits'
insertion, and 374 for every succeeding pub
''cnrnimitdcHtionsbvM.ii, mutt hePuttprid
Silas of land ard n-gt'oes by k.i.ouos: s
tors. Ex cum-s nr guardians, are required,
K u. bo held on the fir. Tuns,hi) mill,
moolii, between .he h-oira ol ten in ho fore
and throe in the afternoon, at the Court
IP.use otthe county in which the property it
aibi.'e -NoHce.f must bn given
in. mode gazelle sixty days previous to lh.
^Notice oftbe sale of per’nnal property mils'
1 be give in 1 he maimer, iVry day. previous
I to the u»y f t.«lc , .. .
' Notice to the debtrna so ' creditor, of an
estate must be publish. •) tor Forty days.
Notice that anpl dion will be made to the
Court ofO'dioart f. r leave to lell le' d, mus
M published ATne Ntntht.
I -- in ■ in. n. i_iltwB
Whiskey, Share Moulds, Pa
per, ejc.
c. c. c R IS If OLD, nfers/or tale,
a HI IDS. whiskey
lb.tons share moulds
3 tons steel
l.'O kegs white lead
16 do Verdigris
I i do blank puint
ton roams cojiyinjf and letter paper
nm' Vi
Butter, Lard, t e . c.
Just MceUv'd hu * hi:) William Ww/acv.,
jfVfr-v KEON first quality Goihen
fWso i\?»gs l-i^ra r
30 Banvk prime beet’
S00 liurtkutH talilo
40 IVkS superior Ajnork-an muntard
10 Barrel ur.wkevs
5 Barrels smoked beef
£0 Barrels piiim't pork
11! Dali* barrel.* F* Market bt’of
for sale by ^ /k _
Anciuux’rf VY hart,
dor* 2 ^
l*. W’Dmnott,
|| AK jiist. received by the ship Globe,
IS from Philadelphia,
15 barrels b«*ef, put up expressly lot
family use. by Mr. hunter
C p'iim:h»*oiis X.Orb uns rum, 4tii proof
35 barrels whiskey
0 coses hats
6 bules domestic gOodR
Svi p\ck serewH
4 dor /'nMrtvw gimlet*
200 bar>ls supf. Philadelphia flour
• ffioVot- do do
S»'0 bids Iso 3 mackeml
20 copper
^ flee 4
To be drawn on the 5th of January, 1825,
and tiuished in a few minutes.
J. B. YATES & A. M’HfTYRE, Managers.
1 Prize of
i0,000 Dollars it STO.OO’I.
5 000
*7 •
4 300.
24 060
34,'.'20 Ticket.. J * 2 ’ 3
i'2 \ 0 Prizes,
22, tOO
In this Scheme, with drown billots,
•here \kiPbe 56priz :9witb three Mimbersor,
1456 with two numbers on them, and
1C 6^8, with one number on them- Those
i cketg having none of the drar n ballots on
them being blanks
'fo dt.**erm'ne the fate of nil the tickets in
tbe^bove lottery, 60 r.umbe-s. from one to
;ixty in jltrivt, will severally be placed in v
wheel nn the day of drawing, and cglit pi
*.bfcm v.Til he diewn, and that ticket having on
t ns a combination, I he 1st, 2d nnd third aunt
■ere drnwn, will be eat'iled t*» R50 000
1 fiat having on it the 4th, 5th and 6th, w»L
be'entitled to g 0,0 n Q,
r i". r§ h«eiv>* vo them tin* 3d, 4 h and 5th
*nd ‘M, 7'b and 81 h, e:*rh g bOOll
'fi uthiving »»n ?♦ the 2d, 3d und 4lb, will
be untitled to g4,7 0.
Those having on them the
2d, 5 h and 8'h
2 !,6.h and 7t
a d. 6'h and 8’h
2:! 7.hand 8ti
d 4’b and 6 !t
3 ',4th and 7r
3-i,4 *i am! 8:li
3d, 5 h and 6th
3<t, 5tb ar d7fh
3d, 5‘.ham18h
31, 6th and 7t
3d, 6'h and 8tl:
4<h,5thand 71:
4th,5tii atidBti'j
4'It,6>h and 7t<-
4th 6:ii and 8tt.
Ub.rtli and 8-i
^lh,6th i»nd 7
5th 6th and 8
5th,7th and. 8 i
each g 1000
Ail ethc's, being (30 tickets) having thre
T tlie d'Rwfi numbers on thi.m will tac-b b»
to $500.
'•'he 52 tick?ti having the ^isand 4Mi drawr,
umhors an them onlv u-**t *“«dvn *.
Dry Loods,
^ Received per shop Delight,
i A y invoice of t>*4 cambrics.
•A-RJiirtinge, Garment Dimities
Fancy printed check imislin
Fancy chintz printed jaconet muslin
& Marseilles bed quilts
Cambric prints, &.c.
For sale by J. B. HERBERT &• CO.
dec 7
the 156 'i&ket* hiving on them the 4 t.
nnd 5th, or 4th an:i 6 h. c 4th ano 7il>, draw?
numbers tuny, will each ho entiiled to 850.
All c.thevs (being 1?48 tickets) with any
two o( th.; drawn mimbeis on them, will rtauY
he e.ititierl to $X*.
At! thfigr having • n th'm any r>ut> of tb»
1 lav-, number^ (h-dng ^0,608 or 13. 6
■'■wcaeh 'irawn mrnbtr,) \v»*’ each i:e enti
tled Vn'.V.O,
No dciul which all'll have drawn a prizr
of a superiordcno)<^nation cno be entitbd
an inferior pn^. Prizes payable thirty day:- the drawing, ami subject, as usual^ to a
d'ducting, r ,i \j per cent*
A. ".msiderivb'e portion t f this lottery is pu'
tn parccL of 20 tickets, embracing all th.
r oinbioHiion numbers, from one to sixt',
winch pa. cels are war*-anted to draw at leas'
$80, less lio ded'SoLion of 15 per cent, with
•o many chances f * the capital prize.
(P" The above ia the most splendid Lot
tery in the United States, and the Tickets
are at u comparatively moderate price.
from the Country (Post-paid) directed to
the subscriber, at the OFFICE OF THE
GEORGIAN, Savannah, will be immedi
ately attended to, ami forwarded free of ex
Savannah, November 23, 1824.
hhoes and Quills
L ADIES'morocco heeled and spring heel
cd thick and thin soles
Do. leather, thick and thin solea
4 Do. Denmark satin
" Gentlemen’s line and common boots
Do. Bootees and shoes
- fry’ s shoes and boots
•CUldren's morocco und leather bootees
♦ AW> Negro shoes, and
KM00 Dutch Quills
Ferule low at
nov 18
Lveipool Ground Salt.
tfjvirvrik BUSIIKI.S afloat—fur snlu
*4/ l 4L!\S/ by J. B. HEBBEHT & CO.
.-dec 13
Bloom Raisins,
} l$T imported for family use, and for
‘*4 by A. PARSONS,
fe if®' 8 *’ 8| Ibitldings,
Marking brushes,
4 Sl a superior quality, just received and
' I for sale bv GL0.
I lor sale by
nni ao
liidc Whips.
C GROCE Hide Whips, received and
™"dec Ij’k by ^ 0 wmD -
CHEWING tobvcco.
f l'ST received, a supply of Cavendish
Plugs Tobacco, and it is recommended
as being a very superior article, for sale by
Dntggioti No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings.
t euthur u> ds Holsters and
J UST received, an assortment of the
above articles, warranted to be of the
bout quality, for sale by
/. W. J10RREL.
ort ‘26
Superior sweet (»il.
lUST received in bottles and ilasks, for
I sale by A. PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 0, Gibbons’ Buildings,
nov 16 B
llo&fe VVfttbr.
A FEW dozen superior French Rose Wa-
• ter, in large bottles, just received and
for sale by GEO. R VERSON,
ort 26
SUPPLY of Hair and Wire Sifters, re
ceived and for sale by
N fi. WEED,
26 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
Turlti Unit .V att ussus
1 Hli subscriber lias just received an as-
* si irtment of the above articles, war
rantei) to bo of the best quality. f> >r sale by
/. W. MOltHKL.
pci 26
H AS removed his DRV(1 STORK, to
the corner of Broughton and n'hitla-
ker-tlreclt, appntile Cat. She.llnmnlt JUimvifin
Unute, where he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
nnd various other articles suiting his line.
He abstains relating the whole string of
names of the things he offers, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in every Drug Store,viz;—
Kol Sabina 5 Church’s Cough
Pyro UmbeUata j Drops
DeptalisJ’.Qtpqr.ea. ' Aromatic Vinegar
ScuBcifT,“Hyssop i Toilet, Vegetable &.
Gorman teopard’s j other Snajis
Bane,(arnica mure ; Macassar Oil
tana) f Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula > Ox. Mur. Potasse
Helenimn) j Jaui-vV Fever Pow-
Hops, F.cgot S ders
Tonquin Henna < Infantile Powders
Squire's Elixir | Read’s Stiptic
Half’s do ; Spirits Soap
Ess. Mustard | Fumigating Pastills
Ess. Tyre j Pyrolignious Acid
Jesuit Drop ' Black Drop
Respecting the utility ofthis last article,
he refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
oct 9 76)
I NFORMS hi.*? frimida and the public gen-
. orally, that bu bus received by ruu«nt
arrivals, u large and extorndve OKscrtmcnt of
Groce, ies, Hardware and brij
’ Goods,
which will be disponed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. The
following articles comprise a part of his
present stock, viz.-—
10 Mngn‘ O’ ls prime St Croix ‘Nigar
Boxes White and > ,
’O Boxes Brown $ H,v “ n “ d >
60 Barrels Lout jrdT.tmip di
50 IhgB Havuna Gr.'*en Coffee
6 P:^cs superior 4th nrooi Brandy
r Pipes do Holland G;n
5 Pines Imitation Brandy, 4tli proof
5 L)j do Gin
2 Pipes very auperior o!d Peach Brandy
r Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey
50 Horsh r iMli and ) Phikdclpliia Rye
100 Barrels j Whiskey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pipes-suphri .r old Hfndeiro Wine
5 Jlclf pipes sup<-rio r pM (isbou do
10 Q »«rter CssVs Tcntf _ do
v*»j* worrWr nrrj HaiJelra 'Vine and
Cognac Brandy in demtj-tbns
150 Wh-j-e and> Bartels stipcifl. e fresh
100 Half J FI ur
l00 'Uriels No* 3, New Htickarel
so It irrel* No. 2, do do
1800 b,Kketfi fable Salt
20 t’sska Gn«hen Cheese
20 Btiirels Copperas
200 Uv.ams Wrapping Paper
50 Bu}*8 Black Pepper
10 R ’TtH Chocolate
20 Fi. e Gallon Demijohns
5 Hari els Glue
10J tictfa iit£ :uid HF Dupont*- Gunpowder
5 Pounu Cimisie 8 of superior do
100 4 • inch CoUon Bagging
2 Bales Bagging Twine
10 Whole and i Boxes S. Whittimore**
6 Hoif J genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Huts
5 Boxes Straw Bonr.ett
10 Coi's Buie Hope
S' • Dozen Bed Cor a
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Sash Cords
6 Rules Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Cius-s colored and b'eachcd and un-
bleached ilomeipuns
70 Gross lion 'fuble spoons
15 D> do i.a do
^0 D - Tcutania'Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Coppcr.Ca*>t, Wrought and Composi-
l.oj) Tea KeUieauf all *soa
Bras. K ithes fur niuung pfeaerves
20 ?els fit Did) Covers
20 T<iisb’** or Itiouids
1 I) i Si d li’i iis
1 Do Bar L-*ud
1 Dj Sheet Iron
.100 Ciisks assorted Cat Nails
rfill, i ross Cut und Whip Saw, mud.
expressly for this inuraei
20 D.jstii lla..d8.:Wa, Woojsiiwoand Ten
Blsoksroiib Sledge# and IJ and hammer.-•
Anvils, from 1 lo 200iba. real mous.
BkchBaiith’s Bellows,from 24 to 36 in
Single a :d Ot.ubie Screw Piaiea
Corn If ills, f -i’ll) No» 1 lo 5
. 2 'ions Hooks and hinges
Brasb f urn ^ ^ 50 to 23
Biasg and Wire Feurie s, with ahove.’a
md longs to match
5 CasliB ilraid 1 # Patent lire*
100 D.^zen Padlocks
ate?lya ds to weigh from 200 u» 5001b?
2 1 ona of St«et|Cu..s.stM*g of Shear,Eng
lieh, Bl stefed ar.dCast
Stoves with Tip a
1000 Pound. Waggon lleiis, aksorUd
Funny Curiam Pins
5 Mag; Trace Clwms
2 I •• ion Currying Knives
20n D zcn Curry Coaiba
6 Sets White handle Knives anil Forks
consisting of 50 p ecu* each
10 Sets Britannia T<*ap»tr«
Sugar and Cream do
6 1) z.*n Patent Shot Belts
2 D 'ZcnGunu Dags
2 D .zen Powder Horns and F’asdc*
1 (. ae d’-ubifi and sirgic bariel Guns
lOD zcn Wire and 20 doz. Hair Sitters
2 Dt zee Fancy Halt Mau and 50 seta of
1 able Mr!a
A general assortment of Curnenter*a Planet,
ii I,<eM and Fancy Bellows, with many other
1 c'* ->in the above line,too tedious to enu-
20 Tons of i 'srrun Casting#, which will be
.sold Ion- from the wharf,
nov IS
HE .ubicriber hai received by the late ar-
rival, a large ano general assortment ot
Hardware Cxrtter^, t’c,
Enivct and Fork* of all kind#
Feu, pocket, 2 blade, Sport#jien’s and
Dirk Knives,
Knives ard Sctssota on card#
Razors in Cities
Dread, Butchers, Shoe, Cook, uud Carv*
in^ Kaivea
Drawing Knives
Plane Irons abd C v»?es
Files r.*jd Uaspf ofaii ViiTd*
Tr.utnniaf Bt il iiinia and Lon Tea fc Tabic
• bbytuitf
Grvvy and Soup Spoons
P'HtellaUd silver op Castors
Tea Trays fti'd Waiter#
Bread nnd Knife Tva* a
Ji.;.*.* Dret-sirg Canes and Spice Boxes
Brawi and Japfctted T. rnp.*
Urn mb. J .paned und 1 .•«#»! Cai d>d!cks
. PoV'shed SteH and common tiuutfbis and
Snuffer Tray#
Plated Snuflwrs and Trvys
Dialed and .'diver Pea oil Cases St Tooth
Pocket Bonk# and Wallet#
Brkf.?! Commodes,Knobs and Rings
Cloak and Curtain Fins
Bchrs Sockel Ca*t»r#
W«od and Iron Bed Castors
Wood and Bed Screws
Wrought and Cut Tack# and Brads
Round Boits
Kind), Closet and Mortice Locks
, Siock a>’d Pad Locks of all kinds
Chest,Till, CupM and Clouet Locks
Bi-«k8 Flush Bolts
Dialed Cham Spur#
Plated S'irrup Iron#
Gill And MeUd Boltons
Iron ai)f< Hone buipendt r Butter#
Coat and Vest Monk's
Pearl nnd Bone bhirt Huttons
W’.-rv mil Hovn C rhb#
P» k ut'fj Pounil Pii 3
B I'#* und Block T.u l. : quor Cocks
Common and fi’.-»singt*? and double bur-
rcil Uifl 6 nun Fowling Guns
Fuzees Bayonets
Mill, Or-)## tint and Hand Saws
Sash and Tenant Sav;#
Bench and M ulding Planes
Hair, Cloth, Sweeping, Scrubbing* Fur*
niture and Dust Brushes
Horse and'Shue
Paste Bucking
Shoe't I»re*d and Twine
Auvih. Vice#, Sad Irons, Trace Chains
and Hue#
‘ Smith iird Smab Bi llows
Bi-naa Andirons and Shnvds and.Tong#
Bcsssaaud Gtcen Wirsi : _
S»r*»itr 'J’fii vofP»e Pot# «nd Cat dir sticks
Cast Iron Po*.i, Ovetia, Dugs, Spiders, 6‘
Waggon R-vies
Composition, Copper and Japuned Tea
Kettles ant! Sauce Pan#
Cottee Hills, Spit Boxes
Stans and Pocket Ghosts
Cornpi8ition DiyeRera
Halter and Chains
Window Glusi
Beers Axes
Together w«th almost every other article
•i tiie line, which will be sold on accomino'
iating term*, by
No' 6, Gibbous* Range. Si;fn of
the rod Lock.
oct *6
tutoruvatiou W atvlcd \
I F UbU4GF. MILLF.H. utberwae DAN-
tEL OLAND M1LLEU, who in the yeuT
1615, arrived in 5uvani:.di, in the Aberdeen
transport, belonging to Mess*. D* wsen A
Sou# of London is living, and will apply to
iiis fi lends in fCnglana, he will bear 0 f
simctl ’ng much to h\s advantage, He lef.
lhc Aberdeen while she Ly at Savannah, a,i.l
hat not been betid of by his f iends sine.
Hint period. He had bt en many years a sai
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
was employed ua a carpenter. If he left S»-
vuunah at that lime, it is probable that he
entered some vessel going to the Brazil Is-
Und#, 8# in hi# last letter, he staged that it
was his intention to do so. Should he havt
•lUdat any place where a register orceriifi
cate of his burial can he obtained, it would Iv
tlian' fuhy received and all expert c* attending
it, paid by
Sav.‘iiiu:i|i, or
W.W &T.L. GHEd l KR.
% New-York
K.t’« o *7
fjpvannah hcmale .- svluiu.
/a N election Jur a Matron to this Institu
^ tion, will take place at the Asylum
House, on the first meeting in February.—
Application fur the above to be handed in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
E. M. LLOYD, Sec'ry.
nov13 84
C V N UNITES to do btisu-ts* n Miiledge.
) ville. and tenders .the oiler of his «er
-icta to hi# friends ar d th': public, in the trans
.c.tiou of agency busine*# generally
oc» 5 C8fbfc|§
Glass, Paints, Oil, &c.
1U0 Kegs English White Lead,
first quality
200 Do American 1st & 2d qual.
5uo Pounds Lamp Black
60 Boxes Window Glass, assorted
sizes ' •
50 Canister# G'efen Paint
V; rdig' t s*:> dry aud ground
Spanish Brown do do
Y llow Ochre do do
Spuds Turpentine
Tr air.ter*s Brushes, &c 8c
For isle by GEO. HYEHSON,
D"ur ifct.Oorner Br 8c Wbi fa i»r-St§.
, et-i* ’ Axes
SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
L and for sale by N. B. HEED.
oct 27
0\vpuslt^ the AcaAeuvy.
l.Prite «*f“‘5fc40,oco is 4’J.o'<0 Po?Iar<
1 Prizu of— — .Ii/jOdO ij v.0.000 Do b vi
1 Prize ry- —10,000 ia !0.0'0 DoiFr
2 I* Z> a of • 5,000 ia 6,0u0 Doila."#
30 Prizes i.f- 'L‘ v 0•* is 3:*,00j Do! «ic
*’0 Pnz«8 of-——5'..'0 is li>,0)\) Uui f
50 Pr fcca of ——100 is S,»O J Dollir
100 Prize# of 5) is 5,000 DolLix.
5000 Prize# of—*-—io it 50,000 Iluliura
5 < 5 Prizes,
i 4?9-» Blhuk8.
160,000 Dollar#
*0000 Tickets st g9, it 180,000 Pol’a s.
The whole of the prizes to be floating
from the commencement of the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5th day, : . : : : glU.000.
On the loth day; : • :. 5,(J00.
On the 16th day, ; : : 20.000.
On the 20th day, : : t 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii.
T-weuVjj )’T<xVr\ng8 oiAy \\
Thn prizes only to be drawn.—The whole
payable in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Committioncrt appoinUd hy the Governor and
T!ie above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, oti WE'DNESDA Y, nth inti.
Tickets $12—Shares in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic '-.eta taken in payment, at
No. 8, Commerce-Row
nov 9
M ACASSAR, Ilu.*is, Beers and Antique
OI*n } Po^iaiimisi.i large and small pots
ah so. <s of iieifume
Ross Orange Fi w- r and Lavender Waters
Cologne Water in bnx«: »
Milk ojr Roses, or Beauty's Preservative
Low's isupciio 1 ' s-ei.ttu Sbavirg aud wash
Soups, ah Sort* rf neifume
Naples Pot, Cake and Qiintcsaence^ «.!»
Shavimr Snans /
Windsor P. rlitmcd Fancy Soaps, by c a ^
the boa ^3 Soap.
Hair Powder, Plain and Scented Powder Puff!’
assort! d sizm
Ladies* ai d Gentlemen's Pocket Book#, with
and without clasp#, of ail sszea
La Fayette, Silk ar;d H;.ir Stocks, an elegant
article for Gentlemcn'a wear
Lattiea' Indispenaablea, ao-iorted pattern#
t-ilt Card tiaae#, asaorted s;z>.s
V.siting tiarua do do
Silver Pencil flasts, best quality
Do. Tooth with twcascra Ho
Lead Pencils, war rawed of the best
Penknives, Segar Boxes, do
Fancy Smell Bottle#, Dice, Playing Cards
Ladies* Toilet Dress Cases
Gentlemen's Shaving do.
Marshall’# Superior Dentifrice
Belton's do do
Itiiiton'a do do
Prepared Charcoal, from thn willow bark
l)o do Crmnioi) C*.at cord
Lye Stones, Snuff Boxes, a fine assortn.e t,
Reeves* colours
Floating Nuremburgb aud French Tapers, fo
burning on oil
Durable I .k, Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar
Phosphorus Boxts, Hair Pow der Bomjs
Pialina and Fancy Wood Shaving Boies
Round Shaving Cake Soap do
Superior and large Ivory, Bone and Wood
Ti&d Shaving U ushes
English, French and American Superior and
Fancy Penetrating Hair Finishes, of all
Fine Hair Cloth Brushes, all sizes
Do Whist Cl'-ths do
Plate, Nail and Comb Brushea
Furniture, Shoe and Whitewash do
Sweeping and Hearth Brushes
Also, his nrtucb admired durable tnd Fancy
silver wire Tooth Brushes, made on an
improved plan, and to order, with piaui
and fluted handles
John Barber's »r d Thomas Scargill's superior
Razors, in single and double cases made
to order, warranted to please the put-
chas- r, or to be returned
D«y and Martin*s imported Shoe Blackmg
Genuine Otto of Roses, large and small size
Pearl Powder for beautifying the akin
Macobo), Scotch und Cephalic Snuffs
Lorillard'a fine cut Chewing Tobacco
Tonquin and V melia Beans
Apothecary's Scales and Weigh s
Evans* Crown Lancets. Spring Lancets with
extra blades, with a flue assortment of
burgi'al Instruments, Apothecary’s
Glass Ware, fee. See.
Together with a very general and extensive
Assortment of Drug#, Medicines, Chemical#
Patent Medicines, 8uices, Dye StulL, tic...
All of winch h#s been selected by him* It
v d in lieu of the word Per Centage, are all
<fftred at Wholesale and Retail, each an 1 ev
ery article as low priced as bis neighbors.
DnigguL No, S/Gibbeax* DuUdLug*
T) ESPECTFULtY informs her fri-,!,
JL«. an,I ,|,e public, tut Lor how. is nc»
Tf’ the Cliatiiam Academy, for
t m kk.eitionof rueu.s. Assisted by
her.daughter Miss E. A. Haruisok, she
"Hers her services in teaching'lie followinir
nseful and ornamental brnii. hes 'of educa-
tion. Whilst she returns sin. ore thanks for
the patronage- hitherto extended, she
hopes, from tIm.«.J.....i i.neebTfuftion
her incrensed exertions to further tiie oro
jrrnss of her Pupilr. to deserve a • still fur
ther extension of public favor. Tiie cor
»t tuition, and the terms on u hich s. n ,‘ rc "'
are rereived, are— -eoiuia
1st Class—Spelling, Beadinp. ,
Markin*, per
■3d. Class With Writing G^Lerf °°
Geography- and Arilhmo-
tic, : * a no
The French „t Spanish Lanunages,
jilt lmlir,o’ elrjjant ombroi/lr i y, on
lace or mufilin, to any pattern,
pel* quarter, . . j 0 oo
i fitntinflr on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
The niojst careful attention will bo
paid by Mrs. Kfr, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 ' 85
Consumption* Loughs,ijc.
POT the cure f Coogi.a, Con.ump-
t. t.uiis, Spot, g jj Blood., As b„,i.r,»nJ
iscues of tti<* b< cast amj tongs
There u perhapa no ob*t- ration
better esiah.nhed, lieu, mere pe xraliv a«».
•nned by the experience «f the b, nlmjci,
>isof all ages and counui ». and joins of
oreimm.rU.iice to the human family, tjiaa
cThrn that many of the most ihUcuit and m-
rwle f o.uiimpnni'i origieuu in ncglec^ 4
<j|tls,. If, m clin ste to variable a# ourf. win
be -t»c -lessp Vrvq.irnl^ "
»«JUr.ti unexrectcd, it icq’, r s .n./ie ca««
n.'.oiieiition tu gui d sgsii.s .1.4 oui
oiiiinjy >>» lilt, lhar, must p eople imagine or
nre cble and willing to bes ow The bills of
mortality exhibit the melanci ’y Pet that the
proportion nf dost fa by this disease itjhv be
oiihidi ied as about five to one. I -usm -ch
-hen ## bis fntsl diiease f quernly hf s i> fi
ance;vo the skill of the moat ksrntd ph)s>ch
uns,it isa gralificatoi) to the pr< lieto,- ;bat
e ia ennJded to oiler to those tffl »cd with
: l *8° dlyprofpr ct of re.ief, ii l » t j ighly
atusbh remedy, <he Vegetable Indian tycci*
Jic, The l idiuns aie happy in iliur know-
‘ge ot m dietl plants ■, g v- jpcic* vhutly by
xperience, they ascertain as to their ff cr,
and »t ta said by an author ol great ufiaracttr,
•hat a t-ue cciisurT.puou is m u:atas,e never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extinction from
.erbH, root', fl )Wrrs,pLnt, &c whet, in pc-r.
lection. In const qinnce of a happy cnirbina*
•ion of the most va.uable herbs, &c. it becomes
a aupe. inr value. It heals the in.
jiued parts, opens the n 0 /es, and comptoiex
Lie dts*u.!)ed nerve^ after the manner «f an
irtnHync.- tors* q e.itly the obstruction of
•fie oiit# ami the ungs which qom titutr th.s
liseave, parti ularly need its use. It pionidtes
■-sxpectorstion, which is constantly called for,
md whilst it cleanses r. d heals, it al*o gives
i rsngih to t!ie tender lungs. In ibis manner
t removes the hectic, fever, improves diges*
non, gives strength to the oervi s, repairs the
-•ppetite and improves the spirit#. This speci.
fic ror always be giv. n in ssfrty it is mild,
■ueatant to‘he taste, and may safely he given
o mfants. for which it is of ines.imab’t vaiue.
It affords relief in bowel eomplaiuta. t/e t ing,
•vLooping- coughs, &c and is found psrocu.
1 r'v uveful in bypochondri<cal, nervous and
hvst-r.csl diseases. Esch bid ot direction
nntftin* a detailed account of this di esoe in
.’I its different stages, and will b» »cc‘»mpa-
d viib jhe signature of the proprietor io
Red Ink. It is ff-red for ##le by GEi). RY-
U G only (m» s de agent) Druggiat, cur.
ie- Rav Rnd Wlntfakcr-streets, Savannah, at
>ne dollar per bottle.
dec 30 :;o
Northern Lin and >ew-tng-
land Rum.
ft R barrels Gin, hi^h proof
y* 30 barrels New-Englarid rum
Landing from ship Oglethorpe, and for said
low lrom the wharf.
, J. 11. HERBERT & CO.
dec 16
Liverpool» round '• alt
(ft BVIt SAC .KS Liverpool Ground Salt,
. rec eived per sloop Good Intent,
and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
nec 6
I an p ( lasses
G^jjassPe^L pl * in ’ of9ver y description
T in japanned dp with candlestick!
Tin Lamp Feeders •
Lamp Wick, assorted, <&c.
Constantly on band and for sale by
GEO. RYERSON, Druggist*
Corner of Bay and Whituker-fetreot*.
istvainPs Tana t ea
R fi ®pZEN received per brig J
T a D ^ wt ‘ “ th “ s ‘Me will
plied at the original price*, hy » P idv
n .4. PARSONfUItl